Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > When America was great?


Hunter GWPB

Posts: 8195

King of Prussia, Pennsylvania, US

I would like to go back to the question "America was great ". I wish our present great leader could have pinpoint a period
so we would have a "period model" to aim for.....Pre second world war? Past? Korean war, Vietnam? Granada!
The longest peace period, and a color blind multiracial population...Simple no?

No.  Not at all. 

When was the longest peace period and why?  Was the country ignoring something it shouldn't have been?  Why is peace important?  Didn't many growing pains come from time of conflict?

When have we had our best color blind time?  Are you considering the immigration law changes of the Johnson administration?  How about when the British theory of Eugenics was brought here?

When did your criteria overlap? 

Why are those the only criteria?  Could you, should you consider the increases in standards of living and increases in life expectancy?  Should great achievements count?  We already know that some weigh the greatest shortcomings much heavier than anything else, and, as viewed from today rather than the times.  Is greatness measured on a scale against other nations or is it measured in a vacuum or a flood of political opinions?  How do you weight the significance of different things to others?  Does the comparison of our freedoms compared to other countries impact the decision?

To really get into this question, we have to discuss things that we have not been able to discuss since soapbox closed.  Even then, I am astounded that this thread is still open.  Unless we are going to get a reprieve from the rules, we cannot get into this.  As GK said ....  And once you bring in current politics, this is gone and the steel doors start slamming.

Why don't you answer your own question for us?  Instead of asking us to get brig time?  Why limit this to the States? When was France a great country?  And why?

Jan 15 18 05:30 pm Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

GK photo wrote:
wow. when i read through this thread, especially in the context of my last brigging, i'm, flummoxed.

i guess oz is on vacation. lol

Or selectively decides who gets brigged by narrative

Jan 15 18 05:50 pm Link


A Thousand Words

Posts: 590

Lakeland, Florida, US

Well, well. So much to comment on. Please forgive me if I don't get to yours.

The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.
Douglas MacArthur

First, as a U.S.Army Veteran, let me say that I did not serve to become a killer. And I don't expect automatic respect either. If people respect what I did, that's great. If they don't, that's great too. I served because I love my country and I wanted to do my part to help keep her free. I served to allow my fellow Americans to have the right to hate America if they so choose. ModelSarah hates this country. She is allowed to. I disagree with every word she has written in this forum, but that is my right as well. Someone stated that they pity her or people like her (I don't remember the exact quote). I don't pity her, but I see things very differently.

ModelSarah would probably hate most of what I believe in. I'm a old, white, male, conservative Trump voter. But I believe in my opinions/stances just as strongly as I think she believes in hers. I won't bash her as a person, and my question to her was not meant as a criticism. I truly wanted the benefit of her thinking. I can see that her life has complications (as most do) that keep her from leaving this country. I hope she can find some kind of resolution that brings her some measure of happiness. But I will continue to work hard to ensure that her visions for this country do not come to pass. I would not want to live in HER America, just as she dislikes living in MY America.

Old hobbyist photographers who live in a box. Well, talk about generalizations. I could respond with young, inexperienced models with no concept of what the "real" world is like. But that would just be name calling. Again, She has her opinion and it is just as valid as mine. Yes, I'm old. (Well, 55. That's not TOO old, is it?) Hobbyist? Yes, I guess you could call me that as I don't make my living behind the camera. I have a family to support and a mortgage to pay. And I like eating EVERY day, so I work a full time job with benefits and do the photography when I can. As to living in a box, I personally feel that I have a well balanced view of the world and consider myself to be open minded. So there...sticks and stones, etc.

France in WWI and WWII. Yes, we pulled their bacon from the fire twice. So what? World War veterans I've talked to have just shrugged their shoulders when presented with French attitudes. And they were there. I wasn't. So I'll keep my opinions on that subject to myself.

Korea was a United Nations action. The United States did not start that war. (Technically, we didn't finish it either) The US shouldered the majority of the cost, both in money and blood. But it was an international effort. So don't blame the US for that one. Blame the UN. Vietnam...we took over for the French after THEIR war for colonial dominance in SE Asia fell apart. I think Vietnam was a huge mistake. We fought the wrong war, against the wrong enemy, for the wrong reasons. And the government, the press, and the average American wouldn't let us win.

America had, as one of it's founding principles, the concept of self-reliance. It isn't the job of the US government to provide healthcare, or to guarantee wages for it's citizens. If America were being founded today, those things would be on the discussion table. But they weren't even a consideration when this country was founded. I personally don't want to have high taxes to pay for someone else's health care or college. People should pay their own way.

My son was a Bernie Sanders supporter, and has views that I consider to be socialist in nature. But he and I have great dialogue with each other, without rancor or name calling. I'm proud that he will listen to what I have to say, but will think for himself.

I stand by my earlier statement that if you hate this country so much, you should do whatever you can to leave it for one more to your liking. That is what I would do if I were in that situation. Hell, that's one of the reasons I left NJ (my birth state).

I would ask that any members here who feel the need to "attack" ModelSarah for her views to please stop. She has done nothing but express those views as is her right.

Jan 15 18 05:52 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

I enjoyed reading this.
... and that last line is what makes America great.

Jan 15 18 06:37 pm Link


GK photo

Posts: 31025

Laguna Beach, California, US

i don't get any of these posts. what country (or continent) in history could ever lay claim to being "great"? and for how long? the us is in its infancy, in terms of historical empires.

has the us been--at times--great? i don't know. has it been--at times--abhorrent? sure. pretty much like every other country that lasted as long as it has.

in 200 years this conversation will be moot. one thing i know is that (in historical context) the us won't be able to sustain its global position in the old sense. the original (post wwII) idea was the ideology, but the usual suspects (militarism/colonialism) can't sustain it. eventually, we will devolve into a full service industry economy. if you think the 1% thing rules now, wait a few decades.

but there is no other country on the globe that beckons me. like i said, show me the nation that can cast the first stone.

Jan 15 18 10:56 pm Link



Posts: 1638

San Anselmo, California, US

ATW... I too enjoyed reading your declaration that Model Sarah deserves  no attacks because of her feelings. & the fact that she is "a thinking  person".   I too am a veteran  & had never desired to kill anyone when I was drafted  & was placed in The AMEDS of the US Army.  Where I worked with a small team that treated psychiatric battle casualties. in the  UN  Korean  Conflict. My background is very different from yours.  I  really have no political affiliations & regret that politics has become  what we see today and the underlying greed evidenced by so many of the participants..  Having lived in Europe,  mainly in France & England I feel that the French have a heritage that is so often misunderstood. The enlightenment that evolved in the mid 18th century was  so remarkable  For example the Baron D'Holbach ( a french/german) whose friends were  Among the regulars in attendance at  his salon—the coterie holbachique—were the following: Diderot, Grimm, Condillac, Condorcet, D'Alembert, Marmontel, Turgot, La Condamine, Raynal, Helvétius, Galiani, Morellet, Naigeon and, for a time, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.[ The salon was also visited by prominent British intellectuals, amongst them Adam Smith, David Hume, John Wilkes, Horace Walpole, Edward Gibbon, David Garrick, Laurence Sterne; Cesare Beccaria; and even Benjamin Franklin. This intellectual  group laid the groundwork for progressive thought. that even affects us today.   The french pride  & preoccupation with food, wine and the Arts should never be belittled. The shameful acts of the Vichy government  during WW2 was a black eye in the history of France.
But one important point missed by Model  Sarah....there is really no other country in the world with as much freedom as we have here in the US.  So many countries, some with oppressive governments deny their citizens the freedoms we have ..  Regarding your views on Health Care.  I cannot agree.with you.   Every really  democratic  country has a more liberal attitude about government participation with the health of its citizens eg  Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Germany the NHS in Gt Britain etc.       A close family member had major surgery that cost  well over $1,000,000 with three hospital bills.not covered by insurance. No family should ever suffer this type of experience.

Jan 16 18 03:38 am Link


A Thousand Words

Posts: 590

Lakeland, Florida, US

ZMPHOT   wrote:
ATW... I too enjoyed reading your declaration that Model Sarah deserves  no attacks because of her feelings. & the fact that she is "a thinking  person".   I too am a veteran  & had never desired to kill anyone when I was drafted  & was placed in The AMEDS of the US Army.  Where I worked with a small team that treated psychiatric battle casualties. in the  UN  Korean  Conflict. My background is very different from yours.  I  really have no political affiliations & regret that politics has become  what we see today and the underlying greed evidenced by so many of the participants..  Having lived in Europe,  mainly in France & England I feel that the French have a heritage that is so often misunderstood. The enlightenment that evolved in the mid 18th century was  so remarkable  For example the Baron D'Holbach ( a french/german) whose friends were  Among the regulars in attendance at  his salon—the coterie holbachique—were the following: Diderot, Grimm, Condillac, Condorcet, D'Alembert, Marmontel, Turgot, La Condamine, Raynal, Helvétius, Galiani, Morellet, Naigeon and, for a time, Jean-Jacques Rousseau.[ The salon was also visited by prominent British intellectuals, amongst them Adam Smith, David Hume, John Wilkes, Horace Walpole, Edward Gibbon, David Garrick, Laurence Sterne; Cesare Beccaria; and even Benjamin Franklin. This intellectual  group laid the groundwork for progressive thought. that even affects us today.   The french pride  & preoccupation with food, wine and the Arts should never be belittled. The shameful acts of the Vichy government  during WW2 was a black eye in the history of France.
But one important point missed by Model  Sarah....there is really no other country in the world with as much freedom as we have here in the US.  So many countries, some with oppressive governments deny their citizens the freedoms we have ..  Regarding your views on Health Care.  I cannot agree.with you.   Every really  democratic  country has a more liberal attitude about government participation with the health of its citizens eg  Denmark, Canada, Switzerland, Germany the NHS in Gt Britain etc.       A close family member had major surgery that cost  well over $1,000,000 with three hospital bills.not covered by insurance. No family should ever suffer this type of experience.

To Americans, the French come across as arrogant and cold. But with the long history that the French have, maybe they've earned that right. I dunno.

I feel that healthcare shouldn't be paid for or subsidized by ANY government. What if I am very healthy all my life and have minimal trips to the doctor. Why should I be taxed to provide healthcare for people who go to the emergency room for a hangnail? I feel that if the founders had wanted THAT much government intrusion into our lives, they would have provided for it in the Constitution. And I refuse to compare our situation in America with that of Europe. they have a different culture, morals, and governments than we have here. I'm reminded of a scene in the movie 1776 (one of my favorites) where Ben Franklin is speaking to John Dickinson about the need for independence. He says that Americans are very different than the English.

John Dickinson: Fortunately, the people maintain a higher regard for their mother country.

Dr. Benjamin Franklin: Higher, certainly, than she feels for them. Never was such a valuable possession so stupidly and recklessly managed, than this entire continent by the British crown. Our industry discouraged, our resources pillaged... worst of all our very character stifled. We've spawned a new race here, Mr. Dickinson. Rougher, simpler; more violent, more enterprising; less refined. We're a new nationality. We require a new nation.

To me, that says that comparisons with other countries is like comparing apples to coffee pots.

I wish I could say that my time in the Army was without bloodshed. I don't regret the things I have seen and done, but I wish they had not been necessary. I envy you.

I don't know if ModelSarah is continuing to follow this thread, but if she is, I would like to thank her for her contribution, even though I disagree with her. Civil dialogue is a freedom in this country that more and more is coming under attack.

Jan 16 18 06:20 am Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

There’s currently a government shutdown and I’m glad there’s a good fight not to throw money in the wrong places.

Look at high risk countries. I’m thankful I can leave my house without worrying about being bombed. Yes, we have terroism here but it’s a far cry from war-zone countries where death is imminent.

Even Mexico is considered a high-risk country now. Going to Cancun is not a luxury anymore.

Jan 20 18 07:45 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

This past weekend for the 2nd year in a row millions of women organized to rally/protest /whatnot all  over the country with no fear of reprisals,being detained or worse.
There are many countrieswhere women are treated less than human and would not be tolerated  (or any organized demonstration)

Jan 21 18 08:54 pm Link


Jules NYC

Posts: 21617

New York, New York, US

^ Good point.
I think everyone should watch the documentary, ‘A Girl In The River’, a doc about honor killings in Pakistan.
There is acid throwing in multiple countries, Afghan, India, South Asia...

I would have to research if they are still stoning Syrian women. I know they were two years ago for sure.

Jan 22 18 07:57 am Link