Forums > General Industry > judgmental disapproving family?



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Robert Lynch wrote:
What, exactly, is he deeply worried about and why?  What is it about the possibility of you doing glamour work that troubles him so much?

well considering his mother had an affair and his ex cheated on him...he's worried that should i enter a competition like the one i mentioned previously, i'd be trying to publicise myself for votes or something for example, and would cheat on him. also i put all of my modelling pictures on my facebook and he doesn't want assholes and people like my exes 'doing' anything with them..i'm HIS girlfriend, and to be honest i don't particularly want anyone perving over me either! so i try and keep my modelling as fresh, clean and pure as possible

Jun 11 11 04:18 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Kate Q wrote:
maybe all these things i'm doing are terrible mistakes! but they are mine to make

i've learnt before, but if i don't make these mistakes i'll never learn...i wanna live!

Jun 11 11 04:19 pm Link


Nico Simon Princely

Posts: 1972

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I've never seen such FILTH! ;o)

I have found that Families especially mothers are the #1 cause of problems and stress inmost people lives. That's certainly been the case in mine. Parents push their children away...but trying to judge them and control them.

He a rule I have always followed.

Consider the source of the advice, do they have the life you want or the results in the area of life were that the advice is being given about? If not don't listen.

Few people have parents that are worth listening to. If you do then you're lucky.

Nice port by the way.

Jun 11 11 04:35 pm Link


Raven Photography

Posts: 2547

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Tiffany Crystal wrote:
edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

My family is very very VERY conservative. I only really talk to my mom so she is the one expressing her disgust with the "porn" I create. Please look at my portfolio. I shoot glamour-not porn-and rarely nudes.

I LOVE what I do, I am very happy in my career and personal life. I am young and enjoying it. I do love my family but am extremely annoyed by this constant overbearing critique.

I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

Having been through your portfolio I can't see any porn just sensual shots of you showing off your sexy body. Your family is going overboard.

Jun 11 11 04:42 pm Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kate Q wrote:
well considering his mother had an affair and his ex cheated on him...he's worried that should i enter a competition like the one i mentioned previously, i'd be trying to publicise myself for votes or something for example, and would cheat on him. also i put all of my modelling pictures on my facebook and he doesn't want assholes and people like my exes 'doing' anything with them..i'm HIS girlfriend, and to be honest i don't particularly want anyone perving over me either! so i try and keep my modelling as fresh, clean and pure as possible

Some day, when you are working as a counselor, come back and read what you just wrote.  There are giant red flags.

In the mean time, best of luck to you with modeling, your career and your boyfriend.  May you find happiness wherever you look for it.  smile

Jun 11 11 05:20 pm Link


Tiffany Crystal

Posts: 208

Los Angeles, California, US

Nico Simon Princely wrote:
I've never seen such FILTH! ;o)

I have found that Families especially mothers are the #1 cause of problems and stress inmost people lives. That's certainly been the case in mine. Parents push their children away...but trying to judge them and control them.

He a rule I have always followed.

Consider the source of the advice, do they have the life you want or the results in the area of life were that the advice is being given about? If not don't listen.

Few people have parents that are worth listening to. If you do then you're lucky.

Nice port by the way.

I know I am a naughty naughty girl smile But thank you for the compliment. And for the advice. My mother's life is nothing like mine or what I want. Thanks for pointing that out smile

Jun 11 11 05:30 pm Link


paul hart

Posts: 115

Murwillumbah, New South Wales, Australia

What you are experiencing from your family is conditional love and ignorance.

Conditional because they are in effect saying they will love you but only if you jump through their hoops, fit their morals clauses - are they perfect, what if their morals / behaviour have been warped by their upbringing??

In stead they should be saying, I love you, although I don't agree with what you are doing I will support you in what you do (if it is not illegal and hurts no one else.) That part in parenthesis is also  a conditional statement but is for humanity benefit rather than a personal one.

Ignorance - google (images) Michaelangelo nudes  and nudes in art . Has your mother seen the movie Titanic ? What did she think of the "porn nude" scene there "

Does she watch any movies more modern then Ma and Pa Kettle where the intimation of sex was that the two would het into a double bed fully clothed.

I have had at least two models that modelled nude without their mothers knowing.
Eventually one  found out and had a big argument with her 23 year old daughter, another (30) told her mum and she did not approve. A year later They are back talking with their mothers but just ignore that aspect of the daughter's modelling.

Is your mother's reaction religiously motivated, fear of what the neighbours will think, fear for what might happen to you, or just an outright interfering and controlling attitude?

Jun 11 11 05:45 pm Link



Posts: 32780

Detroit, Michigan, US

Crystal Perido wrote:
The line between glamour nude and porn is thin

Oh bullshit. Keep trolling will ya?

Jun 11 11 07:29 pm Link



Posts: 32780

Detroit, Michigan, US

And to the OP- it's hard for me to relate, my family is liberal and I almost never have any dealings with repressed, conservative types. Thank God...that's best for all involved.

The adults in my family and my friends have seen my work and we don't judge each other. I couldn't handle being around people who did.

Jun 11 11 07:33 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Jeff Fiore wrote:
Well I'm a perv who exploits women, shoot porn and have sex with young model whores. Well, at least that is what some of my family thinks.

Yep, I ignore them too.

Yeah, knowing what some of them think (or say) about the models ... I'm sure that they think that of me too.  They just don't have the nerve to say it!  It's funny that it seems more like it's the men in my family that don't get it.  I think they are jealous!

My mom is understanding and loves the women I introduce to her!  She says that when she was in high school, that she liked wearing make up but some kids would tease her calling her a "painted lady" or a "hooker!"   I don't like using Photo Shop so sometimes the make up is a bit heavy.

Jun 11 11 07:48 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:

i want to come to your shoots!!! hanging out with a bunch of prostitutes, sounds fun! score for you smile

Tiffany, I've got you on my "favorites" list!  I've been to Florida, but it seems you might be coming out to the Bay Area, California!   Would love to have you at a shoot ... in front of the camera!

Jun 11 11 07:50 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I spent most of my life not having a "real job" and leading a life debauchery according to my late mom.....

One day I told her..."how would you know what 'good' is if you don't have 'bad' to compare it too?"......made her stop and think...and stop bugging me!

She did outgrow that old notion after seeing some of the checks I was pulling down not having "a real job"....and we became best of friends.

hang on to will miss her greatly when she is gone....I miss mine everyday!

I've gone through life doing things I enjoy and will work hard at for a little money rather than working hard at something I hate but would make lots of money doing.  My mom is actually the most understanding person in my family because her dad (my grandpa) was a photographer on an Indian reservation in the early 1900's.

The men in my family (my brothers) are macho, nose to the grind stone, blue collar, physical labor type of men.   They might partake in some music or arts, but it's just a hobby!   "Real men don't make a living playing sports, acting, doing any of the arts, and especially performing music!"  "That's not men's work!"   Those are the things I'd hear.  Yet .. for "Fun!"  I work around the ranch driving tractor or getting up on the barn roof to make repairs, and I sure as hell am the best auto mechanic in my family!  That is not stuff I want to make my living doing though!

The women in my family enjoy that I'm a photographer.  Not many "religious" types or conservatives ... just a few in my family are that way.  I just sort of ignore them, let them preach, and be done with it!  You are absolutely right on about enjoying ones parents while they are alive!  No one lives forever!

Jun 11 11 08:38 pm Link


Stan Goldstein

Posts: 407

New York, New York, US

Marianne Michaela wrote:

dump him.

Yup!  Unless you intend to stop modeling it will always be a serious point of contention. There is no way that the two of you can both be at peace on the issue.

Jun 11 11 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 15867

New York, New York, US

PORN: penetration

SOFTCORE PORN: implied penetration

I didn't see any of that

Jun 11 11 09:10 pm Link



Posts: 10390

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

just ignore it, problem solved.

probably not very simple as is but really, tune her out when she harps about it. don't respond to it, talk about something else every time.

Jun 11 11 09:11 pm Link

Digital Artist

Visitant Imaging

Posts: 189

College Station, Texas, US


My step-father (former photographer) has supported me unconditionally and without hesitation. What I've done the last six months would have been so much harder without him to talk to and get advice from.

Well, my brother and sister-in-law think that I'm going to hell for not being in church every Sunday. (They also think Mom is going to hell for the same reason and bro has the balls to say that, to his mother.) They do NOT approve of my latest works based on nude women. If they knew about the photo shoot today, they'd flip out. At this rate I expect to be shut out of the lives of my niece and nephew for being a "bad influence."

It has been a 6 month long fight, but my sister and mother are accepting, if not approving of, my choices.

My 87-year-old Grandmother doesn't know. She loves me to death and is so proud of what I've done academically. She'd never understand this and never look at me the same way again if she knew. So, I'm hiding it from her and I'll probably never tell her about any of it.

Jun 11 11 09:14 pm Link


Art Silva

Posts: 10064

Santa Barbara, California, US

If they don't like it they can eat it, I'd just move on... I did and i don't care WHO they are.
It's my life, not theirs... life's too short to do what other people want you to do.

Jun 11 11 09:20 pm Link


Russell Perkins

Posts: 385

Dallas, Texas, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:
edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

My family is very very VERY conservative. I only really talk to my mom so she is the one expressing her disgust with the "porn" I create. Please look at my portfolio. I shoot glamour-not porn-and rarely nudes.

I LOVE what I do, I am very happy in my career and personal life. I am young and enjoying it. I do love my family but am extremely annoyed by this constant overbearing critique.

I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

This is an issue that A LOT of folks in our industry deal with.  Whether it's our family, boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife, or BFF, most of the folks on this site will raise their hand if you were to ask "how many of you deal with this?"  and tell you their stories.  It's a tough situation to be in because as artists, we are passionate about the photos we create and would love nothing more than to have those very people in our lives be supportive and involve themselves with us in some capacity.  On the other hand, those very people are our other passion in life, so their happiness is paramount to us as well.

I too was raised in a conservative / Christian family.  I love my family and I love my faith.  I remember when I took my first figure drawing class in soon as the model disrobed, I immediately averted my eyes simply because of the way I was raised.  The idea of a stranger nude in front of me was shocking until one day, I had an epiphany; I was consumed with the "woah - there's a naked person in the room with me" from a socially acceptable standpoint, when I should be consumed with the "how can I emulate what I see into my work?" from an artistic standpoint.  From then on, I was 100% focused on being concerned with my lighting, shading, greyscale, materials, composition, rendering, etc.

I think that mediation is crucial for both us as creatives and everyone else in our lives.  At times, we as creatives can get so caught up in our work that we can forget how it can impact or marginalize our relationships with folks who we care about most - and that's not all.  By engaging in this type of work, it will also impact you on a professional level in terms of future employment if you so decide to get a "day job" that exists outside of modeling.  I know this from personal experience as well as heard it from fellow professional friends who have told me similar stories.  On the flip side, everyone else acts hypocritical in their judgement of your work.  For example, a lot of those same people who criticize us for our work subscribe to the Victoria's Secret catalogue.  I've had debates on this subject with a VS catalogue sitting on their coffee table in plain view and have asked them "so let me get this straight - you object to me taking sexy photos of models in lingerie or implied nudes because of reason X, Y, & Z - yet you subscribe to VS magazine and have no problem with your boyfriend / husband also viewing them and making comments about the girls?" and their response is always the same: "that's different - it's a catalogue with well known models and they're selling a product", to which I reply: "oh so it's considered 'socially acceptable' to subscribe to a magazine that contains photos depicting the exact same content as what I produce, but because they're a large, well known commercial entity that sells lingerie, it's deemed ok."  Now granted, this particular debate caters more to me since I enjoy emulating that style into my work, but we've all had similar cases.  Society fascinates me with these displays of dichotomy - ruling out judgements while justifying their own version of it, but I digress...

I guess the best advise I can give you, is stay true to yourself, but also remember that modeling isn't the end all / be all - there's much more that life has to offer and making certain compromises to ensure that you have a happy & bright future with those you love in the long term surely outweighs the short term self-fulfilling endeavors.  smile


Jun 11 11 09:57 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

welcome to the club! my mom and sister think i shoot porn. for a lot of people i think if there's a lady part showing it's porn.

Jun 11 11 10:07 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

We are born naked.  Nudity is natural.  Religion is man made.  So are the clothes we wear.  Sex has more to do with the brain than what you are or are not wearing.

There are too many more important things in life than to worry about what other think.   Yes, even if it is family.  We only have one life to live!

Jun 11 11 10:58 pm Link


nyk fury

Posts: 2976

Port Townsend, Washington, US

it's called unsolicited critique. your mom needs to spend some time in the brig.

Jun 11 11 11:06 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:
edit: this is just a bored, curious about other peoples experiences thread.

My family is very very VERY conservative. I only really talk to my mom so she is the one expressing her disgust with the "porn" I create. Please look at my portfolio. I shoot glamour-not porn-and rarely nudes.

I LOVE what I do, I am very happy in my career and personal life. I am young and enjoying it. I do love my family but am extremely annoyed by this constant overbearing critique.

I am not going to change ANYTHING about my life.

You need to ask yourself why you are doing the type of shoots you're doing... because you should be able to explain it to your mother...  You could ignore her but she is your mother and explaining why you do what you do shouldn't be that hard, if you know yourself and what the reasons are. 

What you shoot doesn't look like porn to me but I can't view most of your photos without "Toggle Worksafe Mode off" and thats an indication that you go over the G rating.

Your mother knows that there are reasons why people shoot nudes, implied, glamor, whatever you want to call it...  and the reasons are pretty simple

1) for the money  (and if you're not making good money I wouldn't kid myself or try to kid my mother that this was the reason, If you are really making good money you will be living like you are without any debt)

2) You have a need for attention... True for many people, nothing to be ashamed of you just need to find out why and admit it... more for yourself then your mother

3) you just think the human form is beautiful and you want to beautify the world... Good try, not going to work with your mother...shes a woman and if shes you're mother shes at least 40 years old I would assume? shes not going to buy that.

the bottom line is, you need to know why you enjoy this kind of work and explain it to others because people in your life do deserve to know why something is important to you....this is part of having a good relationship with  others...its letting them in on the things that are important to you and why. 

keeping something private implies that you don't feel good about it, that adds to the suspicion your mother may have about what you're doing and why you're doing it...

Just be honest, tell everyone important to you what and why you do what you will liberate you and all they can do is be honest about why they don't think you should do it... I would listen with respect and openly discuss their concerns. You are both adults.

Jun 11 11 11:12 pm Link


Timothy Nantz

Posts: 483

Thomasville, North Carolina, US

nyk fury wrote:
it's called unsolicited critique. your mom needs to spend some time in the brig.

Jun 11 11 11:14 pm Link


Swank Photography

Posts: 19020

Key West, Florida, US

Tiffany Crystal wrote:

I actually am not very close to any of my family, and don't tell them anything. But just like when I was 13 and my mom said my "diary accidently fell open" she somehow finds things out. which is fine, i am proud of my work. and yes it it sexy, i LOVE being sexual. I just didn't know how to deal with her reaction. I have just been ignoring it.

Tiffany, your work is simply incredible. I've had the honor of meeting you and working with you.

Lady, with how you handled yourself during our shoot and the images you have every reason to be extremely proud of yourself.

Being confident within yourself (inside and outside) is the main key to being sexy.

You, Tiffany have these qualities.

I applaud you

Jun 11 11 11:20 pm Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Robert Lynch wrote:

Some day, when you are working as a counselor, come back and read what you just wrote.  There are giant red flags.

In the mean time, best of luck to you with modeling, your career and your boyfriend.  May you find happiness wherever you look for it.  smile

i'm sorry i just don't understand how it's so wrong, if the problem's barely even there..if a married model came on here and said her husband was concerned, no one would tell her to divorce him. i guess i'm just a bit hurt at the cynical attitudes

Jun 11 11 11:40 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Swank Photography wrote:

Tiffany, your work is simply incredible. I've had the honor of meeting you and working with you.

Lady, with how you handled yourself during our shoot and the images you have every reason to be extremely proud of yourself.

Being confident within yourself (inside and outside) is the main key to being sexy.

You, Tiffany have these qualities.
I applaud you

Jun 12 11 12:42 am Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45292

San Juan Bautista, California, US

Kate Q wrote:

i'm sorry i just don't understand how it's so wrong, if the problem's barely even there..if a married model came on here and said her husband was concerned, no one would tell her to divorce him. i guess i'm just a bit hurt at the cynical attitudes

A problem that is "barely there" will become magnified once you're married.  Some of us have no problem with nudity, and some of us do.   Insecurity doesn't just go away!   I'm sorry, but most people are cynical for a reason.  They don't know you, so don't take it personally.  Best wishes to you and your boyfrind!

Jun 12 11 12:52 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Robert Lynch wrote:
This thread might be helpful to you:

One of the best MM threads EVER.

Jun 12 11 12:54 am Link


Image K

Posts: 23400

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Mary wrote:

You need to ask yourself why you are doing the type of shoots you're doing... because you should be able to explain it to your mother...  You could ignore her but she is your mother and explaining why you do what you do shouldn't be that hard, if you know yourself and what the reasons are. 

What you shoot doesn't look like porn to me but I can't view most of your photos without "Toggle Worksafe Mode off" and thats an indication that you go over the G rating.

Your mother knows that there are reasons why people shoot nudes, implied, glamor, whatever you want to call it...  and the reasons are pretty simple

1) for the money  (and if you're not making good money I wouldn't kid myself or try to kid my mother that this was the reason, If you are really making good money you will be living like you are without any debt)

2) You have a need for attention... True for many people, nothing to be ashamed of you just need to find out why and admit it... more for yourself then your mother

3) you just think the human form is beautiful and you want to beautify the world... Good try, not going to work with your mother...shes a woman and if shes you're mother shes at least 40 years old I would assume? shes not going to buy that.

the bottom line is, you need to know why you enjoy this kind of work and explain it to others because people in your life do deserve to know why something is important to you....this is part of having a good relationship with  others...its letting them in on the things that are important to you and why. 

keeping something private implies that you don't feel good about it, that adds to the suspicion your mother may have about what you're doing and why you're doing it...

Just be honest, tell everyone important to you what and why you do what you will liberate you and all they can do is be honest about why they don't think you should do it... I would listen with respect and openly discuss their concerns. You are both adults.

This post is so foolish, I'm not sure where to begin...

Jun 12 11 12:59 am Link


Anna Adrielle

Posts: 18763

Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium

Kate Q wrote:

of course it isn't, it is clearly the opinion of someone DEEPLY worried. i know my boyfriend, he doesn't actually mean that lingerie/glamour = porn (you should see some of the stuff he used to watch..), when he says something to that effect, it's to try and put me off doing it. which he has no reason to because as i said before and as i have stated in my profile, i am NOT going to delve into those styles. i'm not going to lie, if he were to go and do something like....i don't know let's say for argument's sake weed, i'd list every possible negative thing about it in order to prevent him from doing it. i know deep down he'd never touch the stuff, but that won't stop me from still describing it in a very negative way if ever it comes up in conversation.
the way i see it is...for a fair amount of glamour/nude/whatever models, there are probably boyfriends/husbands/kids/families cringing. or worrying. whatever. there will always be someone there to disagree with your work, whether it's your 'possessive' boyfriend or that photographer on MM that thinks the lighting was pretty shit on that photo. it is not realistic to believe that there are no jealous or worried partners of models out there. perhaps you have had previous experiences or encounters of this nature, good for you. and perhaps i am making a mistake by not ending it with my boyfriend. maybe i shouldn't have even tried to start modelling, maybe all these things i'm doing are terrible mistakes! but they are mine to make. i'm sorry, but i just don't respond too well to people bluntly telling me to end the relationship with the guy who first got me to start modelling, thus helping to build what little self-esteem i had.

do you think you are the first model with a boyfriend like this? how many times do you think it has ended well? (also, comparing a boyfriend to some random photographer is kind of silly).

I say this from woman to woman: do not let your selfesteem be dependant on a guy. you basically say that he built your confidence, well, that also means he can take it away any second. do not give him that kind of power...

you are beautiful, there is no reason to believe you are not. if he loves you, he shouldn't bitch about how dangerous it is all the tie and try to scare you off doing things. he should be your biggest supporter. if he doesn't want you to do things, he should talk to you about it like an adult and you should find a solution together.

But the way you are explaining it now really sounds like a bullshit situation...

Jun 12 11 05:16 am Link


Robert Lynch

Posts: 2550

Bowie, Maryland, US

Kate Q wrote:
i'm sorry i just don't understand how it's so wrong, if the problem's barely even there..

That statement does not go with this one:

Kate Q wrote:
of course it isn't, it is clearly the opinion of someone DEEPLY worried.

Which is it?

Kate Q wrote:
a married model came on here and said her husband was concerned, no one would tell her to divorce him. i guess i'm just a bit hurt at the cynical attitudes

Yes, they would and have.  The issues here have absolutely nothing to with modeling or photography.  They are about a relationship where the insecurity of one person is causing them to attempt to control the life of the other person.  That rarely ends well.  Either he trusts you or he doesn't, but unless you have provided some legitimate reason to suspect your fidelity, you shouldn't be making excuses for his behavior towards you.  The issue won't go away just because you stop modeling.  Anything that you do that he feels will attract too much of the "wrong type" of attention to you will become an issue.

Going back and rereading your posts, I noticed this troubling statement:

Kate Q wrote:
he's not controlling at all, he's never actually TOLD me to do anything.

As if that were the only way to control someone, particularly someone who admits to having a lack of self confidence.

The cynical attitudes that you find hurtful are the result of years more experience at relationships than you have.  As I pointed out before, not a single person who has responded to you in this thread has done so with a positive outlook for your relationship.

Jun 12 11 06:29 am Link


Miss Leilani Jade

Posts: 2513

Decatur, Alabama, US

Im thinking Katie Q should start a thread and she can get lots of advice there lol  the OP's subject is going going gone(:

Jun 12 11 07:07 am Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Robert Lynch wrote:

Kate Q wrote:
i'm sorry i just don't understand how it's so wrong, if the problem's barely even there..

That statement does not go with this one:

Kate Q wrote:
of course it isn't, it is clearly the opinion of someone DEEPLY worried.

Which is it?
the problem isn't there because i DO NOT and WILL NOT do glamour modelling, he is just worried that i WILL. he's concerned that there will be a problem if i did. okay?

Kate Q wrote:
a married model came on here and said her husband was concerned, no one would tell her to divorce him. i guess i'm just a bit hurt at the cynical attitudes

Yes, they would and have.  The issues here have absolutely nothing to with modeling or photography.  They are about a relationship where the insecurity of one person is causing them to attempt to control the life of the other person.  That rarely ends well.  Either he trusts you or he doesn't, but unless you have provided some legitimate reason to suspect your fidelity, you shouldn't be making excuses for his behavior towards you.  The issue won't go away just because you stop modeling.  Anything that you do that he feels will attract too much of the "wrong type" of attention to you will become an issue.

i've been reading the forums for a long time and i haven't seen it. but still, even if a married model were to say that, isn't that a dramatic thing to advise? that she divorce her worried husband? and as i have said before my boyfriend loves that i model and loves coming to shoots with me. to be fair he started modelling with his dick out i'd be the first to complain, so i'm not bothered at all that he wouldn't want me to do the same with my boobs or whatever.
i know he trusts me because there are so many other parts of my life where he could be jealous, but isn't. i regularly go clubbing, with my group of guy friends. they're all straight and mostly single. my boyfriend doesn't come. and i've never heard him complain, does that sound jealous or controlling?
i'm sorry but i just don't like when someone on the internet's tried telling me things that 'will' happen to me, as if they know me and my life more than i do. i shall tell you first when the relationship ends and i am in the priory as a result of a jealous/controlling/possessive/whatever you think he is that'll cause my life to turn so shit.

Going back and rereading your posts, I noticed this troubling statement:

As if that were the only way to control someone, particularly someone who admits to having a lack of self confidence.

The cynical attitudes that you find hurtful are the result of years more experience at relationships than you have.  As I pointed out before, not a single person who has responded to you in this thread has done so with a positive outlook for your relationship.

okay, let me re-phrase.
he's not actually told me to do anything through our entire relationship
we have strong trust between us
if i want to do something, like model for example, as long as it's making me happy he encourages me. i don't know what glamour or nude modelling is regarded like in your area/age group/culture, but for a girl who's just turned 18, is still in college and living in a fairly quiet area, it's hard to do. most of the girls who try it in my age group or area, don't really see a postitive outcome. people in my area would regard them as common or a slut. that isn't to say that i feel that same way, i think most of the time it takes balls. but either way a bad reputation is usually the outcome. i could name a few models from here who've had that happen, who are on this site that i know fairly well. that's just the way it happens. at the end of the day, my dad would probably have the exact same reaction as him. i don't think he'd want to see his little girl topless modelling. he LOVES all the modelling that i do otherwise, and is always trying to help me by taking me to agencies or shoots or whatever. but no one would tell me to ditch my dad! as i said before and you agreed with, if modelling/being with my boyfriend is a mistake i WILL learn. if it's not then we'll all have a very merry christmas. but to be fair there's a lot worse things that could happen than the worse case scenario - me not glamour modelling, us splitting up, me maybe ending up glamour modelling or not anyway - it doesn't seem like a big deal. i've had a few awful relationships before, a million times worse than this. they didn't last obviously. if it's meant to be it'll be, if it's not it won't. but what you older people must understand, is that imperative responses like 'dump him' and telling me i'll have lots of problems are NOT what i, or any other 18 year old model wants to hear. it sounds like you're trying to sound like you've seen it all, and like if you were really trying to be helpful, you'd be sensitive and understand that saying that will upset a person. i'd appreciate and listen to your replies much more if they were something like 'okay, but just don't let him choose which modelling you do as it is YOUR project. don't let it become a problem.'

Jun 12 11 07:20 am Link


I M N Photography

Posts: 2350

Boston, Massachusetts, US

As a parent she has a right to disapprove.
As an adult, you have a right to disagree.
End of argument.

Obviously it bothers you to be in this situation, but there really is nothing you can do about it, other than try to be as successful as possible in this, or any other endeavors.

Jun 12 11 07:42 am Link



Posts: 32780

Detroit, Michigan, US

Lil Miss Jade wrote:
Im thinking Katie Q should start a thread and she can get lots of advice there lol  the OP's subject is going going gone(:

She's 18 years old and knows it all about adult relationships. roll

Jun 12 11 07:43 am Link



Posts: 159

Plymouth, England, United Kingdom

Lumigraphics wrote:

She's 18 years old and knows it all about adult relationships. roll

although i'm 18 and that's classed as an adult in my country, i don't actually think i know it all...i'm still in full time education, i just think i have a right to defend myself if i feel i'm being told off or dictated to!

Jun 12 11 07:44 am Link


I M N Photography

Posts: 2350

Boston, Massachusetts, US

FKVPhotoGraphics wrote:
I spent most of my life not having a "real job" and leading a life debauchery according to my late mom.....

One day I told her..."how would you know what 'good' is if you don't have 'bad' to compare it too?"......made her stop and think...and stop bugging me!

She did outgrow that old notion after seeing some of the checks I was pulling down not having "a real job"....and we became best of friends.

hang on to will miss her greatly when she is gone....I miss mine everyday!


In some cases financial success is not as important to a parent as seeing that their children are happy, and that their actions won't affect their future careers or relationships.

This is one of those situations where you don't understand how a parent feels, until you are in their shoes.  It's really one of those situations where hypotheticals seem very obvious, but you have to experience it.  Having a pet is just not the same thing.

Jun 12 11 07:51 am Link



Posts: 113

Waynesville, North Carolina, US

My wife is very supportive. My mom shows a bit of hesitation in my deciding to shoot 'pretty girls' because she thinks it will make my wife jealous. But, it doesn't, and I'm trustworthy, soooo....

Jun 12 11 07:52 am Link



Posts: 113

Waynesville, North Carolina, US

Extreme Body Art wrote:

In regards to the bolded statement...

What do you think modeling is?

Clothed/Lingerie/Nude/Swim/Pick your poison...

Men (or women) will look at ANY image you create and "oodle" over it...
Nudes really have nothing to do with it, If a man finds a woman a "sexual" being, he is going to look at it as such, clothed... or nude.

I don't understand why models think it's OK to be seen as sexual clothed, but not nude... I will never understand that.

Completely agreed. It's all up to the model's discretion how far he or she wishes to go.

Jun 12 11 07:56 am Link


I M N Photography

Posts: 2350

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Is it me, or do I get the feeling that this thread is being hijacked?

Jun 12 11 08:03 am Link