Forums > Photography Talk > Too many friend request from retoucher!


William Tam

Posts: 179

Brooklyn, New York, US

I have nothing against making friends. But ever since I came back to MM, within a week i get 3-4 friend request from retouchers. And obvious spam written message from them.

Is my portfolio that bad that I need to retouch it? I'm a professional graphic designer so i know my way around photoshop and have no problem doing my own retouching, I just choose not to do.

I got this message "I like your portfolio, I'm a retoucher and definitely can help you help you improve your portfolio..."

Do any of you get a lot of friend request from them? or maybe its just me and really need a lot of retouching in my port?

Jul 27 10 07:50 am Link


Vamp Boudoir

Posts: 11446

Florence, South Carolina, US

Nope..very rarely get a FR from retouchers (thank God!)...but you might like to get a critique in the critique forum (General Feedback)

Jul 27 10 07:53 am Link


R E T O U C H - MM

Posts: 388

London, England, United Kingdom

I've never done so, but some retouchers target newbies and about the "port" thing, you can post in the critique section because people aren't allowed to critique here.
But yes, if that is the message they are sending you, retouchers do usually target the ports which they think would benefit from them. Just ignore them if you aren't interested smile
Although lots of great photographers get tons of tags from retouchers, hoping they will get them to work with them for published/good clean work, etc.

Jul 27 10 07:57 am Link


William Tam

Posts: 179

Brooklyn, New York, US

It was a rhetoric question hehe. But I know i need improvement. Maybe I should swing by the critique forums. 

I was just wondering if other photographers get the same thing.

Jul 27 10 08:02 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

don't worry, i get a lot of that, too. they're just trying to drum up some business and i do use mayhem retouchers at times.

people talk about no photoshop as though it's a natural look. to my mind the camera doesn't see the world naturally (like our eyes anyway) to begin with. and high-definition cameras and lenses can be hard on skin. so i see retouching as actually making things more natural to some extent (of course it often goes beyond that).

Jul 27 10 08:33 am Link


Warren Leimbach

Posts: 3223

Tampa, Florida, US

They spam me, too.  Don't take it personally.  They're just looking for work.

Jul 27 10 11:52 am Link



Posts: 7286

London, England, United Kingdom

I have a photoshop account on here and I don't spam anyone... I am not a fan of chasing people... It bothers me when re-touchers contact me because they don't assume I do my own re-touching till I posted it on my profile stating I don't need re-touchers I re-touch my own work... Just write it in your port that you aren't looking for any re-touchers and they will stop... Not all but most smile

Good Luck

Jul 27 10 12:08 pm Link


Viva La Twenty Five

Posts: 338

Miami, Florida, US

i get friend request once in a blue moon from retouchers. they never offer their help to me hmm so consider your self lucky smile

Jul 27 10 12:14 pm Link


415 Creations Photos

Posts: 48

Fargo, North Dakota, US

I don't mind it. It's nice to have offers available.

I've gotten about 3 now?

Been on here maybe a little over a week.

I leave my photos as natural as possible. So yeah. If you're looking for a glass doll look it'll probably need improvement wont it!! But I'm not. I'm looking for real people with real beauty, and showing it the best I can. Like babies.. I don't want a glass baby picture, clients don't either.

I know my way around photoshop in too many ways.

The difficult thing is being asked to work on a photograph (as a photoshop-wizard who is also a photographer.. see other account 415 Creations Editing), that is so horrendously artless that you almost throw up while editing.

Past job.. not implying anyone on here. Although I am a little disgusted by MM allowing so many myspace and self-taken photos for models!!

Jul 27 10 04:52 pm Link


Craig Thomson

Posts: 13462

Tacoma, Washington, US

I get about 10 requests a month from PW accounts. I just deny them without even looking.

Jul 27 10 10:52 pm Link


Glen Berry

Posts: 2797

Huntington, West Virginia, US

I get offers from retouchers once in awhile. They're often from folks who offer very inexpensive rates and seem a little desperate for work. If I take a look at their portfolio, I often think that I could have done better myself.

I don't mind them asking though. It doesn't hurt to ask a simple question.

Jul 27 10 10:57 pm Link



Posts: 2747

San Francisco, California, US

It is called  I G N O R E .

Granted, if you do find a profile you'd like to network, you should accept and write an intro so that perhaps the two may have a fruitful, professional opportunities.

Jul 27 10 10:59 pm Link



Posts: 17966

Los Angeles, California, US

I get retoucher requests ALL THE TIME. It is like they can't understand that the work they see on my page is MY retouching work.

Jul 27 10 11:49 pm Link


GM Photography

Posts: 6322

Olympia, Washington, US

I get these requests fairly often.  Part of my creative process is my post work and while my skill at it might be debatable, I prefer to keep learning and trying new things over turning that over to a random stranger so I just ignore them.

Jul 28 10 06:11 am Link


William Tam

Posts: 179

Brooklyn, New York, US

Request I can ignore, but when they start spamming, not just retouchers, on my tags that gets annoying.

There are some I really admire. The most annoying ones are those who's retouching skills are not quite there yet, and yet they charge premium prices.

Jul 28 10 06:12 am Link


GER Photography

Posts: 8463

Imperial, California, US

You're lucky!! I got a bunch of FR's from male models with gay-porn looking ports!!;-((((

Jul 28 10 06:15 am Link


GER Photography

Posts: 8463

Imperial, California, US

You're lucky!! I got a bunch of FR's from male models with gay-porn looking ports!!;-((((

Jul 28 10 06:17 am Link


William Tam

Posts: 179

Brooklyn, New York, US

George Ruge wrote:
You're lucky!! I got a bunch of FR's from male models with gay-porn looking ports!!;-((((

Lolz, the weird thing is the generally good male models have a erotic port! I have nothing against them but its a little freaky! o.0

Jul 28 10 06:30 am Link



Posts: 532

London, England, United Kingdom

I add photographers because I like their work... Some re-touchers are like models, make-up artist and stylist etc who add people because they admire their work...

I'm one of them smile

Jul 28 10 07:12 am Link


William Tam

Posts: 179

Brooklyn, New York, US

Erli wrote:
I add photographers because I like their work... Some re-touchers are like models, make-up artist and stylist etc who add people because they admire their work...

I'm one of them smile

I definitely like your work. I like how you don't over do it. I'm going to friend you if you accept my request hehe.

Jul 28 10 07:25 am Link


William Tam

Posts: 179

Brooklyn, New York, US

Erli wrote:
I add photographers because I like their work... Some re-touchers are like models, make-up artist and stylist etc who add people because they admire their work...

I'm one of them smile

I definitely like your work. I like how you don't over do it. I'm going to friend you if you accept my request hehe.

Jul 28 10 07:25 am Link


Aaron Pawlak

Posts: 2850

New York, New York, US

William Tam wrote:
I was just wondering if other photographers get the same thing.

i've never had that happen.

Jul 28 10 07:29 am Link



Posts: 532

London, England, United Kingdom

William Tam wrote:
I definitely like your work. I like how you don't over do it. I'm going to friend you if you accept my request hehe.

Hahahahaha thanks! sure no problem... You can never have too many friends big_smile

Jul 28 10 08:41 am Link



Posts: 11863

Los Angeles, California, US

George Ruge wrote:
You're lucky!! I got a bunch of FR's from male models with gay-porn looking ports!!;-((((

William Tam wrote:
Lolz, the weird thing is the generally good male models have a erotic port! I have nothing against them but its a little freaky! o.0

It's no more freaky for a male model to have an erotic port than a female model wink

Jul 28 10 08:47 am Link



Posts: 8

Clearwater, Florida, US

Yes, all the time.  I've replied to some telling them no thanks, I do any retouching necessary in-house, deny their requests and move on... then I get repeated requests from the SAME PERSON!!!  Finally just said the heck with it and blocked 'em.

Jun 26 16 02:35 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Just ignore them.

Jun 26 16 02:39 pm Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

Holy Dino Thread Batman
Check date 2010

Jun 26 16 05:02 pm Link


Flex Photography

Posts: 6472

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

I get a few FRs a month for Retouchers, mostly from eastern Europe. I hit Deny & move on.

Jun 26 16 05:18 pm Link


Don Garrett

Posts: 4984

Escondido, California, US

Like I said in the other thread about the same subject, (actually, it turned into the same subject) : "I have gotten over seven requests from "retouchers". I just tell them, as an artist, I do all of my own retouching, as I consider it part, if not most, of the art. I never do commercial work, and never need batch processing". (the truth), (with some variation each time).

Jun 26 16 05:19 pm Link


Mary Durante Youtt

Posts: 520

Barnegat, New Jersey, US

1/2 of the friend requests that I get are from retouchers also.  1/4 of the people don't make any contact, have hundreds of friends but wish to have more.  So they hit the friend request button.   I'm not on this site to make friends with people who show no interest in my work or working with me or that I would love to work with.

When I see someone's work that I admire or would like to work with them, I send them a message to let them know that.  If they respond, then I may send a friend request.

Jun 26 16 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 9317

New York, New York, US

Brooklyn Bridge Images wrote:
Holy Dino Thread Batman
Check date 2010

yet sadly the thread is still relevant.

Jun 27 16 08:50 am Link


Teila K Day Photography

Posts: 2040

Panama City Beach, Florida, US

Star wrote:
I get retoucher requests ALL THE TIME. It is like they can't understand that the work they see on my page is MY retouching work.

... Many retouchers think that everyone needs or wants ridiculous pore-less renditions of their work.   If I wanted my photographs to have everyone's pores/skin looking perfectly uniform, unnatural and fake looking as if they've been manufactured in a beauty ad manufacturing plant, then I would process my photos that way.  wink

Jun 27 16 12:02 pm Link



Posts: 808

Santa Barbara, California, US

sure..but I deny every single one

infact I deny all friend requests unless we have worked together.. and then I will accept it..grudgingly

what is this??? myspace?

'friends' ?

makes no sense to me..but whatever

Jun 27 16 01:48 pm Link



Posts: 12

Santa Rosa, California, US

I have had my fair share of retoucher's contacting me as well....I have one person who is a retoucher that I would go to if I had a serious issue that needed resolving.
Retoucher's right now are trying to make a buck just like the rest of us but like I tell them "I shoot the picture" "I retouch the picture" "I knew what I was shooting for"


Jun 27 16 02:28 pm Link


Personality Imaging

Posts: 2100

Hoover, Alabama, US

Just a sign of a bad economy getting worse.   I  get a lot of friend requests from retouchers.

Jun 27 16 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 126

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

yes lately I have.... but then I do my own retouching, find retouching quite challenging as you progress

Jun 28 16 12:24 am Link



Posts: 2353

Alexandria, Virginia, US

When you receive junk mail at home, do you go online to complain about it?

Jun 28 16 12:41 am Link



Posts: 868

Jessheim, Akershus, Norway

Just block them.


Jun 28 16 01:50 am Link


GM Photography

Posts: 6322

Olympia, Washington, US

JohnEnger wrote:
Just block them.

That's what I do.

Jun 28 16 06:37 am Link


Colorado Figures

Posts: 825

Loveland, Colorado, US

yet sadly the thread is still relevant.

It seems more relevant than ever.  I have been receiving many FR from retouchers recently, nearly all of them eastern European based.  One of the first ones I received was about a year ago and they said they wanted to demonstrate their capabilities.  They identified 4 photos of mine and asked me to send original raw files for them to work their magic.  I was dumb enough to send them one file and received an almost rude email asking why I did not send all 4.  I told them that they could demonstrate their creativity with the one and we could see where it goes from there.  That was a year ago and nothing back.  I just have to wonder what the real reason they wanted those raw files.  I just deny them now.

Jun 28 16 12:22 pm Link