Model Q&A: ThatIvyGirl

ThatIvyGirl | VIP Member | Verified Credits (37)

Model: ThatIvyGirl

Where are you from? Where are you based now and do you travel to model?

I am actually from a very small town in Frederick County, MD. Now I am based in the DC area. I travel all over the DC, Maryland and Virginia area. However, as far as traveling goes I stay on the east coast for the most part.

Who or what inspired you to become a model?

I had always fantasized about becoming a model. After watching America’s Next Top Model, as a teenager, I would go on little photo shoot adventures in my hometown with my friends. Years later I had a friend who was working closely with a photographer and when the opportunity presented itself for me to model, and I could not resist. I have been modeling ever since.

Model: ThatIvyGirl

What type of modeling do you enjoy the most?

I enjoy being able to combine my two great loves; modeling and pole dance/aerial arts. When I am able to work from my home studio Luna Aerial Dance or a photographer has an aerial or pole set up we are able to use, I am always ecstatic. Other than aerial/ pole dance photography I would say I enjoy glamour the most. It allows me to express my very feminine side and I often get to play with themes.

How and when did you start modeling?

I actually had a friend who was modeling as a hobby for a while, and she invited me to one of her shoots almost 3 years ago. I tried it for fun soon after and loved it. I have been modeling ever since.

Model: ThatIvyGirl

What do you look for when deciding to work with a photographer? 

When deciding to work with a photographer I typically look at their portfolio to see if their work is something I would be interested in contributing to. I also always like to hear their ideas and concepts for the specific shoot or project they have in mind. This gives me an opportunity to think of makeup, hair, and wardrobe that will help to add to the shoot.

Which models or other artists currently inspire you?

Jessamyne is my idol. Her glamorous photos also quite often are inspired by works of art, and I love the bohemian style she has in a lot of her work. It also does not hurt that she’s a redhead of course!

Model: ThatIvyGirl

What would be your dream shoot?

My dream shoot would be a very artistic pole shoot preferably using some gels and unique lighting effects. Although wearing heels and looking sexy is great on pole, I also think there can be a softer more delicate side that would be beautiful to capture on camera.

How important is social media in your success?

I am actually not active on social media. I pretty much solely use model mayhem to meet photographers and set up shoots. I have found this site to be very helpful and it has a great community for photographers and models.

Model: ThatIvyGirl; Photographer: RWB Images

What else do you like to do outside of modeling?

Well, I am going to sound like a broken record but I spend a lot of my free time pole dancing. I swim several times a week, I find that the repetitive nature of swimming laps is very meditative. I also have very intense stretching regimens to work on contortion and to help achieve various poses on the pole.

What’s the best career advice you can give to new models?

The best career advice I could give to new models would be, do not be afraid or discouraged by rejection. As a redhead especially I had to learn, some people will love your look and some people really will not. You have to have a take it or leave it sort of attitude. If someone does not like it, move onto the next and find someone who does.

Model: ThatIvyGirl

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