Forums > Model Colloquy > Should a model bring a boy friend to a shoot



Posts: 156

Los Angeles, California, US

chapa wrote:
i posted this in another forum...but it's probably just as appropriate here...

i love how people keep referring to the "creepy", "perv" GWC's(which is the dumbest tag ever, considering that ALL photographers are either a Guy with a camera or a Girl with a camera(as opposed to the HWC-Hermaphrodite with camera)...some are just more experienced or better) versus the "pro", "talented", "legit" and "published" photographers, as if there's no possible way that the latter could EVER be "creepy" or a "perv"...i can think of two pro/legit/talented/published photographers in central texas in the last year who have overstepped their boundaries with a number of local models(improper advances, either verbally or physically), and considering that i've disconnected myself from the local "scene" as far as my contemporaries go and know NOTHING about he, she or it, that's TWO too many...

and what about the MM photographer(published with supermodel creds) who messaged the MM model with a work opportunity, that began with compliments about her ass?!?!

would it be safe to say that most people are pervs and some 1.aren't afraid to admit it, or 2.are afraid to admit it, and 3.either have a hard time distinguishing their peversions from their professionalism or 4.don't have a hard time when it comes down to it???

surely it's possible for someone with sub-quality work NOT be a perv or creepy, and vice versa???

as for the neverending debate on escorts-your one can MAKE you do otherwise...

from MY past experiences, there are NO good escorts, male or female...they're ALL just as disruptive...

bad male escort example #1-model brings boyfriend...BF doesn't want model wearing ANY clothes other than the ones she showed up in...and then ultimately talks her out of modeling period...distraction

bad female escort example #1-model(against three documented emails and two phone conversations boycotting her idea) brings girlfriend who over the course of the next five hours a)tries to bogart her way into the shoot,  b)get's in a fight with HER BF on the phone in the middle of the shoot,  c)get's in TWO fights with the other model, and then d)pouts like a little baby because she's having a not so good night...distraction

bad male escort example #2-model brings escort that ISN'T a BF or SO, and consequently, is self-conscious that he's there...tells him "not to look" at her several times...the tell-tale "staring off set look" is evident in most of the photos that we DID take...she ultimately says she's uncomfortable with him there and calls the shoot off...seriously...distraction

bad female escort example #2-model A brings model B to "watch", because she's interested in working with me...model B can't tell model A enough times how "fat her ass looks in those pants" or how "saggy her boobs look in that top"...distraction

bad male escort example #3-model brings BF to meet me at a public place prior to shooting, then decides she wants to shoot with me...BF wants to come along, but model doesn't want him to come along...BF then storms out of public place, "steals" model's convertible, while model proceeds to beat him over the head with her 8" heeled boots several times, until he stops convertible and slaps her from the driver seat...distraction

bad female escort example #3-model brings friend who cracks jokes the ENTIRE time we are shooting...even after i asked her to shut-the-hell-up...the photos end up being a joke...distraction

i won't even get into how many times i've been ripped off of several miscellaneous items by other escorts...

needless to say, i don't like or allow escorts, and it hasn't kept me from finding models...

in theory, it's a GREAT idea, concerning the safety and security of the model, to bring an escort...but if the model does her homework(checks references, meets the photographer at least once, if not more BEFORE the shoot and more importantly, goes with her gut feeling) then there might not BE a reason to bring an escort...

my two cents...

i think these models just  need better boyfriends/girlfriends. I would never date a person who would act so idiotic. Come on,....jeez/

Sep 08 05 09:25 pm Link


Clara Turk

Posts: 70

Dayton, Alabama, US

I bring my boyfriend to some of my shoots because he doesn't mind escorting me and it makes me feel safe when I dont know the photographer too well. Every ligitimate freelance photographer I've worked with hasn't had a problem with me bringing my boyfriend to any of my shoots. As long as your boyfriend doesn't get in the way and butt in, then it should be just as fine as bringing a regular escort.

Sep 09 05 07:13 pm Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

Clara's boyfriend took a nap on my couch. He was tired.  smile

Sep 09 05 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 18

Richmond, California, US

area291 wrote:
The depth of this thread goes to the vast difference between modeling and picture taking sessions. 

The modeling industry clearly doesn't have time or effort to deal with this topic.  Picture taking on the other hand, with no intent or purpose other than self gratification for both the subject and photographer thinking they are part of the industry is what brings this topic front and center.

Those that differ, well when you get out there and start dealing with client based work that defines the role of models and photographers I can only say, you'll see.

This was well written and so true. I've never even had a model ask if they could bring anyone to an actual commercial shoot, but then again I only use really experienced, professional models for those.

Sep 09 05 08:44 pm Link


High Fashion Editorial

Posts: 1


it doesnt matter

Sep 09 05 11:14 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

maybe this thread could be merged with the audrey thread so the question becomes either, should audrey bring her boyfriend to a shoot, or should a model bring audrey to a shoot?

then the thread can go on forever....

Sep 10 05 01:20 am Link


American Glamour

Posts: 38813

Detroit, Michigan, US

I will give you my opinion in a single sentence.  I think this is a long thread!

Sep 10 05 11:08 am Link


Timecatcher Photography

Posts: 179

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

I don't think it's wise to bring a boyfriend for a couple of reasons. First, the poor guy will be bored. What's he going to do? It's like going shopping. He's not really involved and he could be doing a lot more constructive things with his time. I did a shoot with a boyfriend present. It was stiff. The model said she felt she couldn't relax with him there. I got little or nothing of worth out of the session.

If a model feels safer with a friend there, let it be a girlfriend. Who knows? Perhaps she'll want to pose too!

Sep 10 05 12:12 pm Link


Ice Cold Champagne

Posts: 3

Detroit, Michigan, US

I agree with that..I had a few convos with some suspect guys on here...IF I show up I wont be alone.

SomeStranger wrote:
I have thought about this subject many times and the way the question is presented on here is a categorical NO! IMHO it's not unprofessional for the model to want a person to come to a shoot with them in fact if it makes her more comfortable then the shoot will be even better,  it is however very unprofessional for a photographer to give an opening speech that include the rule of the model not bringing a person with them,
Allow me to explain my views on this,
The sad fact is too many men get into photography to meet and hopefully score with women,  GWC.....see ever a term for it,
All the female models I know have horror stories.
It's fact not fiction that these kind of men exist and use photography in this way
So for the person who is a true photography/artist with no ulterior motives & wants to break free of that stigma they have to first accept this is true and understand there are scary things out there, when a model meets a photography for the first few times, if he is not established as a reputable photography with credentials, he must be very open to the model bringing Mom, dad, boyfriend girlfriend, as to help build himself a good reputation in the industry.
It should not matter at all to a good professional photography who is there at the shoot, lets face it big shoots could have 100's of people there.
I hear the rebuttal that boyfriends/husbands screw up the shoot, well then don't do a second shoot with her,
If the photography starts right off on the song and dance that a person there will cause this or cause that and mess up the shoot he just placed an uneasy thought in this models mind, "Why isn't so & so welcome to come with me? What's this guy really up to"?
My point is I don't believe it is good for the Photography to make the rules about only shooting girls alone, especially when he isn't established with different ways to check on him being a total professional in his field.
Word to photography's out there if the girl/model wants to bring someone say "Okay" because when you start on why you don't like it, you will look and sound like you have other motives.

Sep 10 05 02:38 pm Link


jeff s

Posts: 282

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Sep 10 05 04:34 pm Link


Wayne Cutler

Posts: 640

Los Angeles, California, US

Earth Angel 555 wrote:
depends on the relationship i guess the bf/gf have. But yo be safe, i would say no. They can  get distracting.i know if i were to ever bring a bf to a shoot,i wouldnt preform my best and id be worried about the poses b/c your bf is watching you, so its kinda nerve wrecking not to do ne thing too provacative. To be on the safe side, id say no they shouldnt come along. A gf is always a best choice

Totally agree with you that a g/f is the best choice.  I have found g/fs to be most helpful with wardrobe and make-up.  If a g/f doesn't come along, I still prefer that the model bring an escort that she is comfortable with.  Makes the shoot easier.

Sep 10 05 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 9739

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
I think models who need their boyfriend at a shoot should bring another model with them who doesn't need a boyfriend at the shoot.  Then after quick introductions and goodbyes, the model who doesn't need a boyfriend holding her hand, stays.


Sep 10 05 04:44 pm Link


Kristen Clark

Posts: 1

Rockford, Illinois, US

I think that it really depends on how mature your realtionship is. If your boyfriend supports you, it can be really fun to have him along, but if he is really protective and jealous, it can be a very negative thing.

Sep 10 05 04:45 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

Kristen Clark wrote:
I think that it really depends on how mature your realtionship is. If your boyfriend supports you, it can be really fun to have him along, but if he is really protective and jealous, it can be a very negative thing.

the problem with this is how do you know if he's mature or jealous/protective/blahblahblah???
he can say all he wants that he is or isn't, but you run the risk at the expense of the photographer(and his time) and your reputation if he turns out otherwise...

Sep 11 05 11:55 am Link


David Velez

Posts: 626

New York, New York, US

I think the base issue is whether the model is comfortable with the photographer. Had they met prior to a companion may not be needed. I know it's not easy to always meet prior to a shoot but recommendations may go a long way.
Having another person there does not affect me in any way. A boyfriend is significant but so is having the owner of an agency in the studio as I have had a number of times as I have shot a new model or talent. I wonder what would make a model more nervous.
I guess I have been lucky- I meet 90% of those I am to work with, I have great recommendations and professional relationships, I don't care about who is in the studio and I let the model know they are the star.
Bring your BF's - it shouldn't matter as a pro.

Sep 11 05 12:14 pm Link


Misery Doll

Posts: 9

Cleveland, Ohio, US

I don't think it matters at all who you bring as your escort ONLY if whoever you bring as an escort understands that you are on a job! If you bring a boyfriend/girlfriend they have to understand they can't get all jelous, etc or make distractions. You have to keep it professional. If you happen to be dating your escort it needs to be clear that while you are on a job they are not your boyfriend/girlfriend they are your escort.

I sometimes bring my boyfriend if my friends are all busy or can't make it, but during the shoot he steps out of the room he is just there to make sure everything goes right and to make sure i am not there alone.
But I guess my whole point was.. you always have to keep it professional.

Sep 18 05 02:32 pm Link



Posts: 297

Northampton, Massachusetts, US

I always try to meet with a model before we shoot anyway, in a public place, just to get to know them, put them at ease, and get a sense for what kind of shoot would benefit both of our personalities the most. They can bring whomever they want.

If, after the meeting, the person still wants to bring their boyfriend, that's also fine. I just inform them straight-up that the boyfriend will be asked to hold reflectors, carry my tripod and/or whatever the model needs as we move between locations, fetch water bottles, et cetera-- and if the boyfriend is attractive and affable I might invite him into some of the shots.

If someone comes to a shoot, I expect them to contribute something, period. smile

Sep 18 05 03:00 pm Link


Naija Blue

Posts: 6

Los Angeles, California, US

what if they are both models? My fiance comes with me and I go with her all the time. 99% of the time the photographers like it. they either get new ideas for pics out of it, or extra help shooting.

Sep 22 05 03:35 am Link


Ron Goldstein

Posts: 219

Brooklyn, Indiana, US

Most cases it is destructing and unprofessional but each case by it self, depends on people involved

Sep 22 05 03:45 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

singale wrote:
it doesnt matter

THAT's the attitude!  seriously all, this thread has been going on way too long...

Sep 22 05 04:14 am Link


Stan Simmons

Posts: 23

Lansing, Michigan, US

Why not?  You should bring someone with you, and I leave who that is up to the model.  I don't know their friends or relatives so I let her/him make the call.  And if there is a problem with doing some poses in front of who ever is brought along then maybe that means that that particular model isn't truly comfortable with those poses.

Sep 22 05 04:29 am Link



Posts: 50

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

It totally depends on the relationship, and how supportive your boyfriend is.
If its a question based on security, and you just don't feel comfortable then bring your bf anyway. always better safe than sorry!

For me, my boyfriend hates comming, but only because he gets bored if its a studio shoot. He's fallen asleep many times....If its location he usually ends up holding reflectors... which he's gotten quite good at! Alot of the times he even helps with posing! Of course, we've been together for years so i guess you can say he has experience too! But he ALWAYS HELPS OUT! so what im saying is- it can be a plus!

so it also depends on how focused the model is......

For me, It doesn't matter who's there....a job's a job! And i don't think the photographer should mind either, If i decided to bring someone, thats my decision and they should respect that. Most times they don't mind as long as the person there doesn't interfear. I don't see why boyfriends should interfear- and if they do, maybe you should rethink your man and find someone who is more supportive of you.

Sep 22 05 04:36 am Link



Posts: 3560

Gainesville, Florida, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
maybe this thread could be merged with the audrey thread so the question becomes either, should audrey bring her boyfriend to a shoot, or should a model bring audrey to a shoot?

then the thread can go on forever....

Ohhh I`m shooting Audrey and her Boyfriend......and yes, Audrey can bring a model with her too. everything Audrey does is kool with me..........

Sep 22 05 04:59 am Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

Oh , not this questions again smile

I take my husband with me if I havent met the photographer before, or ifit's a remote location . My husband is a lot older than me and understands that work is work.  He's usually making business calls or doing his paperwork while I'm shooting.Most of the time he's either in the corner away from us, or outside of the studio.
If there is going to be an MUA/Stylist, or assistant their then I go by myself. I also go by myself if I have worked with the Photographer before. Boyfriends can cause drama. I helped a photographer that I shoot with a lot  when he was doing a calendar, we had one model show up with her four kids and boyfriend. The kids were running around getting in the way, and the boyfriend had his little camera out taking pictures, trying to tell his g/f how to pose, just causing major headaches.
We cut the shoot short and didnt use the model in the calendar because her shots were terrible, her facial expressions and  rigid poses were bad. So, I say no to boyfriends.

Sep 22 05 09:26 am Link



Posts: 885

Atlanta, Georgia, US

This is BUSINESS; this is PROFESSIONAL...NOT social hour.

Unless you are under 18 years old you should not NEED an escort.
If you do NOT feel comfortable or safe about the shoot UNLESS you bring a boyfriend...then do NOT accept the shoot.

Simple solution.

Sep 22 05 10:31 am Link



Posts: 846

Charleston, South Carolina, US

mollie_lane wrote:
This is BUSINESS; this is PROFESSIONAL...NOT social hour.

Unless you are under 18 years old you should not NEED an escort.
If you do NOT feel comfortable or safe about the shoot UNLESS you bring a boyfriend...then do NOT accept the shoot.

Simple solution.

Mollie is so wise, so sensible, so right, so beautiful...

Forget professionalism and lets expect simple common decency and respectful behavior from one another. If that doesn't exist at the core of a person then no label is going to change the behavior.

Sep 22 05 11:01 am Link


Zachary Reed

Posts: 523

Denver, Colorado, US

3 of the 5 that havecome haveended up in them wanting to hurt me. 1 was ok. the other 1 actually helped. if all of them could be like the last 1 i'd say yes but due to the previous 3 im sayn NO.

Sep 22 05 11:06 am Link



Posts: 34

London, England, United Kingdom

i guess it depends on the assignment...for example some fetish shoot or hardcore G/G & G/B shoots or even asphixation some one should be there to make sure nothing funny goes on, you don't have to say there your boyfriend just say there your chaperone as long as their not going to get funny with what your doing but being your boyfriend they should already know what you do.

Sep 22 05 11:10 am Link



Posts: 123

Acworth, Georgia, US

I have brought my husband with me if the photographer is ok with that.. but I will not go alone on a first shoot unless the person has great refrences.  I have done two shoots with my husband even.  All of the photographers I have worked with have been ok with it as my husband is not the jealous type at all.  He usually just has his laptop and plays video games or watches a movie....

Sep 22 05 11:14 am Link

Makeup Artist

Camera Ready Studios

Posts: 7191

Dallas, Texas, US

this is my opinion of when an escort should be invited...I dont work on shoots with escorts, just my common sense at work

bondage, nude, fetish etc  =  Bring an escort
Web photog with apartment studio =  Bring escort
web photog without published work in his portfolio  doing TFP = bring escort
Jumping out of a cake?  dancing?  = bring escort
alcohol and/or drugs  at the shoot?  = bring escort

Main stream modeling job = nobody but you should show up on the shoot, there will be  a crew present you don't need more people on the shoot. Don't even use the word escort if you want to work as a mainstream model

escort is anyone, boyfriend, friend, girlfriend......

Sep 22 05 01:35 pm Link



Posts: 760

Orlando, Florida, US

this will go on forever.but to say inexperience there are times when you dont bring one uless they say you can. if you are under 18 it is the law! but over 18 it is not as neccessary. if you are maikng along trip to bfn, then I would. but to an interview with an agency I'm not so sure it would be a good idea. photographers are afraid of the pushey moms, girlfriends, and boyfriends.

Sep 24 05 11:09 am Link



Posts: 39

Brooklyn, New York, US

There are some boyfriends-- perhaps most-- who don't trust a photographer no matter how professional he/she may be. They should stay home; it would be totally unprofessional to bring him.

But then there are boyfriends who know the business--a rare exception. My boyfriend was a professional model, and sometimes I want him to be there to give me pointers or so that i could basically pose in my mind for him. I also KNOW that he's not going to freak out if a photographer gives seductive direction. Most of the time he says, "have a great shoot" and kicks me out the door.

Sep 24 05 12:49 pm Link


Tim Baker-fotoPerfecta

Posts: 9877

Portland, Oregon, US

Only if he's supportive of your work and of you. If he can't handle seeing you pose, then leave him home. Bring someone else. I shot a model who's boyfriend ruined the entire shot for her; yet I've shot another model who's husband was completely supportive of her. The key is how supportive (and I think maturity factors in here) is he of you.  If he's not, then bring a friend.  Cheers, Tim at Portland Filmworks.

Sep 24 05 12:56 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28700

Phoenix, Arizona, US

ladyd wrote:
for example some fetish shoot or hardcore G/G & G/B shoots or even asphixation some one should be there to make sure nothing funny goes on,

That's a bit of an oxymoron isn't it?

Sep 24 05 01:05 pm Link



Posts: 12295

Seattle, Washington, US


Just use the escort boyfriends as lightstands and assistants, and yell at them if they aren't doing the job right...


Sep 24 05 01:31 pm Link


Mark Richards

Posts: 40

If it is an adult shoot, or a photographer that you do not feel comfortable being alone with, then by all means do bring an escort to a shoot.  I actually will reschedule a shoot with a model if she does not have an escort on the day of a shoot to a day that she can have an escort with her.  I just prefer to work with an escort present.  It puts the model more at ease so she can focus more on the shoot.

And if you just sit and talk to the guy, and tell him what is going to happen, involve him in what is going on, ask him if he is okay with anything before and during the shoot, he usually end up being really cool and helping you out.  And you usually don’t have a problem scheduling more shoots with the same model other than his schedule being to where he can be at future shoots.  And he will make time so that a future shoot can go off without a hitch.

It is also always nice to have an extra hand around to help you with something if you need it.

Sep 30 05 03:53 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

it depends on the photographer

i myself dont mind

but if the b.f. understands its a biz-ness and thats what its for
then everything should be okay

if he does not and has problems with his insecurity well then no.

i have had only 1 time where a b.f. came and didnt like me or was nervous about the shoot
needless to say they broke up that had nothing to do with me.

problem is that the house i was using was next door to lenny kravtiz house as he jogged by
they were shouting at each friend never let me use the house again.

oh well.usually i meet the b.f.'s/husbands/moms/sisters before the shoot they never have a problem with me
after they realize that im there to work not to hit on their girl.

Sep 30 05 07:34 am Link


Kylie Rose

Posts: 5

Seattle, Washington, US

I have been told by many photographer to be leary of any photographer that does not want an escourt at the shoot. I am only talking about adult or nude shoots. I bring my boyfriend to every adult/nude shoot I do. It makes me more comfortable and in return you get better photos. I think that the model will know if her boyfriend will hurt or help the shoot and their always good to move a light or something.

Oct 03 05 06:05 am Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

KoolGirlieStuff wrote:

Ohhh I`m shooting Audrey and her Boyfriend......and yes, Audrey can bring a model with her too. everything Audrey does is kool with me..........

oh god, you're also a member of the audrey cult?

Oct 03 05 06:39 am Link



Posts: 16

Buena Vista, Michigan, US

I would just ask the photographer b4 you go for the shoot & see what they think. I myself like my boyfriend being onset because then I actually feel more comfortable doing sexy/seducing's never been a problem for me or anyone I've worked with. I personally don't see anything wrong with it unless your partner is some freak who flips out cuz of jealousy or something, ya know? But if the're like that then dump them, no need for pyschos! My boyfriend is totally supportive of what I do, your's should be too! smile

Oct 08 05 02:41 am Link