This thread was locked on 2011-07-24 10:50:44
Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Amy Winehouse found dead... according to news


Cinema Photography

Posts: 4488

Boulder, Colorado, US

This proves Keith Richards is a Highlander. There can be only one.

Jul 23 11 10:49 am Link



Posts: 14859

Fayetteville, Arkansas, US

alteredstate wrote:
I try not to attend the funerals of dead assholes, I mean, what's the point?
The world is too full of people who die in a car wreck on the way to work supporting their families, or who are shot at a youth camp. My heart aches for these innocent dead, not for someone who controlled her own fate and chose this path.
I dismiss that "tortured soul" crap too.

I'll bet Westboro Baptist Church loves you, too.  Try having a little humanity, geez.

Soul doesn't come easily, neither does the blues, and she had both.

Jul 23 11 10:50 am Link


Light Writer

Posts: 18391

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I followed this thread. I am amazed that my initial response was denial, hoping it wasn't true, then sadness, then anger at the trolls.

Now I'm just sad.

Rest In Peace
The Peace that passes understanding

Jul 23 11 10:51 am Link



Posts: 10707

Kitchener, Ontario, Canada

Shon D.- Femme wrote:

Quality > quantity

Hendrix only released 3 studio albums while he was alive, but it was enough to completely revolutionize the way people thought about rock guitar and inspire millions of others (like myself) to pick up the instrument.

Jul 23 11 10:51 am Link


Matt McKay

Posts: 83

Bear, Delaware, US

cinema photography wrote:
This proves Keith Richards is a Highlander. There can be only one.

Keith and Iggy Pop are probably sitting back right now, saying to themselves,"What an amateur".

Honestly though, woop de doo. I didn't even know she was a singer for the longest time, because all she was in the news for was her being druggy screw-up.

Jul 23 11 10:53 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

Bubble77 wrote:

Hendrix only released 3 studio albums while he was alive, but it was enough to completely revolutionize the way people thought about rock guitar and inspire millions of others (like myself) to pick up the instrument.

I wonder if we'll get to hear what Amy had been putting together for her 3rd?

Jul 23 11 10:53 am Link



Posts: 7699

Buffalo, New York, US

Wait, it can't be true.  The original article states:

Two ambulance crews arrived at the scene within five minutes and a paramedic on a bicycle also attended, according to a spokeswoman.

... a paramedic on a bicycle ....  WTF.  Is that some sort of colloquial English phrase or idiom???  Seriously ....

Jul 23 11 10:54 am Link


Rich Burroughs

Posts: 3259

Portland, Oregon, US

Damianne wrote:

When that song came out, I knew she was going to die tragically and I knew it was going to piss me off because it was such a troubling message and it was so well sung.

That song actually makes me feel less sorry for her than I might have. People celebrated her for it, they ate it up. And that was before she really started spiraling. Clearly she was making choices.

I honestly thought she'd go sooner.

Jul 23 11 10:55 am Link


Rich Burroughs

Posts: 3259

Portland, Oregon, US

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
Wait, it can't be true.  The original article states:

Two ambulance crews arrived at the scene within five minutes and a paramedic on a bicycle also attended, according to a spokeswoman.

... a paramedic on a bicycle ....  WTF.  Is that some sort of colloquial English phrase or idiom???  Seriously ....

Do you know they don't have paramedics on bikes there? I've seen lots of cops on bikes here. It doesn't seem that far fetched, especially in a big city.

Jul 23 11 10:57 am Link



Posts: 42711

Houston, Texas, US

I was alive when Hendrix, Joplin, and Morrison passed on, but not old enough to have taken in the significance.

How did the reaction then compare to now?

Ironically, Amy's mother was named Janis.

Jul 23 11 10:57 am Link


Jason Haven

Posts: 38381

Washington, District of Columbia, US

ArtisticPhotography wrote:
Wait, it can't be true.  The original article states:

Two ambulance crews arrived at the scene within five minutes and a paramedic on a bicycle also attended, according to a spokeswoman.

... a paramedic on a bicycle ....  WTF.  Is that some sort of colloquial English phrase or idiom???  Seriously ....

In some parts of London (and many cities) its faster to ride a bike than a vehicle.

Jul 23 11 10:58 am Link



Posts: 9334

San Diego, California, US

Jul 23 11 10:58 am Link


Matt McKay

Posts: 83

Bear, Delaware, US

JC Stuart wrote:
RIP ... so young.

If you even dare to lump her in with those legends you should be shot...

Jul 23 11 11:00 am Link



Posts: 5620

London, England, United Kingdom

ASYLUM - Photo wrote:

In some parts of London (and many cities) its faster to ride a bike than a vehicle.

I believe that is the reason.

Jul 23 11 11:00 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

If you even dare to lump her in with those legends you should be shot...

Christ, another one?

What the hell is wrong with you people?

Jul 23 11 11:00 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

If you even dare to lump her in with those legends you should be shot...

There are a lot of "non-legends" on that list too. Scroll down pat the ones with the pictures.

Jul 23 11 11:01 am Link


Elizabeth Claret

Posts: 56038

Yelm, Washington, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

If you even dare to lump her in with those legends you should be shot...


I wonder how many of the people in here who are talking shit about Amy have even heard her music, or are just talking shit because she did drugs.

You know, because none of the legends ever did drugs. neutral

Jul 23 11 11:01 am Link


Matt McKay

Posts: 83

Bear, Delaware, US


Christ, another one?

What the hell is wrong with you people?

She had nowhere near as much talent!

Jul 23 11 11:01 am Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Garry k wrote:
In my view Winehouse  was sort of a modern day Billie Holliday ... Genius Talent but a Tortured Soul

and her album Back to Black will stand testament to  her genius for years to come
IMO She was ok... but these are the women I think of when I hear JAZZ. Sorry been playing in a jazz band from the time I was 8 and my father and grandfather are jazz sax players. Sooo... I don't count her into Jazz or even Blues honestly. I agree she did have some soal but that's about it.

EDIT- Ok I don't hate on her btw just I didn't care for her music...
Here are a list of ladies IMO whom are more talented then that gal.
Nora Jones, Regina Spektor and Missy Higgins... They are alive and kicking today.

Jul 23 11 11:02 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

She had nowhere near as much talent!

Yes, she did

Jul 23 11 11:02 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US


Christ, another one?

What the hell is wrong with you people?

People don't know how to read or use the scroll button.

Jul 23 11 11:02 am Link


Elizabeth Claret

Posts: 56038

Yelm, Washington, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

She had nowhere near as much talent!

Jesus christ, shut up. A 27 year old woman is dead, and you're bitching because you have a different opinion of her music than other people.

Have you no sense of tact, seriously?

Jul 23 11 11:03 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

She had nowhere near as much talent!

Take it you still didn't see all the other names on that list. She wasn't on the "legend" list. She was on the "other musician" list.

Jul 23 11 11:03 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Iris Takes Pictures wrote:

People don't know how to read or use the scroll button.

Its one of the biggest issues I have with the internet

No one reads, finds out, comprehends.....they just jerk the knee and piss all over everything...

Jul 23 11 11:04 am Link



Posts: 14585

Palm Beach, Florida, US

Elizabeth Claret wrote:

Jesus christ, shut up. A 27 year old woman is dead, and you're bitching because you have a different opinion of her music than other people.

Have you no sense of tact, seriously?

That's a rhetorical question right?

Jul 23 11 11:05 am Link


Matt McKay

Posts: 83

Bear, Delaware, US

I say she did it on purpose, just to be included in that list. It's just way too convenient for me.

Jul 23 11 11:05 am Link


Lawrence Guy

Posts: 17716

San Diego Country Estates, California, US

ASYLUM - Photo wrote:
But if given the two choices, I'm definitely not mad at her... I more feel a bit of sympathy, because to me she was in need of a lot of help and she didn't get it.


Jul 23 11 11:05 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US


Its one of the biggest issues I have with the internet

No one reads, finds out, comprehends.....they just jerk the knee and piss all over everything...

People who use forums on the internet already KNOW EVERYTHING! They don't need to read.
This thread is full of {facepalm}

Jul 23 11 11:05 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:
I say she did it on purpose, just to be included in that list. It's just way too convenient for me.

Jul 23 11 11:06 am Link



Posts: 15978

Austin, Texas, US

Elizabeth Claret wrote:

Jesus christ, shut up. A 27 year old woman is dead, and you're bitching because you have a different opinion of her music than other people.

Have you no sense of tact, seriously?

I'm trying to find out how to make this a box that pops up when you open this thread.

Jul 23 11 11:06 am Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Wow... I am truly heartbroken... She was a wonderful talent and a true artist.

Jul 23 11 11:07 am Link


Yves Duchamp - Femme

Posts: 24436

Virginia Beach, Virginia, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

If you even dare to lump her in with those legends you should be shot...

Didn't you just say you've never heard her music? Shut up, dude. You don't know what the fuck you're even talking about.

Jul 23 11 11:09 am Link


Brian T Rickey

Posts: 4008

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:

She had nowhere near as much talent!

Give it a break and stay on topic as the MOD warned on the previous page.  How can some people be so dense

Jul 23 11 11:09 am Link


Elizabeth Claret

Posts: 56038

Yelm, Washington, US

Fiendish Photos wrote:
I say she did it on purpose, just to be included in that list. It's just way too convenient for me.

Do you stop and think about what you say before you say it?

Really. Read back over what you said and tell me what part of it seemed like a good idea to you.

Jul 23 11 11:09 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

ASYLUM - Photo wrote:
It's a lot like some people get cancer and can't beat it... some people come into life with mental instabilities... and just like cancer, it *might* be caused by external forces, or it *might* just be how you are built and that's what you have to battle.

Cancer and drug use aren't exactly analogous. While I agree with you on a small level that perhaps some people have a propensity to drug use, ultimately a lot of people use that as an excuse and scapegoat for lack of personal responsibility.

Nobody forced Amy to do that first line of coke, or the fifth, or the 20th. And while I do feel for people who get addicted and actually make an attempt at quitting, we have to place some responsibility on the person for doing it the first time. You can't get addicted to something unless you do it once. Furthermore, her routine of entering and quitting rehabilitation showed she was more concerned with her image of showing people, "Look, I'm going into rehab" and then dropping out all the time. My bet is, going to rehab was stemming more from the advice of her agent than it was for her real desire to get clean.

Jul 23 11 11:10 am Link


Emma - Lee

Posts: 3386

Cambridge, England, United Kingdom

It disgusts me to see how many people are putting their status' as 'RIP Amy' on facebook, mainly because they want to be one of the first to have known, when a lot of people had their lives taken from them this weekend in Norway.

I do not yet know the circumstances of her death but assuming it was self inflicted, why should she get so much attention and such just because she was well known. The people who lost their lives in Norway were victims.

Jul 23 11 11:10 am Link


Matt McKay

Posts: 83

Bear, Delaware, US

Iris Takes Pictures wrote:

People who use forums on the internet already KNOW EVERYTHING! They don't need to read.
This thread is full of {facepalm}

Say's the man who uses an internet meme.

Jul 23 11 11:11 am Link


Cinema Photography

Posts: 4488

Boulder, Colorado, US

cinema photography wrote:
This proves Keith Richards is a Highlander. There can be only one.

Fiendish Photos wrote:
Keith and Iggy Pop are probably sitting back right now, saying to themselves,"What an amateur".

Honestly though, woop de doo. I didn't even know she was a singer for the longest time, because all she was in the news for was her being druggy screw-up.

So you could see this coming 100 miles away. I mean her biggest hit was about NOT going to rehab. This should shock nobody.

This isnt sad, this is a person wasting a gift. In the end she valued drugs over getting help. Is addiction a disease, yes, could those around her have done more, yes, but you can lead a horse to water, you just can't make them play hopscotch.

Jul 23 11 11:11 am Link



Posts: 15978

Austin, Texas, US

Emma - O wrote:
It disgusts me to see how many people are putting their status' as 'RIP Amy' on facebook, mainly because they want to be one of the first to have known, when a lot of people had their lives taken from them this weekend in Norway.

I do not yet know the circumstances of her death but assuming it was self inflicted, why should she get so much attention and such just because she was well known. The people who lost their lives in Norway were victims.

You're assuming and someone died in both cases, which makes it totally reasonable to be sad regardless of how socially conscientious you think putting one death of the other is.

Jul 23 11 11:12 am Link


Minx & Fox

Posts: 19067

Palm Springs, California, US

Emma - O wrote:
It disgusts me to see how many people are putting their status' as 'RIP Amy' on facebook, mainly because they want to be one of the first to have known, when a lot of people had their lives taken from them this weekend in Norway.

I do not yet know the circumstances of her death but assuming it was self inflicted, why should she get so much attention and such just because she was well known. The people who lost their lives in Norway were victims.

You can't control what people post on their FB. And there is a thread here on MM for the Onslo bombing.

I think what happened in Norway is a big thing, but people are allowed to talk about more than one subject at a time. This thread is not downplaying what happened in Norway. I think you are being too touchy.

Jul 23 11 11:12 am Link