Forums > General Industry > judgmental disapproving family?



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

iMn Photography wrote:
Is it me, or do I get the feeling that this thread is being hijacked?

i didn't mean to hmm i just wanted to show some empathy to the OP to begin with...i said sorry to her....but to be fair i've not been talking to myself.

Jun 12 11 08:08 am Link



Posts: 1671

San Francisco, California, US

As long as I'm comfortable with what I do, how my family feels about it is irrelevant, because I'm an adult...

My parents don't like the fact that I'm naked on the internet, or that I photograph naked people. I don't like the fact that my mother guilt trips people, and I'm not happy that my father can be overbearing and pushy when he's stressed.


I love and respect my family, and they love and respect me. We don't agree on everything, but who does?

Jun 12 11 08:36 am Link


Swank Photography

Posts: 19020

Key West, Florida, US

Crystal Perido wrote:

You don't have to change anything

But mom has a point

The line between glamour nude and porn is thin

Not as thin as you may want the op to believe.

Jun 12 11 09:14 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Image K wrote:
This post is so foolish, I'm not sure where to begin...

you could begin with what about it offends you or works against your agenda here.  I see it.....but you may want to explain it to others.     My advice is intended to encourage honesty with yourself and others, you think thats foolish?  maybe you need to look at your own communication style and your own agenda.   TIP.... It's never a good idea to just try to discredit someone without pointing out your disagreement, it makes you look closed minded

Jun 12 11 10:01 am Link

Body Painter

Extreme Body Art

Posts: 4938

South Jordan, Utah, US

Kate Q wrote:
sorry to the several people who have advised me to split with my long-term boyfriend. but i have to say, should we ever split it won't be due to my modelling. the point is he's worried that if i was to do glamour or nude, i'd have guys perving over me. this stems from the fact that his mother actually had an affair behind his father's back after doing what i'm doing now (modelling..). also, the only kind of glamour modelling i'd get in my area of the country would be for my city's calendar girls, and the competition involves going round all the local clubs for weeks on end in order to get votes. THIS is why he's worried about me doing it. he's not controlling at all, he's never actually TOLD me to do anything. the closest he'll get to being involved with it is accompanying me to shoots occasionally, but only because i ask him to. i don't blame him for having concerns as i can't say i wouldn't be the same if it were him doing nude modelling...anywho, can we get back to the point of this thread please? i don't think i need to be that concerned until my boyfriend practically disowns ME, thanks
*steps down off soapbox*

Just have to say..
Too late..
I guarantee you that because you are modeling, You have had guys "Perving" over you.

Good luck in all you do, but, you could be modeling fully clothed and guys would still "perv" over you.

Your boyfriend really needs to put more trust in you and the relationship...
I shoot nudes... my wife shoots nudes (As a photographer)... My wife poses nude (as a model)... even for other people.. and why?
Because I fully trust her 100% and she trusts me 100%

Jealousy = No Trust.. and if one is jealous, it means they don't trust their partner, and I will not and cannot abide boy that emotion.

And to your other posts... You most definitely have the body for modeling... you could probably model what ever genre you wanted... You don't want to.. and that's cool.. but you DO have the body for what ever type modeling you want to do (well.. maybe not alternative). big_smile

Jun 12 11 10:46 am Link


Fotografica Gregor

Posts: 4126

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Reaching adulthood means being able to see our parents objectively, realizing that not all of their beliefs attitudes or actions represent perfection or anything like it.  It means caring enough about ourselves to be authentic and caring enough for our parents to love them regardless of any conflicts that arise. Being an adult means that we are the source of our own "approval" and do not depend on others, even those upon whom as children we were conditioned to depend on.


Jun 12 11 11:33 am Link


Miss Leilani Jade

Posts: 2513

Decatur, Alabama, US

Kate Q wrote:

although i'm 18 and that's classed as an adult in my country, i don't actually think i know it all...i'm still in full time education, i just think i have a right to defend myself if i feel i'm being told off or dictated to!

I am only 16 but feel you should have prepared yourself by what you said  in first statement to hear some of the  advice of people who saw what you wrote. All I am saying is, you posed a problem with your modeling and are defensive when people try and tell you what has happened when they have seen this type thing.  But to get back on the subject of the OP just let it go, as you get more defensive it isnt helping.  Stay in the relationship if it is what you want and if he henders you from furthering your career place the blame upon yourself.

Jun 12 11 11:50 am Link


Miss Leilani Jade

Posts: 2513

Decatur, Alabama, US

iMn Photography wrote:
Is it me, or do I get the feeling that this thread is being hijacked?

winky smiling

Jun 12 11 11:51 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45294

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Although you can debate, fight, or try to manipulate, the fact is that you cannot control what another person thinks.   Since no one is perfect, we all have some discourse and conflict in our lives!   With family members, I have found that they will either come to accept you for who you are, or else you've got to move on without them in your life.   You do not have to give all details of your life to family members, so there is some buffer if you don't tell the details of your modeling. 

As for "public perception" goes, it's another area where we cannot control what others think of us, nor "how" they think.  You can be sure that strangers have already "ogled" you if you've stepped out in public or posted images on the Internet ... no matter what you were wearing or not wearing!  It's not all about the "look" or what type of modeling that controls people finding some sort of pleasure, including sexual thoughts in thinking of you.  There are blind people who can find pleasure in hearing your voice!   

As a photographer, I'm honored and sometimes even thrilled to be in the company of beautiful women!   I'm proud when told that the women in my family or my friends are beautiful!  If I were married, I'd beam with pride when other people see my wife as beautiful!   They can fantasize all they want about having sex with her, but the fact is that she loves me and I'm secure with that.   Why should I care about what others are thinking?  No one else controls my thoughts but me!

Jun 12 11 12:25 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45294

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Lil Miss Jade wrote:

I am only 16 but feel you should have prepared yourself by what you said  in first statement to hear some of the  advice of people who saw what you wrote. All I am saying is, you posed a problem with your modeling and are defensive when people try and tell you what has happened when they have seen this type thing.  But to get back on the subject of the OP just let it go, as you get more defensive it isnt helping.  Stay in the relationship if it is what you want and if he henders you from furthering your career place the blame upon yourself.

You are wise beyond your years!  wink

Jun 12 11 12:27 pm Link


GeM Photographic

Posts: 2456

Racine, Wisconsin, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:

I know I am a naughty naughty girl smile But thank you for the compliment. And for the advice. My mother's life is nothing like mine or what I want. Thanks for pointing that out smile

yes you are, and keep up the good work borat

Jun 12 11 12:52 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Lil Miss Jade wrote:

I am only 16 but feel you should have prepared yourself by what you said  in first statement to hear some of the  advice of people who saw what you wrote. All I am saying is, you posed a problem with your modeling and are defensive when people try and tell you what has happened when they have seen this type thing.  But to get back on the subject of the OP just let it go, as you get more defensive it isnt helping.  Stay in the relationship if it is what you want and if he henders you from furthering your career place the blame upon yourself.

i knew i'd get a fair amount of disagreement, but i feel that the posts replying to mine were trying to tell me more about me and my life than i knew myself...and also telling me to do this or that or whatever, i don't mind advise, but it was just too forceful and seemed rude.

Jun 12 11 01:31 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45294

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Kate Q wrote:
i knew i'd get a fair amount of disagreement, but i feel that the posts replying to mine were trying to tell me more about me and my life than i knew myself...and also telling me to do this or that or whatever, i don't mind advise, but it was just too forceful and seemed rude.

Just as you cannot control other people looking at you who might "ogle" you, ... you cannot control others opinions of you either.  Good for you if you've got a great relationship with your boyfriend, but you don't need approval from anyone here.  If you don't care what others here think, simply ignore their opinion. 

I know that there are many here who disagree with me.  It does not bother me.

Jun 12 11 01:42 pm Link


Miss Leilani Jade

Posts: 2513

Decatur, Alabama, US

Kate Q wrote:

i knew i'd get a fair amount of disagreement, but i feel that the posts replying to mine were trying to tell me more about me and my life than i knew myself...and also telling me to do this or that or whatever, i don't mind advise, but it was just too forceful and seemed rude.

completely understand your feelings, coming from someone even though Im young can tell you something helpful.  If you plan to stay in this business for the long haul the number of rude things your told or advice that is forceful will be big.  Just being 100% honest this business isnt for the weak or easily hurt or broken.  People will be very harsh I promise. You have to just get to where you listen but let alot go.

Jun 12 11 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Mary wrote:

you could begin with what about it offends you or works against your agenda here.  I see it.....but you may want to explain it to others.     My advice is intended to encourage honesty with yourself and others, you think thats foolish?  maybe you need to look at your own communication style and your own agenda.   TIP.... It's never a good idea to just try to discredit someone without pointing out your disagreement, it makes you look closed minded

Here let me help.

No 24 yr old person needs to explain shit to their mother why they do or don't do something, particularly when being badgered.

Jun 14 11 07:50 am Link


415 Creations Photos

Posts: 48

Fargo, North Dakota, US

I understand where she's coming from just a tiny bit on a few of the photos, I'm sure you can figure out which ones, but you don't have a porn gallery. Eventually family will stop being so judgemental and appreciate what you do, it just might take a near death experience on your part unfortunately.

Family's family. You live with them or you ignore them. Nothing else to it sad

Jun 14 11 07:55 am Link


Tara Tied

Posts: 1102

New York, New York, US

For the longest time I was very secretive about my modeling and this was even before I started posing nude. Someone mentioned to my mom that they had heard I was modeling and she questioned me about it.

I showed her and my aunts some pictures of me in lingerie and bikini's and my mom told me I should be ashamed and that she was disgusted with what I was doing. My aunts seemed to feel the same.

Afew months ago my mom came across nudes of me on the internet, I am not sure what website she found me on, but if you look at my port I don't have any explicit nudes, most are very tasteful, at least in my opinion.

But what I have to remember and what you should remember too is the fact that I am my mother's daughter and you are your mother's daughter. They just want what's best for us and most parents don't like the idea of their daughter being a nude model. Put yourself in her shoes.

Me and my mom had a long talk about my modeling, her biggest concern for me was that I was safe and knew what I was getting myself into, which is totally understandable.

Now that I am living on my own and able to support myself I think my mom realizes that this is a perfect career for me (no bosses, I choose my own hours, I get to travel and I make good money) and she also realizes that I love what I do and I've been happier than ever.

Also keep in mind that your mom is thinking long term and you can't really model forever, so you should have some other plan in mind, that might put your mom at ease.

Jun 14 11 07:58 am Link


Tara Tied

Posts: 1102

New York, New York, US

double post

Jun 14 11 07:59 am Link


Thom Bone

Posts: 582

Shoreline, Washington, US

Get another family.

I know this sounds crazy, but I mean it. You're an adult now (I assume)?

You should be and could be building a support group of loving supportive friends, perhaps a mate, other like-minded people, that would, could (and should) become even more important to you than your blood family... especially if they are judgmental jerks who do not accept you for who you are.

I'm not a religious person by any means, but I also want to say that that commandment is "Honor thy mother and father"... it does NOT say to kiss their behinds, or let them walk all over you. Just honor them. That doesn't mean you have to actually allow them to try to manipulate you. Also, see: … 803AAhMzR8

There is a time and a place for walking away from "blood" family when they are being way out of line. One is when they do not honor YOU. Sometimes the best way to "honor" them is to simply not allow yourself to be cannon fodder for their judgmental bullcrap.

Remember, you also need to honor yourself. You have a right not to subject yourself to other peoples' bullcrap. Just because they are blood family doesn't give them the right to do this to you.

You have a right to your life. Claim it. It's yours, nobody else's. 99.9% of the problems in this world are caused by people trying to force their opinions and beliefs and values on others. Don't fall into that trap.

Yeah, they gave birth to you. But that doesn't give them the right to try to control or influence your ideas of how you choose to express yourself.

It's time now, as an adult, to build your own family. One that supports you and accepts you for who you are. Everyone else can piss off. wink

Jun 14 11 08:07 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Cherrystone wrote:

Here let me help.

No 24 yr old person needs to explain shit to their mother why they do or don't do something, particularly when being badgered.

she shouldn't have to badger her daughter....the daughter explains ONE time the reason for her choices TRUTHFULLY...  you can't argue with people about the truth, you normally just badger when you think you aren't getting the truth.  So first step is to know truthfully why you do a certain thing and then explain the reasons.....   Family is very important, I think they are worth at least the truth and then let them deal with that as they can.....listen to their reasons that they think it's a bad idea.  Dialog with them, don't just shut them down, thats not communicating and why not listen to the people that know you better then anyone?

Jun 15 11 10:01 am Link


C G Photography

Posts: 150

Ukiah, California, US

I have 4 kids, 3 grown and out on their own and while I may voice my opinion of something they do I tell them what I think and it's up to them as to what they do and they can listen or not they are adults and I would never badger or belittle them and will always be there.

Jun 15 11 06:48 pm Link