How to Use Model Mayhem Casting Calls to Book Models

In this article, we’re going to show you how to use Casting Calls to book great models on Model Mayhem. All members have access to Casting Messages. That means members outside of your friends’ network can contact you directly in reply to your casting calls.

We’re going to tackle this subject from the perspective of a photographer looking to book a model. Our goal is to give you some useful advice that will improve your castings and lead to more successful bookings.

Getting Started

Here is all the information you can provide and tools you can use to get your casting call noticed. It’s important to accurately fill-in as much of this info as possible because it will increase the likelihood of casting the right model.

  • Your avatar
  • Title
  • Location
  • Your name & member type
  • Seeking (the type of artist you’re seeking)
  • Date
  • Nudity
  • Tattoos
  • Piercings
  • Compensation


This relates not just to castings but to the whole site. You should always use an avatar and it must be unambiguously worksafe. In fact, it helps if it’s so good that models will want to work with you based solely on your avatar.


Your casting call is competing with all the other castings for attention and it’s important to write a good title to make it stand out.

Here are a few good and bad examples:

  • Scheduling for January – this is not very helpful. It doesn’t give any indication what type of model is wanted or what they’re wanted for.
  • Models Needed – what are they needed for? A fashion show, photo/video shoot, print/TV ad campaign, personal project or something else?
  • Plus Size Models for Fashion Video – this title is very clear.
  • Lingerie Models for Lookbook – another title that’s very clear.
  • Bicycle Riding Models Needed for Paid Video Shoot – a simple title that’s full of helpful information.

Some of these titles get your attention, clearly state what type of model they’re seeking and the type of job offered. That greatly increases the likelihood of getting models with the right look and experience to click your casting to find out more info.


The description is not displayed on the search results page but this is where you add all the details. Everyone has their own style of writing but as a general rule, it’s a good idea to be clear and concise. Provide as much information as necessary because it will reduce the number of questions/messages being sent back and forth.

Are you looking for models with specific skills or experience? Is the shoot taking place in a studio or on location? Are you providing a makeup artist, hair stylist, clothing, etc, or do you want a model that can do her own hair and makeup? How long is the shoot?

It’s also very helpful to use keywords. Including words like glamour, boudoir, swimwear, fitness, yoga, etc, in your title and description will make your casting stand out and that also makes it easier for models to find using the keyword search on the castings page.

Invest your time now to provide as much relevant info as possible and it will save you from wasting time answering questions later.


There are a couple of ways to approach this depending on your requirements. Selecting a major metro, like Los Angeles, will mean your casting is displayed to more models but depending on your needs that could be a good or bad thing. LA is a big city and traveling from Santa Monica to Burbank during rush hour for a TFP shoot might not be worth it for many people, especially if they don’t have a car and are relying on public transport or ride-sharing, like Uber or Lyft. But, these potential issues aren’t likely to be a problem for a well-paid job.

Be realistic about the type of job you’re offering and the type of model you want to book. It’s much less likely you’ll be dealing with last-minute cancellations if you consider these factors during the casting phase of your project.


This should go without saying but we often see casting calls that are miscategorized. Only select the artist type(s) you want to book.


Enter the date of the shoot. If it’s flexible, or an event that runs multiple days, include the start and end date.

Nudity, Tattoos & Piercings

Again, the more specific you are the more likely it is you will find the right model. If you’re casting for a nude shoot but don’t want models with tattoos, now is the time to make that clear.


TF or Unpaid Test simply means that you are not paying the model. Other things are commonly agreed upon for these types of shoots and we have many articles that help explain how trade shoots work. If you select one of these options it’s helpful if you agree in writing what is expected on both parties and when.

Paid gives you the option of entering an amount. Try to be as specific as possible. For example, entering “$100 per hour” or “$100 per day” is better than entering “$100.” The description section of your casting (see above) should include how many hours/days you expect the model to work.

It’s much more helpful to enter the amount you intend to pay instead of leaving it blank, entering TBD, $$$, or some other text to fill the space. Our search tools allow members to select specific amounts when they’re looking for work and your casting will not display in these searches if you don’t enter an amount. And, as we’ve said already, it will save time for you and the model, and increase the likelihood of casting the right model and having a successful shoot.

Putting It All Together

Supply and demand, the quality of your work, type of job, compensation, etc, are all factors that come into play. These are some of the things to consider when you post a casting call. So, make sure you’re using all the tools available to increase the likelihood of booking the best model for your next photo shoot.

We also recommend reading the helpful articles submitted by members that use our casting system (see Additional Resources below).

Additional Resources

Getting the Most from Model Mayhem Casting Calls

How to Use Casting Calls, Availability and Travel Notices on MM

Recruiting Talent with Sponsored Casting Calls

MM Castings

MM Castings is part of the Model Mayhem team specifically set up to help manage and grow casting calls on the site as well as help members improve their chances of finding more work.

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3 Responses to “How to Use Model Mayhem Casting Calls to Book Models”

  1. December 23, 2018 at 9:03 am, David Lawrence said:

    Who is the model in your tease photo? Why isn’t she getting any love?


  2. December 14, 2016 at 1:17 pm, denim said:

    This strikes me as a good article. I’ve not used the “casting call” method before, rather preferring to look up current traveling models. I’m generally not looking to be inundated with leads, but next time I need a model, I’ll have to try this.


  3. October 18, 2016 at 5:23 pm, [email protected] said:

    I am looking to photograph ladies or males who would like modeled. I offer 100 dollars for the hour or for the full day. I live in Fort Wayne. I would schedule your image.


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