Model Q&A: PoppySeed Dancer

PoppySeed Dancer |  VIP Member | Verified Credits (32)

Model: PoppySeed Dancer

Where are you from? Where are you based now and do you travel for shoots?

I am PoppySeed, a ballet model from Yalta, Crimea, the territory that used to belong to Ukraine and now it is Russia. I have one residency in Washington, DC, and another in Tuscany, Italy.

Who or what inspired you to become a model? 

Ballet modeling is something that came so naturally to me. I begged my parents for my first film camera and imagined I would become a nature photographer.

Model: PoppySeed Dancer; Photographer: Jordan Pro Images

How and when did you start modeling?

At 17 years old, during my first year of college when I was living in Florence, Italy. While walking to ballet class, I caught the attention of a painter, Gabrielle Mossa. He invited me into his workshop to model for him in a tutu. Little did he know, I was training as a dancer and my studio was near his workshop! This was my first step in ballet modeling!

Later, my roommate, currently a fashion designer in Los Angeles, Adriana Mendiola, also encouraged me to model. We used to run chasing sunsets across Florence taking ballet pictures in the streets! In this way, we encountered a lot of photographers interested in what we were up to!

What type of modeling do you enjoy most?

I enjoy concepts that are thought-provoking and challenge me. I value teamwork, collaboration and open-mindedness to learning. When I feel I am about to do something I have already done, I stop, wait, listen to how my body feels, and move in an entirely different direction and way from what I am used to. In this way, I don’t have a set routine or series of poses. It’s always different.

What do you look for when deciding to work with a photographer?

When deciding to work with a photographer, I judge a lot by their initial message and follow-up messages. For longer projects, I often schedule a phone call. To confirm a photo shoot, I ask for a deposit, and it’s very insightful how prompt photographers are in making deposits – it either shows faith and commitment or distrust and reluctance (often associated with other past negative experiences, not me, which makes it difficult to establish initial trust and for me to do my job. But that’s another topic.

Model: PoppySeed Dancer

Which models or other artists currently inspire you?

My husband inspires me. As strange as that sounds. We started ballet photography together six years ago. Our first date was to the ballet theater in Florence, Italy. I was unbiased and waited to learn from a multitude of different photographers before making an opinion on his work, and he never fails to blow my mind in how beautifully he captures the dancers whom we work with. I am always looking to expand, improve, and am very critical. I also get to coach dancers to look their best during our shoots. I’ve learned so much from these experiences and I carry this knowledge into my own photo shoots and help photographers understand how to work with dancers… what to look for as there is a LOT to it!

What would be your dream shoot?

My dream photo shoot would be with Irving Neil Kwok, based in Singapore. We have been in touch for many years and he is just a stunningly kind soul, from the inside out. I love how humble he is and his artistic vision.

Model: PoppySeed Dancer

How important is social media in your success?

I use Model Mayhem, Facebook, Instagram, and GMail. Without the internet and these platforms I believe it would be impossible to do my job. Social media is very important and for freelancers is a useful networking tool in place of agencies.

What else do you like to do outside of modeling?

I cross-train like a maniac. Ballet modeling is different from traditional modeling in the sense that there are a lot of expenses involved that models who focus on other genres do not have, from pointe shoes ($164 per pair, one pair per week), to costumes, to ballet and dance classes.

What’s the best career advice you can give to new models?

  1. Always keep learning! I carefully analyzed well over 40,000 images of myself before I began to figure out tricks and be consistent in my craft. I recommend for you to do the same.
  2. Have fun and approach every photo shoot with a fresh perspective. Don’t fall into a routine. TFP photo shoots, in particular, can be helpful in pushing artistic boundaries, experimenting, and trying new things.
  3. Learn photography basics. This will help you be in-sync with the photographer and on the same page as a team. The more you know, the better.
  4. Know your boundaries and understand you are your own agency. Don’t compromise your safety or your values. This is basic advice for any human being!

Model: PoppySeed Dancer

Instagram: @PoppySeedModel | Facebook: @poppyseeddancer

MM Edu

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3 Responses to “Model Q&A: PoppySeed Dancer”

  1. September 25, 2021 at 12:50 pm, Lucky Buddha said:

    Congrats on the writeup from MM.. I have been around the same circle of friends on FB, so I know of you.. And keep up the great work..



  2. September 25, 2021 at 11:14 am, David said:

    So sad you live so far away


  3. September 25, 2021 at 8:35 am, John Crystal said:

    Beautiful work. I’m always amazed at the body awareness dancers such as PoppySeed have.




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