Forums > Critique > I will assess your portfolio's dollar value


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Emma Karchner wrote:
it'll be nice to hear an opinion, so what's yours? … 2#29132722 18+

There is the hint of fashion in this and considering that it appears the same photographer shot your portfolio, this shot is more a tribute even to your modelling ability than his camera skills. In other shots, one with flying hair your right eye is like a black hole. 

You don't have posing down yet. In an outdoor shot, your legs are angled so that they look short and you may be leggy but it's hard to tell.

In nude and glamour you'll really bank. Great face, great body. You have really have a goldmine but with the limited lease that is given you by the world of flesh.

For, in reality you're are the decaying angel and each year time will strip a bit of the loveliness away. Fortunately, you have a universe of it, right now. Youth doesn't last long. Move quickly. I didn't say fashion but who knows. You're on the border of something fantastic and you should plow full steam ahead. Take every shot seriously and you may build something immortal. Put in more shots like the one I linked to, and you'll be beautifully dangerous in a couple of months.

$65,000 per year--You-look-good-even-when-you're-stupid-award. Modelling agencies wouldn't look at you and you felt intimidated by what seemed an armada of beauty launched against you as you desperately navigated to land modelling jobs. You thought about being a stripper but then realised that you could become a glamour/nude model with a fashion edge. After after two years--$150,000  a year and you score bike magazine and car magazine covers and it's a living, right?

Jul 16 12 09:02 pm Link


Jillian Monica

Posts: 275

Kingston, Pennsylvania, US

Thank you so much for putting so much thought into your answers. I (and I'm sure others ) really appreciate. You really gave me some things to think about.  This was very helpful to me. : )

LA StarShooter wrote:

You're interested in fetish, glamour, and your portfolio trends more towards art nudes in its best moments.  I found the exhibititon of yourself neither bad nor good.

I don't think fashion will open its doors for you, not that you need it to do so.

One of the most important things when you step into the arena of modelling and no one is opening doors for you, is to know who you are and what is that you want. You've been involved in promotions? It's important to build bridges to you and thus you need a website. You can start off with something cheap it will still look good. 

You must promote yourself. Your business strategy should revolve around making photographers aware of your availability. You can travel the country. Your portfolio doesn't sing. You haven't really deeply considered how to pose and achieve iconic moments. If you body is to the object of art then you must consider yourself to be the artist of poses and expressions.

You could make a lot of money but that portfolio needs really great images. You need to know your angles and thus I do see commitment but I don't see excelllence.

Of course, you could blame the photographers but who choose who?

If you decide to go fetish and glamour do it with style and get a great wardrobe. Most photographers who will pay you can't budget even for MUA. Make sure you bring a makeup kit, a mirror, hairspray, the whole thing so you can rock the camera.

If you really want to bank, study the queens of art nudes, some are on this site. Look at glamour, and even fashion to draw from those areas of modelling that will make you standout. It's quite a commitment to be a nude model and you are very brave.

What would happen if you came to L.A.?

$5000 Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can pick up a  some art nude work but the big money will elude you until you really devote yourself to becoming great.

I think you can do much better than what I saw.

Jul 16 12 09:06 pm Link



Posts: 2

Columbus, Ohio, US

I gotta have your opinion!
Not that I am interested in moving to California ( I love LA, and San Diego is probably the best city to live in, not too mention my many friends in California, but Ohio is a good place for now)

Jul 16 12 09:13 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Abby Hawkins wrote:
Haha sounds good!

Ahh, a professional. There's the comp card. Yes. You're now a teacher. You model on weekends. There are outstanding moments in the portfolio and one is transported to the magic of runway in one shot, and, in others you really sell fashion.

You're tall and that is partly why you have that comp card and have an agency and have actuallly done a few things. But not that much. You were never red hot and you have some shots where it appears that the photographers were jealous of your tallness and cut you down to size, making your legs look short. Yes, that will teach you for being tall.

Overall, you can still charge photographers because you are more than a professional model. You have done some ads, etc. You can pose, and all you need is a photographer who sees the beauty and you can conquer. I like your face and you express well.

L.A. is not nice to teachers. It lays them off because here the goal is to increase homelessness. Here you would feel like you were leagues under the sea and were being crushed by the pressure of competition. But you have a look and if you could hone it, if you could dominate the posing area and found photographers who like tall women, you could do it part-time and pick up work with photographers without taking your clothes off.

Totally-modelling-now-award. They fired you from your teaching job because you made short students feel shorter and then they had the audacity to say that students who spoke English as their second language couldn't relate to you and some students got a neck ache from looking up at you, as if you were a disconcerting giraffe.

You realised that you could be a model full-time but no agency in L.A. agreed. They wouldn't answer your emails and you couldn't get in. So you pretended to be a pizza deliverer and then they called the police. Tough. You found a stupid little agency full of pretentious losers eager to sign you. You didn't realise that they had a list of dwarves and really marketed to movies. You got a bit part, a walk on and they expanded a little bit and even gave you two lines. That convinced everyone that you weren't an actress. But now you had a real and you smoked it. And then you got a commericial/print for a clothing line that only had six weeks of capital left. They didn't go under and people said it was the girl who saved the ship from sinking.

You picked  up lots of work with photographers. You really upped your posing game. And thus you carved out a little niche in this shaky place.

Teacher! That's like Babe Ruth becoming a bartender. Benvenuto Cellini taking up chimney sweeping. Absurd!

Jul 16 12 09:26 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Square Pixel LLC wrote:
I would love to know if your still going at this point smile

You list photovogue as a credit? Come on. It's VOGUE, the Magazine. Photovogue is  v-o-g-u-e webbey. And those shots look not of VOGUE quality. You're internationallly. . . Where? Canada?  You're an artist? You've had some nice gear. Not one photo lifted me into orbit and I had my Neil Armstrong astronaut tribute suit on. Oxygen tank and everything and I also built the rocket ship. I cried: "Houston," and Houston reported back: "Abort launch. Photovogue, as in faux vogue."

Noticed that I didn't say you were bad or that models were wasting their time or you don't know how to shoot. I think you can only do so much with violins and stuffed deer heads though. And at times it is bad vogue, the outake shots where the model tosses her cape out to the wind and the silk ruffles beautifully but the model looks away and the camera guy has the exposure and shutter speed wrong. And then some crazed post guy puts a layer of scrim over it and then tries to work while on acid.

You put a lot of effort into post. I think you could do fashion. I saw shots that said that to me although in post you attacked your work almost gleefully as if you were at war with fashion and you were going to bury it. It's been around a long time.

None of the credits sold me that you were a powerhouse artist, but I think your serious and worth working with, for many models.

If you wanted to charge models for portfolio development it would take a bit of development on your end but I think the skill set is more there than you know. Mamiya 645. Four grand of medium format and you stick either a film back or a digital back on to it. Versatile. Good choice in gear, particularly for what you like to do.

If you came to L.A.?

$10,000 Maybe you've-got-steam award. Still part-time but starting to occasionally dazzle. But can you afford new tires. The roads are tough on cars here. 

Your profile is a bit tough towards models, who want to be paid. I would consider toning that down.

Jul 16 12 09:58 pm Link


Adi Nag

Posts: 2

New York, New York, US

I'm curious!

Jul 16 12 10:19 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

cinema photography wrote:
I'm very curious, have a go at me when time allows

I was intrigued and knew a little bit about your doings having seen you receive reviews from photographers and they posted images that they liked, etc. Something like that.

Your strength is that you know what you love. Your weakness is that you don't know it well enough. I have seen photographers do Carravaggio tributes and some of them were very well done. In your Botticelli, apparently a flapper look was necessary. Botticelli's model, or inspiration, had locks of long hair and in his Birth of Venus, they are really long and lend beauty to her figure and help obscure. You cut the attendant Horeas and the figure of the wind, who is drying her with the blow of his breath, Zephyr honing in. It doesn't work. You're not a reborn Apelles here as it was said of Botticelli.

I looked at your Rage Noir and there hints of power but I think you're lighting needs some work. You have too much darkness. I thought you workr with Mosh was most successful.

At least you have passion and your tribute to the past might give you a future. I would consider continuing the rage noire but make work on the lighting so one sees a bit more of the figure and it  can be softly lit but it should smoke. After-all, the fragrance of noire was cigarette smoke mixed with bourbon.

One can be so married to one's dreams that not the harhest reality can divorce one from them. I think you are bit haunted and that can lead to beautiful ghostly images.

You're rating: $25,000. Reach-out-and-retouch-someone award.  You might get a print campaign here and there as you have retouching skills. 

The big time is just the right kind of lighting show away.

Jul 16 12 10:30 pm Link



Posts: 221

Columbia, Maryland, US

I'm already a bum, so I can only go up (right?)  If your still writin', I'm listening!

Jul 16 12 10:32 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Rebecca Loren Photo wrote:
Would love it. Thanks!

I think its worth llamas considering working with you. You don't really have llamas per se in your MM portfolio but wicked witch of a photographer that you are, you conjured up images from your wedding photographing business and cast in there to show that you shoot with a fashion flair.

You have real fashion skill. llamas should work with you. They should break into your house and they will when they realise what you can do for them and you will find them in your kitchen at night, striking poses and one will say: "Shoot me not with your gun, stupid. Get your camera. We need our portfolios done now."

They won't repair the broken window. llamas are not handy people.

You can make real people look like llamas so I think you can make llamas look like really great llamas. You can compose, light, and do it all.

You deserve more praise but I have to eat a village now rather than feed it.

$60,000 You're-almost-a-monster-now-Award.  The studio rental is eating you alive. Everything is eating you alive. You're almost very good. If you don't become great the sheriff is going to kick you out of the house. The foreclosure notice is in the mail.

Jul 16 12 10:41 pm Link


Rebecca Loren Photo

Posts: 84

Salt Lake City, Utah, US

LA StarShooter wrote:
I think its worth llamas considering working with you. You don't really have llamas per se in your MM portfolio but wicked witch of a photographer that you are, you conjured up images from your wedding photographing business and cast in there to show that you shoot with a fashion flair.

You have real fashion skill. llamas should work with you. They should break into your house and they will when they realise what you can do for them and you will find them in your kitchen at night, striking poses and one will say: "Shoot me not with your gun, stupid. Get your camera. We need our portfolios done now."

They won't repair the broken window. llamas are not handy people.

You can make real people look like llamas so I think you can make llamas look like really great llamas. You can compose, light, and do it all.

You deserve more praise but I have to eat a village now rather than feed it.

$60,000 You're-almost-a-monster-now-Award.  The studio rental is eating you alive. Everything is eating you alive. You're almost very good. If you don't become great the sheriff is going to kick you out of the house. The foreclosure notice is in the mail.

Wow - this is REALLY kind. Thank you!

Jul 16 12 10:47 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

pStudio - LA wrote:
Go ahead.

There was no website link and a claim that there were too many credits. You're a videographer and so I started wondering if some of the photos were stock as you work on other people's stuff all the time. It was the lack of credits on a lot of the photos.  One of the photos has over-processed eyes. I saw a divergence of styles. To really break out you need some hotter images, and you do have some hot, but with editorial themes like your video editing work, but more recent work and that thing about model requirements bothered me: eye colour. I have hazel-eyes. Thank you, Ma-ma.

You shot one model who appears to have ended up working escort in San Francisco and she once had an MM portfolio so you have done several shoots with her, but I'm just not sure about you.

Thank-God-you-edit-video-award. You need to bring some of that processing skill to stills. Now, sir. $45,000 because you can pick up video editing work in the real world of fantasy-land l.a.

I wondered if you were just here to socialize?

Jul 16 12 11:28 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

I will be back tomorrow night to continue.

Jul 16 12 11:29 pm Link


Cinema Photography

Posts: 4488

Boulder, Colorado, US

Thank you for a very insightful critique. I will read it again and make notes and take everything you said into account. I always appreciate reviews like this, the ones that spur growth and self reflection. You said a lot more than was typed on the page...So cheers for that.

Jul 16 12 11:43 pm Link


Krysta Karizma

Posts: 82

Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada

Hit me!

Jul 16 12 11:46 pm Link



Posts: 276

Chicago, Illinois, US

what do you think?

Jul 17 12 02:31 am Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Sarah Love Thurston wrote:
And I

Credits? Going on a shoot really isn't a credit. It should go under MMers you have worked with.

Body. The legs. Tone them. The thighs didn't rock and particularly in proportion to the calves.  For topless modelling you need a strong foundation: good legs boost your price. You may be carrying  a bit much around the middle. If so, work it off. You don't have to be a bodybuilder to do glamour and art nudes.

For nude modelling your face is fine but not special. 

To really bank you'll have to beyond topless at your current level of posing. You're not hideous in that department but one can see from your list of inspirational moments by other models that you're too much inspired by wrong angles and bad poses.

You can express but you need to know your angles and practice posing a lot. Try looking at lot of nudes of models who bank on this site. How do you know they bank? They get shot a lot. Just explore.

There's a shot of you with angel wings. It's rather hideous and made me ready to turn into Lucifer and rebel against all angels in general.

You come across as nice and if you marry that personality to better presentation you'll be a winner but I think you have to go totally nude.

$5000 Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can do this part-time and you may be doing it part-time.

You've committed. You know who you are. Now you have to be be a much better you.

Jul 17 12 06:05 am Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

MissHsu wrote:
Wondering how much i'm worth ...

You have production values in your MM portfolio and this was pleasing. Your legs. They are foreshortened a lot and they are not especially long. There was one shot that made your legs look long under the dress.

To me, that is your area of weakness. Fashion is pretty much out for you due to the height.

You could make it nude art/glamour with a fashion edge and you would be fine but you may not want to go in that direction. So, I like your eye, your art student background, but physically I don't think you're the complete package for fashion projects.   

If you didn't do nudes in L.A. what would happen?

$5000 Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can do this part-time and you may be doing it part-time.

You might pick up some commercial work for the Asian niche but you're competing against taller more leggy models and some are so excellent.

Jul 17 12 06:14 am Link


Drew Smith Photography

Posts: 5214

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

Me me me!  bunny

Jul 17 12 06:19 am Link


Francisco Castro

Posts: 2630

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

This is good. Certainly a lot better than the 1-10 rating system that's common. so go ahead. Maybe I can afford to get a cup of coffee. LOL!

LA StarShooter wrote:
My assessment will also encompass your profile and perhaps even your website in giving a portfolio dollar value via Los Angeles professional photography standards for models and photographers. 

I'll also throw in a critique of the portfolio and of some photos.

Beware: you're now about to enter the land of snakes and liars and a honesty that slices people to the bone. 

$0 You'll never make it here award. It means that your work couldn't sell in Los Angeles.
$500 Homeless-stop-begging award. It means that your work would have a tough time doing well here and you might become homeless. Come on, you're homeless, admit it.
$1000 Stop doing crack and meth. It means that you may have one really good shot in that portfolio, but, baby, you're in trouble.  Your car is about to get repossessed. See, sleeping in your car is not fun when they are towing you away. Put the pipe down!
$5000 Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can do this part-time and you may be doing it part-time. You can pick up a wedding shoot once in a while or get model work for a small boutique.
$10,000 Maybe you've-got-steam award. Still part-time but starting to occasionally dazzle. But can you award new tires. The roads are tough on cars here.
$20,000 old pro but come here and you would starve if you went full-time. Be safe, stay where mediocrity pays.
$40,000 GOOD:you're good, but we are flooded with good and how can you become great is the burning economic question.
$60,000 Photographer and model: You're-almost-a-monster-now-Award.  Also: Model GWC camera model full-time. Photographer: The studio rental is eating you alive. Everything is eating you alive. You're almost very good. If you don't become great the sheriff is going to kick you out of the house. The foreclosure notice is in the mail.  If you're a model, and you get this rating, you're probably working with a lot of GWC camera models and you have to do better than this.

$100,000 Shark alert! Oh my God, you could eat anyone alive it seems but still you're not elite. You're making the cash but for how long? You're not quite a flavour, but you're eating well for now.

$250,000 Baby, you're-a-star-award. Photographer: There are sharks all around you. They want what you have got, that luminous glow, that spark, and they want to steal your gear and have you teach them for free how to use it. Model: Bank, baby, bank. You're talented, extraordinary. And in two years it could be over.

I'm going out to shoot a location for research. When I get back I'll give out these wonderful loving awards. Welcome to the Jungle.

Jul 17 12 06:19 am Link


Emma K

Posts: 5

Berwick, Pennsylvania, US

thank you for your critique. I'll be sure to work on what you mentioned! … 2#29132722 18+

There is the hint of fashion in this and considering that it appears the same photographer shot your portfolio, this shot is more a tribute even to your modelling ability than his camera skills. In other shots, one with flying hair your right eye is like a black hole. 

You don't have posing down yet. In an outdoor shot, your legs are angled so that they look short and you may be leggy but it's hard to tell.

In nude and glamour you'll really bank. Great face, great body. You have really have a goldmine but with the limited lease that is given you by the world of flesh.

For, in reality you're are the decaying angel and each year time will strip a bit of the loveliness away. Fortunately, you have a universe of it, right now. Youth doesn't last long. Move quickly. I didn't say fashion but who knows. You're on the border of something fantastic and you should plow full steam ahead. Take every shot seriously and you may build something immortal. Put in more shots like the one I linked to, and you'll be beautifully dangerous in a couple of months.

$65,000 per year--You-look-good-even-when-you're-stupid-award. Modelling agencies wouldn't look at you and you felt intimidated by what seemed an armada of beauty launched against you as you desperately navigated to land modelling jobs. You thought about being a stripper but then realised that you could become a glamour/nude model with a fashion edge. After after two years--$150,000  a year and you score bike magazine and car magazine covers and it's a living, right?

Jul 17 12 07:53 am Link


Joseph Moran

Posts: 214

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US


Jul 17 12 07:55 am Link


Inactive K

Posts: 803

Pago Pago, American Samoa, American Samoa

would love your assessment. About to spruce up the port with a few more shoots in the next month or so, so any advice is good advice. So far I'm a hobbyist/part-timer but wouldn't mind being able to make money at some point if I could.
Thanks! This thread is unique, I love the idea. smile

Jul 17 12 02:02 pm Link



Posts: 2

Columbus, Ohio, US

Still waiting for my assesment smile
It's got to be something good smile
At least my desire to be great, if nothing else smile

Jul 17 12 05:51 pm Link


Dierra Janae

Posts: 1

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Please! You learn from those who are successful not from those who are not! So lets here it!

Jul 17 12 05:55 pm Link


Jeff Cohn

Posts: 3850

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

This sounds fun.

Jul 17 12 05:59 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Francis Vazquez wrote:
Super curious...

I think you should list which agencies have approved of you and what publishing credits you have. In L.A. people here are very knowledgeable about credits.

You MM portfolio has good moments but isn't quite a persuasive parade to me. Your website is lovely. You boldly proclaim yourself a cinematographer, a Director, and Art Director, and you shoot tests for models and it looked like one or two of them had failed or you had failed. I'm not saying its bad. There are moments of beauty in there.  I quite the look of your short clips. You show one shoot of your Art Directing and then I transformed, into a believer?  I felt my fangs descending as I looked at the IMDB thing and learnt that you posted you were 5 feet 11 and you had no real credits but little short films shot by you. I looked around and around and came to this conclusion:

You have some style and with a rebel-Ti you have done some very good work. I saw on a shot on flickr that had been retouched and it sung a bit to me. I think  you're capable of establishing mood but you should also think about making sure each image counts in these "tests" of yours.

I couldgo  into a more detailed critique but the claim of credits and published sent in the direction of verification. I think it's enough to say that you have talent and an ego to match and believe you should have credits and major publications should take an interest in you, but in LA LA land it is hard to fake your way through a cynical crowd that gathers like vultures here to feast on the unwary.

Models should consider shooting with you, whether they pay is up to them. Can you really put together a book that cooks with some model starting out? Are you really the guy?  You shot with the Red which is interesting but should models pay you? 

You have some talent in video and you have shot a little of the celluloid film.

$40,000 GOOD:you're good, but we are flooded with good and how can you become great is the burning economic question.

Jul 17 12 07:36 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Lilah Quinn wrote:
ohhh i would love to know wink

The way you present yourself is very important if you want photographers to pay you. You have three print credits. That's more relevant to photographers than working in two restaurants as a promotional model. Also the commercial hardly shows you and photographers would be confused as to why they are watching.  You list yourself as an extra. Extras are not credited in LA-LA. Credits are serious business here.

Lead with your print credits. You have been in some magazines. Tear sheets help present you as someone on the move. You could throw a comp card in as well on that first page.

Posiing and expressions. You really need to work on a few things to make yourself pop out. A photographer shot you in profile, inside and you're looking good, except we can't really see all of the side of your face. You have to sell the face not just show or look like you're taking it out for a walk.

Some shots are dreadfully hocky. You just couldn't sell it and maybe also the photographer couldn't really get it. But they always blame the model so you have to prepare better, not just be adventurous. If you're shot at a cemetery you should bury people with your beauty.

Expressions, angles, and posing. You need to really nail those.

Facebook! It wasn't quick moving around in your facebook. Get a website, select the top nine images and when when people click on the website that slideshow of the top nine images should roll.

Make it easy, not hard.

You live on a nice island. If that is what you're going to show to LA. . .?

$20,000 per year. Come here and you would starve if you went full-time. Be safe, stay where mediocrity pays.

I know that's brutal but if you want to bank print better deposit slips or just really get cranking on this modelling thing and don't present yourself as an extra. Present yourself as a star.

Jul 17 12 07:59 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

coolshooter wrote:
I gotta have your opinion!
Not that I am interested in moving to California ( I love LA, and San Diego is probably the best city to live in, not too mention my many friends in California, but Ohio is a good place for now)

I was stunned. I felt like Julius Caesar as he thought he was about to have lunch with friends and now looked like a tossed salad as he was repeatedly stabbed by senators and aristocrats. How can you claim to be a rising star of a photographer with that particular small and unimpressive display? You list Cindy Crawford as a credit? Whaaat? You took a snapshot of her modelling majesty at an event and clearly you're a fan, but where o where  is the skilled photographer?

You have a primitive flair for promoting photographer shoots around events.

You write about yourself in the third person. Julius Caesar (pronounced Yulius Kaiser) could get away in it with his despatches to Romes in between confronting Gauls.

Really work on the photography. Really develop your skills.   $1000 per year. Stop doing crack and meth. It means that you may have one really good shot in that portfolio, but, baby, you're in trouble.  Your car is about to get repossessed. See, sleeping in your car is not fun when they are towing you away. Put the pipe down!

Jul 17 12 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 5729

Cottonwood, Arizona, US

Is there a place where we can cash the check?
or can we do the $500 by paypal?

Jul 17 12 08:23 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Adi Nag wrote:
I'm curious! … 3#28538903

shows your serious about photography and you still a high school student and the portfolio for MM isn't really suitable to attract top models.

To develop try shooting projects such as street photography of people. Its cheap. For instance in Santa Monica on the Promenade one can shoot musicians. It's a public space.

You don't really have a portfolio yet. I hope you're saving up for lights and are also really studying fashion photographers. Building up your technique is so important. Cool shoots. Learn the technique to make magic.

I can't rate a kid. We're cruel here but you're still to me a nice boy with dreams. When you decide to be the "man," I'm sure we will know.

Jul 17 12 08:25 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

LightBrushedImages wrote:
I'm already a bum, so I can only go up (right?)  If your still writin', I'm listening!

You metier as relevant for models is not fashion but, of course art nudes. I think on occasion you excel. You're a wedding photographer but I couldn't look at the website. It loaded extremely slow. It might be worth testing it just to see if it's just me.

Back to your nudes. You're also fascinated by sky and nature and so on occasion you could sell a print in a gallery of your art nudes. You come across as always willing to learn. Taking workshops and you seem nice. Some of the nudes are daring, the way they perch on a rock, with hard rock far below them and wounded grey sky aswirl all round them.

There is magic there.  I think you could work on closer up nudes, full figure, and really display their beauty and you might attract even more beautiful models.

It was nice to look at the work of someone who has great fascination with photography. I would place in a separate folder rocket shots, and models really want to see how you portray models.

$60,000 Photographer and model: You're-almost-a-monster-now-Award.  The studio rental is eating you alive. Everything is eating you alive. You're almost very good. If you don't become great the sheriff is going to kick you out of the house. The foreclosure notice is in the mail.

Jul 17 12 08:48 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Krysta Karizma wrote:
Hit me!

I clicked on MM links in your profile and got the 404 error. Another link wouldn't load. You link to something you won. It's 43 minutes long. The show is 43 minutes long. And you probably get to see a lot of other people than yourself. Ask for a thirty second reel of you. FashionTV will probably do it.

You list your agency and I didn't bother to check it out. You're twenty and you've yet to explode. You're adventurous. You do topless. You stats are good, but you need to crank it up. I think for MM and to get photographers to pay you, that portfolio needs more dazzling conceptual work. It's not bad. In one shot that was going somewhere you relaxed your abdominal muscles. I know its hard but it's important not to blow that. I don't recall seeing folders. Fashion etc.

You reveal so you would be fine here in this city of revelations. $40,000 GOOD:you're good, but we are flooded with good and how can you become great is the burning economic question.

I left out of the calculation glamour and art nude because I think you really want to make it in fashion. It'll take some work and some luck. You might need a different agency and to get mag covers I really think you should work even harder on posing and expressions. Tell photographers to bring fans to blow your hair and if they don't have one in these TF encounters see if you can help them get one. That way when you're on location the shots will be a little more controlled. Good luck. You need to get cranking. Modelling is a young woman's game.

Jul 17 12 09:04 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

MickCetera wrote:
what do you think?

You're beautiful and there's poetry in your face. There are limitations. Put you next to a motorbike and you look lost, disconnected. In the suit shoot it is a little rumpled in the wrong way. I wish the photographer or the "team" had caught it.  You're tall but very lean and that's not the most in demand-look but sometimes a guy like you can catch on.

I think a lot of photographers here would like to shoot you and you should take full advantage of that.

If you're going to feature in a shot with a motorcycle you have to compel, draw us in. There's magic in you but you don't know all the spells.

$5000 Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can do this part-time and you may be doing it part-time.

I think you've started off okay and you're adventurous, casting to do underwater shoots.

Good luck.

Jul 17 12 09:17 pm Link


Kyle Graham Photography

Posts: 6

Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

Me please!

Jul 17 12 09:24 pm Link


4 U Photography

Posts: 24

Gilbert, Arizona, US

Give it a shot

Jul 17 12 09:36 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Drew Smith Photography wrote:
Me me me!  bunny

I found your website to something of a confusing melange and think you really need to separate the work of models from other stuff. A modelling looking at your site might think models are not important.

Nice studio. You have skills and some imagination but a lot of the time they don't work. What interested me was the work you did with Shazz. She posed well. And you shot her in a more interesting way than I have seen others do with her. It's as if you were going for soul-capture. When Egyptians left the land of the living, spells were painted on their sacrophagus and their wrappings so they could recite the proper spell to compel the denizens of the after-life to cooperate. You need to write down your spells. What were thinking when you took those shots? How did they happen?.

You're digital work doesn't blend well. Putting angels wings on a model in post was reasonably well done, but I don't think she knew she was angel.

The octopus grabbing the girl. She didn't look as if she knew that something horrible was grabbing her. Mabye she thought they were going to waltz. So that is what jars. What disconcerts. You work with nice models but you get a bit carried away with costume and your forget about composition, posing, expression, and dramatic power.

$40,000 GOOD:you're good, but we are flooded with good and how can you become great is the burning economic question.

Jul 17 12 09:41 pm Link


Mel Corn

Posts: 22

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Please take a look and let me know what you think:) I love the honest opinions you give and hope to get some useful feed back, thank you!

Jul 17 12 09:47 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Francisco Castro wrote:
This is good. Certainly a lot better than the 1-10 rating system that's common. so go ahead. Maybe I can afford to get a cup of coffee. LOL!

If you drop a figure into  a different photo, people in L.A. can tell and they will photoshop you into jail for leaving evidence. Notice the fingers on her right hand, a webbed repitilian thing or it was to too hard to blend the space of the previous photo into the new work of art.?

here you sing.  You're uneven. Your nudes are unremarkable. Here and there you're there.

You need to work on the critical eye. You like yourself too much and are giving yourself too many manicures and baths. Became a demon in the wilderness outside you. Become fascinated with bringing out the dramatic power some models have, otherwise you'll be uneven.

You could grow and become something startling but you need a lot of work, conceptually speaking so you don't yo-you between mediocrity and good and that's why you don't get a warm cup of coffee:

$20,000 per year. Come here and you would starve if you went full-time. Be safe, stay where mediocrity pays.

Be better.

Jul 17 12 09:57 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Joseph Moran wrote:

Why do you have a repeat tweet for a website and it doesn't show your work, just how to tweet over and over?

Boy wonder, websites are cheap now. Get one fast.

My reaction to your portfolio was this: … 4#19019134

You strengths and weakness are seen in that you have the ability to play off background and use to enhance the figure and make her interesting. Good choice. The photo is good but the weaknesses: hightlights. The face particularly. Some photographers can blend those down at bit in photoshop. For all of us it’s worth mastering. So, maybe work  a little more on gathering post skills. On occasion I have blown highlights. Sometimes you can make them work but often they don't work.

I stopped singing after that photo. The band stop playing. I heard the scrape of concert chairs being put away. Hmm. But that was a nice note.

The portfolio doesn't pop because you not yet getting the most out of models. No, I don't mean that they make popcorn for you. You've got to figure out their best angles, and figure out their expressive range and you have to compose more powerfully. You won picture of the day here but it almost put me to sleep, a visual sedative. It's not bad but come on. Greatness is not an accident waiting to happen.

You need to grow. 

$10,000 per year.  Maybe you've-got-steam award. Still part-time but starting to occasionally dazzle. But can you afford new tires. The roads are tough on cars here.

Jul 17 12 10:13 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Kymlee wrote:
would love your assessment. About to spruce up the port with a few more shoots in the next month or so, so any advice is good advice. So far I'm a hobbyist/part-timer but wouldn't mind being able to make money at some point if I could.
Thanks! This thread is unique, I love the idea. smile

I looked at your beauty section and couldn't find  beauty but thought the ghost of it was lingering there.

The rest of the portfolio shows great willingnessness to be a propbearer, a headress pedestal. Your avatar photo doesn't work. And sometimes you can't sell certain ideas. Sometimes they are not put together well. I thought I knew what I would experience when I look at some of your lists. I went, as taste and influences go, so often goes outcome.

Some photographers like plus size models but I just wasn't sold and think you have an interesting enough face. You're the submissive model and do your best to follow instructions. You want to build a good reputation as punctual and helpful. I would rather work with a talented diva demon who turns up late and starts swearing: "You're the photographer! Where's the crew?. Where's MUA? . I have to do my own makeup? What is this, Kindergarten for photographers and I have to babysit you? We're running out of light? Do you have lights? We're good then. Where do you want. I bought this dress and this dress and this dress. Over there. You hate me. You want me up on the tree. It might be good. Try not to shoot up my nose. There's not a big market for snot shots."

You're okay, but not goooooooooooood. You're nice but not compellllllllllling.

$5000  per year. Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can do this part-time and you may be doing it part-time.

Jul 17 12 10:29 pm Link