Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > SF2: Ess Effin Two > Unprofessional Things Models say to Photographers



Posts: 47

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Photographers: Please reply with some of the unprofessional and inappropriate things models said to you before, during or after a photo shoot.

Aug 19 16 10:38 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

"If i spill something on this dress - can i keep it ?"
"Are You sure You are not a Serial Killer ?"
" I'm Bi Polar ...( and proceeds to tell me all about it )"

Aug 20 16 12:20 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

But I dont mind it when they trash talk other photographers ( cept of course they could easily be trash talking me too )

Aug 20 16 12:20 am Link



Posts: 75

Brooklyn, New York, US

Can you send me the raw files.

Aug 20 16 12:54 am Link


Good Egg Productions

Posts: 16713

Orlando, Florida, US

My boyfriend will be coming with me to ensure my safety.

Aug 20 16 05:46 am Link



Posts: 9317

New York, New York, US

HHonor wrote:
Photographers: Please reply with some of the unprofessional and inappropriate things models said to you before, during or after a photo shoot.

is this a cheap attempt to say "all lives matter"?

as it stands right now, models get far more unprofessional and inappropriate things said to them (photographers get far less), so let's just focus on the models right now, ok?

Aug 20 16 08:33 am Link



Posts: 1591

Bothell, Washington, US

HHonor wrote:
Photographers: Please reply with some of the unprofessional and inappropriate things models said to you before, during or after a photo shoot.

I hope this plays out for a long time and fills with all the "unprofessional and inappropriate things models said".

When it's compared to the thread that inspired this one, it should make it quite clear that there is a huge problem with how some males treat females. I've been told by many female models as well as many women what sort of things they have experienced and continue to experience.

Honestly, the absolute worst thing I can think of that any model or female has said to me is so pitifully minor it's not even worth writing down. Come on, guys! Do you really NOT see the problem, and how ignorant it is to say, "It's tough for us, too!"? You many not understand the analogy, but it reminds me of this...

Aug 20 16 09:35 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

still-photography wrote:

I hope this plays out for a long time and fills with all the "unprofessional and inappropriate things models said".

When it's compared to the thread that inspired this one, it should make it quite clear that there is a huge problem with how some males treat females. I've been told by many female models as well as many women what sort of things they have experienced and continue to experience.

Honestly, the absolute worst thing I can think of that any model or female has said to me is so pitifully minor it's not even worth writing down. Come on, guys! Do you really NOT see the problem, and how ignorant it is to say, "It's tough for us, too!"? You many not understand the analogy, but it reminds me of this...

And what of the vast number of female photographers and male models

I did not read this thread as being gender specific regarding photographers or models

and have concerns that those who try to - have personal agendas

Aug 20 16 09:51 am Link


Stephoto Photography

Posts: 20158

Amherst, Massachusetts, US

Laubenheimer wrote:

is this a cheap attempt to say "all lives matter"?

as it stands right now, models get far more unprofessional and inappropriate things said to them (photographers get far less), so let's just focus on the models right now, ok?

Was coming in to say this borat

Aug 20 16 10:00 am Link



Posts: 879

New York, New York, US

"Can I edit some of the photos" bruh bruh bruh no ;(

Aug 20 16 11:00 am Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Parody threads ---yes, even a dumb weak parody thread like this one--- belong in SF2. As it progresses, the pot will crack ever wider.

Aug 20 16 11:12 am Link



Posts: 879

New York, New York, US

kickfight wrote:
Parody threads ---yes, even a dumb weak parody thread like this one--- belong in SF2

Aug 20 16 11:53 am Link



Posts: 6209

San Diego, California, US

"I don't think your backpacker socks match your Teva sandals very well."
"Dude, fluorescent green Crocs, Dockers hiked way up and an orange photo vest? On a weekday?"
"I take it your nose hair trimmer is out of batteries . . ."

Aug 20 16 01:16 pm Link


Dean Johnson Photo

Posts: 70925

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Moderator Note!
Thread move out of Photography Talk to SF2

Aug 20 16 01:31 pm Link


Laura UnBound

Posts: 28745

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

kickfight wrote:
Parody threads ---yes, even a dumb weak parody thread like this one--- belong in SF2

disagree. This is some shit some of the commenters in the original thread could stand to see, if it would actually sink in

still-photography wrote:

I hope this plays out for a long time and fills with all the "unprofessional and inappropriate things models said".

When it's compared to the thread that inspired this one, it should make it quite clear that there is a huge problem with how some males treat females. I've been told by many female models as well as many women what sort of things they have experienced and continue to experience.

Honestly, the absolute worst thing I can think of that any model or female has said to me is so pitifully minor it's not even worth writing down. Come on, guys! Do you really NOT see the problem, and how ignorant it is to say, "It's tough for us, too!"? You many not understand the analogy, but it reminds me of this...

Aug 20 16 04:44 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Laura UnBound wrote:
disagree. This is some shit some of the commenters in the original thread could stand to see, if it would actually sink in

The very existence of this inane parody thread pretty much illustrates that it almost certainly wouldn't, because butthurt. hmm

The guy you quote above posted on the original thread, and nailed it.

Aug 20 16 04:52 pm Link


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I've heard of multiple photographers solicited by models for far more than modeling and for pay. More than a dozen than I know of.


Aug 22 16 09:43 pm Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Jen B wrote:
I've heard of multiple photographers solicited by models for far more than modeling and for pay. More than a dozen than I know of.


It's never happened to me.   smile

Aug 23 16 01:22 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:
It's never happened to me.   smile

Me neither. I don't give much credence to hearsay. smile

Aug 23 16 01:55 pm Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

It's never happened to me.   smile

So because it doesn't happen to you does not mean it has never happened.

Aug 23 16 03:54 pm Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

kickfight wrote:

Me neither. I don't give much credence to hearsay. smile

It's not all hearsay, it happened to me a couple of times over the last 10 years. But when I started in my 20s it happened all the time.  Of course that was the 70's and most of us would never of complained.

Aug 23 16 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Risen Phoenix Photo wrote:
It's not all hearsay, it happened to me a couple of times over the last 10 years. But when I started in my 20s it happened all the time.  Of course that was the 70's and most of us would never of complained.

I also don't consider rare exception cases to be illustrative of anything other than "weird shit occasionally happens".

As someone who was a teenager in the 70s, I can attest that the 70s were indeed different. I liked the 80s better... and the 90s... and the 2000s. smile

Aug 23 16 04:24 pm Link


Paolo D Photography

Posts: 11502

San Francisco, California, US

HHonor wrote:
Photographers: Please reply with some of the unprofessional and inappropriate things models said to you before, during or after a photo shoot.

I have plenty but I am hesitant to describe them because the few times I did in the past everyone either thinks i'm joking or bragging or calls me "lucky" or starts victim blaming.

It does no good to perpetuate a shit show.

Aug 23 16 08:56 pm Link



Posts: 1481

Delta, British Columbia, Canada

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

It's never happened to me.   smile

I believe you, but at the same time that's hard to believe. I've only been doing this for just under 2 years, and it's happened to me several times already. I wouldn't say it's common, but I wouldn't say it's the rarest thing ever either, based on my experience, and no hearsay or anyone else's experience.

I will add that, since I shoot in Vegas often, my experience may not be the norm, even though the first time it happened was here in Vancouver.

Aug 24 16 01:19 pm Link


Flex Photography

Posts: 6472

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Things don't have to be done to, or by the majority of a group, for that group to be all painted with that brush, and perceived that way. Works both ways. 'Some did, therefore all do' is often the portrayal and the perception by others. For newbies reading EDU articles, perception is their reality.

Aug 24 16 02:11 pm Link


Flex Photography

Posts: 6472

Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

Dean Johnson Photo wrote:
Thread move out of Photography Talk to SF2

How does a thread aimed at Photographer's opinions not belong in the Photography Forum, where Photographers can find it? (Instead of being moved to hide it in SF2)

If this thread belongs here, so does the one directed at models.
I keep bringing up this idea of fairness, which appears to be ignored.

Aug 24 16 02:34 pm Link


Herman Surkis

Posts: 10856

Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

Jerry Nemeth wrote:

It's never happened to me.   smile

Nor me, and it pisses me off.

Aug 24 16 05:02 pm Link


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Paolo Diavolo wrote:

I have plenty but I am hesitant to describe them because the few times I did in the past everyone either thinks i'm joking or bragging or calls me "lucky" or starts victim blaming.

It does no good to perpetuate a shit show.


You are correct, it is a shit show for certain, (from the initial thread and others.)

Lame attempt by MM, really. Their goal is clearly not to help models or to clear the ranks of photographers of creeps, a holes, abusers and criminals but, to stir up shit.

p.s. if their intent was to really clean it up then I'd have a lot more respect but, I call bolgne, (to the models who are vested in the real issue, please know that MM is not vested in what you are, they are using you and your experiences for... their shit show.)

Aug 24 16 09:19 pm Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

A cute model grabbed my butt once.    She is a goof.   Another popped her new breasts out to show her increased size.
She told me and the MUA to feel them which I promptly did.   Another told me I got her wet.... I'm no Denzel Washington or mack daddy and these kinds of things haven't happened often, darn it.

I did read the thread this was based on.   Sigh.... I can only imagine some of the awful shi* some models hear and deal with but I also know that very often we create our own reality and acceptance of things.   While no man should say sexist or demeaning things to a woman.   You can tell that fool to knock it off or you'll leave.  Yet  sometimes what you think you heard you didn't.   Several months ago a gay male friend of mine asked me about something he thought I said.   He claimed I asked him why he never asked me out.   That took me aback.   I'm not gay nor would I ever say anything remotely like that to him or any man.   Clearly there was some confusion and I told him so.

No harm no foul.   If a photographer says something you consider fuc#ed up ask him to clarify.   If he pulls his pecker out at a session, leave.   If he asks you to pose in a manner you aren't comfortable with, say so.   There is that old saying.   Not saying no gives permission.

Aug 24 16 09:42 pm Link


Jen B

Posts: 4474

Phoenix, Arizona, US

After the dust ruffled by the tone of the real thread and the staggering reality these models are experiencing of such criminal abuse.

I think they might need to involve police. Plain and simple.

I also think they need to include the photographers and not create a divide against them. MM isn't going to get rid of members but, others in the local community who know of a jerk, creep or criminal, can have an influence. I know it was more than once that a photographer advised what they had heard about another photographer's reputation from other models and I didn't end up doing the previously lined up shoot based on that.


Aug 25 16 09:43 am Link



Posts: 100

Lexington, Kentucky, US

I've had one stick her hand down my pants, another pushed me up against a wall while rubbing her breasts against me.  The first was also a photographer, the second was a police officer (so am I). 

This thread appears to have been moved because of a few people trying to be white knights with fake indignation.  I'm sure a few models were impressed.  It doesn't change this belongs in the photography forum.

This thread should point out not only the thefts, weight gains, cancelations and bizarre expectations, but that many of the issues are simply a matter of people who are classless or "bad", for lack of a better term.  The issue is with the actions of those people involved, not whether they are holding the camera, applying makeup, or posing. 

A well written article would be in depth and cover the issues from multiple sides.  I write for magazines, and unless you are willing to write the article fairly, it is nothing more than a hit piece.  The opposite is true as well, if you cover all bases, it becomes an educational article that all can learn from.

I wish the team writing the article about the model problems the best of luck, and hope they decide to engage problem issues in the industry as an entire picture, not just a slice.

Sep 09 16 06:11 pm Link



Posts: 100

Lexington, Kentucky, US

Jen B wrote:
After the dust ruffled by the tone of the real thread and the staggering reality these models are experiencing of such criminal abuse.

I think they might need to involve police. Plain and simple.


I have no doubt some of it is real, and some is made up.  ANY TIME there is a legitimate crime which has occurred, the police should be notified.  At the same point, calling the police because you decided to up rates and the other party says get out, you deserve what you get. Ive seen both sides as a police officer.  A staggering amount of times people call the police the alleged crime was made up or distorted.  There is also a large amount of time people don't report incidents because they are embarrassed. 

I appreciate your well thought out replies which you have posted.

Sep 09 16 06:17 pm Link



Posts: 808

Palo Alto, California, US

back on topic...

getting paid, then wanting pictures for their paid-membership website

Sep 09 16 11:50 pm Link


Jim Shibley

Posts: 3309

Phoenix, Arizona, US

A model told me she loved me. Another told me I must have a good camera. smile

Sep 12 16 12:55 am Link

Wardrobe Stylist

Alannah The Stylist

Posts: 1550

Los Angeles, California, US

this is on par with the "Straight Pride Parade" or the "All Lives Matter" hashtag. lol.

Sep 12 16 01:46 am Link


Two Pears Studio

Posts: 3632

Wilmington, Delaware, US

"I can't take this ankle bracelet off, can you paint it out?"

"I think your toilet is broken."

"Can we do that again!"

Sep 13 16 08:33 pm Link



Posts: 796

San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico

Do you know what a fluffer is? Implying that I should manually help him make his pee-pee bigger. I was fine with it, he had size issues. This model is not in my profile.

Sep 15 16 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 6688

Santa Monica, California, US

Alannah The Stylist wrote:
this is on par with the "Straight Pride Parade" or the "All Lives Matter" hashtag. lol.

How so?

Sep 20 16 08:29 am Link



Posts: 6688

Santa Monica, California, US

Dont hurt me?

I knew a woman who, while at gym, was told by Linda, 'Gotta go meet a photographer'--yes--this guy,

Jury Convicts Rathbun of Model Sobek's Murder - latimes]

Sep 22 16 05:29 pm Link



Posts: 2505

Englewood, Florida, US

Good Egg Productions wrote:
My boyfriend will be coming with me to ensure my safety.

😂 I've known people who do this.

Sep 23 16 11:50 am Link