Photographer Spotlight: Bill Earle

Bill Earle | VIP Member | Verified Credits (4)

Photographer: Bill Earle; Model: Jazmine Dominique

William Earle is a fine art photographer based in West Chester, Pennsylvania. He’s always been fascinated with photographs without being able to truly pinpoint when his journey in the photographic arts began. He began shooting black and white film, with his precious Nikon camera and was undeterred by his initial lack of photography knowledge. He nows looks back on that time as a necessary critical step in his journey.

When Bill decided to take up photography more seriously he spent a year choosing a teacher. He stated, “What I learned during that week has served me well and will continue to do so for the rest of my life. It is the foundation that supports my work. I had no knowledge of what I was passionate about photographing after that week so I continued making photographs and learning. Three years later I discovered that the nude is my passion.”

Bill went on to study with Cig Harvey, Joyce Tenneson, John Goodman, and Kim Weston. He says, “Experience has taught me that careful selection of one’s teachers and mentors is extremely important and valuable in the learning and growing process as an artist.”

He’s inspired and influenced by imagery that evokes mood, feeling, and emotion. Imagery that makes the viewer think and holds their interest. Bill recently published, Nude – The Book,

Photographer: Bill Earle; Model: katlyn lacoste
Photographer: Bill Earle; Model: Stephanie Anne Landers
Photographer: Bill Earle; Model: Brooke Lynne
Photographer: Bill Earle; Model: Liv Sage
Photographer: Bill Earle; Model: MissMacaroni

Check out Bill Earle’s Model Mayhem portfolio to see more of his work. You can also visit his website to learn more.

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One Response to “Photographer Spotlight: Bill Earle”

  1. August 31, 2019 at 9:00 am, Joe Williams said:

    Bill’s work is a continuing inspiration to me and many others.


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