Forums > General Industry > judgmental disapproving family?


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

My family is very very VERY conservative. I only really talk to my mom so she is the one expressing her disgust with the "porn" I create. Please look at my portfolio. I shoot glamour-not porn-and rarely nudes.

I LOVE what I do, I am very happy in my career and personal life. I am young and enjoying it. I do love my family but am extremely annoyed by this constant overbearing critique.

I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

Jun 11 11 02:23 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

This thread might be helpful to you:

Jun 11 11 02:35 pm Link


Anna Adrielle

Posts: 18763

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

you can not change her.

you can only change your thoughts about her. getting worked up about her behavior doesn't damage her, it only damages you. so stop giving her that. the only way to win, is by leading your life and not giving a fuck about her judgemental attitude.

oh and also, this sounds very hard but I do feel sorry that she doesn't approve. I know it really sucks to have your mom say such bad things about you. She is your mother, you could never not love her, so it will hurt no matter what. so just try to keep as much distance as possible, okay?

also, don't minize what you do. yes, you're not a pornstar, but you don't exactly shoot portraits either. in her eyes, you're her babygirl. she might come around over time (let's stay optimistic) but it will take a lot of time and work for her to get over the fact that her baby girl is taking sexy pictures

Jun 11 11 02:37 pm Link



Posts: 14

Sacramento, California, US

Hey Hun.

I am really sorry to hear that. You said the issue yourself you family is very conservative and the work you do is sexy and hot. It show off your body. But you are right it is not porn not even close.

I would keep doing it because you love it and are making a living off of it. I would just ignore your family comments and issue on the matters. I would also not talk about it to them that way they will not judge.

Jun 11 11 02:38 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US


I actually am not very close to any of my family, and don't tell them anything. But just like when I was 13 and my mom said my "diary accidently fell open" she somehow finds things out. which is fine, i am proud of my work. and yes it it sexy, i LOVE being sexual. I just didn't know how to deal with her reaction. I have just been ignoring it.

Jun 11 11 02:59 pm Link


Anna Adrielle

Posts: 18763

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Tiffany Crystal wrote:

I actually am not very close to any of my family, and don't tell them anything. But just like when I was 13 and my mom said my "diary accidently fell open" she somehow finds things out. which is fine, i am proud of my work. and yes it it sexy, i LOVE being sexual. I just didn't know how to deal with her reaction. I have just been ignoring it.

she "somehow" finds out?

girl, you are on the internet. It is not that hard for her to find out.

if you're not close, and you expected this kind of behavior from her, and you have been ignoring her, and you don't care about her judgement, then what is the big deal anyway?

Jun 11 11 03:00 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

Robert Lynch wrote:
This thread might be helpful to you:


I think i will copy and paste that to dear ol mom right now smile

Jun 11 11 03:01 pm Link



Posts: 5911

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Robert Lynch wrote:
This thread might be helpful to you:

You beat me too it, I was thinking about this too when I was reading the OP's post.

As for the OP, I don't really have any advice for you. You can either stop doing what you love because your mom disapproves or you can continue modeling what you want and just tell your mom that you're a big girl and can make your own decisions and if she doesn't like some of them, well, tough bananas.

Jun 11 11 03:04 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

There comes a time, when you need to put them in their proper place since you're now an adult. This would NOT be a discussion either, it would be you telling her like it is. Period.

Draw the line in the sand ASAP.

Jun 11 11 03:05 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45289

San Juan Bautista, California, US

All I can say is that you are a beautiful woman who is pursuing something that you are good at.  You are not alone!  There are models and even photographers here who are misunderstood by their family or/and friends!   No one in my family really "gets it" but it varies as far as what they think.  My younger brother thinks that I hang around a bunch of prostitutes!   hmm  At first I used to try to educate them, but now I just ignore their ignorance!

Jun 11 11 03:05 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

Marianne Michaela wrote:

she "somehow" finds out?

girl, you are on the internet. It is not that hard for her to find out.

if you're not close, and you expected this kind of behavior from her, and you have been ignoring her, and you don't care about her judgement, then what is the big deal anyway?

the somehow was a bit sarcastic-it is the internet, of course she can see anything she wants, and thats fine, but she won't like it.

it isn't a big deal, i was just curious about what others have done in similar situations. she is my mom, so of course deep down her words can be hurtful, this was just more of a curious I am bored thread smile

Jun 11 11 03:13 pm Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
All I can say is that you are a beautiful woman who is pursuing something that you are good at.  You are not alone!  There are models and even photographers here who are misunderstood by their family or/and friends!   No one in my family really "gets it" but it varies as far as what they think.  My younger brother thinks that I hang around a bunch of prostitutes!   hmm  At first I used to try to educate them, but now I just ignore their ignorance!

Well I'm a perv who exploits women, shoot porn and have sex with young model whores. Well, at least that is what some of my family thinks.

Tiffany, believe me, you are not going to change anyone's mind. People will believe what they want.

Yep, I ignore them too.

Jun 11 11 03:14 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

Patrick Walberg wrote:
All I can say is that you are a beautiful woman who is pursuing something that you are good at.  You are not alone!  There are models and even photographers here who are misunderstood by their family or/and friends!   No one in my family really "gets it" but it varies as far as what they think.  My younger brother thinks that I hang around a bunch of prostitutes!   hmm  At first I used to try to educate them, but now I just ignore their ignorance!

i want to come to your shoots!!! hanging out with a bunch of prostitutes, sounds fun! score for you smile

Jun 11 11 03:15 pm Link


David Parsons

Posts: 972

Quincy, Massachusetts, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:

I actually am not very close to any of my family, and don't tell them anything. But just like when I was 13 and my mom said my "diary accidently fell open" she somehow finds things out. which is fine, i am proud of my work. and yes it it sexy, i LOVE being sexual. I just didn't know how to deal with her reaction. I have just been ignoring it.

If she is going to find out anyway from her sources, you may as well just send her links to your work directly.

Then put a spam filter on her email address.  You aren't in close contact, so if she has something really important to tell you, she can initiate by calling.

Jun 11 11 03:18 pm Link



Posts: 30064

Ocala, Florida, US

I spent most of my life not having a "real job" and leading a life debauchery according to my late mom.....

One day I told her..."how would you know what 'good' is if you don't have 'bad' to compare it too?"......made her stop and think...and stop bugging me!

She did outgrow that old notion after seeing some of the checks I was pulling down not having "a real job"....and we became best of friends.

hang on to will miss her greatly when she is gone....I miss mine everyday!

Jun 11 11 03:21 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

my boyfriend's exactly the same in the respect that say i did a shoot where i was was in lingerie for example, it'd be 'porn'...drives me mental. he doesn't like me showing skin at all. and totally agree with the link!

Jun 11 11 03:21 pm Link


gone for good

Posts: 184

Andover, England, United Kingdom

I come from a very conservative background and can understand (to some degree) her feelings, but one thing I learned in my life is being judgemental and / or allowing others to judge you and give them power by taking it personally is a loose loose.  You have to do what you feel is right, if you don't you will tear yourself up inside. 

Best wishes.

Jun 11 11 03:22 pm Link


Anna Adrielle

Posts: 18763

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Kate Q wrote:
my boyfriend's exactly the same in the respect that say i did a shoot where i was was in lingerie for example, it'd be 'porn'...drives me mental. he doesn't like me showing skin at all. and totally agree with the link!

dump him.

Jun 11 11 03:28 pm Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

What porn?  I don't see any porn.  Maybe this is her problem, not yours.

Jun 11 11 03:28 pm Link

Body Painter

Extreme Body Art

Posts: 4938

South Jordan, Utah, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:
My family is very very VERY conservative. I only really talk to my mom so she is the one expressing her disgust with the "porn" I create. Please look at my portfolio. I shoot glamour-not porn-and rarely nudes.

I was wondering how anyone deals with this? She has been relentless with emails (I will try to sum up her points)-I am being a whore by showing off my body to let men oodle over, I am ruining my life, what I am doing is disgusting, clearly by my actions I am on the path to hell, and I must not care or love my family.

phew! anyways, I don't shoot porn, I LOVE what I do, I am very happy in my career and personal life. I am young and enjoying it. I do love my family but am extremely annoyed by this constant overbearing critique.

I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

In regards to the bolded statement...

What do you think modeling is?

Clothed/Lingerie/Nude/Swim/Pick your poison...

Men (or women) will look at ANY image you create and "oodle" over it...
Nudes really have nothing to do with it, If a man finds a woman a "sexual" being, he is going to look at it as such, clothed... or nude.

I don't understand why models think it's OK to be seen as sexual clothed, but not nude... I will never understand that.

Jun 11 11 03:29 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Kate Q wrote:
my boyfriend's exactly the same in the respect that say i did a shoot where i was was in lingerie for example, it'd be 'porn'...drives me mental. he doesn't like me showing skin at all. and totally agree with the link!

I'd suggest nipping this in the bud ASAP. If you cannot, things will NOT get better.

Jun 11 11 03:30 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

to be fair though i'm not going to glamour model...not my style and i don't have the figure! he loves my other styles...i think he's just concerned. he even modelled with me one time!

Jun 11 11 03:33 pm Link


pullins photography

Posts: 5884

Troy, Michigan, US

Cherrystone wrote:

I'd suggest nipping this in the bud ASAP. If you cannot, things will NOT get better.


Jun 11 11 03:36 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kate Q wrote:
my boyfriend's exactly the same in the respect that say i did a shoot where i was was in lingerie for example, it'd be 'porn'...drives me mental. he doesn't like me showing skin at all. and totally agree with the link!

You need a new boyfriend or a new line of work.  Since the boyfriend will find other ways to harass/attempt to control you/be an insecure jerk if you give up modeling, you will find getting a new boyfriend to be the better option.

Jun 11 11 03:39 pm Link


Miss Leilani Jade

Posts: 2513

Decatur, Alabama, US

I completely understad where you are coming from.  At 16 not by my family but the small town we live in inside the bible belt I am basically known as the slut who has sex with photographers to take my photos.  My work is pornographic to these idiots because I shoot  swimwear.  Thank Goodness it isnt my family, but I was basically asked to leave the school system because I was supposedly distracting to the boys who go there. Parents dot want their children being my friend.  Long story short, I became comfortable with my choices and just let opinions be opinions

Jun 11 11 03:40 pm Link


Jeffrey M Fletcher

Posts: 4861

Asheville, North Carolina, US

Similar to several others in the thread my family, who can be a source of great support, encouragement, affection and help but are not generally a source of approval for the nudes and eroticism in my work. In the past this has resulted in hurt feelings as I'm rather partial to my work ( and there's nothing like well meaning family members to go for some really insulting interpretations as art critics).

The line in the sand approach does have something going for it and setting a boundary regarding what arguments you're going to take up may not resolve all the issues but it can do a lot to cut down on the (perhaps unintentional and well meant) insults.

Jun 11 11 03:41 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kate Q wrote:
to be fair though i'm not going to glamour model...not my style and i don't have the figure! he loves my other styles...i think he's just concerned. he even modelled with me one time!

What is there to be "concerned" about, other than his behavior?

Jun 11 11 03:41 pm Link



Posts: 1427

Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

Tiffany Crystal wrote:
I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

You don't have to change anything

But mom has a point

The line between glamour nude and porn is thin

Jun 11 11 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

sorry to the several people who have advised me to split with my long-term boyfriend. but i have to say, should we ever split it won't be due to my modelling. the point is he's worried that if i was to do glamour or nude, i'd have guys perving over me. this stems from the fact that his mother actually had an affair behind his father's back after doing what i'm doing now (modelling..). also, the only kind of glamour modelling i'd get in my area of the country would be for my city's calendar girls, and the competition involves going round all the local clubs for weeks on end in order to get votes. THIS is why he's worried about me doing it. he's not controlling at all, he's never actually TOLD me to do anything. the closest he'll get to being involved with it is accompanying me to shoots occasionally, but only because i ask him to. i don't blame him for having concerns as i can't say i wouldn't be the same if it were him doing nude modelling...anywho, can we get back to the point of this thread please? i don't think i need to be that concerned until my boyfriend practically disowns ME, thanks
*steps down off soapbox*

Jun 11 11 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Robert Lynch wrote:

What is there to be "concerned" about, other than his behavior?

there's not really any behaviour, apart from him voicing his opinions to me...we've all got one

Jun 11 11 03:49 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

ei Total Productions wrote:
What porn?  I don't see any porn.  Maybe this is her problem, not yours.

hit the nail on the head.

Jun 11 11 03:49 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Robert Lynch wrote:

You need a new boyfriend or a new line of work.  Since the boyfriend will find other ways to harass/attempt to control you/be an insecure jerk if you give up modeling, you will find getting a new boyfriend to be the better option.

and don't worry i'm not hoping to be a professional model! i'm not the correct material at all and have other plans. i'm hoping to become a counsellor. a bit of part time modelling was just to boost my confidence to be honest, which it has smile

Jun 11 11 03:51 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kate Q wrote:
there's not really any behaviour, apart from him voicing his opinions to me...we've all got one

Equating a fashion lingerie shoot with porn is not a reasonable opinion.  Those of us who are a bit older than you have learned over the years through experience to spot certain warning signs in relationships.  None of the little that you said about your boyfriend is encouraging.  You should take note that multiple people had the exact same initial reaction to your post.

Jun 11 11 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 382

Chicago, Illinois, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:
My family is very very VERY conservative. I only really talk to my mom so she is the one expressing her disgust with the "porn" I create. Please look at my portfolio. I shoot glamour-not porn-and rarely nudes.

I was wondering how anyone deals with this? She has been relentless with emails (I will try to sum up her points)-I am being a whore by showing off my body to let men oodle over, I am ruining my life, what I am doing is disgusting, clearly by my actions I am on the path to hell, and I must not care or love my family.

phew! anyways, I don't shoot porn, I LOVE what I do, I am very happy in my career and personal life. I am young and enjoying it. I do love my family but am extremely annoyed by this constant overbearing critique.

I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

You should try out for magazines like Playboy, and still let photographers pay you for the nude stuff, and let your family know that you are still young and having fun at it.

Jun 11 11 04:03 pm Link


pullins photography

Posts: 5884

Troy, Michigan, US

Lil Miss Jade wrote:
I completely understad where you are coming from.  At 16 not by my family but the small town we live in inside the bible belt I am basically known as the slut who has sex with photographers to take my photos.  My work is pornographic to these idiots because I shoot  swimwear.  Thank Goodness it isnt my family, but I was basically asked to leave the school system because I was supposedly distracting to the boys who go there. Parents dot want their children being my friend.  Long story short, I became comfortable with my choices and just let opinions be opinions

how sad to be surrounded by such mediocre minds..hope they don't ask you to come back and ask for a donation when you become rich and famous!

Jun 11 11 04:04 pm Link


pullins photography

Posts: 5884

Troy, Michigan, US

ChicagoModeling wrote:

You should try out for magazines like Playboy, and still let photographers pay you for the nude stuff, and let your family know that you are still young and having fun at it.

why does she have to prove anything to anyone?

Jun 11 11 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Robert Lynch wrote:

Equating a fashion lingerie shoot with porn is not a reasonable opinion.  Those of us who are a bit older than you have learned over the years through experience to spot certain warning signs in relationships.  None of the little that you said about your boyfriend is encouraging.  You should take note that multiple people had the exact same initial reaction to your post.

of course it isn't, it is clearly the opinion of someone DEEPLY worried. i know my boyfriend, he doesn't actually mean that lingerie/glamour = porn (you should see some of the stuff he used to watch..), when he says something to that effect, it's to try and put me off doing it. which he has no reason to because as i said before and as i have stated in my profile, i am NOT going to delve into those styles. i'm not going to lie, if he were to go and do something like....i don't know let's say for argument's sake weed, i'd list every possible negative thing about it in order to prevent him from doing it. i know deep down he'd never touch the stuff, but that won't stop me from still describing it in a very negative way if ever it comes up in conversation.
the way i see it is...for a fair amount of glamour/nude/whatever models, there are probably boyfriends/husbands/kids/families cringing. or worrying. whatever. there will always be someone there to disagree with your work, whether it's your 'possessive' boyfriend or that photographer on MM that thinks the lighting was pretty shit on that photo. it is not realistic to believe that there are no jealous or worried partners of models out there. perhaps you have had previous experiences or encounters of this nature, good for you. and perhaps i am making a mistake by not ending it with my boyfriend. maybe i shouldn't have even tried to start modelling, maybe all these things i'm doing are terrible mistakes! but they are mine to make. i'm sorry, but i just don't respond too well to people bluntly telling me to end the relationship with the guy who first got me to start modelling, thus helping to build what little self-esteem i had.

Jun 11 11 04:06 pm Link


2020 Photography

Posts: 440

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

For me, I don't think what you are doing is porn.  I actually think it is quite good so please do not let others sway you from what you want to do especially if you are good at it.  I know how tough it can be to be at odds with your family but in the end you have to answer to you.  Good luck.

Jun 11 11 04:12 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

ChicagoModeling wrote:

You should try out for magazines like Playboy, and still let photographers pay you for the nude stuff, and let your family know that you are still young and having fun at it.

that's the plan smile

Jun 11 11 04:12 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kate Q wrote:
of course it isn't, it is clearly the opinion of someone DEEPLY worried.

What, exactly, is he deeply worried about and why?  What is it about the possibility of you doing glamour work that troubles him so much?

Kate Q wrote:
maybe all these things i'm doing are terrible mistakes! but they are mine to make

Very true and be sure to lead your life as you see fit to do so.  The only really bad thing about mistakes is if you don't learn from them.

Jun 11 11 04:14 pm Link