Forums > Photography Talk > Never Again... group shoots... BLAH!!!



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

I have read the horror stories of shoots being a mixture of a photographic gang-bang and an exercise in herding cats.  But, like everything else in my life I had to experience it first.  Oh, wait.  The shoot was canceled.

For two weeks I have kept a neat schedule of models attend the shoot that will be working with me.  I planned to keep to myself, not attending the "gang-bang" portions where photographers crowd around models.  Then today the shoot's organizer calls it off for some cryptic reason.

Of course I contacted my models I will be working with and assured them I was not canceling and would love to still work with all of them.

It will be interesting to see how many make the trip.

Luckily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two main models I want to work with have already assured me that they will be attending despite the summary cancellation.


Now, having said all of this, has any photographer EVER had a good experience at one?  I like the theory of multiple models in one place and time but in practice the concept might be impossible.

Jun 23 09 12:56 pm Link


Laura Dark Photography

Posts: 6812

Columbus, Ohio, US

bencook2 wrote:
I have read the horror stories of shoots being a mixture of a photographic gang-bang and an exercise in herding cats.  But, like everything else in my life I had to experience it first.  Oh, wait.  The shoot was canceled.

For two weeks I have kept a neat schedule of models attend the shoot that will be working with me.  I planned to keep to myself, not attending the "gang-bang" portions where photographers crowd around models.  Then today the shoot's organizer calls it off for some cryptic reason.

Of course I contacted my models I will be working with and assured them I was not canceling and would love to still work with all of them.

It will be interesting to see how many make the trip.

Luckily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two main models I want to work with have already assured me that they will be attending despite the summary cancellation.


Now, having said all of this, has any photographer EVER had a good experience at one?  I like the theory but in practice the concept might be impossible.

My group shoots rock.  Always have.  Always will.  smile

Oh yeah...

Jun 23 09 12:58 pm Link


Sean Baker Photo

Posts: 8044

San Antonio, Texas, US

Most of my port was shot at group shoots.  I don't advocate them, and I certainly don't follow the 'rules' (I've never had a schedule at one), but it doesn't have to be a bad experience, either.  Just have a flexible schedule and an adaptive attitude and it can be fun.  The best shoot you've ever had?  Almost certainly not.  But fun, and a great way to meet folks whom you'll work with in a more controlled situation later?  Yes.

Jun 23 09 12:59 pm Link


L2Photography net

Posts: 2549

University City, Missouri, US

I was part of a warehouse shoot in my area in May it worked out well. Very well organized, it did look like for a while we were not going to have the models we needed. ON the event day we had 20 models 3 did not make it and 15 photographers.

Jun 23 09 01:04 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Sean Baker wrote:
Most of my port was shot at group shoots.  I don't advocate them, and I certainly don't follow the 'rules' (I've never had a schedule at one), but it doesn't have to be a bad experience, either.  Just have a flexible schedule and an adaptive attitude and it can be fun.  The best shoot you've ever had?  Almost certainly not.  But fun, and a great way to meet folks whom you'll work with in a more controlled situation later?  Yes.

"But fun, and a great way to meet folks whom you'll work with in a more controlled situation later?  Yes."  This was exactly my hope.  It may yet be salvaged.  I got some good advice from someone who attended other shoots not to go by the published "time tables" and make your own deals with models.  That advice so far as been golden.

Jun 23 09 01:08 pm Link


GD Whalen

Posts: 1886

Asheville, North Carolina, US

I have no clue as to why anyone would want to do a group shoot.  I can see a couple of photographers and 2-3 models but any more than that would be redundant and like eating in a cafeteria instead of a fine restaurant.

Jun 23 09 01:08 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12983

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

Group shoots are only as good as the organizer.

Jun 23 09 01:09 pm Link


Chris Macan

Posts: 12983

HAVERTOWN, Pennsylvania, US

GD Whalen  wrote:
I have no clue as to why anyone would want to do a group shoot.  I can see a couple of photographers and 2-3 models but any more than that would be redundant and like eating in a cafeteria instead of a fine restaurant.

Some people like the cafeteria...........

Jun 23 09 01:10 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

bencook2 wrote:
Now, having said all of this, has any photographer EVER had a good experience at one?  I like the theory of multiple models in one place and time but in practice the concept might be impossible.

I've been to a number of really good outdoor, house-based, and studio ones which have been formative to my learning and network-building process.

I've also planned on attending several that went "poof" a few days prior, and one which was a complete clusterfuck except for a salvaged after-shoot.

IMHO, they're worth it if you accept that fact that all the photographers but only 1/4 to 1/2 of the models scheduled will show up.

Also expect that some of the models who did show won't care that much if you give them images or not.

Jun 23 09 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Laura Dark Photography wrote:

My group shoots rock.  Always have.  Always will.  smile

Oh yeah...

Looks like fun!

I remain unconvinced.  I am sure your events are savage and worth the time.  But you could be an outlier.  The exception rather than the rule.

Jun 23 09 01:11 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Group shoots are only as good as the organizer.

sage wisdom!

This was my first mistake.

Jun 23 09 01:12 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Oblivion Clothing

Posts: 2

Kansas City, Missouri, US

so far i have not ha way to bad of an exp with group stuff

Jun 23 09 01:12 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

GD Whalen  wrote:
I have no clue as to why anyone would want to do a group shoot.  I can see a couple of photographers and 2-3 models but any more than that would be redundant and like eating in a cafeteria instead of a fine restaurant.

Like Sean Baker said, I had hoped to use this to get the "Hello My Name is Ben" shoot out of the way with 2 or 3 models and to be a nice guy and help the portfolios of 2 or 3 more models that normally I would never work with.

Jun 23 09 01:14 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Oblivion clothing wrote:
so far i have not ha way to bad of an exp with group stuff


Jun 23 09 01:14 pm Link


Skydancer Photos

Posts: 22196

Santa Cruz, California, US

I had a good experience.

That said, I'm confused.

You wrote:
"Luckily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two main models I want to work with have already assured me that they will be attending despite the summary cancellation."

If the organizer canceled the event, what will the two models be attending?  wink

Jun 23 09 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 15005

Tonasket, Washington, US

Good for networking, usually lousy for photography.

Jun 23 09 01:15 pm Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Skydancer wrote:
I had a good experience.

That said, I'm confused.

You wrote:
"Luckily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two main models I want to work with have already assured me that they will be attending despite the summary cancellation."

If the organizer canceled the event, what will the two models be attending?  wink

Sounds like they're pre-planning an after-shoot salvage.

Jun 23 09 01:19 pm Link



Posts: 32780

Detroit, Michigan, US

We have awesome group shoots here in the Midwest. Check out the Events forum for DEAC, CAC, Toledo Historic Theater, Rosemont, and other upcoming gatherings.

I'm not sure why other people have such problems. Look in my credits, it should be obvious that I'm a big fan smile

Jun 23 09 01:22 pm Link


jt young

Posts: 95

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Depends on your expectations.

If you expect to do unique, creative, different stuff, a group shoot is probably not for you.

If you want to shoot in an unusual location, to bring in some out of town talent or to do something involving complex setups, sometimes group shoots are the only way to go.

You can still inject your own style into the photos and the post-processing is still all yours. But you may be limited in terms of use of lighting and occasionally tripping over other groups. A lot of it depends on how well the organizer has done their job. A fantastic group shoot like exercise is probably the Naked in the House series.

It's a good learning exercise in that typically you've only got a few minutes to nail down your concept, lighting and composition which ultimately helps for solo shoots as it teaches you how to move fast, get in, get the shot and go.

Jun 23 09 01:23 pm Link


Dwain Thomas

Posts: 847

Columbus, Ohio, US

Laura Dark Photography wrote:

My group shoots rock.  Always have.  Always will.  smile

Ohio has teh bestest!!

Jun 23 09 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 32780

Detroit, Michigan, US

nwprophoto wrote:
Good for networking, usually lousy for photography.

FWIW, seven of my twenty main portfolio images here are from group shoots.

Jun 23 09 01:24 pm Link



Posts: 175

Old Orchard, Pennsylvania, US

I did a strobist meet at the Eastern State Penn and it was a blast!!! Three photographers to one model and we bounced lighting scenarios off each other. We worked with four different models.. I was happy.
A MM event at ESP. 100 + models and photographers. I had all my models scheduled prior to to the shoot sooo it was one on one and no one shooting over my shoulder.
Now for the bad:
Local meet up. 6 photographers shooting one model at a time. Seriously sucked.......

I really think a lot has to do with the organizer.

Jun 23 09 01:26 pm Link


Diana Jo

Posts: 787

Marysville, Washington, US

bencook2 wrote:
Now, having said all of this, has any photographer EVER had a good experience at one?  I like the theory of multiple models in one place and time but in practice the concept might be impossible.

Yes, but each photographer got one on one time with the models using their own setup (lights/backdrop/whatever). The 3 main photographers got along and didn't mind sharing equipment or setups (via trade usually) and we, 3, learned a lot. 

I'm sad they ended the way they did. And I miss my photo buddies now that I've moved.

They can be good, but ground rules need to be established way beforehand.

Jun 23 09 01:27 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Skydancer wrote:
I had a good experience.

That said, I'm confused.

You wrote:
"Luckily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two main models I want to work with have already assured me that they will be attending despite the summary cancellation."

If the organizer canceled the event, what will the two models be attending?  wink

From the beginning I did my own thing.  I did not use the time table suggested or try to attend the locations suggested.  I requested every model meet me at a centralized location.  I contacted all the models individually.  Kept an up to date schedule via google docs.

In other words I never trusted that this would go off without a hitch.  So far three of the 7 models scheduled have contacted me and will be there to shoot (they have till midnight tomorrow night to re-confirm).  In fact, I have two additional back up models that did not make my original schedule that want to book.

So to answer in brief, I made my own event!

Jun 23 09 01:28 pm Link


Burn Out Bright

Posts: 80

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

Have been to two group shoots.... first one I learnt a lot, although I felt very uncomfortable during the 'free for all' bits of the shoot.... The model was very professional but must have felt uneasy with the constant barrage of shots coming from all angles !!

Second one was just horrible... a bunch of greasy old pervs just there for the most basic of reasons.... left after about 20 mins....

If well organised and done for the right reasons they can be a great way to learn, but otherwise, I steer well clear ....

Jun 23 09 01:30 pm Link


Jaysen R Lee

Posts: 548

Anaheim, California, US

I have Sunday off to spend what little time I have with family.  If group shoots provide the models, lighting, scheduling, then I'm all for it!   However, its not good if you already have an idea in your head or want a specific look/style/location.  Attend a few and see if you have fun!

Jun 23 09 01:31 pm Link


Elizabeth May

Posts: 1169

Edinburgh, Scotland, United Kingdom

Depends on who's there.  I love group shoots.  They're fun, creative, and I like to watch how other photographers work, as well.  My avatar was done at a group shoot. big_smile

Jun 23 09 01:32 pm Link


Michael Barrett

Posts: 1149

Upland, California, US

There are always horror stories about every facet of this business, but we all are still doing it, right?

The key to a good group shoot is a unique location photographer can't normally shoot in and models they can't normally afford. Sure the ratio at most events is 3:1 but there are plenty of times through out the day when modles are just standing sround, so one on one time is plentiful!

At my event below, I have a location that rocks in every aspect and models who rock just as hard...I don't know what type of event the OP was going to, but it's not like most.

Jun 23 09 01:34 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Virtuous Circle Photo wrote:
Have been to two group shoots.... first one I learnt a lot, although I felt very uncomfortable during the 'free for all' bits of the shoot.... The model was very professional but must have felt uneasy with the constant barrage of shots coming from all angles !!

This is the "gang-bang" part I wanted to avoid at all costs!!!

That, and over the shoulder shooting would drive me insane.  I don't do on-lookers unless absolutely necessary.  I am very pro closed set.  If you have a purpose on the set, great.  Otherwise background movement and noise is a no-no.

Jun 23 09 01:37 pm Link



Posts: 2978

Oxnard, California, US

bencook2 wrote:
I have read the horror stories of shoots being a mixture of a photographic gang-bang and an exercise in herding cats.  But, like everything else in my life I had to experience it first.  Oh, wait.  The shoot was canceled.

For two weeks I have kept a neat schedule of models attend the shoot that will be working with me.  I planned to keep to myself, not attending the "gang-bang" portions where photographers crowd around models.  Then today the shoot's organizer calls it off for some cryptic reason.

Of course I contacted my models I will be working with and assured them I was not canceling and would love to still work with all of them.

It will be interesting to see how many make the trip.

Luckily!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  The two main models I want to work with have already assured me that they will be attending despite the summary cancellation.


Now, having said all of this, has any photographer EVER had a good experience at one?  I like the theory of multiple models in one place and time but in practice the concept might be impossible.

I have had some good experiences, check out the models that will be attending and see what's provided. I went to one where the lighting and studio were provided as well as the models, and they rotated out among the sets. It at times became a "photographic gang bang" but the models were quick to make sure everyone got their shot and their ideal pose. Another it was just chaos, with people machine gun firing the strobes so you couldn't get a shot. I have been to only two that were a complete waste of money and time. I go to meet new photographers and models, it can be fun.

Jun 23 09 01:37 pm Link


RNokes collection

Posts: 1304

Denver, Colorado, US

The last group shoot I was apart of..there were 4 photographers and 4 models.. on a old ranch for half the day and a old shop for the other half..most of the time it was one on one shooting with differnt models and alot of great locations... I liked how that group shoot worked out.. not 12 photographers and one model..

Jun 23 09 01:39 pm Link


Birds of Stones

Posts: 583

Greenville, South Carolina, US

I have my group shoots differently than most
Only one set of lights, Only one shooter at a time.  and i try to keep the over all numbers low.  last time it was only 15 models .

Jun 23 09 01:42 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Maybe I am being too hasty.  I don't know.  It will be awhile before the sting of the "Canceled" subject line of that email wears off.

Jun 23 09 01:45 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

Chris Macan wrote:
Group shoots are only as good as the organizer.

BINGO!... wink

Jun 23 09 01:45 pm Link


Three 15

Posts: 99

Columbus, Georgia, US

Select Models wrote:

BINGO!... wink

Totally agree.

I love the ones that Laura puts on at the House of Nightmares, always a great time.  And the ones that DVS does for DEAC in Detroit.  Both are very well organized, and haven't had problems at either.     

I have heard very good things about the CAC group shoots in Toledo, but have yet to go to one yet (hint hint, Laura).

Jun 23 09 01:55 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

bencook2 wrote:
I like the theory of multiple models in one place and time but in practice the concept might be impossible.

Not impossible at all... in fact... for over 17 years and 300+ 'group photoshoot events'... Select Models has been Southern California's pillar of success... with the next great event coming up this weekend and posted here... wink

Jun 23 09 01:59 pm Link


Kat Livingston

Posts: 1645

Brooklyn, New York, US

Three 15 wrote:

Totally agree.

I love the ones that Laura puts on at the House of Nightmares, always a great time.

I have had some of my favorite photos, and photographer/ mua relationships come from some of the group shoots I've attended.
They are what YOU make of them.
But it is a great opportunity to work with many new people in one day -and possibly even get some amazing images. I think you would enjoy it... smile

Jun 23 09 01:59 pm Link


Compass Rose Studios

Posts: 15979

Portland, Oregon, US

I've had fun at them.  But I'm usually just being social.  I might care to pick up a technique or learn about equipment...but I don't like to shoot like that. 

Way too much of a creative control freak for that.  I work best in a small team with a baddass plan.

Jun 23 09 02:03 pm Link



Posts: 3875

Tucson, Arizona, US

Select Models wrote:

Not impossible at all... in fact... for over 17 years and 300+ 'group photoshoot events'... Select Models has been Southern California's pillar of success... with the next great event coming up this weekend and posted here... wink

Gary, when are you opening up your East Coast location?

That or offer a class that instructs on how to put together a good event!

Jun 23 09 02:26 pm Link


Worlds Of Water

Posts: 37732

Rancho Cucamonga, California, US

bencook2 wrote:

Gary, when are you opening up your East Coast location?

That or offer a class that instructs on how to put together a good event!

Hey Ben... no plans on me heading east my friend... havin WAY TOO MUCH fun out here on the left coast.  Judging from your comments and some of the major group shoot FLOPS I've seen out here lately... I'm thinkin an instruction class might be a hot ticket... wink

Jun 23 09 03:17 pm Link