Forums > Model Colloquy > Should a model bring a boy friend to a shoot



Posts: 36

Los Angeles, California, US

Posted by Delirium Filth: 

Posted by Leila: 
I don't see how a boyfriend or girlfriend is any different than any other person.

I agree! My boyfriend isnt some psycho ass  dude thats going to interrupt the shoot or get in the way or want to kick the photog's ass if touched me to tie me up or move me or something. I bring him along because he is my best friend and MY SAFETY comes first. And I trust him completely not like some of my other friends. So really, if the photographer has a problem with my boyfriend being there then I will NOT do the shoot no matter what.

  The photographer is also not some PSYCHO ASS DUDE. lol

Aug 07 05 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

No way!  Thats what I say.......  LOL

Aug 07 05 12:59 pm Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

I dont think so, is my opinion smile

Posted by john photographer: 
Afriend wants me to ask you photographers and models this question.
Is it professional for a model to bring his or hers, girl/boy friend on a photo shoot?

Aug 07 05 01:02 pm Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

Wow, you are lucky your boyfriend has an interest for your modeling and is talented to assist you.

Aug 07 05 01:03 pm Link


Sam Holden

Posts: 7

Baltimore, Maryland, US

what the fuck ever............
if all your doing is trytin' to make art,,,,,, WHO CARES ?

Aug 07 05 01:07 pm Link


Sam Holden

Posts: 7

Baltimore, Maryland, US

what the fuck ever............
if all your doing is trytin' to make art,,,,,, WHO CARES ?

Aug 07 05 01:07 pm Link



Posts: 10254

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Posted by Mary: 
wow!  an escort thread, uncharted territory here at MM

But it must come up every 2 weeks to remind the newbies!

Okay, here are the rules.

1. Bring your boyfriends! Photo shoots are NOT professional jobs. They are fun and carefree dates! Excuses for you to hang out with your boyfriends and husbands! Yippie! Bring some balloons and wine. It's a party!

2. Make SURE you always bring a boyfriend. Don't forget that you female models are all weak and helpless. You can not take care of yourself. You are a VICTIM. You need protection because all photographers are rapists! Without your boyfriend/husband/guard dog there, you are SURE to be raped, killed, raped again, and buried in a shallow grave behind the local KMart.

3. If your big, scary boyfriend can't come, be sure to bring mommy, sister, big brother, and/or your best friend along instead. Considering how frail you are and how creepy this whole modeling-thing is, you need ALL the protection you can muster!

4. Take mace and a stun-gun because those are always an effective defense against psychotic serial killers with guns. Besides, "your man" can dodge bullets because he's such a badass. Right?

Good luck! And most of all, have fun!

Your right but since agency models are not allowed to bring escorts. All agencies issue Smith & Wesson 45's to their models with their zed cards. Except commercial models they only get 9mm's

Aug 07 05 02:10 pm Link



Posts: 39

Fort Myers, Florida, US

About ten years ago, after seeing several promising careers in the modeling industry destroyed by boyfriends, I banned them from any shoot I am participating in.  While they whine and insist that it is for protection, it a control issue, the boyfriend, 95% of the time doesn't trust the model to make the decisions he thinks are right.  Testing is a function of the job of being a model.  If you work at McDonalds he won't be allowed to sit in the booth and watch, why would you think he should be part of your job as a model???  If you don't 'trust' the photographer, don't shoot.  If you are working with an agency and they recommend a list of photographers you will be fine.  For every bad experience modeling there are millions of great ones, just as in every other area of life.  If you are serious about being a model, you will be distracted by your boyfriend.  If your not serious, just want to have fun, show off for your boyfriend, you aren't going to work with serious photographers. 

Aug 07 05 03:07 pm Link



Posts: 274

Saginaw, Michigan, US

i wouldnt mind the boyfriend or girlfriend attending the shoot...
but the second they started getting all jeealous or upset or putting their input in i would tell the model to tell him/her to shut up or they both can leave.
a nagging person in the back who has next to no idea as to what is even happening is a pain in the ass.

Aug 07 05 03:32 pm Link


Delirium Filth

Posts: 38

Belleville, Arkansas, US

Posted by jackooo: 

Posted by Delirium Filth: 

Posted by Leila: 
I don't see how a boyfriend or girlfriend is any different than any other person.

I agree! My boyfriend isnt some psycho ass  dude thats going to interrupt the shoot or get in the way or want to kick the photog's ass if touched me to tie me up or move me or something. I bring him along because he is my best friend and MY SAFETY comes first. And I trust him completely not like some of my other friends. So really, if the photographer has a problem with my boyfriend being there then I will NOT do the shoot no matter what.

  The photographer is also not some PSYCHO ASS DUDE. lol

Yeah maybe not you but there are some sick fucks out there. The fact is, I should feel safe at a photoshoot and if bringing a friend, a boyfriend, a girlfriend or someone makes me feel safe then I will do that. I mean honestly, whats the big deal with having someone there to make me feel safe? Okay, I understand that for like major modeling agencies and shit there's not much reason to have to bring someone with you but if you're working with independent photographers that you dont have that secure feeling around yet is kinda creepy. Especially if you're as paranoid as I am. Honestly, can someone tell whats wrong with making myself feel safe at a shoot where I'm not on familiar ground or with familiar people?

Aug 07 05 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 130

Anchorage, Alaska, US

Some of the responses here are really amusing. :-)

For an adult model doing commercial work, bringing a boyfriend (girlfriend, parent, whatever) to a session can be the kiss of death to a career. The practice is widely considered to be highly unprofessional. In most regions and market segments, it is probably the quickest and easiest way to insure you never work in the market again. Remember, there is always someone else out there who looks enough like you to do your job, and it is a pretty reliable assumption that they won't bring third wheels to a session where real money is at stake.

I suppose it might be different for amateur models, those without commercial aspirations, fine art models, and other segments of the industry, though. In such cases, I'm not sure I'd be so keen to ban people from the set based merely on their relationship to the model, as I would be to educate everyone involved about proper set etiquette well before the session. When I occasionally work with someone of relatively little experience, I have to do a lot of explaining what is going to happen, how things are going to progress, what I'm expecting from the model, and so forth, to get what is needed. If I'm doing all that anyway, it doesn't seem like much more trouble to also explain that anyone the model brings had better be invisible at worst (and useful at best), and specifically how to achieve that.

Aug 07 05 06:35 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

Posted by Delirium Filth: 

Yeah maybe not you but there are some sick fucks out there. The fact is, I should feel safe at a photoshoot and if bringing a friend, a boyfriend, a girlfriend or someone makes me feel safe then I will do that. I mean honestly, whats the big deal with having someone there to make me feel safe? Okay, I understand that for like major modeling agencies and shit there's not much reason to have to bring someone with you but if you're working with independent photographers that you dont have that secure feeling around yet is kinda creepy. Especially if you're as paranoid as I am. Honestly, can someone tell whats wrong with making myself feel safe at a shoot where I'm not on familiar ground or with familiar people?

Yes your right, there are some sick puppies out there.  You should feel safe and if you don’t you should not shoot. Please do not take this the wrong way but you are very young.  As a young person it is very easy to have rebellious don’t give a fuck attitude.  I am invincible. If you ran into one of these sick dudes what do you expect the boyfriend to do about it.  Seriously, the sick ones plan ahead.  The boyfriend is the first one to be unconscious.

Personally I do not think it is a big deal but try to look at this for a different perspective.  As an independent photographer I have my studio inside my home.  I have a lot of nice things and expensive equipment.  You seem to understand your own security concerns but now you are placing the photographer in the same situation.  You do not trust the photographer but you are expecting the photographer to trust you and your friend.  Your boyfriend might be cool. I would find it hard to believe you have never been to a party where a fight did not break out over some guy’s girlfriend or possessions go missing.  A photographer does not need to worry about a boyfriend going off and knocking over some lights or a friend picking up a few items.  Even worse, maybe mugged.

Aug 07 05 08:11 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Posted by eyetoeye-Images: 

As I am getting back into the swing of things with shooting models I have had to ponder this over several time. I have decided to ask the models if they want to be escorted to either bring a girlfreind or a brother. I think BFs can be far more protective than the above and more distraction than anything else. At least with the girlfreind you may be able to get them to help you with adjusting clothes and hair if you dont have a MUA on staff.The brother you can put to work holding reflectors and he will feel as though he has contributed somthing to his SISis carrer.

I would actully prefer they bring a GF especially if they have some potential they could be another shoot for ya.

Girl friends are best. Brothers are the worst, if there are any erotic poses to be done.

Husbands and boyfriends are OK if you are photographing both of them with the model, and getting paid to do the shoot. A three-some is often interesting, and the money is always OK.

Aug 07 05 08:29 pm Link


Sharon Nadac

Posts: 50

New York, New York, US

Well here's my question, who do I bring?! Please answer my post! Thanks

Aug 07 05 09:09 pm Link


Mark Crismond Photos

Posts: 78


From my experience, boy/girl friends actually hurt a shoot. Models are more hesitant and uptight around them. I've had better shoots with moms as chaperones. JMO

Aug 07 05 09:12 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by john photographer: 
Afriend wants me to ask you photographers and models this question.
Is it professional for a model to bring his or hers, girl/boy friend on a photo shoot?

I always allow the model to bring one guest. I have had many bring a boyfriend or significant other and have never had one single problem at all. Most times I even talk with the boyfriend, hubby before we shoot so he knows what to expect.
They usually end up being pack mules for me,lol.

Aug 07 05 09:13 pm Link


Glamour Boulevard

Posts: 8628

Sacramento, California, US

Posted by Doug Swinskey: 
bringing a BF is the biggest career killer...

Having a jealous boyfriend/lover is the biggest career killer, not just simply bringing a boyfriend/lover along. I have had great experiences with models who brought them with them. Especially if they are first timers. And usually one simple phrase such as" do it as though those photographs are for him" or "pretend he is inside this lens" and believe it or not, that is when some of the best shots start happening in my experience.

Aug 07 05 09:16 pm Link



Posts: 17

Chicago, Illinois, US

My boyfriend has come to a few shoots.  After almost four years of dating there's nothing to be embarrassed of between us.  He's mostly content to stay out of the way or be an assistant by cutting loose strings, holding reflectors, adjusting lights.  I'm lucky in and of the fact he's supportive and not jealous or possessive.  Photographers should take into consideration the type of person the model is bringing before saying "yes you can" or "no you can't" in this aspect.  Perhaps a coffee shop meeting between the photog and model and bring the boy along so every knows where things stand.  An extra pair of hands to adjust things and help the model lug all her stuff to the shoot doesn't seem to hurt anybody.  A raging jerk who impedes the creative process does.

Aug 08 05 02:34 am Link


Adreanna LV

Posts: 38

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

my 2 cents, I do believe it depends on the assignment. 

If it's the first time I'm shooting with someone, and he/she wasn't recommended to me by another model or agency, I will bring an escort.  There are alot of DWCs out there and, especially working over the net, you can run in to some bad ones.

If I was to work with a photog with good references/background then no escort is needed.

Location is also a factor in whether I bring someone or not.  If the photog wants to shoot in a hotel room, then I would want an escort.  If he/she wants to shoot downtown in a busy street, then I don't see a need.

It's all a matter of preference.  Models and photogs are usually clear on thier stand on escorts and it should be established before hand what each person expects.

Aug 08 05 03:35 am Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Posted by KoolGirlieStuff: 
Keep the Husband/boy friend/girl friend/lover etc. home

Bring a professional assistant....

I don't care if a model brings Boris Karloff, Ghengis Kahn or Phyllis Diller...long as they carry my stuff and go on coffee/water/food errands.  Models call call it being safe -- I call it a conveniant indentured servant.

Aug 08 05 03:41 am Link



Posts: 7840


Posted by f-alan: 

Posted by Melvin Moten Jr: 
Absolutely...I need someone to carry my stuff and go for coffee/water/pizza.  Slave labor is hard to find these days.

Now thats a proper answer

then he waits on the car  LOL

Aug 08 05 04:00 am Link


Don Spiro

Posts: 194

Astoria, New York, US

As a photographer I prefer that a model brings whatever makes her most comfortable for a shoot, whether it's an escort, her own wardrobe, or music to play during the photosession. Whether or not the escort is her boyfriend is irrelevent as long as he does not disturb the shoot.

I reccommend all my models bring an escort to a photographer they haven't worked with unless that photographer comes with references.

Aug 08 05 04:05 am Link


Kat Kartel

Posts: 55

Northridge, California, US

I always have my girlfriend come with me. There was only one time that she didn't escort me and that was because it was a group shoot with over a dozen other retro models. I've found that when Im in "hair and make-up" or getting into wardrobe it gives her and the photog a chance to chat and get to know each other a bit better and they often will ask her for help during the shoot (which I think is adorable!). I love having her along to help and she's always so supportive anytime I need her assistance so I don't think I see myself not bringing her to my shoots in the future.  Plus its always nice to get that wonderfull compliment from your hunny after your done getting dressed and you have the perfect hair do going on for the shoot, it just makes you get a burst of energy that I think shows in the end results. Plus the photogs and MUA's just love her when they meet her!

Aug 08 05 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

okay I think there was a similar topic going on in general mayhem. 
I bring my husband... or rather, my husband drops me off to my shoots especially when I have alot of stuff to bring (wardrobe, shoes...)  He usually says hi to the photographer as we go in, then resumes to doing his own thing somewhere or taking a nap in his car then picking me up when I'm done.  Dayshoots usually work fine cuz he has work himself, and he'd just swing by when he's done too.  Sometimes he'll stick around if it's a weekend shoot that's a long drive from our area, but usually he'll start watching a movie with his pocket pc and eventually fall asleep in the corner of the room.  I don't think there was a single time the photographers I worked with had problems with him being around, and I don't think my husband ever spoke or paid any attention to the shoot.

I don't find it unprofessional whatsoever.  If the guy is matured and respect what I do, he shouldn't disrupt or do anything bothersome during the shoot.  Besides, I don't have my own car right now, and my husband wouldn't want to spend a whole day without his car either, so him taking me around is really the only way right now for me.  So for me, it all depends on that person's situation.

Aug 08 05 07:12 pm Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

ok, I answerd this once but I'll get my answer again.

shoot with clothing on= go alone
shoot with handcuffs, chains, leather in hotel room or photogs house/apt=bring escort.

  Someone mentioned she likes to bring her boyfriend because he gets turned on....well then by all means bring him to all your nude shoots

and make sure he brings his own camera in case the TFP goes bad and photographer won't show you the shots. Let him carry the gun and booze...this will leave you free to be the professional model you aspire to be.

Aug 08 05 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

Anjel Britt wrote:

then he waits on the car  LOL

Sometimes I let them sit outside on the front steps...if they behave themselves.

Aug 08 05 08:02 pm Link



Posts: 9

New York, New York, US

It really does not matter who comes to my studio with who ever. I have enough space for them all to dissapear if needed.

The point is The Models are usually more nervous with their Boy-Friends Present. In 20 years I have never had a problem with the guy getting upset. as long as hes their he feels he has a sense of control. But the models in most cases where distracted in many ways.
1. trying to show the B/F thats she wont do anything he wont approve of.
2. Trying to screw with the B/F's head by doing everything he wont approve of.
3. Acting a little extra shy because the B/F is their.
4. Playing and joking with the B/F and not paying attention to instructions and lost of eye contact when needed.

These are a few of the problems.

But Hey, That my job to deal with it as well.

Usually I prefer a male or female (FRIEND) escort. and Yes there is a difference between a male friend and a boy friend.

If your just starting out you really don't know who to trust.

P.S. dont worry about the kiss of death theory here in New York. We got millions of photographers all waiting their turn and most dont do a model background check smile

Ken Jones

Aug 08 05 08:18 pm Link


Mac Wolff

Posts: 3665

Litchfield Park, Arizona, US


Aug 08 05 08:22 pm Link



Posts: 28

Owensboro, Kentucky, US

If friends of the model come to my photoshoots - I put them to work !!

Aug 08 05 08:31 pm Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Sharon Nadac wrote:
Well here's my question, who do I bring?! Please answer my post! Thanks

The best person to take to a shoot with you is a non relative female friend.  Even better is a non relative female friend that would like to be a model.

Aug 08 05 09:01 pm Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

rosscl wrote:
No.  Husbands or female companions only.  Models are usually very nervous with a boyfriend on the set.

So, if I want to bring my bf of 6 years that's not cool, but my hubby of one year is okay? hmmm, maybe it should be on a case-by-case basis.  My bf (of over 6 years) is never jealous and never gets in the way, but I'm sure there are some husbands who might.

Aug 08 05 09:36 pm Link



Posts: 174

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

I frown on boyfriends as escorts...have allowed it twice in recent shoots...the first boyfriend was jealous, nervous, intrusive, and angry most of the shoot...the second boyfriend was apparently incredibly hot to the model and they just looked at each other with goo goo eyes.  Both shoots were less than expectations all the way around.

Aug 08 05 10:29 pm Link


Christofer Rodriguez

Posts: 156

San Bernardino, California, US

I say no - only because the model gets distracted. If the b or g friend wants to interupt or cause problems I'd stop immediately and say thanks and send them on their way.

Aug 08 05 11:47 pm Link



Posts: 2353

New York, New York, US

However, my bf DOESN'T distract me.  I usually don't notice him, as he's generally in another room while I'm shooting or fiddling on his laptop.  It's difficult for models who travel often out-of-town for shoots as sometime the only person willing/able to come is their live-in bf, sometimes I don't have the choice of bringing someone else (though I would because it bores him stiff).  Case-by-case basis folks, case-by-case.

Aug 09 05 03:48 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

I still say.........bring or hire a professional assistant

Aug 09 05 03:54 am Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Should a model bring her boyfriend?

A friend of mine who is gay says "Oh yes! Bring that sweet little bitch my way gurlfrend!"

Aug 09 05 04:30 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

If your models actually get nervous or distracted in front of their boyfriends, I'd simply think they are missing the professional attitude, and I don't think whether or not the model brings someone is the real issue.  The real issue is how professional and matured that model is, and whether or not she can get down to work...although I have to admit some girls just have bad taste in men, and I can see how some models might have a really annoying guy to bring along : P

Now, I think we need to be a bit more specific about what kind of modeling we're talking about here.  Generally speaking, for shoots with photographers a model meets online, I say meeting him/her once first before confirming a shoot is a must.  And, from my experience if the shoot happens to be TFP, often times photographers would be happy to have an extra hand.  When an MUA or another crew is present in the shoot, then often times he/she can also lend a hand so an extra person that a model brings may not be as welcomed.  If we're talking about a "real" shoot, meaning, with full crew of MUA, Hair, Stylist, Photographer, Assistant... often characterizing the non-online opportunities and shoots scheduled through agencies, then hell yea bringing someone sounds pointless.

Having said that, though, I haven't run across any photographer online or offline that would actually lose his\her interest in working with me just because my husband may have to come along.  but maybe me "bringing" him isn't really what people are concerned about here, because he's really just dropping me off with my stuff and picking me up... perhaps I should describe him as more of a driver instead LOL.

Aug 09 05 06:15 am Link



Posts: 174

Honolulu, Hawaii, US

CASE BY CASE You make a good point, and the photographer should check out the escort's duties implied and advance.  My point is, you cannot really tell until it happens and then its a waste when it goes from the first time photo shoot point of view...a photographer is more at risk if he misses that mark and the shoot is destroyed.  Both loose.  For has not been worth the risk.

Aug 09 05 03:23 pm Link



Posts: 184

Rawlins, Wyoming, US

Post traumatic stress? Why you so scared? Maybe daddy should go with you next time.........

Delirium Filth wrote:

Yeah maybe not you but there are some sick fucks out there. The fact is, I should feel safe at a photoshoot and if bringing a friend, a boyfriend, a girlfriend or someone makes me feel safe then I will do that. I mean honestly, whats the big deal with having someone there to make me feel safe? Okay, I understand that for like major modeling agencies and shit there's not much reason to have to bring someone with you but if you're working with independent photographers that you dont have that secure feeling around yet is kinda creepy. Especially if you're as paranoid as I am. Honestly, can someone tell whats wrong with making myself feel safe at a shoot where I'm not on familiar ground or with familiar people?

Aug 09 05 03:32 pm Link


Christy Bailey

Posts: 33

There must be really great photographers where I am from, or I just have a really great husband who the photographers got along with.  No photographer around here has said anything mean about me bringing my husband.  We all got along great and they were completely comfortable shoots.  I think I was even more confident because of it. Maybe I will start rethinking whether that is a good idea, though since everyone says its a no no.

Aug 09 05 11:17 pm Link