This thread was locked on 2014-06-04 15:45:21
Forums > Model Colloquy > Photographer asking for sex


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

The guy that shot my avatar is my really good friend... and he's an old horny man.  One that is a great producer, has a lot of sex books, completely left of the grid.  He's awesome.

Is he turned on when I shoot with him?  Who knows... maybe lol.  If I ask him I'm sure I'll get a perverted response.  We have great respect for each other and I usually don't joke around like that with anyone.

Anyhoo, I have a photo of me holding a feather duster, dusting his books with my ass out; it's hilarious.

He's all old Hollywood and shooting with him is awesome.

and he never asks me for sex lol
Just gives me great conversations, sage advice, we share ideas/concepts.


Jun 03 14 11:27 am Link



Posts: 69

New York, New York, US

Jules NYC wrote:

True but I believe an evolved person (men included) can see what beauty is without wanting to slay or objectify it.

I think there are several issues at hand. People forget that a photograph is an object. The second I snap a photograph, an object is created that represents the model. When I retouch this picture, it is just an object to me that I can change to be anything I want it to be, but the model wherever she may be is still a person. I believe that some photographers can sometimes subconsciously forget that the model in the room with them is not an image/object but a person. This might be because they are used to viewing the world through objects/ images.

The segregation between models and photographers, helps enforce photographers unhealthy views of models (I am only referring to the ones who have unhealthy views). One term that I don't like to use is the Model as a "Muse", or source of inspiration, because it often implies that the model is an object to draw inspiration from. Instead I see the model as a collaborator. Just like the makeup artist and the hairstylist the model brings their life experiences, skills, and looks to the table. He or she is a fellow employee just like people at a regular job.

Photographers who don't see models as collaborators are more likely to view their interaction in the same way that a guy might view a stripper, and there for they are probably more likely to ask for sex when they encounter an attractive model.

So I don't think it is a question of evolution.

Jun 03 14 11:32 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

JustinWKing wrote:
I think there are several issues at hand. People forget that a photograph is an object. The second I snap a photograph, an object is created that represents the model. When I retouch this picture, it is just an object to me that I can change to be anything I want it to be, but the model wherever she may be is still a person. I believe that some photographers can sometimes subconsciously forget that the model in the room with them is not an image/object but a person. This might be because they are used to viewing the world through objects/ images.

The segregation between models and photographers, helps enforce photographers unhealthy views of models (I am only referring to the ones who have unhealthy views). One term that I don't like to use is the Model as a "Muse", or source of inspiration, because it often implies that the model is an object to draw inspiration from. Instead I see the model as a collaborator. Just like the makeup artist and the hairstylist the model brings their life experiences, skills, and looks to the table. He or she is a fellow employee just like people at a regular job.

Photographers who don't see models as collaborators are more likely to view their interaction in the same way that a guy might view a stripper, and there for they are probably more likely to ask for sex when they encounter an attractive model.

So I don't think it is a question of evolution.

I see a very real person behind every image.  Even a fantasy image.

For example, who is this man, etc.
Is he sexy?
Damn straight.

Would I disrespect him?
Hell no.

Jun 03 14 11:35 am Link



Posts: 4627

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

Brian Diaz wrote:

Do you believe there is a difference between being objectified in the finished result (for instance, a photograph) and being objectified in person by your coworkers?

Yes there's a difference. But if you're walking around the office in a thong and bending at the hips to pick up papers so everyone sees your ass (and everything else) then don't get mad when someone says "Hey Carol, you have a lovely round butt".

Jun 03 14 11:48 am Link


Llobet Photography

Posts: 4915

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Anyone posing in front of a camera is being objectfied.  Doesn't matter if nude, clothed or whTnot.  You turn into a two dimensional static object

Jun 03 14 11:48 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

BlueMoonPics wrote:
Anyone posing in front of a camera is being objectfied.  Doesn't matter if nude, clothed or whTnot.  You turn into a two dimensional static object


I see it completely differently.
Then again, I never do anything I feel is inappropriate either.

Jun 03 14 11:51 am Link



Posts: 4627

Little Rock, Arkansas, US

I make my living being objectified. Otherwise I'd go back to working retail.

Jun 03 14 11:53 am Link



Posts: 69

New York, New York, US

Jules NYC wrote:
I see a very real person behind every image.  Even a fantasy image.

For example, who is this man, etc.
Is he sexy?
Damn straight.

Would I disrespect him?
Hell no.

You see a character behind the image, not a person. You may want to see them as person, but you can only see them as a character, because they are only showing one part of themselves a person is infinitely more complicated than what can be represented in a single image. 

If someone has a difficult distinguishing between the two, then that can be a problem. If you see a hollywood movie with someone getting shot, or a cartoon of someone getting shot, I imagine your reaction would be somewhat different than a documentary footage of someone getting shot.

EDIT: And your reaction would probably different if you saw a person get shot in front of you, which would still be different if someone got shot, you you saw them after the fact.

Jun 03 14 11:54 am Link


Llobet Photography

Posts: 4915

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Jules NYC wrote:


I see it completely differently.
Then again, I never do anything I feel is inappropriate either.

Being objectfied doesnt mean doing something bad.  Its just that the model is creating an imge.  It is not the whole person.

Jun 03 14 12:02 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Is this still going, did the op ever return?

What a fucking joke thread!

Jun 03 14 12:03 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Kelleth wrote:

I find this comment absolutely revolting.

There are PLENTY of photographers who are not shooting with the intentions of trying to have sex with models. A woman absolutely has the right to pose nude and as "provocatively" as she wishes without having to be harassed by "photographers" or clients who take advantage of their perceived positions of power by demanding sex from them afterwards. People with attitudes like you are why websites like this have such a negative reputation.

Models are showing up to shoots (whether it's fully clothed or nude) expecting professionalism, not harassment and sexual advances.

What a crock! Every living breathing straight male looks at a beautiful woman with the same desire, it's who we are!

Jun 03 14 12:10 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

JustinWKing wrote:

You see a character behind the image, not a person. You may want to see them as person, but you can only see them as a character, because they are only showing one part of themselves a person is infinitely more complicated than what can be represented in a single image. 

If someone has a difficult distinguishing between the two, then that can be a problem. If you see a hollywood movie with someone getting shot, or a cartoon of someone getting shot, I imagine your reaction would be somewhat different than a documentary footage of someone getting shot.

EDIT: And your reaction would probably different if you saw a person get shot in front of you, which would still be different if someone got shot, you you saw them after the fact.

I will tell you what I see as they are my eyes.  Yes a character but unless the image was painted from imagination (which is still a person), I still respect the image as a human being.

Unless you've got a blow-up doll (and ewww on that), every image is still a human being TO ME.

Jun 03 14 12:11 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

BlueMoonPics wrote:
Being objectfied doesnt mean doing something bad.  Its just that the model is creating an imge.  It is not the whole person.

I don't objectify anyone/anything...

Except actual objects.

Jun 03 14 12:11 pm Link



Posts: 4254

Los Angeles, California, US

Strange as it may sound, a "model" once asked to trade her favors in lieu of shoot payment to me.

And.. the images came out great!

(JK, I turned her down and we didn't end up shooting)

Jun 03 14 12:14 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I love beautiful people and beautiful things. … -deep.html

Jun 03 14 12:17 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

As for sex appeal, if an image spurs a reaction, i.e., desire of any kind, you're doing something right.

Jun 03 14 12:24 pm Link



Posts: 69

New York, New York, US

Jules NYC wrote:
As for sex appeal, if an image spurs a reaction, i.e., desire of any kind, you're doing something right.

There is more to life than sex appeal.

Jules NYC wrote:
I love beautiful people and beautiful things. … -deep.html

I like people, ugly, beautiful and in between, because people are more than just their facade. I choose the models I choose because that is what the market wants, not because I am sexually attracted to them, or find them particularly beautiful, even though my objective might be to make them look beautiful according to popular culture, which is different from sexy.

Jun 03 14 12:27 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

JustinWKing wrote:

Jules NYC wrote:
As for sex appeal, if an image spurs a reaction, i.e., desire of any kind, you're doing something right.

There is more to life than sex appeal.

I like people, ugly, beautiful and in between, because people are more than just their facade. I choose the models I choose because that is what the market wants, not because I am sexually attracted to them, or find them particularly beautiful, even though my objective might be to make them look beautiful according to popular culture, which is different from sexy.

Of course there is more to life than sex appeal.  I didn't say there wasn't, ha.

Their is appeal in everything; it is subjective.
You like portrait photography then.

We like what we like and again, I do not believe every person that is attractive is a person I would want to be with in a romantic/sexual way.

I just see beauty how I see beauty.
Everyone's definition of beauty is different.

I certainly never cared about what the majority thinks/believes as it is ever changing and not my own.

From an advertising perspective, smart to approach what the industry calls for.

Jun 03 14 12:32 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Alannah The Stylist

Posts: 1550

Los Angeles, California, US

London Fog wrote:
Is this still going, did the op ever return?

What a fucking joke thread!

Why is this thread a joke?

Jun 03 14 12:36 pm Link


Click Hamilton

Posts: 36555

San Diego, California, US

Blaire_ wrote:
I have a very unpopular opinion on this.  I think for a sexy shot, it only helps if there is some sort of chemistry between photographer and model.  If I have the inclination, and I happen to get physically turned on during a shoot, all the better!  It makes it so much easier to be convincing with those bedroom eyes!

I have been offered sex during/after a shoot.  Did it offend me horribly?  No, it's flattering.  All I had to say was, 'thanks but no thanks.'  Was I in danger at any moment?  Not in the least.  Would I shoot with that photographer again?  Most definitely.

No need to be all uptight about this shit.

A good rapport is an important part of any photo shoot.

Jun 03 14 12:52 pm Link


Kristine Kristine

Posts: 26

Napanee, Ontario, Canada

christiecreepydolls wrote:
I have edited this because admin is helping me but for the future.....

I am guessing this happens to models sometimes, how do you handle it?

Make it clear on your profile, that this is not tolerated.
There are many outstanding photographers on MM, but you have to make it very clear that you are a model... and nothing less.
If this person continues to send you messages have a moderator handle it for you.
Be wise, as I always have an escort with me when I do model.
Some photographers would find this distracting.. but a real pro wouldn't see it that way.

Jun 03 14 12:53 pm Link


Elizabeta Rosandic

Posts: 953

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

Kristine Kristine wrote:

Make it clear on your profile, that this is not tolerated.
There are many outstanding photographers on MM, but you have to make it very clear that you are a model... and nothing less.
If this person continues to send you messages have a moderator handle it for you.
Be wise, as I always have an escort with me when I do model.
Some photographers would find this distracting.. but a real pro wouldn't see it that way.

This is actually pretty bad advice. And mildly slut-shaming with the "...and nothing less".

Jun 03 14 01:02 pm Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

Kristine Kristine wrote:

Make it clear on your profile, that this is not tolerated.
There are many outstanding photographers on MM, but you have to make it very clear that you are a model... and nothing less.
If this person continues to send you messages have a moderator handle it for you.
Be wise, as I always have an escort with me when I do model.
Some photographers would find this distracting.. but a real pro wouldn't see it that way.

You are free to have any opinion you wish, and put any restrictions and caveats on the shoots you do, but I can't agree with you to give advice to the vast majority.

I would encourage any model to seek out the models who do this for a living, deal with the crap, and somehow still pay their mortgage from modeling alone.  I've worked with many models who do it as a career.  None of them charge as much as you do, need an escort, or feel the need to say anything about dating sites, sex or anything other than business on their profiles.

The people who treat this career like a job tend to be more successful at it than those who do it as a hobby that pays for their tanning package and manicures.

Jun 03 14 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 885

Robertsdale, Alabama, US

Elizabeta Rosandic wrote:

This is actually pretty bad advice. And mildly slut-shaming with the "...and nothing less".

I don't think it's good advice either. Would probably turn off the photographers you would want to work with and not do anything to discourage those with ulterior motives.

Jun 03 14 01:17 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Kristine Kristine wrote:

Make it clear on your profile, that this is not tolerated.
There are many outstanding photographers on MM, but you have to make it very clear that you are a model... and nothing less.
If this person continues to send you messages have a moderator handle it for you.
Be wise, as I always have an escort with me when I do model.
Some photographers would find this distracting.. but a real pro wouldn't see it that way.


Jun 03 14 02:13 pm Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

Alannah Jones Styling wrote:

Why is this thread a joke?

Does this really need explaining, I'm sure you can work it out!

Jun 03 14 02:15 pm Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Alannah The Stylist

Posts: 1550

Los Angeles, California, US

London Fog wrote:

Does this really need explaining, I'm sure you can work it out!

I don't see anything funny about this thread.That is why I asked.

Jun 03 14 02:23 pm Link


jesse paulk

Posts: 3712

Phoenix, Arizona, US

The Grand Artist wrote:
Why exactly do models need a model only forum again?

London Fog wrote:
What a crock! Every living breathing straight male looks at a beautiful woman with the same desire, it's who we are!

BlueMoonPics wrote:
Anyone posing in front of a camera is being objectfied.  Doesn't matter if nude, clothed or whTnot.  You turn into a two dimensional static object

James Jackson Fashion wrote:
I don't want to start a spinning argument about ulterior motives, but no, you don't want your photographer to have sex furthest from his mind.  If he does, you won't look sexy, or attractive, or in any way enticing.

just imagine this thread with out all the photographers' comments on how models should just take being solicited for sex through modeling, by their photographer with a grain of salt, its harmless and only natural, yet rarely ever happens.

could have been over in 1-2 pages.  now its just people trying to prove some point. now its just guys saying you will be objectified so its okay for them to proposition you while you are basically working for them.

and now im here ranting away like the radical militant feminist i am. only a whiteknight constantly on a quest for sex because thats the only motivation you see for yourself and other people behaviors.

its not even like photographers needed to interject, a model eventually came along with their dream response, validating every GWC ever.

Blaire_ wrote:
I have a very unpopular opinion on this.  I think for a sexy shot, it only helps if there is some sort of chemistry between photographer and model.  If I have the inclination, and I happen to get physically turned on during a shoot, all the better!  It makes it so much easier to be convincing with those bedroom eyes!

I have been offered sex during/after a shoot.  Did it offend me horribly?  No, it's flattering.  All I had to say was, 'thanks but no thanks.'  Was I in danger at any moment?  Not in the least.  Would I shoot with that photographer again?  Most definitely.

No need to be all uptight about this shit.

Jun 03 14 02:24 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Hot guy propositions model = flattering
Not so hot guy propositions model = offensive


Hot guy doesn't need to get dates by photographing models
Not so hot guy needs to get dates by photographing models


Hot guy photographs plenty of models and dates freely
Not so hot guy photographs plenty of models and complains on MM forums how he has no dates

Jun 03 14 02:40 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Jules NYC wrote:
Hot guy propositions model = flattering
Not so hot guy propositions model = offensive


Hot guy doesn't need to get dates by photographing models
Not so hot guy needs to get dates by photographing models


Hot guy photographs plenty of models and dates freely
Not so hot guy photographs plenty of models and complains on MM forums how he has no dates

I've never had dates with models but I don't complain.   big_smile

Jun 03 14 02:44 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

I've never had dates with models but I don't complain.   big_smile

PS, physical beauty is just physical beauty.  Being a model may 'seem' like a cool factor to guys not in the industry but it really doesn't mean anything...

and that's the truth.

Jun 03 14 02:46 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Jules NYC wrote:

PS, physical beauty is just physical beauty.  Being a model may 'seem' like a cool factor to guys not in the industry but it really doesn't mean anything...

and that's the truth.

I know some models who have physical beauty and are also great persons.  Some are also very intelligent.

Jun 03 14 02:50 pm Link


r T p

Posts: 3511

Los Angeles, California, US

Jules NYC wrote:
Hot guy propositions model = flattering
Not so hot guy propositions model = offensive


Hot guy doesn't need to get dates by photographing models

Not so hot guy needs to get dates by photographing models


... hot guy creates a model account, instead

Jun 03 14 02:53 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

r T p wrote:

... hot guy creates a model account, instead


Jun 03 14 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 343

Portland, Oregon, US

jesse paulk wrote:

The Grand Artist wrote:
Why exactly do models need a model only forum again?

London Fog wrote:
What a crock! Every living breathing straight male looks at a beautiful woman with the same desire, it's who we are!

BlueMoonPics wrote:
Anyone posing in front of a camera is being objectfied.  Doesn't matter if nude, clothed or whTnot.  You turn into a two dimensional static object

James Jackson Fashion wrote:
I don't want to start a spinning argument about ulterior motives, but no, you don't want your photographer to have sex furthest from his mind.  If he does, you won't look sexy, or attractive, or in any way enticing.

just imagine this thread with out all the photographers' comments on how models should just take being solicited for sex through modeling, by their photographer with a grain of salt, its harmless and only natural, yet rarely ever happens.

could have been over in 1-2 pages.  now its just people trying to prove some point. now its just guys saying you will be objectified so its okay for them to proposition you while you are basically working for them.

and now im here ranting away like the radical militant feminist i am. only a whiteknight constantly on a quest for sex because thats the only motivation you see for yourself and other people behaviors.

its not even like photographers needed to interject, a model eventually came along with their dream response, validating every GWC ever.

I wouldn't say I'm validating anybody.  If the question is for sex, the answer is no.  But there's no reason to get all upset about being asked. 

Let me see if I get this straight.  In your eyes, women should make their own minds and choices about things, but just as long as they align with your ideals of how a woman should thing.  I mean, they would HAVE to!  You're their white knight!!

I am most definitely NOT a feminist in the sense of the word.  I love being a woman.  I love being soft, and feminine, and demure, and gentle. I am not offended when men appreciate looking at me.  I think it's a pretty natural thing! 

But... like I said.  It's an unpopular way of thinking.

Jun 03 14 02:58 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:
I know some models who have physical beauty and are also great persons.  Some are also very intelligent.

Of course... models are just people.  It's funny how people are mystified that an attractive person can have a kickass personality, be talented, intelligent... as if those qualities are only available to people who don't/can't model.

It wouldn't be a movie if there wasn't this stereotype/dynamic

What's the first thing most (not all!) women ask when they get dumped for someone else?

"What does she look like?"


Who cares lol

Jun 03 14 02:59 pm Link


James Jackson Fashion

Posts: 11132

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

James Jackson Fashion wrote:
I don't want to start a spinning argument about ulterior motives, but no, you don't want your photographer to have sex furthest from his mind.  If he does, you won't look sexy, or attractive, or in any way enticing.

jesse paulk wrote:
just imagine this thread with out all the photographers' comments on how models should just take being solicited for sex through modeling, by their photographer with a grain of salt, its harmless and only natural, yet rarely ever happens.

could have been over in 1-2 pages.  now its just people trying to prove some point. now its just guys saying you will be objectified so its okay for them to proposition you while you are basically working for them.

Gee... I sure don't remember saying any of those things you say I'm saying... and I don't think a logical or sane person could even parse the words I'm saying in to what you're saying.

If you look at my words in context it was only in response to a model who indicated she'd feel more comfortable if photographers were like gynecologists...  Which in fairness deserves a response from a photographer.  I am a photographer, and I know for a fact I couldn't work if I was as detached from my subject.  I'm not a scientist I'm an artist.

Jun 03 14 03:04 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Jules NYC wrote:

Of course... models are just people.  It's funny how people are mystified that an attractive person can have a kickass personality, be talented, intelligent... as if those qualities are only available to people who don't/can't model.

It wouldn't be a movie if there wasn't this stereotype/dynamic

What's the first thing most (not all!) women ask when they get dumped for someone else?

"What does she look like?"


Who cares lol

Good point!   lol

Jun 03 14 03:08 pm Link


jesse paulk

Posts: 3712

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Blaire_ wrote:

I wouldn't say I'm validating anybody.  If the question is for sex, the answer is no.  But there's no reason to get all upset about being asked. 

Let me see if I get this straight.  In your eyes, women should make their own minds and choices about things, but just as long as they align with your ideals of how a woman should thing.  I mean, they would HAVE to!  You're their white knight!!

I am most definitely NOT a feminist in the sense of the word.  I love being a woman.  I love being soft, and feminine, and demure, and gentle. I am not offended when men appreciate looking at me.  I think it's a pretty natural thing! 

But... like I said.  It's an unpopular way of thinking.

you are not the OP and your post is basically saying shes over reacting and shaming her, thank you for contributing.

yes you are not a feminist.  a lot of women aren't.  nothing to be ashamed of.

Jun 03 14 03:10 pm Link


jesse paulk

Posts: 3712

Phoenix, Arizona, US

James Jackson Fashion wrote:

James Jackson Fashion wrote:
I don't want to start a spinning argument about ulterior motives, but no, you don't want your photographer to have sex furthest from his mind.  If he does, you won't look sexy, or attractive, or in any way enticing.

Gee... I sure don't remember saying any of those things you say I'm saying... and I don't think a logical or sane person could even parse the words I'm saying in to what you're saying.

If you look at my words in context it was only in response to a model who indicated she'd feel more comfortable if photographers were like gynecologists...  Which in fairness deserves a response from a photographer.  I am a photographer, and I know for a fact I couldn't work if I was as detached from my subject.  I'm not a scientist I'm an artist.

pretty sure the context was not missed, and you didn't have to respond, like at all.  the world would have continued on.

Jun 03 14 03:12 pm Link