Forums > Model Colloquy > Excitement issue


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Danielle Reid wrote:

Baby wipes have more than one use

Great idea!   big_smile

Jul 05 14 10:12 pm Link


David Stone Imaging

Posts: 1032

Seattle, Washington, US

Jul 05 14 10:31 pm Link


Rik Williams

Posts: 4005

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

David Stone Imaging wrote:
We are usually far enough into the shoot that it is clear we have a professional relationship going, and quite often they ask me to do it for them...essentially do what I need to do to get the image I'm after.

WTF? Are you for real?

Jul 05 14 10:52 pm Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US


Nothing about any of this is okay.... on sooo many levels.

Jul 05 14 11:49 pm Link


Amul La La

Posts: 885

London, England, United Kingdom

Excruciating! I'm dying from sheer and utter bemusement and painfully internal laughter :#

Jul 06 14 12:57 am Link


Amber West

Posts: 299

Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom

There is just so much, WTF in this thread I don't know where to start!

1) Women often are 'moist' down there for many, many reasons.  Do you not know ANYTHING about the female body?  Have any experience with it?

2) I'm confused by OP saying that these were 'just regular spreads' and not explicit - since when were spreads not explicit?  Holding your vagina open is pretty damn explicit.  B+W or not!!

3) As people have already said, why the Hell would someone want spread shots, but oh my God, not if the that model looks the darndest bit wet/aroused!

4) To the dude who wipes off his models 'discharge', wow, I have no idea where you get your models?!  As someone who works primarily doing erotic/fetish/adult, I often have to 'adjust' stuff 'down there', and I just take a quick trip to the bathroom or have the ultimate go-to tool of a hand mirror.  Can't imagine EVER asking a photographer to do that for me!

Jul 06 14 02:08 am Link



Posts: 631

Worcester, England, United Kingdom

Sometimes i think it would be a good idea to collect and store sufficient semen before killing every single man on the planet and starting over. It wouldn't necessarily cure stupid for all time to come, but it would surely help.

Jul 06 14 03:58 am Link


Eyes Wide Shut Images

Posts: 20

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Koryn wrote:
If you were shooting explicit images for a private collector, why would her arousal be a "problem?" I don't understand.


Jul 06 14 04:22 am Link


Eyes Wide Shut Images

Posts: 20

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Photographer Mario wrote:
This is exactly right. She got so wet that we could not keep shooting.

When you say we, you mean you could not shoot anymore?

Jul 06 14 04:24 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Koryn wrote:
If you were shooting explicit images for a private collector, why would her arousal be a "problem?" I don't understand.

Eryn G wrote:
And what client wouldn't want a seriously "aroused" wet girl?


said no one ever


Jul 06 14 04:34 am Link


Jeff Fiore

Posts: 9225

Brooklyn, New York, US

Photographer Mario wrote:
This is exactly right. She got so wet that we could not keep shooting.

Shutter Photographics wrote:
When you say we, you mean you could not shoot anymore?

Maybe because he got arous... nah! never mind!

Jul 06 14 04:36 am Link



Posts: 72

Pembroke Pines, Florida, US

The whole scenario played out before our eyes in a reenactment. :

Jul 06 14 05:17 am Link



Posts: 4

Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv, Israel

...I can't wait to see how this guy responds when a model first gets her period mid shoot.

Jul 06 14 05:37 am Link


Mark Salo

Posts: 11735

Olney, Maryland, US

Light and Lens Studio wrote:
Whose decision was it to stop the shoot?

Photographer Mario wrote:
The decision was her's.

Photographer Mario wrote:
I did not feel we should continue.


Jul 06 14 05:57 am Link


Photographer Mario

Posts: 8

Westhampton, New York, US

First of all, thank you folks for your comments - I found several very useful ones. I do understand that for many this is just a " fun" thread  - I am glad you had a good time laughing...

Back to the thread,  I said that the model was alternative, with interesting tattoos everywhere. Thirty minutes after we start shooting  I noticed white milky stuff coming out. I politely asked model to wipe it, but she got very embarrassed.  I suspect she did not know it was coming uot. Once we resumed shooting, model became  nervous, her skin turned red, breath became shallow. In 5 minutes white stuff appeared again, and she asked me to cancel the rest of the shoot. I did and  I paid her as we agreed. Maybe the model had some issues or maybe I was not polite enough?

Jul 06 14 05:57 am Link


Ken Warren Photography

Posts: 933

GLENMOORE, Pennsylvania, US

Fletching wrote:
...I can't wait to see how this guy responds when a model first gets her period mid shoot.

lol. I've been married for longer than most models on this site have been alive, so I've kinda "seen it all":

"Let's take a short break!"
(hands model box of tampons, scissors, if needed a towel and directions to the shower)
"Great! All freshened up? Let's get back to work, then."

Jul 06 14 06:00 am Link


Dave McDermott

Posts: 720

Coill Dubh, Kildare, Ireland

Photographer Mario wrote:
Once we resumed shooting, model became  nervous, her skin turned red, breath became shallow. In 5 minutes white stuff appeared again, and she asked me to cancel the rest of the shoot.

Hmm, you omitted to tell us that little detail in the OP. It seemed at first that you were unhappy with her been aroused, not that she became very uncomfortable.

Jul 06 14 06:14 am Link



Posts: 1668

Chicago, Illinois, US

NO offence !!!!I The OP doesn't making sense to me. There is more to the story that he might be the one, Not the model! And honestly I heard lots about those collectors BS...98% is totally BS.

Jul 06 14 06:15 am Link


Ken Warren Photography

Posts: 933

GLENMOORE, Pennsylvania, US

Photographer Mario wrote:
First of all, thank you folks for your comments - I found several very useful ones. I do understand that for many this is just a " fun" thread  - I am glad you had a good time laughing...

Back to the thread,  I said that the model was alternative, with interesting tattoos everywhere. Thirty minutes after we start shooting  I noticed white milky stuff coming out. I politely asked model to wipe it, but she got very embarrassed.  I suspect she did not know it was coming uot. Once we resumed shooting, model became  nervous, her skin turned red, breath became shallow. In 5 minutes white stuff appeared again, and she asked me to cancel the rest of the shoot. I did and  I paid her as we agreed. Maybe the model had some issues or maybe I was not polite enough?

Mario, you have to admit that the whole scenario is a little, umm, humorous. lol

As for what happened, I wasn't there, so I won't speculate as to why this particular model may have had a heavier discharge at this particular time. I'll just say (again) that some discharge is normal in any woman between puberty and menopause, that the overall amount varies from woman to woman, and that it can vary (consistency, amount, cloudiness) based on where she is in her monthly cycle, what she's been doing, etc. This is something that you should have been aware of, given the type of material you were shooting. If it surprised you and you didn't react well, I could see things spiraling out of control, which could be pretty upsetting for everyone involved.

Jul 06 14 06:16 am Link



Posts: 1218

Orlando, Florida, US


Jul 06 14 07:05 am Link


Loki Studio

Posts: 3523

Royal Oak, Michigan, US

Its essential to be professional, treat the model with respect, and get the right photos for your client.  In the situation you have described, I think you could have had the model take a break, clean up her lady parts, and keep shooting.  I would have treated it the same as any other makeup or hair issue, fixed the problem, and keep shooting.

I think fundamentally here, you were simply too sensitive or embarrassed yourself to not see a simple solution to make the shoot work.  In the future, you should probably simply ask the model if they want to continue, rather than assuming their feelings and canceling the shoot.

Jul 06 14 07:16 am Link



Posts: 407

Brooklyn, New York, US

Eyesso wrote:


You just made my day with these. big_smile

Jul 06 14 07:18 am Link


Gelsen Aripia

Posts: 1407

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Morgan_Rose wrote:

You just made my day with these. big_smile

He didn't make MY day with them.  Not one little bit.  Posts like that take up bandwidth, and nothing further, in my opinion.

Jul 06 14 07:26 am Link


I M N Photography

Posts: 2350

Boston, Massachusetts, US

I was expecting another thread about inappropriate photographer boners during nude shoots.

This is an interesting twist away from that.

Jul 06 14 07:36 am Link


I M N Photography

Posts: 2350

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Ken Warren Photography wrote:
Sexual arousal is not the only reason a woman might have more than the usual amount of moistness...

Alabaster Crowley wrote:
Shhh don't ruin it


You guys are terrible. Give him a break.

Jul 06 14 07:38 am Link


I M N Photography

Posts: 2350

Boston, Massachusetts, US

David Stone Imaging wrote:

I do mostly nudes...and it happens with about 25% of them.  Even though they might doesn't mean it is a reaction to you the photographer.  I'm older and I can say that it happens as a natural thing.


Are you implying that it's all about the size of the lens and not how you use it?!?!?!

Jul 06 14 07:40 am Link


Amber West

Posts: 299

Dumfries, Scotland, United Kingdom

Photographer Mario wrote:
Back to the thread,  I said that the model was alternative, with interesting tattoos everywhere. Thirty minutes after we start shooting  I noticed white milky stuff coming out. I politely asked model to wipe it, but she got very embarrassed.  I suspect she did not know it was coming uot. Once we resumed shooting, model became  nervous, her skin turned red, breath became shallow. In 5 minutes white stuff appeared again, and she asked me to cancel the rest of the shoot. I did and  I paid her as we agreed. Maybe the model had some issues or maybe I was not polite enough?

If it is white, it will simply be vaginal discharge:
Which is something that happens to women.  I have indeed had it appear suddenly (you have absolutely no control over it, your body just releases it.  There are not external factors other than your 'cycle') on a shoot, and yes, it's pretty embarrassing.  My fellow model friend once recounted, how she was doing an art nude shoot and suddenly it trickled down her leg and she was so ashamed she said she was uncomfortable for the rest of the shoot.

Anyway, I don't know what age your model was, but nowadays, if it happens, I just smile, sigh, and excuse myself to the bathroom.  Most seasoned pro photographers - of either sex - who shoot nude/adult, tend to be aware of these various 'hazards of the job'.  Certainly nothing to write home about!  If your model was young, chances are she was absolutely mortified!  If you carry on doing this type of shoot, I would get used to it or start photographing mannequins! Plus, as already mentioned, wait til a model gets her period!

If she's anything like me, when I am stressed or embarrassed my I get very flushed looking (red rash usually right across my chest), and as for shallow breathing - nervousness, anxiety and panic all do that to people.

Jul 06 14 08:13 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28719

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Next time, do what I always do and jam your finger up her ass. That usually calms them down real quick.

Jul 06 14 08:32 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Amber West wrote:
If it is white, it will simply be vaginal discharge:
Which is something that happens to women.  I have indeed had it appear suddenly (you have absolutely no control over it, your body just releases it.  There are not external factors other than your 'cycle') on a shoot, and yes, it's pretty embarrassing.  My fellow model friend once recounted, how she was doing an art nude shoot and suddenly it trickled down her leg and she was so ashamed she said she was uncomfortable for the rest of the shoot.

Anyway, I don't know what age your model was, but nowadays, if it happens, I just smile, sigh, and excuse myself to the bathroom.  Most seasoned pro photographers - of either sex - who shoot nude/adult, tend to be aware of these various 'hazards of the job'.  Certainly nothing to write home about!  If your model was young, chances are she was absolutely mortified!  If you carry on doing this type of shoot, I would get used to it or start photographing mannequins! Plus, as already mentioned, wait til a model gets her period!

If she's anything like me, when I am stressed or embarrassed my I get very flushed looking (red rash usually right across my chest), and as for shallow breathing - nervousness, anxiety and panic all do that to people.

OMG That happened to me a couple of times at an outdoor nude shoot (what else), I was pretty novice in the spiel, and I was mortified.
I was standing in the middle of an 8-achre private property, bathroom a half mile back at the house and my sundress.. somewhere in the grass.
I had no choice but 'pose' down in the grass and clean up with my hand and leaves as best I could. (It's good not to be a germophobe sometimes) . Nobody noticed a thing (stealth!).

Now I either know what my body is gonna be up to on that day, and I can warn the photographer or if it happens and stuff just happens I'm more like "woops, lady garden doing it's own thing again, s'cuse me a minute. "  lol

Jul 06 14 08:43 am Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

I have never encountered so many who know so little about female biology outside of congress...

Jul 06 14 08:59 am Link



Posts: 18465

Orlando, Florida, US

David Stone Imaging wrote:
I think it is more than you've noticed. 

If the fluid is clear it usually isn't much of a problem.  Those with a milky discharge are the ones that I'm VERY POLITE about explaining my problem and ask if they could take a break and clean up.  I certainly NEVER ask if I can clean things up...but since everything to that point in the shoot has been all business...a few have responded matter-of-fact that they can't see "down there"...and just ask me to do it.

I don't understand the reaction here?  How is that any different than a photographer that bodypaints a model's buttocks, breast, and vaginal areas?

Seriously a girl doesn't know how to wipe herself what the hell does she do when she takes a dump does she need help wiping that too.

Jul 06 14 09:09 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

A-M-P wrote:

Seriously a girl doesn't know how to wipe herself what the hell does she do when she takes a dump does she need help wiping that too.

LOL I was just gonna say not your GYNO wipes you.
Just hands over towels and turns away.
Like it ought to be.

Jul 06 14 09:19 am Link



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

A-M-P wrote:

Seriously a girl doesn't know how to wipe herself what the hell does she do when she takes a dump does she need help wiping that too.

I know, right??

Jul 06 14 09:23 am Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

Fletching wrote:
...I can't wait to see how this guy responds when a model first gets her period mid shoot.

Jul 06 14 09:29 am Link


Marin Photo NYC

Posts: 7348

New York, New York, US

Koryn wrote:

This whole thread really just deserves a gold star.


Jul 06 14 09:30 am Link


Marin Photo NYC

Posts: 7348

New York, New York, US

AJScalzitti wrote:
I have never encountered so many who know so little about female biology outside of congress...


Jul 06 14 09:31 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

I was at a strip club when a stripper had an accident on stage.  There was a short delay while the stage was cleaned up.   smile

Jul 06 14 09:41 am Link



Posts: 39496

Boston, Massachusetts, US

AJScalzitti wrote:
I have never encountered so many who know so little about female biology outside of congress...

A congress of baboons perhaps.

Jul 06 14 09:41 am Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:
I was at a strip club when a stripper had an accident on stage.  There was a short delay while the stage was cleaned up.   smile

*gasp* JERRY!!!


Of ALL people! In a strip club!!!!

*gets excited*


I know you like to surround yourself with the nekkid lady variety.
Make it raiiiiin!!!!

Jul 06 14 09:44 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Amadea T wrote:

*gasp* JERRY!!!


Of ALL people! In a strip club!!!!

*gets excited*


Jul 06 14 09:45 am Link