Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > ... on watching Breaking Bad


Wicked Photos

Posts: 7699

New York, New York, US

just finished watching it. it was good.. saw some new characters come into play. i like where this is going.

Aug 18 13 08:38 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2889

Palm Coast, Florida, US

Wicked Photos wrote:
just finished watching it. it was good.. saw some new characters come into play. i like where this is going.

I cant figure out where it's going, so many different ways it could work out. At the end of the show I was thinking...will Jessie flip on Walt? After watching the talk show Talking Bad, Jessie said they were finished, but I have a hard time thinking Jessie would do it, although Walt has pretty much fried his life.

I've always hated Skyler.....until this episode. She really stepped up.

Aug 18 13 09:06 pm Link


Wicked Photos

Posts: 7699

New York, New York, US

i dont think he'll say anything.

as for the where this is going part, we dont know what will happen but i like that finally Walt is caught and he's scrambling to hide any traces. there are 6 more shows left!

Aug 18 13 09:14 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jesse's kryptonite is his guilt.

Sometimes a man only cries when it's his own life to lose.

Jesse cried when his parents turned their back on him, when his girlfriend overdosed on their 'last night' before their new life, when he was in the hospital all banged up, when his 2nd girlfriend's kid died, when he had to kill Gale and when that kid in the desert got shot by Todd, it was over for him.

Throwing that money away was very significant.
There are no more tears.

He can't live with himself knowing that kid's parents will never know where their dead son is.

On that note, kids mean so much to Jesse because he wants to give them love he never received from his parents, from anyone.

Remember how he sought Walt's approval so much in the beginning?

At this point, Jesse doesn't care about his life; he hasn't for a while, if ever.

If he sings like a canary, it will be for the kid.

...and I must say, his vulnerability is what makes him so lovable, if you can overlook him being a user, a drug dealer, having sex with junkies/hookers & being a murderer:)

If the boy only had some damn guidance.

My eyes are on Hank; he's the good guy.
Who's going to break first?

Jesse or Hank?
Walt is just the walking dead.

Aug 18 13 09:59 pm Link


Kevin K

Posts: 2889

Palm Coast, Florida, US

I'm not sure about Hank. Remember what he told his wife about not having proof on Walter.

Next weeks episode is titled Confessions or something like that. They showed Walt and Skyler sitting in a restaurant, Skyler said they wouldn't be sitting alone. Maybe Hank would be look the other way for a 100 million or so? Does he have a choice?

Unless Jessie flips.

Aug 18 13 11:40 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Kevin Fair wrote:
I'm not sure about Hank. Remember what he told his wife about not having proof on Walter.

Next weeks episode is titled Confessions or something like that. They showed Walt and Skyler sitting in a restaurant, Skyler said they wouldn't be sitting alone. Maybe Hank would be look the other way for a 100 million or so? Does he have a choice?

Unless Jessie flips.

Hank is smart.
He'll wait like a big cat.
Whether he will shake him down is questionable.

Remember how Hank handled his wife's kleptomania? That was setting up his character and ethics. As a cop, he wants proof as his career is on the line, the great Heisenberg right underneath his nose.

Heisenberg principle:)

It is ironic that Marie wants Hank to nail him being a thief herself... yet Walt's perils are far, far more severe than stealing a diamond tiara or a pair of shoes.

First and foremost her husband was shot and was injured... could have been paralyzed. She also took care of Skyler's kids, hence the struggle with Holly, Skyler's baby. Many people died.

I love the human condition/dynamic in this show.

Aug 18 13 11:59 pm Link


Cool Hand Mike

Posts: 735

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Jules NYC wrote:
...and I must say, his vulnerability is what makes him so lovable, if you can overlook him being a user, a drug dealer, having sex with junkies/hookers & being a murderer:)

Strangely I think Jesse is being a little biatch. He could take the $ to the peekaboo kid/Spooge + Skank's kid and take care of him or do a myriad of other positive things.


The Skysenberg nickname that has been popping up a few places has made me LOL.

I dunno why Skysenberg didn't point out that the truth destroys most/all of them, though Hank and Marie acknowledged it. I was hoping Marie was going to flip on that point considering she wanted to go with the "muscle memory" line against the Pinkman beating.

Aug 19 13 09:54 am Link


Damon Strong

Posts: 1853

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

A bunch of people in Connecticut called 911 last night when their cable went out for several hours and they missed the show.

Aug 19 13 10:14 am Link



Posts: 1153

Los Angeles, California, US

Damon Strong wrote:
A bunch of people in Connecticut called 911 last night when their cable went out for several hours and they missed the show.

My cable was iffy last night toward the end.

Aug 19 13 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 1153

Los Angeles, California, US

Aug 19 13 04:51 pm Link


Bureau Form Guild

Posts: 1244

Scranton, Pennsylvania, US

I have a suspicion Walt loses everything relegated to living in a 1970s Lincoln coupe pimp mobile with assault weapon in trunk. In a bitter irony everything he ever held dear is gone. Not sure what he taped to the wall plate though.

Aug 19 13 05:22 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Cool Hand Mike wrote:
Strangely I think Jesse is being a little biatch. He could take the $ to the peekaboo kid/Spooge + Skank's kid and take care of him or do a myriad of other positive things.


The Skysenberg nickname that has been popping up a few places has made me LOL.

I dunno why Skysenberg didn't point out that the truth destroys most/all of them, though Hank and Marie acknowledged it. I was hoping Marie was going to flip on that point considering she wanted to go with the "muscle memory" line against the Pinkman beating.

Jesse is good at crying and being 'dreamy' (note getting free gas for the RV way back when) but not good at doing anything about anything.

He's bummed that Mike died but he's a murderer too, just Mike was a logical, keep to his word kind of murderer.

You can feel bad for Jesse but all the cute in the world doesn't make up for the gaping holes that define the chasm of his flawed soul.

...but Aaron Paul
smile … -there-any

Aug 19 13 06:40 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Damon Strong wrote:
A bunch of people in Connecticut called 911 last night when their cable went out for several hours and they missed the show.


Connecticut people need their fix man.
It's pretty real here.

Aug 19 13 06:42 pm Link



Posts: 14895

Seminole, Florida, US

Jules NYC wrote:
He's bummed that Mike died

He doesn't know Mike is dead...

Aug 19 13 07:47 pm Link


Bobby Alonzo

Posts: 423

Los Angeles, California, US

I really liked the last episode, the dialogue was great.
And I'm glad people are FINALLY starting to like Skyler.

Aug 19 13 08:07 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

joeyk wrote:

He doesn't know Mike is dead...

Jesse became quite sharp after being a part of this operation.

He knows...
Just can't prove it.

Walt can't bullshit him anymore or use guilt to manipulate him to save his life anymore.

We all expect Walt to die.
What if he doesn't?

Aug 20 13 04:20 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Salvador Alonzo wrote:
I really liked the last episode, the dialogue was great.
And I'm glad people are FINALLY starting to like Skyler.

At least she got Walt's money back.

... and kind of cracked me up a bit when she played the part of 'Mrs. Wiggins' who kept the books, I mean Quickbooks.


So she's a cheater and scared the guy she screwed into the hospital.
Those damn rugs, so slippery.

Aug 20 13 04:27 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

On killing a man...

Hank can do it because it's his job.
Walt does it because the only lives he cares about is his family's, not his.
Jesse does it unwillfully as he'll
take orders to do it.

Jesse would could have been a German soldier.

I wonder how important Hank's job is to do the right thing.

Aug 22 13 06:01 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Aug 22 13 06:17 am Link



Posts: 4483

Chico, California, US

Jules NYC wrote:

Oh, that one is good !!

Breaking Mad

Aug 22 13 08:41 am Link



Posts: 4483

Chico, California, US

This “Breaking Bad” Theory Is Pretty Mindblowing

Contains spoilers. … indblowing

5 more theories on how it will play out: … l-end-ck8u

and more:
http://breakingbad-predictions.blogspot … mment-form

edit: That last list of predictions was made a while ago, and some have already not happened. None the less, speculation is fun.

Aug 22 13 09:32 am Link



Posts: 446

Great Falls, Virginia, US

I predict Walt that the future scenes of Walt getting the big ass gun and the ricin are a pre-curser to him going back to save someone, either Jesse or Skyler.  Lydia and her newfound friends are going to be pissed that he's not willing to come back to show them how to cook properly.

Most interested to see how Hank deals with this, though.  We know that in the future Walt doesn't end up in jail, obviously.  I think the real question is whether Hank is dead or alive in the end.  Maybe Walt comes back to save Hank?

Best show I've ever watched, most engrossing.  As far as the OP, I'm pretty sure if he had paid attention, most of those details are covered in the show, though perhaps not as in depth as he'd like.  Lydia has got control of all the shipping, she's basically a mastermind when it comes to logistics.

Aug 24 13 05:30 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I just started watching the series... I'm addicted!

Aug 24 13 07:49 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

P I X I E wrote:
I just started watching the series... I'm addicted!

A new recruit!

I just watched this long interview with Aaron Paul (if I can only find it again). When asked what his favorite scene was he couldn't answer as he loves it all. He did say 4 Days Out in Season 2 was his favorite episode to shoot.

I don't want to spoil it so enjoy:)

Aug 25 13 03:44 am Link


Frozen Moments

Posts: 1680

San Antonio, Texas, US

I am a new recruit also. I reluctantly gave in to watching this series this summer on Netflix. I just did not find the shows premise interesting, and for some reason hated the show until about the third season, but yet kept pushing on. I finally realized why I hated it so much. I should rather say it was Walt that I hated so much, and that is a tribute to the actor who could make me hate like no other character. I still hate Walt, but now I love to hate him.

I now, wait anxiously for every new episode smile

Aug 25 13 04:01 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Frozen Moments Photo wrote:
I am a new recruit also. I reluctantly gave in to watching this series this summer on Netflix. I just did not find the shows premise interesting, and for some reason hated the show until about the third season, but yet kept pushing on. I finally realized why I hated it so much. I should rather say it was Walt that I hated so much, and that is a tribute to the actor who could make me hate like no other character. I still hate Walt, but now I love to hate him.

I now, wait anxiously for every new episode smile


He has the same weaknesses as many men... just without the bloodshed.
Think about it.

If I was involved in organized crime, I'd hire a Mike instantly.

Aug 25 13 04:07 am Link


Frozen Moments

Posts: 1680

San Antonio, Texas, US

Jules NYC wrote:

He has the same weaknesses as many men... just without the bloodshed.
Think about it.

That is true, I think it was his whiny character that really pushed my buttons, and then when he became power mad he showed true evil. Like I said, I love to hate him now, and can't wait to see how it all turns out. Jesse is also starting to get on my nerves too, but I attribute that to good acting. we are not suppose to love these characters, IMHO.

Ha ha, I actually liked Mike for some reason, even though he was not a squeaky clean character , either.

Aug 25 13 04:13 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Frozen Moments Photo wrote:
That is true, I think it was his whiny character that really pushed my buttons, and then when he became power mad he showed true evil. Like I said, I love to hate him now, and can't wait to see how it all turns out. Jesse is also starting to get on my nerves too, but I attribute that to good acting. we are not suppose to love these characters, IMHO.

Ha ha, I actually liked Mike for some reason, even though he was not a squeaky clean character , either.

It's weird how Walt can be so evil and conversely acts like such a pussy.

So what is it about Jesse that is irking you?
For me, watching him self destruct has been painful.

I cheered him on when he bought his parent's house as I felt terrible when they wanted nothing to do with him. Then I kind of fell for his chatacter when he fell in love with that drug addict... only because you were able to see his true colors there.

Thing is, he's too vulnerable/easily manipulated and now that he can't be manipulated anymore, the damage is done.

Now what?
He did it to himself.

As for Mike, I really liked him too for most likely the same reasons you may have responded to.

I really like Hank.
He is honorable.

I question why Hank married such a headcase. This is where the writing really is spectacular. A lot of thought went into this.

I mean, they both agree on the same broad values. What vulnerability does Hank have that accepts Marie's weaknesses?

The same thing that will 'save' Walt?
Will Walt beat his inoperable cancer?


Aug 25 13 04:22 am Link


Frozen Moments

Posts: 1680

San Antonio, Texas, US

I did admire Walt's intention to leave his family well off after his demise. It seemed he lost sight of that fact for awhile, and it became a power trip.

I think Jesse started bothering me when he started his guilt trip. I do not want to be too specific for those that may not be up to speed yet.

Aug 25 13 04:33 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Frozen Moments Photo wrote:
I did admire Walt's intention to leave his family well off after his demise. It seemed he lost sight of that fact for awhile, and it became a power trip.

I think Jesse started bothering me when he started his guilt trip. I do not want to be too specific for those that may not be up to speed yet.

Do we have to watch what we say in this thread for those who are not caught up?
Too bad because I'm curious when specifically you noticed Jesse's guilt trip.

It's funny how Jesse's character and this guilt trip is a parallel with someone I know personally.

Aug 25 13 04:42 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Jules NYC wrote:

A new recruit!

I just watched this long interview with Aaron Paul (if I can only find it again). When asked what his favorite scene was he couldn't answer as he loves it all. He did say 4 Days Out in Season 2 was his favorite episode to shoot.

I don't want to spoil it so enjoy:)

I'm a science/chemistry nerd. big_smile

Aug 25 13 06:07 am Link


David M Russell

Posts: 1301

New York, New York, US

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
I watched it for the first time in a year or so, this week.  The show seems to have gone down hill to the point of being unwatchable.  Now, granted, I watch very little TV, so I find it very easy to shut off the set.  The holes in the plot are just horrible.

Start with the overseas sales.  That's just stupid.  In the US, finding the ingredients is hard.  Oversees, in a second-world country, it is bound to be easier.

Also, you are transporting the stuff.  That's dangerous.  It would be infinitely easier for him to go there and make the stuff.  Then he has significantly cut his risk of being caught.

Speaking of being caught, flying the stuff is asinine.  First off, you're putting the stuff through the highest level of security.  Containerize it and sending it by boat is much less risky.  Also, sending big quantities of liquids by plane is expensive.  It would make people ask questions.  What chemical would a US company be shipping to Europe by plane? 

Finally, Skyler has a huge stack of money that she said couldn't be laundered by the car wash.  Okay, but why would she be laundering it.  She had IRS trouble in an earlier show.  She would know the best thing to do is declare it on her taxes.  Then use it.  If they get caught, they will get be in the biggest trouble for not paying taxes.  Remember the mobster Al Capone.  He went to jail and was one of the first residents of Alcatraz.  He was in jail for taxes, not mobstering.

The solution to their trouble is to expatriate the money -- to get it out of the country.  With their overseas operation, that's simple.  They wouldn't be bringing cash back.  That will get them caught.  They need to keep the money outside of the US.  Nobody is bring huge chunks of chain into the country.  That's just stupid.

After that, I've given up.  It should be called Breaking Stupid unless they get the plot holes fixed.

RE: Overseas sales. I don't recall them talking about how to ship it. They did show bags being put into drums of chemicals for shipment. Presumably on ships, not airplanes. Either way, the notion is that somebody is already paying for that item to be shipped and that it's an item that isn't likely to be inspected with a strainer.

Also, the opportunity was merely one of European distribution in an apparently existing network. The quality of Walt's product had already pushed competitors out of the market in the US. Why wouldn't it do the same over there?

Re: Money laundering. Yeah, they WERE declaring it on their taxes. That's the point of the car wash. They bought the car wash, then they just report more car washes than they actually did, inflating their bank accounts with the drug money as the "profit", and paying the tax on it. Hence: laundering.

The problem is that he was making so much money that it wouldn't be plausible to launder it all through the car wash, which might lead to an audit, so she stockpiled it.

...and she wasn't in trouble with the IRS. The company she worked for was because her boss/lover was cooking the books.

Aug 25 13 06:08 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

P I X I E wrote:

I'm a science/chemistry nerd. big_smile

Even better!


Aug 25 13 06:24 am Link



Posts: 39248

Portland, Oregon, US

Jules NYC wrote:
A new recruit!

Hmmm, you didn't "Yay!" when I came  hmm

PS:  WTF, I thought I posted in here before.


I've only watched from the start of season 4 so far... after the finale I need to go back and try to find the first 3 seasons... I guess time I figure out how to use Netflix or something.  sad

Aug 25 13 09:28 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

DougBPhoto wrote:

Hmmm, you didn't "Yay!" when I came  hmm

PS:  WTF, I thought I posted in here before.


I've only watched from the start of season 4 so far... after the finale I need to go back and try to find the first 3 seasons... I guess time I figure out how to use Netflix or something.  sad

It's not real until you buy a BB tee shirt.


Aug 25 13 09:49 am Link


Abbitt Photography

Posts: 13564

Washington, Utah, US

I watched it all recently, up through the first part of the 5th season.   I think it's one of the best shows I've seen in a long time.   One thing I like is that if one pays enough attention, one can predict what will happen next - more like programs used to be.  I like that.  (As apposed to throwing in unforeseen changes for shock value) I watched it with someone else, and we'd talk about the smallest things and what they meant - and most did have a meaning.  It's not many shows I can say that of anymore.

Granted, like many shows and movies, they make a few plot lines that simply don't make sense, even within the context of the show, and I agree that's a negative.  I've stopped watching a few shows when such plot lines got too ridiculous.   For me, Breaking Bad hasn't crossed that line, but  I appreciate that line is different for everyone.

Aug 25 13 11:44 am Link



Posts: 39248

Portland, Oregon, US

Jules NYC wrote:

It's not real until you buy a BB tee shirt.


I don't like to buy things, I prefer when I receive them.  smile

I guess that makes me a taker and not a giver sad

Aug 25 13 09:14 pm Link



Posts: 4483

Chico, California, US

Aug 25 13 09:32 pm Link


Ben Hinman

Posts: 596

Westwood, California, US

everyone said how amazing this show was but i got bored and stopped watching around the end of the 2nd season. i really don't see why this is peoples favorite show of all time. granted its a pretty decent show and i like how their characters are realistic and unidealized, but i can't see it making my top ten.

not to threadjack but has anyone seen under the dome yet? big_smile sooo excited to find out what the creepy egg is

Aug 26 13 02:41 am Link



Posts: 35440

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Ben Hinman wrote:
everyone said how amazing this show was but i got bored and stopped watching around the end of the 2nd season. i really don't see why this is peoples favorite show of all time. granted its a pretty decent show and i like how their characters are realistic and unidealized, but i can't see it making my top ten.

not to threadjack but has anyone seen under the dome yet? big_smile sooo excited to find out what the creepy egg is

Why do people like what they do? Cuz they do?

I am a chemistry and science nerd. Maybe that's why I enjoy it so much.

Aug 26 13 06:47 am Link