Forums > Critique > I will assess your portfolio's dollar value


Kristal Ruckstuhl

Posts: 31

Baton Rouge, Louisiana, US

LA StarShooter wrote:
I think you're gorgeous and unique. I will come back to you and look again. It's just I didn't see spectacular full-body shots, and sometimes that comes down to wardrobe. Do you have a book, a comp card. I think that might help you. I don't think your bad. I just think Los Angeles is really tough and here you would be competing for work against a lot of good, a lot of very good models.

. No book or comp card. You're right- I don't have many(hardly any) full body shots!! I have a bikini shoot next Friday I hope to get some great shots from. But there I go again- trying different looks! Adding that possibly unnessary variety? I'd love to hear more if you get time. I think a more defined path would be helpful! I guess if nothing else I'm gaining experience with different "minds" if you will ..

Jul 06 12 10:56 am Link


Rhoma Lavenza

Posts: 97

Ithaca, New York, US

I'd love to hear it!

Jul 06 12 10:59 am Link


Darin B

Posts: 998

San Diego, California, US

LA StarShooter wrote:
Not necessary. You have some interesting images. Some models and photographers, cleverly load the profile page with six images. Some models put six images on one sheet and wow, they can sell you straight away. So after the statement run six images.  She really doesn't care about: the camera. I've never personally experienced a model asking about a camera before a shoot. They really assume that the images they like were shot by a photographer with style and flair and who knows who to use a camera. She is the show.

OK. I noticed that you had a list of your lighting and camera equipment. Hairspray too! I thought that might help me.

Jul 06 12 11:56 am Link


Diane Trif

Posts: 5

Los Angeles, California, US

Down! I need some real critique

Jul 06 12 12:22 pm Link


Gina Love xoxo

Posts: 21

Stoughton, Massachusetts, US

LA StarShooter wrote:
What magazines would you like to be in? I couldn't tell from the portfolio on your website. Its smart to have a website. I saw some curves but you don't know how to present yourself yet and the photographers who shot you, didn't really bring their A-game.

I believe photographers have a responsibility to present a vision to the model, a plan for the shoot that gives her the confidence to explore.

What genre intrigues you, fires you up? For example, if you said swimsuit? Where is it? If you said fashion? Where is it? If Fitness, where is it. The nude? Okay, but not dazzling. Glamour?  Where is the glamour? Where did you hide it? Is it under the bed?

Did you lose it at nightclub? Come on. You were born sexy? But modelling is a skill.

Posing practice. Expression practice. Learn your angles. Put together looks and wardrobe for glamour, for fitness. Start there. I think when I saw your first image on your website it was very casual and I felt I could sit right down next to you and asked you if the tattoo parlor across the road had any good drugs.

Your rating: $1250 per annum-Skid-Row-Nude-model. You're thinking about stripping. Modelling sucks. The last GWC offered you a joint instead of paying you the $50 for 2 hours. You agreed to do nude and you spread and he offered $75 for that and you almost asked if you could sleep at this place. So, at the end you sucked on the joint, and he really didn't give you the money. He smashed your phone so you couldn't report him to MM and it's the only computer you've got. It's not your fault. You're a guppy in shark-infested waters, and, unfortunately you're a big guppy. And now, you're wandering around Skid Row around drug dealers who deal to other drug dealers and sometimes the general public and you're getting the kind of offers you never dreamed of getting. Your car got jacked.

Learn the biz. Be it. Don't take this casually if you really want to make a living posing.

Thank you for your input!

Jul 06 12 02:24 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US


sorry wink ... yeah, critique would be cool. I'm really interested smile

The avatar rocks, draws you in. I have yet to click on it. I prefer to go off-site presuming the photographer has arranged a fine slideshow, or just an okay one.

Click! I clicked and made about 12 more clicks, and concluded that you like your handle and that it needs to be stretched across woman’s naked breasts.  I think you have a name compulsion. Photographically fine but not a dazzling collection.

Back to MM. If I were a professional model, that might have killed my interest.

It’s important when you have nudes and non-nudes to put them into folders, with zany names, of course, since you're zany. I was, at first glance pleased.  There wasn’t a high ratio of images with your name across their breasts to those without names. What a relief!

I wanted to look at the nudes by themselves in group. And some models want to see if you can do fashion, etc. To click and wait for the page to load for 34 images takes a long time. I did 30. I didn’t time it, but that was a lot of time.

I think your lighting and post-work are your strong suits. Over-all, a lot of very good, but I saw some issues. I think I know why you have to chop them off at the knees or mid-thigh, you seem to have difficulty in full-length shots of pulling off  a shot of a  woman in a good pose. You seem awkward in composition and I wondered if the models you use just lie down a lot when they pose, and when they have to stand up blood rushes to their head and they become dizzy. Feed them. 

When you saw most of the limbs displayed  at the end they were used to help draw and guide attention to the vagina. Some models who don’t know better, who have only seen thousands of  erotic images would consider those spread shots. “But the lips are not parting, sir, and it’s really an erotic image.. It’s a work-of-art, that’s what it is.”

I have a name for those images to give them a bit more edge: “Gateway to Porn.”

You have worked with some beautiful women and you have some really good work in there, but you can be tacky. When one image was rolling down I saw a black veil and I went: “I didn’t notice that.” That’s because I had noticed the tacky obscurities on her nipples, destroying the colour balance and the potential beauty of the image. I think it if the corset had been black, it might have just gone za-zing.

I saw on the Internet a Paddy Das interview but my German is like an my Ancient Egyptian: not very useful.

The second image is banging. The avatar bangs. Some of the nudes bang, bang, bang.

Your mission statement is terrible. You want to make contact with models and photographers internationally. Where? At the disco.

A professional model will like some of your edge but she doesn’t have time to go through all you photos in making a judgement. I didn’t see any credits—work done for mags, for instance. It appears you shot a German Playboy Playmate.

Your rating:

$30,000 per annum-The-Coulda-Been-A-Contender-Award. Processing and lighting talent can set you apart from your peers and so can narcissism and bad organization. It wsa great when you landed, so exciting but after awhile you couldn’t get the meeting with hustler magazine and Playboy told you that they would move out of L.A. before they would ever use you, and models complain that it takes a long time to get a shoot done and they go hungry and you don’t have any food. Well,  you got your marijuana prescription you got the munchies. Who can blame you?

I sense a  good future for you if you can connect the dots. You have some pumped up magic shots in there. Organise yourself, present yourself better. Take your name off the models. Off. Off!!!

Jul 06 12 03:28 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Kristal Ruckstuhl wrote:

. No book or comp card. You're right- I don't have many(hardly any) full body shots!! I have a bikini shoot next Friday I hope to get some great shots from. But there I go again- trying different looks! Adding that possibly unnessary variety? I'd love to hear more if you get time. I think a more defined path would be helpful! I guess if nothing else I'm gaining experience with different "minds" if you will ..

I'll get back to you by tomorrow.

Jul 06 12 03:29 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Eric Labonte wrote:
I like the idea, me!

I clicked on your website link. A photographer should have a better photo of himself. The website took  a long time to load. Culturally an interesting experience from nudes to weddings and you seek Corporate work. I was interested in one image and it took a long time to load into full-screen. Gorgeous rugged man and why does he have a pit in the middle of his forehead. I think you may have uploaded a rejected copy or a copy that you were going to layer, because you didn’t mean for that to happen, and you may not have seen it, blinded by his beauty. I’ll link to the page but I think you’ll have to click on it to see it.  That can happen to anyone.

If you tell me that is what he looks like: poor guy. Poor guy. Great muscles and a big pit in the middle of his forehead while he is gazing intensively standing in the swimming pool. I hope that one didn’t make his print job for his portfolio.

You have shot some stuff for Faces Magazine in Moncton and it’s a free mag distributed so that businesses in Moncton can market to residients there. GREAT.

You have one good fashion image, and then runway shoots. Come on! The one fashion shot is hot and good. Well done. The rest? Trash them or put them in a different section called: “I don’t know where to put these.”

Weddings: you may have done one and you have two shots, one of a woman alone in her wedding dress.

The glamour had about 4 images that worked in terms of poses, of composition, etc. The rest: you have to help the model find the pose that shows off her beauty. It really is your job. It’s only her fault if she refuses. If you explain that she should be on her side and she says “I don’t think that will look good, I never pose on my side, that’s ridiculous. No photographer, has ever—“ Then what can you do?

The MM  was much better in portfolio experience, but it needs trimming, reducing it to the best posed shots, so it looks like you and the model are part of a team that knows what it is doing.

I found mister-pit-in-his head on your MM. Because I like you and all the time I had spent on your slow website, I am giving you this present large: … 8#19357118

$5000 Part-timer.  It's great-that-you're-keeping your day job-award. You can do this part-time and you may be doing it part-time. You can pick up a wedding shoot once in a while.

You need to understand what is hot and what is not hot. You may have a future in advertising, judging by the three shots I saw. You’re not hideous but you’re uneven, so uneven that professional photographers here, wouldn’t have any competition. You should go on a voyage of discovery, developing your eye for what works. Bon voyage!

Jul 06 12 04:08 pm Link



Posts: 1

London, England, United Kingdom

Your honest opinion would be very welcome.

Jul 06 12 04:09 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

BossyB wrote:
Me please

My apologies I am sticking to Models and photographers. I apologize for that not being clear.

Jul 06 12 04:09 pm Link


D Graham

Posts: 7

Gaithersburg, Maryland, US

Wonder how much i can make smile

Jul 06 12 04:26 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Ken Marcus Studios wrote:
I'm curious as to your assessment . . . ?


The profile page doesn’t seem setup to get shoots rolling and organizationally I found it poor. I understand you want to link to your interviews,  and your bio is impressive and tells a beautiful story of development.

Here’s how to make it quick: Take three-to-six shots and have them roll first before that.  Seize the eye and the heart will follow?
Put the bio separate in a link. Start with credits: Yosemite Artist-In-Residence- Concert Photographer (Jimi Hendrix) Penthouse, Playboy, etc, Playboy TV, Muscle etc.,
Put a quote about you from an appropriate authority that awes and conquers: “Ken Marcus is. ..  .

My bio is here

MM interviews:

This way the model can move a little quicker. You’re very established so you don’t need to do a big waffle. You’re you. Not a beginner finding his way.

You have a price and I wasn’t clear with the difference between the huge price you were quoting and TF shoots, unless it’s because you share the sales of the images with the models. I think you could rewrite that. If we TF we share in the sale of the images. If you wish to keep the images for yourself to sell: $5000 dollars. A Ken Marcus is a KEN MARCUS.

I have actually rolled through your MM and your website a while back. But the recollection is hazy. 

In the Yosemite section, which establishes you as a photographic artist of great interest and at time genius you seem very comfortable and brilliant working with shades of grey.  There is conceptual daring and in some places awesome composition, marvelous tonality.

In the Los Angeles Ballet Company Series, we see more than an interest in nudes. There is interest in contrast, in stunning tonality and the poses, yes, their dancers but you were not a disinterested observer. This is a master-class in powerful photography. The studio nude series has some exquisite moments.

The Hitachi Orgasm series found on Ken Marcus dot com may make you some bread but I think you losing your mojo. Is it harder to sell images, these days or is was there only so much art in you, and it is gone? While you may claim that is a visual documentation of human sexuality, it is like saying that while your firing a cannon at a house that you visually documenting human destruction. It feels artificial. 

On occasion you use to make art. Now you regularly make money in the world of pornography, which you call “Eroticism.”  The lighting seems to have changed and often it isn’t interesting anymore. You’re more like a production line banging them out. Copulation image here, etc., etc.

You may disagree but I think you need rejuvenating, a new direction. Shoot TF fashion to get back into edgy and interesting backgrounds. Get out of your dungeon and I know there’s a colourblind issue but play with fabric in implied and nude shots.

But maybe you’re comfortable where you are. The food tastes good. Now I’m just at and I haven’t looked at the Erotica assembled on your MM portfolio yet.

Although I may be understood as not a fan of this period of your work, you should be applauded for working on the frontiers of free speech for you help define what is free speech. You risk persecution and prosecution because prosecutors exploit loopholes in the law sometimes to target people in the Adult Industry and then you face crazy laws: Adult film permits hinge on condom use as proposed in a proposition before L.A. County voters in November.

When I clicked on MM on your portfolio for Erotica it was much more enjoyable than Is it reasonable to put those images in folders or to load them on a separate site in a slide show? It takes aeons on MM for things to roll.

You still do some of your old lighting techniques as shown in your MM Erotica portfolio, which wasn’t so clear to me on A lot I enjoyed but time-wise it was challenging.

I skipped Playboy and Penthouse because I don’t think it was your major work, you most collectible work that personally profits you these days.

So you get a special rating because you’re already here in L.A. If you moved to New York you would still be Ken Marcus. But what about Botswana you ask? 

The lions would eat you while you were trying to photograph a man and woman getting it on in from of copulating giraffes. Remember when you’re in Botswana, stay away from Giraffes, Mister Marcus. Lion food.

And now for your rating: $135,000 per annum. The-Incomparable-Outlaw. You have an instinct for exploiting technology. You always had that and the Internet is like your special pet friend, but attorney fees are always dangling on the horizon and there could be a government posse about to gallop towards you.  You have to document everything like you’re in the Third Reich, only in the Third Reich everyone loved documenting everything.  It’s really tough being you because if a prosecutor finds a hole, the money mountain can be swept away.  Like an outlaw you're always looking out for that posse.

You should be praised for being nice to photographers. You share your methods, your thoughts on techniques, lighting and processing and you don’t have to do that.

Jul 06 12 05:58 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Tiffany Anne Hughes wrote:
Would love to hear your thoughts!

You put a bio in that is too long. Why mention Manta Rays. Do you want to do a photoshoot with one?

I didn't feel a passion for modelling. It felt like something you do. Why link to your ImDB credits? I couldn't see beautiful photos there. You list as 30 but I went closeup on one image  on the face and asked this: "Sun Damage or bad makeup or the photographer is an evil processing demon." I felt your face in that photo was looking 50. … 5#28672795

I hope that it's just a photographer performing visual processing butchery.

You have nice lines. Very nice. I think you can pose. The skin is a question mark for me. I couldn't see a photo that would qualm my concerns about your skin.

What is it that you really want to do in modelling? What is it?

What you need to do. Find a photographer who can work with you to create a book in whatever you actually interested in. If fitness put that together. If anything else assemble a book for it. Approach photographers here yourself for TF. Explain your plan to them.

It's good for a photographer to hear that you have a plan to assemble looks. Makeup is vital for you.

Your rating: I-wish-I-were-A-Dolphin-Award.  I sprinkled some magic dust and you are. You're a dolphin in L.A. trying to model? You must be . . . stranded. Stranded dolphins don't make it. Zero dollars.

On this site focus on modelling so you can attract more interest.

Jul 06 12 06:22 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

R H O M A wrote:
I'd love to hear it!

I went to the website after reading this huge long ramble about you and even read all the way about marijuana rights and this visual trip resembled the one on that website: visual torment.

You start off with horrible images. You like you so much that we need to see the plastic guard teeth straightener. Awful. The poses are hideous. And then after the website slowly delivers the visual torture eventually that ends and  the model shows up.

I started to like. I rolled to your MM portfolio and was astonished that you had a mix of good and awful shots. You don't know the difference?

I think you're probably sophisticated enough to know how to load your images so that it is the first thing we see when visit. Three to six hot  images descending and gwc books straight away. Simple? Yes.

I will now compare you to the hotness of L.A. Oh boy, oh boy who you would be competing with. Oh, oh, oh. They have legs. Some have legs that should be national monuments and you're competing with them in L.A.

It looks like you do nudes, not just raunchy, no, no pink.

Here's your rating: $52,000. You're-Ready-To-DO-Pink Award. Please tidy up the verbiage, take a torch to it, and reduce the number of ineptly posed and pathetically captured images.  You do have good photos in there. 

Thank you, in advance. The World.

Jul 06 12 06:52 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Diane Trif wrote:
Down! I need some real critique

You're a photographer and you decided to be the exhibit instead of the exhibitor.

What's is like to be in the cage of expectations, to be directed by another? Do you want to rebel?

You need edge. The portfolio has no visual fire. One fine photo: the cigarette one. You making the possibility of getting cancer look cool.

Are you really a photographer?  I'm asking because of this photo which shows some bravery as with your particular lean physique you're going for swimsuit: … 1#29053391
Do you see that big shadow on your stomach? It blows the image. And it was smoking along fine. Did you say "gobo" to the photographer?

I think if you came to L.A. because you're brave you would be a nude llama and possibly a good one. It's the only way I can see you making money. Art nudes, etc.

40,000 per annum. You're-Ready-To-Become-A-Stripper-Award. Art nudes ebb and flow in this economy and you don't like travelling so you're comfortable working just a bit. Occasionally guys ask about something "extra," and you're getting tired of it. You were told by a strip club manager that you're look might not shake the money tree. Small breasts. You've actually gone for a consultation for the implants so you can shake the money tree. Every babe in L.A. seems to have them. It's like a requirement to be attractive here, it seems. You're in your studio apartment.  You see a butterfly floating along the window. You take a drag of your prescription marijuana cigarette. Once you would have grabbed your camera to snap a shot of a monarch butterfly on your window sill. But now you don't have a camera.

You don't feel like a butterfly anymore.

Jul 06 12 07:06 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Jamill Steele wrote:
Wonder how much i can make smile

Its very tough for male models. I tried to go to your website, and got a warning. My browser can be paranoid but I stayed away and went to your MM portfolio.

What do you want to do. I thought the attempt at GQ was like watching a frustrated donkey trying to be a Lipizzaner dancing horse.

No before the cry goes but "I'm dark and the Lipizzanner horse is white and what you're saying. . ." When it comes to posing you're a donkey because you haven't done what you did as an athlete: the hours in the gymn, the strain of lifting the weights and it feels like your chest might pop open and just to make you feel better, you're told you're not lifting close to pro-level so why are you crying? Remember the shock to your body when you ran and the world of muscle and bad intentions closed in on you?

You think you can get away without training yourself to be great in modelling? You think that because you have some muscles you have a chance? You're competing against some spectacular male models.  They can actually change their facial expressions at will because they trained themselves. And when a photographer said, do this they pulled it off. I do not know if you can follow directions.

It's not enough to be good-looking. You're going to have to invest in beautiful threads. When you walk down the road heads have to turn. You really have to learn about fashion if you're going to try out for it. And who knows if you have the look. You have to light up the room.

Here's the good news: you know how to train. Come on. Take this seriously. … /index.cfm

Have a look at that.

Backstage Dolce & Gabbana: look at how beautiful these fashion male models are!

You can watch a lot of posing videos and do the research. It's training. You'll need to build a book. You might be better off concentrating on fitness because you have a great muscular body, an Adonis.

That's about as kind as we get in brutal L.A.

$35,000 per annum if you work as: The-Male-Porn-Award. You didn't want to go gay. You have principles. So after running out of money you slipped into the world of porn. It might close down in 4 months if voters pass a crippling bill but it's your world. You're making rent and things are going okay and you're trying to do real photoshots and even trying to charge but the guys who want to shoot you can't shoot and they think you can turn gay. Other that, it's okay, but you're starting to notice physical problems. . .

See what happens when you don't train? It's hospital time in L.A.

Jul 06 12 07:41 pm Link


Lola Misfit

Posts: 1039

Anaheim, California, US

I'd like to know what you think.

Jul 06 12 07:41 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Rupert Melvin wrote:
Your honest opinion would be very welcome.

I don't get this. I have told other male models they need to train and what they need to do. Did you not read the wisdom of the modelling Torah. Proverb 25: If  you don't prepare to eat, you will be eaten.

You've got a lovely face and a body that isn't in the best shape for: MODELLING. I thought in some of your expressions you were trying to prove that indeed, the chimpanzee is our closest cousin. Good job.

Your portfolio reflects your lack of intensity. Get in shape. Train, get more definition. Know your angles. You're entering a brutal market.

$0. You-got-hit-by-a-car award. That's because you haven't been looking where you're going for a long time. And you do that in L.A. you'll get hit by a car or a big, big truck. Big!

Jul 06 12 07:49 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

ms lola misfit wrote:
I'd like to know what you think.

I think your best shot is in the field you left. Maybe you had bad experiences. You do have a curvy body. Do nudes and you can bank.

I don't see fashion and I don't see the dedication to it in your small number of photos. I don't see alternative because you haven't showed me it. I don't see commercial. You haven't shown me commercial. I wondered if you have really researched these things.

Go back to Glamour.

When you told Mummy & Daddy that you were coming to town, just a jump down the freeway and weren't going to do glamour but try out for fashion, Daddy said: "You're going to do drugs, that what fashion models do." He tied you to the air-conditioner until you agreed that you would try for a pizza delivery job instead.

Zero dollars award. You wised-up just-in-time award.  You didn't come here. Smart. But if you did the glamour thing, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, possibly, possibly. . . .

Jul 06 12 08:01 pm Link


Lola Misfit

Posts: 1039

Anaheim, California, US

LA StarShooter wrote:

I think your best shot is in the field you left. Maybe you had bad experiences. You do have a curvy body. Do nudes and you can bank.

I don't see fashion and I don't see the dedication to it in your small number of photos. I don't see alternative because you haven't showed me it. I don't see commercial. You haven't shown me commercial. I wondered if you have really researched these things.

Go back to Glamour.

When you told Mummy & Daddy that you were coming to town, just a jump down the freeway and weren't going to do glamour but try out for fashion, Daddy said: "You're going to do drugs, that what fashion models do." He tied you to the air-conditioner until you agreed that you would try for a pizza delivery job instead.

Zero dollars award. You wised-up just-in-time award.  You didn't come here. Smart. But if you did the glamour thing, yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees, possibly, possibly. . . .

duly noted.

I do have some new work that isn't glamour, I just haven't received the finals to upload. Would it be alright if I came back after I get those?

Jul 06 12 08:03 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

ms lola misfit wrote:

duly noted.

I do have some new work that isn't glamour, I just haven't received the finals to upload. Would it be alright if I came back after I get those?

Yes, which reminds me that I have to revisit someone.

Jul 06 12 08:16 pm Link


Thomas Tran

Posts: 362

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

this is sweet, I want in please.

Jul 06 12 08:22 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Kristal Ruckstuhl wrote:
. No book or comp card. You're right- I don't have many(hardly any) full body shots!! I have a bikini shoot next Friday I hope to get some great shots from. But there I go again- trying different looks! Adding that possibly unnessary variety? I'd love to hear more if you get time. I think a more defined path would be helpful! I guess if nothing else I'm gaining experience with different "minds" if you will .. … 9#26490989 shows how naturally gorgeous you are, and that hair would be wonderful to shoot, but still even though you have done floating in the air work, you express an interest in so much and have done so little to qualify that interest. I thought glamour, nudes, and swimsuit is a good idea because I can't see how else you can make it as a working model. Swimsuit to get your comfortable revealing your body. I think you're creative so you could do creative glamour and rock it and it is more accepting of your body type than FASHION.

Assemble a list of fashion shoots if you haven't already that you admire. See if you can reproduce them in the mirror, poses and expressions. Even if you don't get many fashion shoots that kind of practice will help you rock, if you enter glamour and you might be able to do pinup. Good luck angel.

Jul 06 12 08:24 pm Link


Anzhelika Yakimenko

Posts: 540

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, US

I love to talk about money...HIT ME!

Jul 06 12 08:25 pm Link



Posts: 415

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

If I owe you money..forget it.   LMAO

Jul 06 12 08:29 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Thomas Tran wrote:
this is sweet, I want in please.

I kicked off looking at the tumblr which told me that while you have potential to do fashion one day, your immediate destiny is wedding photography, which is very hard.

I think I know why you don't have a website. You're paying agency models? If you are it's good and bad. You don't have a website because you're bleeding money.

Your MM Portfolio contains a mix of good poses and so-sos. You have a woman holding hands over her breast. Maybe you like her. Maybe the memory of it is exciting. But it's a very ordinary photo.

I like that you have a video working and you're shooting what looks a glamour model but trying to convey some sort of fashion excitement. So the video looks over-exposed in places and you've got music blasting to convey edge. Okay! A fashion model would be watching for how you interact with the model and she would recognize a glamour model body and would go: "He can't get someone like me. Next."

If you make another one and you have a glamour build trying to do fashion explain it this way, and put the model's full name. No Karen E. This is not model's anonymous.

Here let's rock: "We're working on a project with a model today, Karen Eagle. She wants to convey that she has a range of fashion looks and poses and mostly she does glamour and this interests me, so let's see if we can take someone glamourous and make them FASHIION."

The viewing model has to see you giving brilliant instructions, which can be like this, "Tilt your head to the side to the right. Now your eyes lift them, and look just above the camera lens into the view finder. Now that right arm curve in. . ."

Show you and the model looking at the photos and she should be radiantly smiling.

You have some strong images. Your weakness: you don't hate your average stuff.

The ability to recognize when you're not hitting the mark is as critical as knowing when it is really great.

You would be going up against great photographers here.

What would happe?.

$35,000 per annum. You-only-go-to-weddings-as-the-photographer award. You sometimes live in your car and you're worried about your gear and sometimes you're frightened. You've been getting better and you've started booking more weddings but for a while it was like the world was a python of hate crushing your ribs.

Jul 06 12 09:03 pm Link


Thomas Tran

Posts: 362

Grand Rapids, Michigan, US

LA StarShooter wrote:

I kicked off looking at the tumblr which told me that while you have potential to do fashion one day, your immediate destiny is wedding photography, which is very hard.

I think I know why you don't have a website. You're paying agency models? If you are it's good and bad. You don't have a website because you're bleeding money.

Your MM Portfolio contains a mix of good poses and so-sos. You have a woman holding hands over her breast. Maybe you like her. Maybe the memory of it is exciting. But it's a very ordinary photo.

I like that you have a video working and you're shooting what looks a glamour model but trying to convey some sort of fashion excitement. So the video looks over-exposed in places and you've got music blasting to convey edge. Okay! A fashion model would be watching for how you interact with the model and she would recognize a glamour model body and would go: "He can't get someone like me. Next."

If you make another one and you have a glamour build trying to do fashion explain it this way, and put the model's full name. No Karen E. This is not model's anonymous.

Here let's rock: "We're working on a project with a model today, Karen Eagle. She wants to convey that she has a range of fashion looks and poses and mostly she does glamour and this interests me, so let's see if we can take someone glamourous and make them FASHIION."

The viewing model has to see you giving brilliant instructions, which can be like this, "Tilt your head to the side to the right. Now your eyes lift them, and look just above the camera lens into the view finder. Now that right arm curve in. . ."

Show you and the model looking at the photos and she should be radiantly smiling.

You have some strong images. Your weakness: you don't hate your average stuff.

The ability to recognize when you're not hitting the mark is as critical as knowing when it is really great.

You would be going up against great photographers here.

What would happe?.

$35,000 per annum. You-only-go-to-weddings-as-the-photographer award. You sometimes live in your car and you're worried about your gear and sometimes you're frightened. You've been getting better and you've started booking more weddings but for a while it was like the world was a python of hate crushing your ribs.

Loved your feedback, definitely given me a lot to think about. Thank you!

Jul 06 12 09:22 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Anzhelika Yakimenko wrote:
I love to talk about money...HIT ME!

You're a travelling llama so it doesn't matter where you go. You're very interesting , a right-wing Republican Jesus-lover who does. . . spread shots. Thank God that he took out Adam's rib. Am I ribbing you?

I didn't see magazine credits. That's important in THE BIG SMOGGY SMOKE. I didn't see mag covers. I bailed out of your website because it loaded slow.

Do you ever put makeup on the tattoo below your right breast? 

I think you've established that your not really fashion but that's fine, because knowing who are you is the one of the keys to success in llamaling.

It's a relief to look at a portfolio that has strong focus.

You pose well, drawing on a gymanastic background. Most importantly you can do a range of expressions. I like that you have a load of pics on your Profile page. Very nice.

Because you do GWCs and some "art" projects we would take something away from you in L.A. No mag covers. That tattoo below the breasts kills swimsuit. Oh, see what's happening and this turf here has a host of killer Playboy llamas. Shark infested waters. It would be difficult for you to milk this town dry due to that tattoo unless you can makeup it out yourself. If you can you would want to mention that so you might pick up some swimsuit. We're wild here and if you have talent the doors swing open but what is behind the door is the question?

You make more than this because you wear thousand dollar shoes:

$75,000 per annum. You're-on-a-plane-out-of-here-award. It's good that you can travel because you know that is is a powerhouse crazy city and its melange of Hollywood, Fashion, and blurry edges can make you dizzy.

Modelling agencies tell you to come back after looking at your book. You go back and they say: "Who are you?"

The town feels like you just had breast implants without anesthetic. When you smile it feels like your jaw is breaking.  You can't read people here. Can you tell if a shark is happy or sad?  That wiggle of the dorsal fin? What does it mean?

You do guy with camera stuff, and a project with a photographer to try and sell it to magazines, and you're glad you're on a plane with your thousand dollar shoes, and you'll come back because you're lucky you've got an international circuit of GWCs. And you're gorgeous so you have to win, right? But this town has no mercy for flaws.

God has blessed you?

Jul 06 12 09:34 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

richardsphotographybc wrote:
If I owe you money..forget it.   LMAO

You're a hobbyist. You declare it so. And do you really want a review?

Jul 06 12 09:48 pm Link


Rachael Bueckert

Posts: 1122

Red Deer, Alberta, Canada

I'd like to know what you think smile
Here's my facebook page if you'd like to see any more:!/RachaelBueckert

Jul 06 12 09:51 pm Link


4 star photos

Posts: 138

Laguna Beach, California, US

ok. I'll give this a whirl.

Jul 06 12 09:56 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

The Grace Gabbana wrote:

Thank you so very much for that detailed critique. I guess everyone has different taste in breasts... Although, you did manage to flatter me. Overwhelmingly so.

I applaud your exceptional verbal expression! It's an art all it's own.


I thank you for such a gracious reply which befits your gracious name. I noticed yesterday that it appears you are angelically descending, but not like a fallen angel, into our devil's paradise. I think it's July 24-27 that I saw on your announcement yesterday? Is this correct that you're booking at that time in L.A.?

Jul 06 12 10:10 pm Link



Posts: 415

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

LA StarShooter wrote:

You're a hobbyist. You declare it so. And do you really want a review?

Yes I am a hobbyist, but you gotta start somewhere. If I can give up my mortgage,bills etc and the responsibility of running my own buisiness maybe I would be a full time photographer. I am sure more than 60% of photographers and models have full time jobs and are considered hobbyists. I am sure you have a day job too and not a full time photographer. If you want to give me a review go for it.

Probably not gonna be a good one after this....LMAO

Jul 06 12 10:18 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

richardsphotographybc wrote:

Yes I am a hobbyist, but you gotta start somewhere. If I can give up my mortgage,bills etc and the responsibility of running my own buisiness maybe I would be a full time photographer. I am sure more than 60% of photographers and models have full time jobs and are considered hobbyists. I am sure you have a day job too and not a full time photographer. If you want to give me a review go for it.

Probably not gonna be a good one after this....LMAO

You're not the same as photographers who intend to go pro, who are dedicated to learning. You state fashion and other things and you're website and your portfolio consists of a series of bad ideas. You may think that if you expose correctly that you have a good shot. If you can't compose, if you can't get one good shot worth applauding and if you've shot 15 people then you're not serious. You like technical things but people are not a series of switches to turn on and off.

You're not like the models stumbling out of the gate who really, really do want to make it. You're not like the photographers who study with someone or buy themselves, who look into processing with more than a casual eye.

If you can't take this seriously, this is your reward for seeking attention:

0$.  The-homeless-clown-award. You told people you were a hobbyist when you came to L.A. and you got a gig as a clown. People didn't like that so when you left they called their relatives. You got robbed and were left like an unemployed clown to beg on the roadside because you're deaf to anything but your own desires. Ciao, baby.

Jul 06 12 10:28 pm Link



Posts: 415

Langley, British Columbia, Canada

LA StarShooter wrote:

You're not the same as photographers who intend to go pro, who are dedicated to learning. You state fashion and other things and you're website and your portfolio consists of a series of bad ideas. You may think that if you expose correctly that you have a good shot. If you can't compose, if you can't get one good shot worth applauding and if you've shot 15 people then you're not serious. You like technical things but people are not a series of switches to turn on and off.

You're not like the models stumbling out of the gate who really, really do want to make it. You're not like the photographers who study with someone or buy themselves, who look into processing with more than a casual eye.

If you can't take this seriously, this is your reward for seeking attention:

0$.  The-homeless-clown-award. You told people you were a hobbyist when you came to L.A. and you got a gig as a clown. People didn't like that so when you left they called their relatives. You got robbed and were left like an unemployed clown to beg on the roadside because you're deaf to anything but your own desires. Ciao, baby.

Really, well I see you shot tonnes of models as well...NOT. You say you can critique but it looks like you don't got much experience either. Keep your day job. CIAO BABY....

Jul 06 12 10:42 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

Rachael Bueckert wrote:
I'd like to know what you think smile
Here's my facebook page if you'd like to see any more:!/RachaelBueckert

You pitch to GWCs. You offer implied but not nudes. That's cut's out the art nude for you if you came here.

Your look is excellent. Your posing at times. There's one shot where you lead with your knees and it doesn't work in terms of posing. But there are other shots that make me think there's a fashion edge. So, I have a better sense of you than some, because youtake this seriously.

I think fashion would be tough for you but not impossible. You need to look up the stats and see where your body-type falls beside gorgeous. There's different kinds of gorgeous.

You should cull the weak images from MM as I saw on your facebook stronger stuff. Since you're primary market is. . GWCs, an appropriate website is necessary particulary if you visit here.

I want you to know that I found looking at your face a rapturous-experience photographically-speaking. You might be able to snag a magazine.

I think it would be a struggle for you without going nude as unless you bring a strong book and comp card here, you're competing without a hope against actress/models, who can really express well, and if they fall into the fashion stat range, well, you can't get a booking against them. I think you're level-headed, fun, and very mature. 

Here it is: $55,000 per annum. The-Thank-God-I-went-glamour-nude-Award. Hustler called. You pouted. No Playboy? It had started rough. You slept in your car and sometimes you cried. Agencies said comeback and when you did, they said "Who are you?" You found out that you just didn't quite fit the fashion stats. And you're so close!  Then as you started undressing for GWCs you managed to get shoots with good photographers doing art nude exhibits and glamour stuff. Your image made its way into a gallery and suddenly you're booking a mag cover. Not Hustler. It's some car cult magazine, but its start. You also learned that your book for fashion sucked and it wasn't the stats. You just didn't present a great book. You've started to build because you're a fighter and you're determined to win. You didn't return Hustler's call.

Jul 06 12 10:48 pm Link


LA StarShooter

Posts: 2735

Los Angeles, California, US

KW pictures wrote:
ok. I'll give this a whirl.

Whereabouts in New Zealand are you from? You're from an unpretentious culture that in tough moments can actually deliver quality. You're honest and sometimes the frankness can be tough for people here to bear.

You show great promise. There's one row of photos I would excise, but this was a pleasure.

Typical of someone from N.Z. you have an affinity for water. Rain-drenched, never more than seventy miles from the sea you bring all that wonderful cultural baggage with you.

You say where in photography that you have experience and that you're starting out and just getting into studio.  Models should definetely work TF with you. You can be relied on to give them something of quality.

Your rating: 10,000 per annum.  Maybe you've-got-steam award. Still part-time but starting to occasionally dazzle. But can you afford new tires. The roads are tough on cars here.

Jul 06 12 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 1000

Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas

LA StarShooter wrote:

I clicked on your website and it wouldn't load. It could be my connection. … 4#14711024

was a good moment. Overall, I wasn't blown away. I think it was the composition and some of the posing. Some of the posing is good but I didn't think you maximized the opportunities and created a powerful fashion look. And that is what you're pitching on MM. You charge for model portfolios. You point to runaway shots, etc.

You're on an island and sometimes you can mistake the island for the world. If you were here, you would face some awesome photographers who don't shoot for Vogue, who get some "agency" work and are "agency approved" but are masters at selling the idea that they can really make a great portfolio. You also up against great commercial shooters. Some of them work with a projector in studio.

$20,000 old pro but come here and you would starve if you went full-time. Be safe, stay where mediocrity pays.

You're nice and that was brutal but you do have something of a commercial foundation and if you study hard, study processing, making more powerful setups, different looks, then maybe you can grow.

Thank you, very insightful and thought provoking.

Jul 06 12 11:04 pm Link


Christian B Aragon

Posts: 261

Sparks, Nevada, US

Hit me. Shooting for at least $500.00 here! wink

Jul 06 12 11:08 pm Link


4 star photos

Posts: 138

Laguna Beach, California, US

LA StarShooter wrote:
Whereabouts in New Zealand are you from? You're from an unpretentious culture that in tough moments can actually deliver quality. You're honest and sometimes the frankness can be tough for people here to bear.

You show great promise. There's one row of photos I would excise, but this was a pleasure.

Typical of someone from N.Z. you have an affinity for water. Rain-drenched, never more than seventy miles from the sea you bring all that wonderful cultural baggage with you.

You say where in photography that you have experience and that you're starting out and just getting into studio.  Models should definetely work TF with you. You can be relied on to give them something of quality.

Your rating: 10,000 per annum.  Maybe you've-got-steam award. Still part-time but starting to occasionally dazzle. But can you afford new tires. The roads are tough on cars here.

Thanks for the critique. Very nicely written.

Went to school in Rotorua. But lived in the south island for quite a bit. For sure best scenery

All over nz we are pretty close to the water eh

but there are a few mountains near by

a few great sites in LA. Doing my best to capture them in their finest hour (usually after 3pm:) )

I won't give my up day job for a while based on what you have written. Hopefully it pays for the gear though smile

Jul 06 12 11:18 pm Link