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Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > Some news about me.


Clare Hesse

Posts: 851

Los Angeles, California, US

Hello MM,

I wasn't going to bring this up just now but because the issue may be a little more pressing than I was thinking just last week and I may not get the chance latter.

I was diagnosed with cancer a little more than a year ago, and it has progressed to the point that I am indeed terminal and I am not going to be continuing treatment because the benefit has become by far outweighed by the drawbacks.

What is happening now is my liver is giving out and so my time may be very short.

I wish for everyone to know here that MM has been a bright spot for me many days for as long as I have been here.

Many of you here mean a lot to me and I will carry a bit of all of you where I'm going when I go.

Be kind and loving, "Don't let the sun go down on your troubles".

Love Clare.

Sep 29 10 11:23 am Link



Posts: 23797

Orlando, Florida, US

I hope your journey isn't too difficult Clare  .  .  . 


Sep 29 10 11:25 am Link



Posts: 5250

Castaner, Puerto Rico, US


Thank you so much for sharing this with us. My heart goes out to you and your family. Peace be with you.


Sep 29 10 11:26 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

i'm sorry that happened to you.

i have a model friend who was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. i'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

it's all a reminder to try to make the most of every day. you never know how many are left.

Sep 29 10 11:27 am Link


Light Writer

Posts: 18391

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I feel very sad.
I don't know what to say.
Thank you for sharing this.

Sep 29 10 11:36 am Link



Posts: 7947

Monterey, California, US

Wow...after all the nonsense and rants that I've read (and may have been a part of) here on the forums, your post sure does put things into perspective.

I'm at a loss for words - what can I say to someone who's just shared the saddest news so courageously.

I hope you've made your mark in the world with whatever little time you had so far and I wish for you strength and comfort for the time that you have left.

~presses palms~

Sep 29 10 11:37 am Link


Elizabeth Claret

Posts: 56038

Yelm, Washington, US

I hope a miracles happens, but enjoy your time while you can. I'm sure you already are. smile

Sep 29 10 11:37 am Link



Posts: 39248

Portland, Oregon, US

Wow Clare, I am speechless.

My heart goes out to you and your family... I'll keep you in my thoughts.

Sep 29 10 11:39 am Link



Posts: 11804

Sun City, California, US

I think you know how I feel from the GK side - but it is a brave and amazing thing that you are posting this.

I hope that MM people will continue bring you joy and brightness into the future.  (even if only electronic hugs and pictures of silly cats)

Sep 29 10 11:39 am Link


Alisyn Carliene

Posts: 11756

San Bernardino, California, US

Aww Clare.. I'm really in shock. I don't really know what to say. For you to come on here on MM and tell everyone was really brave of you. We appreciate and will continue to do so, the beautiful images and art you've brought to the MM community, as well as your posts in the forum. I wish the best for you through this difficult time. My heart goes out to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers.

Sep 29 10 11:40 am Link


Rachel Jay

Posts: 20441

Nashville, Tennessee, US

::hugs:: My heart goes out to you.

I wish you happy, fun, pain free days, and unending time with loved ones.

Sep 29 10 11:42 am Link



Posts: 7791

San Francisco, California, US

You are my hero for coming out and posting this, and in such an eloquent and graceful way. Your inner beauty clearly matches your outer beauty. I hope only the best comes to you, and that every moment is made beautiful for you, whether it's for the next week or next century.

Sep 29 10 11:43 am Link


Paul Brecht

Posts: 12232

Colton, California, US

You & your family are in my thoughts & prayers...


Sep 29 10 11:44 am Link


Chris Rifkin

Posts: 25581

Tampa, Florida, US

I am at a loss for words here....

just be brave....and enjoy every moment.....

Sep 29 10 11:47 am Link


Faith EnFire

Posts: 13514

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US


wise words

Sep 29 10 11:47 am Link


K Allende

Posts: 14172

Columbus, Ohio, US

I am sad to hear this.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
May you enjoy whatever more time you are given.

Sep 29 10 11:48 am Link


Shadow Dancer

Posts: 9782

Bellingham, Washington, US

All my best to you.


PS, this will sound crazy but I have a good friend who was diagnosed with terminal cancer in his jaw. They sent him home since he did not want the treatments and they had told him it would only prolong his misery.

He started taking massive amounts of fresh ginseng root. Several ounces daily. He is still with us and has no cancer. I take the dried root daily and get it from here:

I am not affiliated in any way, just passing this on in case it can help.

Sep 29 10 11:51 am Link


Andy Durazo

Posts: 24474

Los Angeles, California, US

Prayer is up!

You will be in my thoughts and prayers through this trying time. I hope when my time comes I can be so brave.

Don't forget we are here with you always and little bit of you will always be with us and those whose lives you touched.


Sep 29 10 11:56 am Link



Posts: 19211

Madison, Wisconsin, US


I don't really know what to say, but I hope your days are filled with love, fun and loved ones. I'll keep you in my thoughts

Sep 29 10 11:57 am Link



Posts: 2519

Jacksonville, Florida, US

live every moment
love every moment

Sep 29 10 11:58 am Link


Clare Hesse

Posts: 851

Los Angeles, California, US

Thank you all for your thoughts.

I have even received a message from the brig! I will try to sign on latter and answer all the PMs.

I honestly love you all.


Sep 29 10 12:00 pm Link


Paul Bryson Photography

Posts: 48041

Hollywood, Florida, US

This is so sad to hear, yet your attitude about it is very uplifting.

I hope the rest of your days here are filled with love, fun, and happiness.

*hugs* smile

Sep 29 10 12:04 pm Link


Nadirah B

Posts: 28521

Los Angeles, California, US

Paul Bryson Photography wrote:
This is so sad to hear, yet your attitude about it is very uplifting.

I hope the rest of your days here are filled with love, fun, and happiness.

*hugs* smile



Sep 29 10 12:08 pm Link


Arthur Chappell

Posts: 219

Manchester, England, United Kingdom

Terribly sad news Clare, only just seen you posting on here too - hope everything goes as painlessly as possible for you and you find lots of quality moments in the time you have left, and that many people remember you with joy and feel their own lives enriched for having met you, spoken with you and shared messages with you here on the Model Mayhem pages.

Sep 29 10 12:08 pm Link



Posts: 39894

Peoria, Illinois, US

Sep 29 10 12:13 pm Link



Posts: 14585

Palm Beach, Florida, US

Dear Claire 

I am so very sorry to hear this -- I wish you peace, happiness and joy and I will keep you in my prayers.


Sep 29 10 12:14 pm Link


Model MoRina

Posts: 6640

MacMurdo - permanent station of the US, Sector claimed by New Zealand, Antarctica

I hope you have love and peace in your life right up until your last moment.

Sep 29 10 12:15 pm Link


miss pandora

Posts: 1545

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

Clare, you are so brave and amazing to reveal this here, and so considerate and caring to remind us all of life's brevity and how we should be kind to each other.

It's easy to forget all that, when we're arguing over some stupid meaningless topic on these forums. Thanks so much for the reminder!

Wishing you peace.

Sep 29 10 12:18 pm Link


What Fun Productions

Posts: 20868

Phoenix, Arizona, US

God bless you.

Sep 29 10 12:20 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Oh crape..... sad

Sep 29 10 12:21 pm Link



Posts: 1018

Alexandria, Virginia, US

I'm certain there are a number of people who will carry a bit of you wherever they go as well.

I wish you happiness on the remainder of your journey.

Sep 29 10 12:23 pm Link


Model Sarah

Posts: 40987

Columbus, Ohio, US

After watching my uncle go through this 6 months ago along with my grandfather, good friend, and aunt currently my heart goes out to you and your family. Cancer is something I hope someday we overcome as humans.

But the point is, whatever trivial things happen in life we get upset over, the OP is proof that life is precious, and trying to keep a smile on and this positive attitude she has is something we all can learn from.

Sep 29 10 12:34 pm Link


Big A-Larger Than Life

Posts: 33451

The Woodlands, Texas, US

OMG Clare!  OMG!

Sep 29 10 12:49 pm Link


Jay Dezelic

Posts: 5029

Seattle, Washington, US

I cannot express the overwhelming sadness I felt in reading your post.  How unfair life can be. I guess it is what they say brings meaning to life, but it is hard to fathom that now. Even though I had never known of you before, I will think of you often today and probably many times more in the future.  Thank you for having the courage to share your situation. It reminds us that we are all terminal and that there are no guarantees in life.  I immensely appreciate your gift of awareness that every moment in life is precious.  I know that your beautiful spirit will live on in the minds and hearts of many.

Sep 29 10 12:57 pm Link


Deacon Blues

Posts: 26638

Belmont, North Carolina, US

My thoughts and prayers go out to you and those who love you.


Sep 29 10 12:57 pm Link


Big A-Larger Than Life

Posts: 33451

The Woodlands, Texas, US

Please don't die, Clare.  You are super kewwww and are part of our MM family!  sad

Sep 29 10 12:58 pm Link



Posts: 37171

Columbus, Ohio, US

Im sitting here hoping the "niece" story really does come true this time.

Sep 29 10 01:09 pm Link



Posts: 6255

Los Angeles, California, US

You are so beautiful...

Thoughts and prayers with you today and in the future.

Sep 29 10 01:21 pm Link



Posts: 385

Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Wow this is not what I expected when I started reading. I just want you to know that  my family and friends will be praying for you!

Sep 29 10 01:26 pm Link



Posts: 10876

Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

I absolutely adore your strength Clare. To accept the fact that you aren't going to be in the living world anymore, and so bravely and eloquently tell us, is so brave and admirable.

You and your family are in my thoughts. I know how ugly cancer can be. May peace be with you and God Speed.

Sep 29 10 01:34 pm Link