Forums > Model Colloquy > Should a model bring a boy friend to a shoot



Posts: 2

Clinton, Arkansas, US

I think honestly it would depend on the type of guy/girl friend.  Some ARE very protective and insecure, but there are a few of us good ones left that might actually get into it and try to make the shoot the best it can be.

Sep 02 05 09:37 pm Link


HEF Photography

Posts: 1817

Jacksonville, Florida, US

Do you know the photographer ? 
Personally I don't mind as long as you and the photographer have the agreement up front.  It never bothered me as long as he stayed out of the way and kept quiet. 
What I always hated was when he tried to tell me how I was supposed to shoot
the images.  If he was that good why wasn't he shooting the images.  The session
ended and rescheduled later with a friend.

Sep 02 05 10:35 pm Link



Posts: 58

West Hollywood, California, US

I have brought my BF in some photo shoots. Reason why? Because he had to drive me (I didnt have my driver's liscence). But he's very professional, he got there, sat in the corner of the studio, read a book/magazine & he didn't mind us shooting at all. He respects what I do & as well as the photographer.
But I don't bring him at all, if it's not necessary & if I do, I ALWAYS ask the photographer/client & explain him the situation.

Sep 03 05 11:35 am Link



Posts: 3465

Austin, Texas, US

I brought my husband to  shoots before . Usually when I havent met the photographer before, or if the location is secluded. I have also taken my mother, and my best friend before. I understand that sometimes boyfriends can cause problems, but not all are that way. My husband for instance usually sits outside the studio, either in the waiting area reading a book, or he drops me off and comes back at the end of the shoot. 
The important thing  that a lot of boyfriends miss is that work is work.
If there is an MUA/Stylist, or Photographers assistant present then I usually don't bring anyone with me.
I guess it's to each it's own

Sep 03 05 03:43 pm Link


jeff s

Posts: 282

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

Pinkiez wrote:
I def would bring someone w\me, i dont think i woild bring a b\f, but a friend, b\c what if the photographer was psycho? i have heard too many horrible stories of models getten raped or harassed, maybe im just cynical, i gues it depends how well u know the person, if u trust them, then know, but a first time, yes. u need to keep ur guard up a little bit!

Who are all these models that are being raped and murdered at shoots?????

I haven't seen any of this on my local news lately........nor have I seen 20/20 do a special: "America's New Epidemic:  Models that have been raped and/or killed at photo sessions"???

I am not saying there are not some creeps out there, but don't you interview, in a public place or an office, BEFORE the shoot??  If you come away from the interview with the creeps, then why go to the shoot?  are you checking references?  Does he have assistants in his studio?  Does the studio have a private room for you to change? 

If you answered "no" to any of those questions, then you need to start checking things out before you go to the shoot.

Sep 04 05 05:59 am Link



Posts: 684

Detroit, Michigan, US

I am not saying there are not some creeps out there, but don't you interview, in a public place or an office, BEFORE the shoot??  If you come away from the interview with the creeps, then why go to the shoot?  are you checking references?  Does he have assistants in his studio?  Does the studio have a private room for you to change? 

If you answered "no" to any of those questions, then you need to start checking things out before you go to the shoot.

I concur, DO your homework, if the photogs are known by other models and agencies, then you haven't much to worry about. If you have transportation issues, etc. get all that cleared with the studio PRIOR to the shoot, even if it is a test shot, there is time & money expensed to the photographer, and if a bf/hus/gf or whomever messes with the energy of the shoot, well guess what? I won't be using that model again.

The last time that happened, the bf ended up thigh deep in the ocean holding a reflector that was big enough for an america's cup sail, and every single one of the frames I shot on her, she looked uneasy. Often it IS a control issue, and we know how those can backfire.

Models, DO your homework, research, you'll have fewer problems in the long run.

Sep 04 05 06:45 am Link


Charles Hawes

Posts: 22

Harlowton, Montana, US

I dont mind if the bring a bot firend or husband with them. Most of the time I get them to help like carrying equipment , holding lights , helping the model pose and so on. That works out great for me and I dont have to hire a helper.

Sep 04 05 06:49 am Link


Telephoto Studio

Posts: 1439

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Leila wrote:
I don't see how a boyfriend or girlfriend is any different than any other person.

SOmetimes significant others have problems with jealousy and other issues that come to the surface in a shoot, especially if there is nudity or sexual/erotic content. 

I have had a model bring a boyfriend to a shoot and almost start a fight with some passers by that almost got me in trouble with the cops in NYC. 

Also back in 1978 I remembered going up to a swin club to show one model my portfolio and all her little friends in bikinis swarmed around me, leaving their boyfriends high and dry.  When I went out to my car, I had 4 slashed tires from some jealous asshole.

Sometimes I meet the models in person ahead of time, and sometimes I just talk on the phone with them. But if they insist on bringing a husband or boyfriend along, I always insist on meeting them both in person ahead of time - I want to make sure that there will be no "asshole" factor to deal with.

Also, any model who tells me that she is gonna bring along someone who she described as a "biker", a "bouncer", a "bodyguard", or anyone who wants to bring a gun to a shoot is someone who needs to re-examine the type of work that they are doing.  Because if someone is that insecure that they have to bring along an armed escort to a shoot, I am gonna want to bring along my own gun or take someone with me who will keep an eye on the "escort".  THis has all the makings of a drug deal gone bad.

Also, while there is all the talk about psycho and stalker photographers, there are photographers who get robbed by so-called models and their druggie significant others.

Sep 04 05 08:10 am Link



Posts: 156

Los Angeles, California, US

jeff s wrote:

Who are all these models that are being raped and murdered at shoots?????

I haven't seen any of this on my local news lately........nor have I seen 20/20 do a special: "America's New Epidemic:  Models that have been raped and/or killed at photo sessions"???

I am not saying there are not some creeps out there, but don't you interview, in a public place or an office, BEFORE the shoot??  If you come away from the interview with the creeps, then why go to the shoot?  are you checking references?  Does he have assistants in his studio?  Does the studio have a private room for you to change? 

If you answered "no" to any of those questions, then you need to start checking things out before you go to the shoot.

because its not as interesting as the war in iraq duh. dont you know anything about the media? its not about what happens, its about what will stir the most interest. america does not care about models, they care about good innocent people like that amy smart girl, who was wholesome, and all american.

Sep 04 05 11:10 am Link


jeff s

Posts: 282

Springfield, Massachusetts, US

because its not as interesting as the war in iraq duh. dont you know anything about the media? its not about what happens, its about what will stir the most interest. america does not care about models, they care about good innocent people like that amy smart girl, who was wholesome, and all american.

No way, just look at the attention on the Laci Peterson case, for just one example.

I have yet to have one model that has worked with me give me the name of another model who was raped, murdered, etc., while at a photo shoot.....they have only heard "rumors"

And since it seems half the models here claim another model from here, or another site, had this happen to them, who are all these models????

Again, there are creeps out there and you have to be careful, but check things out BEFORE you go to the shoot.

Common sense applies here, people.

Sep 04 05 03:02 pm Link


LP Photos Norfolk

Posts: 7

Norwich, England, United Kingdom

I don't really mind but you do so at your own risk because if the BF gets in the way or creates a problem then you're going to lose out as the photographer is likely to abandon the shoot and won't use you again - also bad news gets round very fast ....

Sep 04 05 03:33 pm Link


Lo J

Posts: 104

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I think the odds of getting hurt because of accidents on a shoot for models or photographers is so much higher.  I have never heard of anything bad from the models I shot with.  Just funny stories actresses have during castings.

Sep 04 05 03:47 pm Link



Posts: 359

Downers Grove, Illinois, US

john photographer wrote:
Afriend wants me to ask you photographers and models this question.
Is it professional for a model to bring his or hers, girl/boy friend on a photo shoot?

If a model wants to bring someone to a shoot, that's fine.  Folks bring people to the dentist with them for moral support.  However, the person must wait in the waiting room.  The same goes for photoshoots.  If the model brings someone, they have to wait outside.  If they insist on coming inside, the shoot is over.

Sep 04 05 04:00 pm Link


Dave Mauzy

Posts: 28


I generally like my models to be as comfortable as possible. If they really want  their Boyfriend to come along I don't tell them no, however I do stress (after a couple of instances where they were both a nuissance and distraction) that if a boyfriend does come along that he either stay out of my frame, or join in on the shoot.

When Girlfriends come along, however, they get to feel comfortable and I usually have unexpected extra models ...

Sep 04 05 04:06 pm Link


not here anymore.

Posts: 1892

San Diego, California, US

boyfriend or no boyfriend, same difference.

Sep 04 05 05:33 pm Link



Posts: 3907

Madison, Mississippi, US

Five pages later......

Sep 04 05 05:34 pm Link


aye provide

Posts: 1330

New York, New York, US

Only if his butt will be cleaning the studio's toilet facilities durning the shoot

Sep 04 05 07:52 pm Link



Posts: 40

Dallas, Texas, US

That depends on the person. My boyfriend has come on more than one photoshoot and it was great. He got along with the photographers and made me feel more comfrontable. it turned out to be a great shoot because of it.

Sep 07 05 04:20 pm Link



Posts: 555

Mount Pleasant, Michigan, US

Please never bring your friends to my shoots.

Thank you.

Sep 07 05 04:31 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

so did it get resolved yet?

Sep 08 05 01:08 am Link



Posts: 2217

Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan

oh my Gawd

Sep 08 05 01:39 am Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28701

Phoenix, Arizona, US

My rules:

* On TFP shoots, the model can bring whoever she wants to the shoot. I don't care. Not my problem if the escort is a distraction.
* When I am paying the model she brings no one. Either the model wants my money or she doesn't. I've got plenty of references.

Sorry, that's just my rule. When I am investing money in the shoot, I'm not about to let some numbskull ruin it. I have plenty of references to show that I don't behave like a creep. Also, the great thing about MM is tha a model can go to my portfolio and read all of the wonderful tags the models I have worked with have left me.

I used to have the mindset that I would allow anyone to a shoot. Like many of the people on this site have said: I'll put the escort to work. Well, the last escort I tried to put to work wanted to know how much I was going to pay him.

In another instance: I was paying the model and she brought her boyfriend. She giggled the whole time & He kept asking how much longer. Now he wasn't jealous or anything.. Just a distraction.

And in another instance, paid shoot mind you: The escort began to question the amount I was paying the model. Hey, she didn't have to accept when we arranged the shoot.

And finally, I had one nit-wit who broke out his digi-cam and start shooting along side me.

Another argument people use FOR the model bringing an escort is that it is a back-up against any allegations a model might bring against the photographer. You're a fool if you think for one minute her escort is going to back up your side of the story.

If models intend to bring an escort, then why the hell do we need references? I honestly think bringing an escort is much easier than actually checking a photographer's references. I can't remember the last time I had a model actually check mine. And I usually ask them if they did.

Sep 08 05 02:26 am Link


Jose Luis

Posts: 2890

Dallas, Texas, US

Amen John- with one caveat.  You should hold true to your rule even on the TFP shoots.  Your time is valuable.

Sep 08 05 08:39 am Link



Posts: 1243

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

My then-BF used to go with me to shoots and I don't think my performance would've been different if he wasn't there.  He's very supportive.  I thought he was helpful to me and the photographers. 

I should ask the photographers I've worked with what they thought of it though.

Sep 08 05 09:23 am Link



Posts: 253

Alameda, California, US

bebewood wrote:
because its not as interesting as the war in iraq duh. dont you know anything about the media? its not about what happens, its about what will stir the most interest. america does not care about models, they care about good innocent people like that amy smart girl, who was wholesome, and all american.

I'm calling BS here! Every time some young "model" starts spouting about this I've always asked and even tried to research models that have been assaulted, raped or killed by photographers. It just doesn't happen very often. I think to date we've come up with 3 instances of a model being killed on a photo shoot..and one dated all the way back to the 1930's. Two out of three if I remember involved a bondage S/M shoot. One of them wasn't a real photographer. So, it just doesn't happen very often. Now, if you are really worried about your safety, stay away from your boyfriend or exhusbands, they are  statistically much more likely to beat the crap out of you or kill you.

Sep 08 05 03:43 pm Link



Posts: 3808

Shepparton-Mooroopna, Victoria, Australia

john photographer wrote:
Afriend wants me to ask you photographers and models this question.
Is it professional for a model to bring his or hers, girl/boy friend on a photo shoot?


Sep 08 05 03:44 pm Link


Erica Leigh

Posts: 8

If they are cool with whats going on and are coming as an escort there is no reason the boyfriend can't come...if he's the jealous type that you KNOW will get in the way then don't do messes up a models credibility to bring a jealous boyfriend.
My boyfriend comes along but he loves it!!! He usually ends up being put to work by the photographer LOL!!!

Sep 08 05 03:48 pm Link



Posts: 3

Philadelphia, Mississippi, US

Naw not professional to do nor does the photographers like it. Boyfriends and girlfreinds at the shoots can cauze problems either b4 or after shoots trust me it has happened.If she wanna have someone there cauze she not comfortable by herself then tell her to bring another model and have her do the shoot also.

Sep 08 05 03:56 pm Link



Posts: 314

Austin, Texas, US

i posted this in another forum...but it's probably just as appropriate here...

i love how people keep referring to the "creepy", "perv" GWC's(which is the dumbest tag ever, considering that ALL photographers are either a Guy with a camera or a Girl with a camera(as opposed to the HWC-Hermaphrodite with camera)...some are just more experienced or better) versus the "pro", "talented", "legit" and "published" photographers, as if there's no possible way that the latter could EVER be "creepy" or a "perv"...i can think of two pro/legit/talented/published photographers in central texas in the last year who have overstepped their boundaries with a number of local models(improper advances, either verbally or physically), and considering that i've disconnected myself from the local "scene" as far as my contemporaries go and know NOTHING about he, she or it, that's TWO too many...

and what about the MM photographer(published with supermodel creds) who messaged the MM model with a work opportunity, that began with compliments about her ass?!?!

would it be safe to say that most people are pervs and some 1.aren't afraid to admit it, or 2.are afraid to admit it, and 3.either have a hard time distinguishing their peversions from their professionalism or 4.don't have a hard time when it comes down to it???

surely it's possible for someone with sub-quality work NOT be a perv or creepy, and vice versa???

as for the neverending debate on escorts-your one can MAKE you do otherwise...

from MY past experiences, there are NO good escorts, male or female...they're ALL just as disruptive...

bad male escort example #1-model brings boyfriend...BF doesn't want model wearing ANY clothes other than the ones she showed up in...and then ultimately talks her out of modeling period...distraction

bad female escort example #1-model(against three documented emails and two phone conversations boycotting her idea) brings girlfriend who over the course of the next five hours a)tries to bogart her way into the shoot,  b)get's in a fight with HER BF on the phone in the middle of the shoot,  c)get's in TWO fights with the other model, and then d)pouts like a little baby because she's having a not so good night...distraction

bad male escort example #2-model brings escort that ISN'T a BF or SO, and consequently, is self-conscious that he's there...tells him "not to look" at her several times...the tell-tale "staring off set look" is evident in most of the photos that we DID take...she ultimately says she's uncomfortable with him there and calls the shoot off...seriously...distraction

bad female escort example #2-model A brings model B to "watch", because she's interested in working with me...model B can't tell model A enough times how "fat her ass looks in those pants" or how "saggy her boobs look in that top"...distraction

bad male escort example #3-model brings BF to meet me at a public place prior to shooting, then decides she wants to shoot with me...BF wants to come along, but model doesn't want him to come along...BF then storms out of public place, "steals" model's convertible, while model proceeds to beat him over the head with her 8" heeled boots several times, until he stops convertible and slaps her from the driver seat...distraction

bad female escort example #3-model brings friend who cracks jokes the ENTIRE time we are shooting...even after i asked her to shut-the-hell-up...the photos end up being a joke...distraction

i won't even get into how many times i've been ripped off of several miscellaneous items by other escorts...

needless to say, i don't like or allow escorts, and it hasn't kept me from finding models...

in theory, it's a GREAT idea, concerning the safety and security of the model, to bring an escort...but if the model does her homework(checks references, meets the photographer at least once, if not more BEFORE the shoot and more importantly, goes with her gut feeling) then there might not BE a reason to bring an escort...

my two cents...

Sep 08 05 06:46 pm Link


D. Brian Nelson

Posts: 5477

Rapid City, South Dakota, US



Sep 08 05 06:53 pm Link



Posts: 449

Louisville, Kentucky, US

No. Never. Escorts are fine but not boyfriends and husbands. And the escort can go in the next room within hearing distance.

Sep 08 05 07:02 pm Link


Audra O.

Posts: 23

Portland, Oregon, US

I understand that there are many times that a jealous boy/girl friend has screwd up aa oppertuntity to do great work, thus wasting the photographer's time as well as the model's.  So I think that models should be careful of who they decide to bring on a shoot.  I however, am instantly wary of any photographer that insists that I CANNOT under any circumstances, bring an escort.  I personally, am less likely to bring one if the person I'm working with is ok with it.  If they are not, I wonder what their hidden agenda is.  So, just tell model you would prefer them not to bring a significant other, and why.  And models, if you are bringing someone with you, make sure it is someone that can be helpful, or just get out of the way.  Maybe someone that can help with make-up, or hold a reflector, or someone that has reading or homework to catch up on.

Sep 08 05 07:14 pm Link


Far West Imaging

Posts: 436

Laguna Hills, California, US

It is OK as long as they stay out of the way.  I've never had a problem.  I ignore them.  However, I would rather they brought a girlfriend.

Sep 08 05 07:20 pm Link

Hair Stylist

rick lesser

Posts: 1116

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

Only if they are part of the shoot.  It's a job.  Would you go to work with them?  I have no problem clearing a set. Thank you for your opinion but I get paid for mine.  What's your excuse?  No.

Sep 08 05 07:50 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
Five pages later......

As I said in the comments on one of your photos, I would insist that your husband come if I shot with you so that I could find out how to become the sort of man who gets to marry a woman like you. Actually, your hubby should put out a book. I'll do the photography for it. His book will be entitled, "Screw That Dr. Phil Crap, Learn How To Marry A Sexy Bitch Like This"

Throw in numerous full-color photos of you in swimsuits and lingerie. My goodness, it would sell like hotcakes.

Sep 08 05 07:52 pm Link


Todd S.

Posts: 2951

Chapel Hill, North Carolina, US

DawnElizabeth Moderator wrote:
Five pages later......

So.. how about one of you go through these almost 200 posts and tally up the yeses and nos and get back with The Answer?

Sep 08 05 08:16 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

I think models who need their boyfriend at a shoot should bring another model with them who doesn't need a boyfriend at the shoot.  Then after quick introductions and goodbyes, the model who doesn't need a boyfriend holding her hand, stays.

Sep 08 05 08:17 pm Link


Arizona Shoots

Posts: 28701

Phoenix, Arizona, US

chapa wrote:
in theory, it's a GREAT idea, concerning the safety and security of the model, to bring an escort...but if the model does her homework(checks references, meets the photographer at least once, if not more BEFORE the shoot and more importantly, goes with her gut feeling) then there might not BE a reason to bring an escort...

I second that. I think that many models don't like homework. And its much easier to bring an escort than to sit down and e-mail 3 or 4 models the photographer has worked with.

Sep 08 05 08:23 pm Link



Posts: 2525

Calabasas, California, US

The depth of this thread goes to the vast difference between modeling and picture taking sessions. 

The modeling industry clearly doesn't have time or effort to deal with this topic.  Picture taking on the other hand, with no intent or purpose other than self gratification for both the subject and photographer thinking they are part of the industry is what brings this topic front and center.

Those that differ, well when you get out there and start dealing with client based work that defines the role of models and photographers I can only say, you'll see.

Sep 08 05 08:35 pm Link



Posts: 156

Los Angeles, California, US

jeff s wrote:
because its not as interesting as the war in iraq duh. dont you know anything about the media? its not about what happens, its about what will stir the most interest. america does not care about models, they care about good innocent people like that amy smart girl, who was wholesome, and all american.

No way, just look at the attention on the Laci Peterson case, for just one example.

I have yet to have one model that has worked with me give me the name of another model who was raped, murdered, etc., while at a photo shoot.....they have only heard "rumors"

And since it seems half the models here claim another model from here, or another site, had this happen to them, who are all these models????

Again, there are creeps out there and you have to be careful, but check things out BEFORE you go to the shoot.

Common sense applies here, people.

was Laci Peterson a glamour nude model? No, she was a good hometown moral kind of girl. The type of girl that America can feel sorry for. No one feels sorry for a girl who takes off her clothes for others to photograph. That is why they don't make the nudes. I can name a MALE model who used to be sexually harrassed so much that he had to quit modeling, and I can name myself because i too have been sexually harrassed and thankfully not raped by a photographer.

Sep 08 05 09:21 pm Link