Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > ... on watching Breaking Bad



Posts: 7699

Buffalo, New York, US

I watched it for the first time in a year or so, this week.  The show seems to have gone down hill to the point of being unwatchable.  Now, granted, I watch very little TV, so I find it very easy to shut off the set.  The holes in the plot are just horrible.

Start with the overseas sales.  That's just stupid.  In the US, finding the ingredients is hard.  Oversees, in a second-world country, it is bound to be easier.

Also, you are transporting the stuff.  That's dangerous.  It would be infinitely easier for him to go there and make the stuff.  Then he has significantly cut his risk of being caught.

Speaking of being caught, flying the stuff is asinine.  First off, you're putting the stuff through the highest level of security.  Containerize it and sending it by boat is much less risky.  Also, sending big quantities of liquids by plane is expensive.  It would make people ask questions.  What chemical would a US company be shipping to Europe by plane? 

Finally, Skyler has a huge stack of money that she said couldn't be laundered by the car wash.  Okay, but why would she be laundering it.  She had IRS trouble in an earlier show.  She would know the best thing to do is declare it on her taxes.  Then use it.  If they get caught, they will get be in the biggest trouble for not paying taxes.  Remember the mobster Al Capone.  He went to jail and was one of the first residents of Alcatraz.  He was in jail for taxes, not mobstering.

The solution to their trouble is to expatriate the money -- to get it out of the country.  With their overseas operation, that's simple.  They wouldn't be bringing cash back.  That will get them caught.  They need to keep the money outside of the US.  Nobody is bring huge chunks of chain into the country.  That's just stupid.

After that, I've given up.  It should be called Breaking Stupid unless they get the plot holes fixed.

Sep 04 12 07:39 am Link

Clothing Designer


Posts: 464

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

I am watching the first episode of season 3 right now. I have to watch it late at night because of the kids. I hate how the skyler character whispers when she talks and you have to turn up the sound so you can understand what she's saying, then the sound is super loud and wakes everyone up when anyone else is talking or when they play a song. I have given up trying to understand what she's saying and try to pick it up by listening to the other characters. Although I guess it's pretty realistic because some people do whisper when they talk in real life.

Jun 16 13 03:07 am Link


Allen Carbon

Posts: 1532

Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
I watched it for the first time in a year or so, this week.  The show seems to have gone down hill to the point of being unwatchable.  Now, granted, I watch very little TV, so I find it very easy to shut off the set.  The holes in the plot are just horrible.

Start with the overseas sales.  That's just stupid.  In the US, finding the ingredients is hard.  Oversees, in a second-world country, it is bound to be easier.

Also, you are transporting the stuff.  That's dangerous.  It would be infinitely easier for him to go there and make the stuff.  Then he has significantly cut his risk of being caught.

Speaking of being caught, flying the stuff is asinine.  First off, you're putting the stuff through the highest level of security.  Containerize it and sending it by boat is much less risky.  Also, sending big quantities of liquids by plane is expensive.  It would make people ask questions.  What chemical would a US company be shipping to Europe by plane? 

Finally, Skyler has a huge stack of money that she said couldn't be laundered by the car wash.  Okay, but why would she be laundering it.  She had IRS trouble in an earlier show.  She would know the best thing to do is declare it on her taxes.  Then use it.  If they get caught, they will get be in the biggest trouble for not paying taxes.  Remember the mobster Al Capone.  He went to jail and was one of the first residents of Alcatraz.  He was in jail for taxes, not mobstering.

The solution to their trouble is to expatriate the money -- to get it out of the country.  With their overseas operation, that's simple.  They wouldn't be bringing cash back.  That will get them caught.  They need to keep the money outside of the US.  Nobody is bring huge chunks of chain into the country.  That's just stupid.

After that, I've given up.  It should be called Breaking Stupid unless they get the plot holes fixed.

Not trying to be passive aggressive, but your knowledge of laundering money and drug dealing is based on what?

Jun 16 13 04:49 am Link


Virtual Studio

Posts: 6725

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Allen Carbon wrote:

Not trying to be passive aggressive, but your knowledge of laundering money and drug dealing is based on what?

I will confess I wondered the same thing.

The whole point of money laundering is that you put revenue through a legit source so that you can pay taxes on it.

Jun 16 13 05:30 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I think the acting & writing on the show is fantastic.

I'm not the only one. … eaking_Bad

As for drug smuggling, doesn't matter if it's meth, coke or weed.
This is how it's done for real...

*different methods have improved … 9MSz7TpO3P … 5D2D001D4D

Jun 16 13 05:41 am Link


Wicked Photos

Posts: 7699

New York, New York, US

i know nothing about drugs or pushing it or the money.

it's a great show to watch and i want wait for it to come back in 2 months!

Jun 16 13 09:57 am Link


Cool Hand Mike

Posts: 735

Jacksonville, Florida, US

I have to lol @ the original post for somebody pulling apart a montage like that.

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
Start with the overseas sales.  That's just stupid.  In the US, finding the ingredients is hard.  Oversees, in a second-world country, it is bound to be easier.

Also, you are transporting the stuff.  That's dangerous.  It would be infinitely easier for him to go there and make the stuff.  Then he has significantly cut his risk of being caught.

Yeah, but he wants control of his product and doesn't want to leave his no go.

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
Speaking of being caught, flying the stuff is asinine.  First off, you're putting the stuff through the highest level of security.  Containerize it and sending it by boat is much less risky.  Also, sending big quantities of liquids by plane is expensive.  It would make people ask questions.  What chemical would a US company be shipping to Europe by plane?

Lydia is smoothing out everything, and they are piggybacking their shipping of Madrigal so I'm not sure what the problem is. 

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
Finally, Skyler has a huge stack of money that she said couldn't be laundered by the car wash.  Okay, but why would she be laundering it.  She had IRS trouble in an earlier show.  She would know the best thing to do is declare it on her taxes.  Then use it.  If they get caught, they will get be in the biggest trouble for not paying taxes.  Remember the mobster Al Capone.  He went to jail and was one of the first residents of Alcatraz.  He was in jail for taxes, not mobstering.

The solution to their trouble is to expatriate the money -- to get it out of the country.  With their overseas operation, that's simple.  They wouldn't be bringing cash back.  That will get them caught.  They need to keep the money outside of the US.  Nobody is bring huge chunks of chain into the country.  That's just stupid.

After that, I've given up.  It should be called Breaking Stupid unless they get the plot holes fixed.

If he was the perfect criminal that would make the show pretty boring until there was some tension. She could still declare the money on taxes but opening up the operation to inspection probably isn't a high priority on Skyler's "to do" list.

Jun 16 13 10:31 am Link


Damon Strong

Posts: 1853

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

I sort of agree with this.  Season 2 ended with a bang, but the first 8 episodes (the last 8 to begin airing this August) of Season 3 were a bit weaker.  However, I did enjoy the final episode that aired last year and how it has us excited to see what happens when it starts up again this August.

Jun 16 13 03:45 pm Link


C.C. Holdings

Posts: 914

Los Angeles, California, US

Allen Carbon wrote:

Not trying to be passive aggressive, but your knowledge of laundering money and drug dealing is based on what?

that solution they use to dispose of bodies is also dumb and ineffective, and I have no knowledge of acid chemicals and disposing of bodies to be able to tell you this

dont gotta really know much to be able to point out the fake!

Jun 16 13 05:04 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US … ng-bad.htm

I question the source but from 5 minutes in various boards, you need a combination of acids to avoid the sludge... then you have to deal with dental fillings and metal implants of any kind. … 74546.html

Hydrochloric or Hydrfluoric would be poor choices because neither acid is very good at hydrolyzing, oxidizing or otherwise breaking up the covalent bonds that hold together the various proteins, carbohydrates and fats that make up a body. If you don't hydrolyze the sugar and peptide bonds, the best you'll end up with is a big pile of sludge on the bottom of your tub. More likely, the acid would merely denature the proteins in the skin and you'd get a person shaped lump with the texture and solubility of a football.
To dissolve proteins and sugars effectively (in the presence of water) you need an acid that's a stronger oxidizer such as sulfuric or nitric acids. A mixture of the two, or sulfuric with some dichromate in it would be best. Considerable heat and gas would likely be evolved as a result of the reaction, and there'd be some chance of the mixture getting hot enough to either ignite, or boil explosovely out of the tub. If that were to happen, safety goggles would NOT give you sufficient protection, so it's probably best to leave this sort of experiment to professionally trained chemists operating in abandoned factories equipped with over sized reaction vats, fume hoods and firefighting equipment.

Jun 16 13 05:19 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I love this show.
Every episode made me contemplate the human condition.

I wish I had a fellow Breaking Bad enthusiast to discuss each episode like a one on one book club.

The characters are so well developed, I tip my hat to the writing.

I learn all kinds of things being with you.

Jun 16 13 05:34 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

This is when you know you have a great job: … erview.php

A: Anytime it was the three of us -- Bryan [Cranston] and Aaron [Paul] and I -- were together we had a great time. Last season when Aaron and I were riding around in the car, we pretty much spent the whole time laughing. The Park Avenue that we drive around in became very dear to us. To get up -- and I don't care if it was 4:30 in the morning -- it was a joy to go to work.

Jun 16 13 06:07 pm Link


Quang Dang

Posts: 2966

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Damn! I LOVE this show!!

storyline, concept and actors choices everything match and perfect together!!

Can't wait for the Finale Season too soon. But heck why they don't make another Season?

Jun 17 13 06:31 pm Link


Frances Jewel

Posts: 9149

Dayton, Ohio, US

Quang Dang wrote:
Damn! I LOVE this show!!

storyline, concept and actors choices everything match and perfect together!!

Can't wait for the Finale Season too soon. But heck why they don't make another Season?

Because the creator wanted it to go out on top, instead of the long drawn out deaths that some shows go through. I mean come on, Walter has terminal cancer. it has to end sometime!

Jun 17 13 09:10 pm Link


Bobby Alonzo

Posts: 423

Los Angeles, California, US

Can't wait for August even though it's going to be bittersweet. I don't know what I'm going to do when it's over though, seeing as next season is also [probably] going to be the last season of Mad Men. Both of my favorite shows are going to be gone in the near future.

Jun 17 13 10:24 pm Link


Jamtron Studio

Posts: 1066

Venice, Florida, US

I just finished season 5 the other night. I thought that was the end of the series, I don't have cable and have to wait for it to be on Netflix. I was disappointed with that  season. The humor was gone. The first few seasons my wife and I would watch episode after episode, staying up way past our bed time. The last few episodes of season 5 were hard to get through at all. I don't really care how believable it is (it's a TV show!), but it should at least be entertaining. Half the time we weren't sure what was going on the last few episodes. Hope it picks up next season. Now if only Nurse Jackie would come back.....

Jun 18 13 08:15 am Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2935

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Jules NYC wrote:
I love this show.
Every episode made me contemplate the human condition.

I wish I had a fellow Breaking Bad enthusiast to discuss each episode like a one on one book club.

The characters are so well developed, I tip my hat to the writing.

I learn all kinds of things being with you.

I think it's the best TV series ever filmed!

I have every episode of every season on 5 different drives.

I guess I must have registered with AMC, because I get emails of interviews with the cast, and the crew. The detail they put into each episode is killer, and almost everything has a reason.

One of my favorite parts.

Mike was fucking bad ass!

Jun 18 13 12:22 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Kevin Fair wrote:

I think it's the best TV series ever filmed!

I have every episode of every season on 5 different drives.

I guess I must have registered with AMC, because I get emails of interviews with the cast, and the crew. The detail they put into each episode is killer, and almost everything has a reason.

One of my favorite parts.

Mike was fucking bad ass!

Speaking of badass...

Jun 18 13 06:03 pm Link


Bernadette Newberry

Posts: 156

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

There isn't a single show on television that gives me chills like this, and that I speak so highly of.

Well. Aside from Rupaul's Drag Race.

Jun 18 13 06:10 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I thought I should add...

I watched seasons 1-4 straight in one weekend and downloaded torrents the following Monday morning, which of course I watched right away.

When I like something, I become engrossed:)

Jun 18 13 06:17 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2935

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Jules NYC wrote:
I thought I should add...

I watched seasons 1-4 straight in one weekend and downloaded torrents the following Monday morning, which of course I watched right away.

When I like something, I become engrossed:)

I did the same thing, only with Dexter. I'd never heard of the show, and a friend told me about it. I watched the first 5 seasons in just a few days. Then I had to add Showtime to my cable so I could watch the new episodes.

We could so watch TV together.

Jun 18 13 10:19 pm Link



Posts: 1755

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
Finally, Skyler has a huge stack of money that she said couldn't be laundered by the car wash.  Okay, but why would she be laundering it.  She had IRS trouble in an earlier show.  She would know the best thing to do is declare it on her taxes.  Then use it.  If they get caught, they will get be in the biggest trouble for not paying taxes.  Remember the mobster Al Capone.  He went to jail and was one of the first residents of Alcatraz.  He was in jail for taxes, not mobstering.

What do you suppose the whole car wash thing is for??? You have to declare WHERE your income came from, you can't just tell the IRS you made three million cash this year from undisclosed sources feel free to tax some tax out of that.

She simply has too much to pass it off as revenue from the car wash now, (the IRS  will be a little suspicious if some backwoods car wash is turning 3 mill profit) so to launder it effectively they'd need to buy some more cash style businesses, the laser tag place etc.

Jun 18 13 11:00 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Kevin Fair wrote:

I did the same thing, only with Dexter. I'd never heard of the show, and a friend told me about it. I watched the first 5 seasons in just a few days. Then I had to add Showtime to my cable so I could watch the new episodes.

We could so watch TV together.

That's rich

It's funny too because I hardly watch TV but love a good show. I never watched Dexter but I may like it:)

I would love being a staff writer for a show of great merit.

Jun 19 13 05:18 am Link


C h a r l e s D

Posts: 9312

Los Angeles, California, US

You know what's interesting about that Laser Tag place is it really existed in Albuquerque back in 1985.  I played there several times.  I was really hoping they'd buy it.

Jun 19 13 05:44 am Link



Posts: 2109

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Kevin Fair wrote:

I did the same thing, only with Dexter. I'd never heard of the show, and a friend told me about it. I watched the first 5 seasons in just a few days. Then I had to add Showtime to my cable so I could watch the new episodes.

We could so watch TV together.

I started on Dexter when there was only 3 seasons, but pretty much the same situation here. My in-laws kept telling me I'd love it and finally sent us the first two seasons on DVD for Christmas, we watched them both back to back and then hopped online to find season 3.

Dexter and Breaking Bad just have this way of sucking me in, if I know there are more episodes to be seen, I MUST SEE THEM!

C h a r l e s  D wrote:
You know what's interesting about that Laser Tag place is it really existed in Albuquerque back in 1985.  I played there several times.  I was really hoping they'd buy it.

I read an article recently about a man that started a business in Albuquerque that consists of nothing more than taking people on a tour of the different businesses shown in the show, like the car wash and Los Pollos Hermanos. This guy did the tour and posted photos/addresses of the spots: … ue/#page/1

Jun 19 13 10:58 am Link



Posts: 38

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

breaking bad is suchhh a good show! if you say its going downhill.. read the reviews! awards won.. awesome storyline.. watching mr. white go downhill.. but i guess everyone is entitled to their own opinion! iv been officially hooked since season 1, that and game of thrones.. and dexter

Jun 19 13 12:29 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jun 20 13 05:53 am Link



Posts: 2109

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Samual Jackson does a Breaking Bad monologue:

Jun 20 13 02:30 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jun 20 13 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 1153

Los Angeles, California, US

I have been on a Netflix-driven "Breaking Bad" marathon and it's getting irritating how often they dress the 'Marie Schrader' character in purple, and how half the things in her house are purple.

Plus they color time all the shadows purple.

Jun 21 13 08:01 pm Link

Jun 24 13 09:38 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jun 27 13 03:08 am Link

Jun 27 13 10:14 pm Link


Cool Hand Mike

Posts: 735

Jacksonville, Florida, US

This video keeps adding as the seasons go on and the guy did a great job of editing/mixing.

And a song from the show that is hard to track down :

Jun 28 13 08:28 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

de0rbit wrote:
I have been on a Netflix-driven "Breaking Bad" marathon and it's getting irritating how often they dress the 'Marie Schrader' character in purple, and how half the things in her house are purple.

Plus they color time all the shadows purple.

Actually, if you notice, all the characters on the show have their own colour schemes. Marie is just more noticeable because it's purple.

Jun 28 13 05:07 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

You have to be smart to be a good criminal.

Jun 28 13 05:08 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Aaron Paul on Conan tonight

Jul 24 13 09:42 pm Link



Posts: 1153

Los Angeles, California, US

de0rbit wrote:
I have been on a Netflix-driven "Breaking Bad" marathon and it's getting irritating how often they dress the 'Marie Schrader' character in purple, and how half the things in her house are purple.

Plus they color time all the shadows purple.

Actually the color code is written on a piece of paper and posted unobtrusively in the background in one shot.

Jul 24 13 10:30 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2935

Palm Coast, Florida, US


Aug 11 13 09:03 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Kevin Fair wrote:

Yesssssssssssssss … own-mashup

Aug 11 13 09:21 am Link