Forums > Model Colloquy > Should a model bring a boy friend to a shoot



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

I always bring my BF.  I don't tell the photographers unless they ask but you'd never know by the way he acts

Aug 09 05 11:30 pm Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

john photographer wrote:
Afriend wants me to ask you photographers and models this question.
Is it professional for a model to bring his or hers, girl/boy friend on a photo shoot?

NO, it is not professional, but then I would not THINK to ask a boyfriend if I could go to work with him either.


Aug 09 05 11:34 pm Link


Dreamlens Photo

Posts: 3

Evansville, Indiana, US

I didn't read every comment but I thought I would toss my two cents in the ring.  Sorry if I am redundant.

It’s been my policy for many years not to allow any romantic interests, male or female, to be in the shooting area.  I've had several different experiences early on:

1.  The BF gets jealous.
2.  The husband tries to be apart of the shoot.
3.  The model is constantly looking for approval for her significant other.


4.  I had a guy get excited and try to tell his girl what to do.  I told him to let me work.   After a couple of more reminders he finally shut up.  Then he when out and bought a camera and I lost my model.

The emotional bond is a difficult one to deal with and I would rather just not have to.  As a working professional, I have enough on my mind.  Sometimes I am thinking about so much that I even forget to hype the photo session, especially if it is an art shoot.  For me, I am thinking original concept, perspective marketability, tangent concepts, etc.  Having bad energy buzzing around and serving no actual purpose to the shoot, serves no purpose. 

It's not just romantic interest though.  I hate parents, especially mothers.  Why do mother think they know more than photographers even when they have never modeled, run a gallery, been a photo editor for a magazine, etc.? 

I really don't hate... I'm just sayin'... emotions are difficult to deal with and that's not why I'm shooting.  A photographer needs to be able to develop a special rapport with a model and that is not something that can be shared.  So a girl can't really take her man with her on the journey, he will always be on the out side.  And if you think he won't resent you flaunting it in his face think again.  It will come out somehow someway.

Final thought:
A friend told me about a friend/ photographer who had a model come over with her boyfriend.  The boyfriend pulled a gun tied him up and they stole his equipment.  Last I heard was that some of his equipment was found in a pawn shop the next state over.  How come Hollywood and the news media don't think bad models make for "sexy stories?"  Yes some "photographers" aren't who they say but how many photographers have lost money, wardrobe and etc. to "models."  I think having a friend (if it’s really a friend and not a BF) sets a more business like tone and not a sexy adventure atmosphere for the participants.

Aug 10 05 12:45 am Link



Posts: 9

Irvine, California, US

RGraphics wrote:
to answer that.. If americas top model show called you to be a candidate .. would you bring your boyfriend as well? 
if so then you should re-consider careers lol

America's next top model does not require protection. However when approaching situations such as meeting with a photographer from the internet, I believe that another body (whether a boyfriend, friend or a relative) is necessary. For those of you who believe that a significant other will be a distraction then avoid it. Be professional. If your significant other cannot understand the importance of professionalism leave them at home. Personally my fiance has been to every shoot and has not distracted me nor prevented me from doing my job.

Aug 10 05 12:55 am Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

mollie_lane wrote:
NO, it is not professional, but then I would not THINK to ask a boyfriend if I could go to work with him either.

But if you don't go to work with your boyfriend, who will make sure that nobody rapes him?!

Aug 10 05 01:49 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

hautecouture wrote:

America's next top model does not require protection. However when approaching situations such as meeting with a photographer from the internet, I believe that another body (whether a boyfriend, friend or a relative) is necessary. For those of you who believe that a significant other will be a distraction then avoid it. Be professional. If your significant other cannot understand the importance of professionalism leave them at home. Personally my fiance has been to every shoot and has not distracted me nor prevented me from doing my job.

Haute, Exactly my point, sweetie : )  How have you been?

Aug 10 05 02:22 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Eric Muss-Barnes wrote:

But if you don't go to work with your boyfriend, who will make sure that nobody rapes him?!

This hypothetical boyfriend of mine has two fists and two feet...
the simply answer is he has choices...fight or flight!



Aug 10 05 08:30 am Link


Shanena Brundage

Posts: 41

Bring whom you want. I bring my boyfriend to my shoots, and I have not had one bad experience yet. All the photographers love him, he helps with reflector duty, spraying on oil, getting a new stick for the camera, whatever. It depends on the boyfriend. My boyfriend loves me, and would never want me hurt, and is protective of me, but he knows it doesn't matter once I'm in front of the camera..... he wants this for me, so he does what he can to make the shoot a great one. Hell, he even makes me more comfortable being there!!!

Now, if you got a complete asshole, or a GWC, then, well, I'm gonna do something probably before my boyfriend.

Final Thought ~ I'm gonna bring whom I want, when I want. If the photographer asks who I'm bringing, and has a problem, then I guess he doesn't need to shoot with me. I don't see how you can let one bad apple ruin the whole bunch.

Models, bring whom you want to bring. Like someone said in a few posts up, how her husband gets along with everyone.... If you have a bf/husband who's going to be a dick, don't bring him. That goes along for anyone else. Mom's, sisters, gfs, brothers, dads, etc..... Everyone always comes at the boyfriends, but they leave out the horror stories with the other guests.....

~ Shanena ~

Aug 10 05 08:42 am Link



Posts: 8

Walled Lake, Michigan, US

I take my boyfriend to almost every shoot with me, he makes me feel more comfortable and he always ends up helping the photographer out somehow. Every photographer I've worked with is like "I'm glad you brought Zack he's great to have around'. We're even going to do a shoot together with a photogrpaher because the photogrpaher liked him so much and thought he was pretty good looking. The shoot is going to be an intimate type shoot. I don't think it's un-professional at all if you are not being managed and you bring an escort. When I do find a manager, I most likely won't take my boyfriend with me unless he wants to come. They are too many freaks and nut cases out there to not be careful, trust me I had a taste of one yesterday!!

Aug 10 05 08:52 am Link



Posts: 684

Detroit, Michigan, US

Here's the way I've learned to handle the husband/boyfriend issue. They can come with her to the studio, but depending upon what I sense from them, they are not allowed onset, that's what lobbies & magazines are for. Models talk about safety...etc. and while I do understand that, what the model doesn't understand is, if the photographer invests the time/energy & $$ to setup a shoot, and her bf/hubby makes her uptight/nervous, and the shooter doesn't get the shots he's after, well guess what? He'll find another model, and probbaly won't work with you again. Most models know if their bf's or hubbies are assholes before they even get to the studio, so why bring em if they are? God forbid you are shooting a job for $$$, and the significant other screws up the energy of the shoot.

Case in point, a model setup a shoot with me in fla., I did headshots on her 2 days prior, and she came alone, her expressions/shots were great. We did a swimsuit shoot at a PUBLIC beach, and she pulls up with her boyfriend. So I do what any good photographer would do, I put his ass to work, I've never seen a guy get smacked by so many waves while holding a reflector big enough to be deemed an america's cup sail! Granted he pitched in to help, but I swear, you could see the uneasiness in her face and eyes on each frame; it was night & day difference from the headshots we did 2 days prior. And she could SEE the difference in the shots, and it turned oout to be a waste of my creative time.

Would I work with her again? I doubt it. But a "pro" model covers all the bases prior to a shoot, and that includes boyfriends & husbands.


Aug 10 05 09:11 am Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

I never cared either way. Did not know this was such a big issue.
I have had incredible shoots with both boyfriends of female models and girlfriends of male models there. I don't worry about the shoots maybe because I don't do anything that isn't supposed to happen. Kind of like the threads about shooting underage models. It's no big deal unless you are doing something wrong. If the model was talked to prior to the shoot and nudity was not discussed then while shooting she is asked to get out of her clothes I don't blame a BF for getting uptight.
Eh I'm crazy.

Aug 10 05 10:30 am Link


john hill

Posts: 361

Louisville, Kentucky, US

There is a certain interaction between a model and photographer on a successful shoot.The less distactions the better!!I usually have professional people at a shoot - make-up,stylists.etc.These people know when to jump-in and when to melt into the background.I have found that the reason a BF comes to a shoot it is to keep an eye on his girlfriend.It is not a good idea.Never should happen on a paid commercial shoot.BF will either be told to get lost or the nodels chances of further work will go down. John Hill

Aug 10 05 10:53 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

If a boyfriend makes you feel safe and relaxed and encourages your creativity, then YES! If not, then dump him and bring someone with you who does.

john photographer wrote:
Afriend wants me to ask you photographers and models this question.
Is it professional for a model to bring his or hers, girl/boy friend on a photo shoot?

Aug 10 05 11:01 am Link


Alluring Exposures

Posts: 11400

Casa Grande, Arizona, US

Maybe I've worked with strange girls, but they don't seem to be comfortable being nude and sensual/sexy in front of their brother(s)

eyetoeye-Images wrote:
I have decided to ask the models if they want to be escorted to either bring a girlfreind or a brother.
The brother you can put to work holding reflectors and he will feel as though he has contributed somthing to his SISis carrer.

Aug 10 05 11:05 am Link



Posts: 223

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Boyfriend, Brother, Mother, Husband, Girlfriend, Stock Broker, Parole Officer....As long as they do not negatively impact the shoot I can care less how they know the model, this is all about getting the shot. If they do negatively impact the shoot, they get a warning, if the problem persists, I pack up and go. I am a photographer, If there is a situation caused by the talent or the talent's escourt that is causing my work to be less than the best I can produce, The shoot is over and All work is deleted.

Aug 10 05 11:14 am Link


Jeff Allen Photography

Posts: 34

Beverly Hills, California, US

jackooo wrote:

  The photographer is also not some PSYCHO ASS DUDE. lol

How does she know that?


Aug 10 05 11:16 am Link



Posts: 36

Los Angeles, California, US

Aug 10 05 01:16 pm Link



Posts: 36

Los Angeles, California, US

JG Photography wrote:
How does she know that?


If the previous models made it safely through the shoots, there is a GREAT chance she will also. lol lol lol

Aug 10 05 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 36

Los Angeles, California, US

   It's like when a woman picks up a male at a bar for a one night stand.  How much checking did she do?  Did she bring her mom to his hotel room?  How about her brother?  Maybe her Aunt?  No?  How about her significant other?  Did she pack her .44 Magnum?  Mace? Handcuffs? Baton? Get referances?  Well what did she do to prepare for this adventure?  Nada, zip, zero, zilch, nothing!!!!  And you know this date will be much more intimate than a nude shoot.
  If you need people with you on your shoot then you need to check the photographer out ahead of time instead of imposing upon his good will.  I personally will tell him and maybe you, adios.  Don't like to be suckered by a last minute surprise. I CANNOT WORK WITH PEOPLE WATCHING because I feel ill at ease shooting adult nudes funny as that may seem. If I am paying the freight, that is the way it goes. PERIOD.
   If I need an assistant I can afford to pay for one.  Don't need a husband or b/f humping stuff.

Aug 10 05 01:20 pm Link



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

Bottom line photographers that have a problem who you bring usually don't have good intentions.  A mom, a girlfriend, aunt, cousin whoever can create the same problems as any boyfriend.  Remember there are girls out there bigger and stronger than guys, and can get just as jealous.  This issue is stupid.  Guys with camera's want to refer to professional shoots don't allow escorts: 1st they probably don't know anything about the industry because in some way you have an escort in the 'real industry' like a make up artist your manager assistant whatever, and who's to say they aren't your boyfriend.  Modeling isn't like having a job at McDonalds where you wouldn't bring your boyfriend (well mine gives me rides to work all the time), but if your doing TFP with a GWC who has no refrences and doesn't have the greatest work, and at the last minute asks you not to bring your bf and suggests a girlfriend, SCREW THE SHOOT!  Unless you feel comfortable of course but just as you wouldn't take a guy you don't know from a bar home with you that you felt unsure you wouldn't go.  Either way half the people that want to rant about boyfriends aren't professional or will be.  I bring my bf never had any problems except the one time I didn't.

Aug 10 05 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia


Aug 10 05 04:28 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Here's a seems MANY photographers say:

Husband = Yes
Boyfriend = No

I know the legal differences, but how is one better over the other as far as escorting someone to a shoot?

Aug 10 05 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

Its a crazy place out there, people are even crazier.  Bring who you want or don't.  Work with who you want or don't.  Just don't do anything you don't want to do.  Models deserve respect.  Photographers deserve respect.  Either one of those who break that respect don't deserve to be either.

Aug 10 05 04:34 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

This whole thread is why I require my models to know either kick boxing or martial arts in order to work with me...that way, I know I'm safe because their is no way they could ever be in danger because they could kick my ass.

Aug 10 05 06:18 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

David Moyle wrote:
This whole thread is why I require my models to know either kick boxing or martial arts in order to work with me...that way, I know I'm safe because their is no way they could ever be in danger because they could kick my ass.

That's interesting, cause if you notice my models, they tend to be pretty short (usually around 5'2") or very light (100lbs or so).  I do this on purpose to increase my odds of being able to run faster than them should they decide to steal my camera or my car.

Aug 10 05 07:07 pm Link



Posts: 90

if anyone has to even ask this question they obviously don't know the business.

Aug 10 05 07:09 pm Link



Posts: 1034

Arlington Heights, Illinois, US

chelsey wrote:
Bottom line photographers that have a problem who you bring usually don't have good intentions.  A mom, a girlfriend, aunt, cousin whoever can create the same problems as any boyfriend.  Remember there are girls out there bigger and stronger than guys, and can get just as jealous.  This issue is stupid.  Guys with camera's want to refer to professional shoots don't allow escorts: 1st they probably don't know anything about the industry because in some way you have an escort in the 'real industry' like a make up artist your manager assistant whatever, and who's to say they aren't your boyfriend.  Modeling isn't like having a job at McDonalds where you wouldn't bring your boyfriend (well mine gives me rides to work all the time), but if your doing TFP with a GWC who has no refrences and doesn't have the greatest work, and at the last minute asks you not to bring your bf and suggests a girlfriend, SCREW THE SHOOT!  Unless you feel comfortable of course but just as you wouldn't take a guy you don't know from a bar home with you that you felt unsure you wouldn't go.  Either way half the people that want to rant about boyfriends aren't professional or will be.  I bring my bf never had any problems except the one time I didn't.

I really do not want this to be construed as a flame but I just do not know how else to gracefully word it.  This may be in contention for the single most idiotic thing said on the subject.  There have been countless threads on the subject but it seems nobody reads or try to comprehend both side of the issue. 

I never ever had a problem with escorts, boyfriends or whatever.  I also know about and have discussions about them beforehand.  A model’s boyfriend may be the greatest thing since slice bread but how is the photographer to know this.  The simple truth of the matter is a boyfriend causes problems more often than not.  A girl behaves differently with her girlfriend than with her boyfriend.  It doesn’t matter if it is at a bar, going shopping or a photo shoot.  If they get into an argument in the car, the shoot suffers.  If he is possessive, the shoot suffers.  If she is apprehensive around him, the shoot suffers.  You may think none of this matter, if you are not really concerned with the image, well for you it really doesn’t.  If a model is considering working with any photographer that shows quality work, the question a model needs to ask herself is: “Is it worth more to her than him?â€?.
If the answer is “Yesâ€? and she is drawing the line with “SCREW THE SHOOTâ€?, then clearly, she is in the wrong line of work.  If the answer is "No" most of the time, she needs to choice more carefully.  Again, she is in the wrong line of work.

I do not even want to respond about a girl knowing the guy she is going home with.  Right, a girl never woken up next to one of the biggest asses on the planet.

Aug 10 05 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 154

Lea Hill, Washington, US

Reno Pittner wrote:

I really do not want this to be construed as a flame but I just do not know how else to gracefully word it.  This may be in contention for the single most idiotic thing said on the subject.  There have been countless threads on the subject but it seems nobody reads or try to comprehend both side of the issue. 

I never ever had a problem with escorts, boyfriends or whatever.  I also know about and have discussions about them beforehand.  A model’s boyfriend may be the greatest thing since slice bread but how is the photographer to know this.  The simple truth of the matter is a boyfriend causes problems more often than not.  A girl behaves differently with her girlfriend than with her boyfriend.  It doesn’t matter if it is at a bar, going shopping or a photo shoot.  If they get into an argument in the car, the shoot suffers.  If he is possessive, the shoot suffers.  If she is apprehensive around him, the shoot suffers.  You may think none of this matter, if you are not really concerned with the image, well for you it really doesn’t.  If a model is considering working with any photographer that shows quality work, the question a model needs to ask herself is: “Is it worth more to her than him?â€?.
If the answer is “Yesâ€? and she is drawing the line with “SCREW THE SHOOTâ€?, then clearly, she is in the wrong line of work.  If the answer is "No" most of the time, she needs to choice more carefully.  Again, she is in the wrong line of work.

I do not even want to respond about a girl knowing the guy she is going home with.  Right, a girl never woken up next to one of the biggest asses on the planet.

drama, drama, and more drama.  everyone has an opinion but we're all still coming out with images no matter what it is.

Aug 10 05 08:22 pm Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

edit: nevermind. Others have made my point better than I did.

Aug 10 05 08:46 pm Link


Voice of Reason

Posts: 8741

Anaheim, California, US

DigitalCMH wrote:

That's interesting, cause if you notice my models, they tend to be pretty short (usually around 5'2") or very light (100lbs or so).  I do this on purpose to increase my odds of being able to run faster than them should they decide to steal my camera or my car.

That's why I drive my minivan and leave my Chevelle home, no-one wants to steal it. As far as the camera, I find they aren't willing to leave their bag of clothes behind in order to carry the equipment.

Aug 11 05 01:24 am Link



Posts: 119

Los Angeles, California, US

I just work with agency girls but there has been some times when it's just me and the model and we end up with the hottest stuff.  I create a very intimate environment with v-flats so nobody sees anything not even the make-up artist.

No...bring your a girlfriend.   Actually mom's are probably the coolest of them of all. They usually bring a book or read magazines in an another other words stay out of the way.

One time this model brought her husband and started hitting on the other models then that model started getting jealous. 

Same thing with my guy friends who want to assist me...Unless you want to pick up lunch and coffee and carry sandbags all day forget it.

Aug 26 05 09:59 am Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

I have no problems as long as the model is comfortable and the BF is unobtrusive. Some models are inhibited by their BFs and husbands and if that's the case, leave 'em home. Bring a GF. I don't bring mine because I am not comfy. He may come to meet the photographer with me, but when it is time for the shoot, he leaves. But if my MUA is available, I bring her, she's a blast and stays out of the way until needed.

Aug 26 05 10:02 am Link


Marcello H Photography

Posts: 86

Temple, Texas, US

I love it when boyfriends and husbands are there. I put them to work. Sometimes having them involved in the shoot relieves tension and lets the guys see from the photographers' perspective.

Aug 26 05 10:04 am Link


Sienna Hambleton

Posts: 10352

Toledo, Ohio, US

I've been pretty passionate when it comes to saying that when it comes to  Internet modeling, the model has the right to bring an assistant/escort. I've never really had a problem when the model brings her husband or a female friend along. This said, 3 out of the last 5 shoots where a boyfriend attended, the model has either been distracted or I've had to deal with a wannabe creative director. Usually, I don't care who you bring. If it's a boyfriend who detracts from the shoot though, for future reference, you're either going to be going home mid-shoot (model included) or after the shoot I'm going to clue every photographer in the area just how unprofessional you are.

Aug 26 05 10:23 am Link


House of DL

Posts: 523

Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

I have had three shoots with boyfriends there, only one turned out to be a problem, the others were helpful.  So flip a coin, the model should know what the boyfriend is like and make a decision on that!

Aug 26 05 10:27 am Link


Stacy Patrick

Posts: 226

Beverly Hills, California, US

this question is completely subjective and therefore sort of pointless isnt it?

some photographers are opposed, some arent. some boyfriends are perfectly behaved, some arent. some models are comfortable going alone, some arent.

it should be discussed before hand with all parties involved, if it cant be worked out to everyones satisfaction, dont do the shoot if its that big of a deal.

comparisons to americas top model, or any professional modeling job are pointless. obviously if you were modeling in a professional capacity it would be a safe environment, i am sure that when this question is raised it is in terms of the majority of people on this site who are not professional models OR photographers arranging shoots in their apartments, random locations, etc.

if elite calls my girlfriend someday and wants to send her to a paid job somewhere with a full crew then hey baby, have a nice day. however, if billy bob photography calls and wants to shoot her in his trailer near the outskirts of town for tfp, then be prepared to make sandwiches for all three of us my friend.

im sure its a whole different ballgame for all the dysfunctional "glamour" models and their jealous boyfriends, but you know, if you need to take nude photos to validate yourself, you've got other issues.

Aug 26 05 10:39 am Link



Posts: 253

Alameda, California, US

chelsey wrote:
Bottom line photographers that have a problem who you bring usually don't have good intentions.

Ridiculous...maybe the photographers just don't want to have to keep an eye on your friend/bf/escort robbing them while they are busy working with you..

Aug 26 05 10:47 am Link


Stacy Patrick

Posts: 226

Beverly Hills, California, US

Studio200 wrote:
Ridiculous...maybe the photographers just don't want to have to keep an eye on your friend/bf/escort robbing them while they are busy working with you..

you do realize that is no more valid than the model's concern with the photographer and wanting to bring an escort in the first place right?

none of this should ever present an issue at all if the particulars are discussed and agreed upon before the shoot. the option to just not work together is always there.

Aug 26 05 11:04 am Link


Marvin Dockery

Posts: 2243

Alcoa, Tennessee, US

Brian Diaz wrote:
Eric's right.  Definitely bring your boyfriend.  Single models should get boyfriends before they get comp cards.  You know.  For protection.


Single mother's should get boyfriends before having the baby.

Aug 26 05 11:07 am Link



Posts: 1353

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

My boyfriend comes sometimes... never has caused a problem. He understands I am a 20 year old woman, I do as I want and he will not and cannot control that. I've had a few instances where I'm glad hes gone (like hell I'm carrying my bag full of clothes through Valley of Fire wearing nothing more than a thong and stilettos). Not to mention, I live far away from Colorado where my mother and friends are. My best friend in Las Vegas is my boyfriends friend from high school... hes not really the person ANYONE would want on a shoot.

Aug 26 05 11:25 am Link