This thread was locked on 2011-07-24 10:50:44
Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Amy Winehouse found dead... according to news


Yves Duchamp - Femme

Posts: 24436

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

K E E L I N G wrote:

She was a throwback, and good at it.  Hopefully there'll be a natural recycle back to good music and away from the crap that's thrown at everyone present day.

That would please me greatly...

Jul 23 11 10:12 am Link


Canon Kate

Posts: 421

Chelmsford, England, United Kingdom

i seen it....r.i.p

Jul 23 11 10:12 am Link



Posts: 1924

MONKTON, Maryland, US

alteredstate wrote:
I try not to attend the funerals of dead assholes, I mean, what's the point?
The world is too full of people who die in a car wreck on the way to work supporting their families, or who are shot at a youth camp. My heart aches for these innocent dead, not for someone who controlled her own fate and chose this path.
I dismiss that "tortured soul" crap too.

Iris Takes Pictures wrote:
Did you know her personally? You're too quick to pass judgment, and rudely at that. I'd call you the asshole.

Yes, but even you'd have to admit she's the dead asshole, which would have made her a bigger asshole. Of course I'm speaking in the past tense.

Jul 23 11 10:12 am Link



Posts: 8736

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

I wouldn't call this breaking news. I would call it, "finally reporting what has been a given for longer than any of us expected."

I feel sorry for those who loved her.

Jul 23 11 10:12 am Link


FLI Images

Posts: 1224

Leeds, England, United Kingdom

Jul 23 11 10:13 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

alteredstate wrote:
Yes, but even you'd have to admit she's the dead asshole, which would have made her a bigger asshole. Of course I'm speaking in the past tense.

WHy would I admit she's an asshole? I didn't know her. She made decent music and mistakes in her life. That doesn't make her a freaking puppy kicker.

By the way, way to troll, but I'm not biting anymore after this post.

Jul 23 11 10:14 am Link


Naughty Ties

Posts: 3445

Riverview, Florida, US

Shot By Adam wrote:
"In a related story, London suddenly finds itself having a massive surplus of cocaine and alcohol driving the price of illegal drugs and booze down by almost 9000%. We interviewed Leo, a drug dealer in central London earlier who was quoted as saying, "I don't know what to do. I've got 300 kilos of prime coke and my main client, Am....I mean, uh....I decline to comment"

Maybe inappropriate to laugh but I couldn't help

Jul 23 11 10:14 am Link


Yves Duchamp - Femme

Posts: 24436

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

alteredstate wrote:

alteredstate wrote:
I try not to attend the funerals of dead assholes, I mean, what's the point?
The world is too full of people who die in a car wreck on the way to work supporting their families, or who are shot at a youth camp. My heart aches for these innocent dead, not for someone who controlled her own fate and chose this path.
I dismiss that "tortured soul" crap too.

Yes, but even you'd have to admit she's the dead asshole, which would have made her a bigger asshole. Of course I'm speaking in the past tense.

Ok, mods? Can we do something about this?

Jul 23 11 10:14 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

alteredstate wrote:

I try not to attend the funerals of dead assholes, I mean, what's the point?
The world is too full of people who die in a car wreck on the way to work supporting their families, or who are shot at a youth camp. My heart aches for these innocent dead, not for someone who controlled her own fate and chose this path.
I dismiss that "tortured soul" crap too.

+1 I love how the news reports are saying that the cause of death was "unknown". Yeah, about as "unknown" as the death of Nicole Brown Simpson.

Jul 23 11 10:15 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Shon D.- Femme wrote:

You need to really asphyxiate on a cock, you sick fuck.

You're right, it's probably close to 11,000%

Jul 23 11 10:16 am Link



Posts: 3774

Lakeville, Massachusetts, US


Keep it classy, MM.

Jul 23 11 10:17 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Iris Takes Pictures wrote:

Too soon.

But sadly to be expected.

I suspect if there had been online forums during the era of Hendrix, Joplin, Morrison, and others it would have been the same.

Jul 23 11 10:17 am Link


Yves Duchamp - Femme

Posts: 24436

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Amy's the asshole, yet you're the ones in here trolling in a dead person's thread. Out of respect, you two really need to shut the fuck up.

Like seriously, what the fuck is your problem? Take that shit somewhere the fuck else. I hope no one disparages you in such a manner upon your death. How bout you step your art game up and people will lament your death like they are doing Amy's.

Jul 23 11 10:17 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

I'd actually never heard any of her songs....knew her as a drug adicted fuck-up, how said is that?

Just listen to a song finally...not bad.  Good voice (way better than that Adele) but I have problems with all these Neosoul songs in that, they just don't have soul...the singers might but the songs are ultimately forgetable

So long Amy

Jul 23 11 10:18 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

She had fame so people hate.

Jul 23 11 10:18 am Link



Posts: 227

Chicago, Illinois, US

rip .... bet she ll have some good sales now...

Jul 23 11 10:20 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

In my view Winehouse  was sort of a modern day Billie Holliday ... Genius Talent but a Tortured Soul

and her album Back to Black will stand testament to  her genius for years to come

Jul 23 11 10:20 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Iris Takes Pictures wrote:
WHy would I admit she's an asshole?

I have to agree with you on this. I think "asshole" is probably an inappropriate name for her. "Drug addicted, self-imploding, uncaring, selfish, waste-of-talent, coke fiend, criminal" is probably better.

Jul 23 11 10:21 am Link


Yves Duchamp - Femme

Posts: 24436

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

I'd actually never heard any of her songs....knew her as a drug adicted fuck-up, how said is that?

Just listen to a song finally...not bad.  Good voice (way better than that Adele) but I have problems with all these Neosoul songs in that, they just don't have soul...the singers might but the songs are ultimately forgetable

So long Amy

I will lend you my copy of Back to Black. Even without the music, Amy Winehouse was a poet. a true lyricist.

Jul 23 11 10:21 am Link


Lady Pelvic

Posts: 1414

Orlando, Florida, US

Sad, but not shocked.

Jul 23 11 10:23 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'd actually never heard any of her songs....knew her as a drug adicted fuck-up, how said is that?

Just listen to a song finally...not bad.  Good voice (way better than that Adele) but I have problems with all these Neosoul songs in that, they just don't have soul...the singers might but the songs are ultimately forgetable

So long Amy

this above all of them

Jul 23 11 10:23 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

Shot By Adam wrote:

I have to agree with you on this. I think "asshole" is probably an inappropriate name for her. "Drug addicted, self-imploding, uncaring, selfish, waste-of-talent, coke fiend, criminal" is probably better.

Knock it off. You are only making yourself look bad.

Jul 23 11 10:24 am Link



Posts: 458

Rusnė, Klaipėdos, Lithuania


Jul 23 11 10:24 am Link


FlirtynFun Photography

Posts: 13926

Houston, Texas, US

Shot By Adam wrote:

I have to agree with you on this. I think "asshole" is probably an inappropriate name for her. "Drug addicted, self-imploding, uncaring, selfish, waste-of-talent, coke fiend, criminal" is probably better.

you going to put singers like Clapton in that same boat because he was lucky enough to get sober?

Seriously, I wish singers like Cobain, Hendrix and Joplin had been given the gift of sobriety. Having some eperience on both sides of the fence, I can say that we'd have been gifted with even better music. I'm sorry Amy Winehouse passed. Some teach us what to do and others teach us what not to do. RIP.

Jul 23 11 10:25 am Link



Posts: 15978

Austin, Texas, US

alteredstate wrote:

I try not to attend the funerals of dead assholes, I mean, what's the point?
The world is too full of people who die in a car wreck on the way to work supporting their families, or who are shot at a youth camp. My heart aches for these innocent dead, not for someone who controlled her own fate and chose this path.
I dismiss that "tortured soul" crap too.

No one's asking you to be in this thread, no one's asking you to feel bad for her, but really her life with drugs or her death with drugs doesn't affect you in any way whatsoever.
I'd just rather there weren't any tragic deaths, personally, but when I'm NOT upset by someone dying, I generally don't run around yelling at anyone who is upset by it.

I think there's an escort thread in General Industry you could go yell in and not paint yourself to look like such a dick.

Jul 23 11 10:26 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Shon D.- Femme wrote:
Amy's the asshole, yet you're the ones in here trolling in a dead person's thread. Out of respect, you two really need to shut the fuck up.

Like seriously, what the fuck is your problem? Take that shit somewhere the fuck else. I hope no one disparages you in such a manner upon your death. How bout you step your art game up and people will lament your death like they are doing Amy's.

RESPECT is earned. She didn't earn it. She was talented and got some fame and decided going on a drug rampage was a better choice than celebrating her success in a positive way. There are tens of thousands of recording artists, many WAY talented than Amy Winehouse, who would give their left arm to have the success and notoriety that Amy did. Instead, Amy decided that wasting her life on drugs and alcohol was a better way to go. She routinely failed any sort of drug rehab, had a history of drug convictions, punching fans, and all sorts of troubled behavior. She had everything going for her and decided to spit in the faces of all the people who helped her create her rise to fame. In the end, she decided snorting her way to happiness was a better choice and it got her dead at 27. She doesn't deserve respect, she deserves to be the poster child for how not to grow up and be successful. Unfortunately, because she had some talent, many children looked up to to her and what they saw was a drug addicted piece of white trash. That's not the sort of role model that deserves respect, it deserves public condemnation.

Jul 23 11 10:27 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Shon D.- Femme wrote:

I will lend you my copy of Back to Black. Even without the music, Amy Winehouse was a poet. a true lyricist.

I've just now listen to Back to Black and am listening to Rehab...I'm not crazy about the songs, she deserved better than these...she was absolutely in the same neighborhood as Holiday, Simone, etc.

Damn, what a loss

Jul 23 11 10:27 am Link



Posts: 227

Chicago, Illinois, US


Jul 23 11 10:28 am Link



Posts: 3774

Lakeville, Massachusetts, US

"Witch! Witch!" is all I'm hearing...

How about we, you know, let the dead rest in peace?

Jul 23 11 10:29 am Link



Posts: 6786

Austin, Texas, US

Amy Winehouse joins the 27 Club (musicians who died at 27):

Alexandre Levy
Louis Chauvin
Robert Johnson
Nat Jaffe
Jesse Belvin
Rudy Lewis of The Drifters
Malcolm Hale of Spanky and Our Gang
Brian Jones of The Rolling Stones
Alan Wilson of Canned Heat
Jimi Hendrix
Janis Joplin
Arlester "Dyke" Christian of Dyke and the Blazers
Jim Morrison of The Doors
Ron "Pigpen" McKernan of the Grateful Dead
Roger Lee Durham of Bloodstone
Wallace Yohn of Chase
David Michael Alexander of The Stooges
Pete Ham of Badfinger
Gary Thain of Keef Hartley Band and Uriah Heep
Helmut Köllen of Triumvirat
Chris Bell of Big Star
D. Boon of the Minutemen
Pete de Freitas of Echo & the Bunnymen
Mia Zapata of The Gits
Kurt Cobain of Nirvana
Kristen Pfaff of Janitor Joe and Hole
Richey James Edwards of Manic Street Preachers
Fat Pat
Freaky Tah of Lost Boyz
Sean McCabe of Ink & Dagger
Maria Serrano Serrano of Passion Fruit
Jeremy Michael Ward of De Facto and The Mars Volta
Bryan Ottoson of American Head Charge

Jul 23 11 10:29 am Link



Posts: 15978

Austin, Texas, US

Shot By Adam wrote:

RESPECT is earned. She didn't earn it. She was talented and got some fame and decided going on a drug rampage was a better choice than celebrating her success in a positive way. There are tens of thousands of recording artists, many WAY talented than Amy Winehouse, who would give their left arm to have the success and notoriety that Amy did. Instead, Amy decided that wasting her life on drugs and alcohol was a better way to go. She routinely failed any sort of drug rehab, had a history of drug convictions, punching fans, and all sorts of troubled behavior. She had everything going for her and decided to spit in the faces of all the people who helped her create her rise to fame. In the end, she decided snorting her way to happiness was a better choice and it got her dead at 27. She doesn't deserve respect, she deserves to be the poster child for how not to grow up and be successful. Unfortunately, because she had some talent, many children looked up to to her and what they saw was a drug addicted piece of white trash. That's not the sort of role model that deserves respect, it deserves public condemnation.

Talent is talent, regardless of who you think acts like they deserve to have it.
Go yell somewhere else, seriously.

Jul 23 11 10:29 am Link


Jason Haven

Posts: 38381

Washington, District of Columbia, US

Some people sympathize with troubled behaviour, they understand something isn't connecting right for them... and would rather try to reach out and be supportive.

Others see troubled behaviour and get angry, judgmental and damning about it.

Personally, I'd rather see someone rehabilitated, rather than sit around and talk shit about them. Amy made A LOT of very, very poor decisions. The question is, did she make them with a sound mind, or was she someone who needed a lot of help, and couldn't find the right kind?

Jul 23 11 10:30 am Link


L o n d o n F o g

Posts: 7497

London, England, United Kingdom

MerrillMedia wrote:
I wouldn't call this breaking news. I would call it, "finally reporting what has been a given for longer than any of us expected."

I feel sorry for those who loved her.

Yes, this comes as no surprise at all. Sad but that's the way it is.

Jul 23 11 10:30 am Link


Yves Duchamp - Femme

Posts: 24436

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Ok, I'm out. Not only am I about to be brigged, but I'm gonna be full-on banned if I stay in this thread. This shit is not cool at all...

Jul 23 11 10:30 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Garry k wrote:

this above all of them

As soon as it started, I said "Oh SHIT!" outloud....

Oh, listen to this....goddam I'm very upset....she was one hell of a voice

And people are being dipshits in here man....a human being who touched people (including me now) is gone...its a tragedy...have some humanity

Jul 23 11 10:30 am Link



Posts: 15978

Austin, Texas, US

ASYLUM - Photo wrote:
Some people sympathize with troubled behaviour, they understand something isn't connecting right for them... and would rather try to reach out and be supportive.

Others see troubled behaviour and get angry, judgmental and damning about it.

Personally, I'd rather see someone rehabilitated, rather than sit around and talk shit about them. Amy made A LOT of very, very poor decisions. The question is, did she make them with a sound mind, or was she someone who needed a lot of help, and couldn't find the right kind?

See, I just didn't really care, as long as she made music.

Maybe that's the difference.

Jul 23 11 10:31 am Link


K Allende

Posts: 14172

Columbus, Ohio, US

Garry k wrote:
In my view Winehouse  was sort of a modern day Billie Holliday ... Genius Talent but a Tortured Soul

and her album Back to Black will stand testament to  her genius for years to come

I agree.

It's terribly sad and it's even sadder that some people seem to have no grasp on drug addiction.

She sought help, but, sadly, rehab isn't a guaranteed cure, you can't cure the hold of drug addiction, you can only hope to try to control it. Most aren't able to escape it though. That's the ugly thing about drugs.

I am sorry for the pain she felt in her life that led her to her fate and I hope in death she finds the peace that was absent in life.

Jul 23 11 10:34 am Link



Posts: 1924

MONKTON, Maryland, US

FlirtynFun Photography wrote:
you going to put singers like Clapton in that same boat because he was lucky enough to get sober?

Seriously, I wish singers like Cobain, Hendrix and Joplin had been given the gift of sobriety. Having some eperience on both sides of the fence, I can say that we'd have been gifted with even better music. I'm sorry Amy Winehouse passed. Some teach us what to do and others teach us what not to do. RIP.

I credit anyone who has kicked any addiction, but what kind of BS is "given the gift of sobriety". These people were given a gift. They were given a talent and they squandered it, along with their lives.
They were talented and each made a contribution to society, in addition to making tons of money. The so-called gift of sobriety was one that only they could bestow on themselves, and they chose not to.
Let's not forget other talented people with more money than common sense who are now worm food, John Belushi, Heath Ledger, River Phoenix.
How sorry am I supposed to feel for someone with a talent who chooses the easy way out, to make life easier with drugs or alcohol, and does so to excess killing themselves.
Sorry, I got noting for them.

Jul 23 11 10:34 am Link



Posts: 672

Los Angeles, California, US

She had a hell of a voice. She will be missed, I shoot to her music a lot.
I thought it would have happened a couple of years ago when she kept bobbling in and out of rehab. Wish she could have gotten away from that.

"F Me Pumps" - My favorite!

Jul 23 11 10:35 am Link



Posts: 5620

London, England, United Kingdom

alteredstate wrote:

I try not to attend the funerals of dead assholes, I mean, what's the point?
The world is too full of people who die in a car wreck on the way to work supporting their families, or who are shot at a youth camp. My heart aches for these innocent dead, not for someone who controlled her own fate and chose this path.
I dismiss that "tortured soul" crap too.

Innocent dead? Seriously? Are you god or are you insane? Because your incredible knowledge of the soul of complete strangers all around the world makes you either some kind of deity or a psycho.

Jul 23 11 10:35 am Link