Photographer Spotlight: Pierpaolo Morra

Pierpaolo Morra | VIP Member | Verified Credits (15)

Pierpaolo Morra is a Bay Area photographer, originally from Italy, that started shooting in 2011 when he moved to New York for three months. His early experiences with digital photography left him with the feeling that something was missing, leading him to buy his first analog camera, a Nikon FM2N.

He then learned to develop and print in a small darkroom before buying a Leica M6. Over the next few years, he honed his craft and now uses an analog process for each step, from shooting to printing and retouching.

Model: -JenniferJones-; Photographer: Pierpaolo Morra
Photographer: Pierpaolo Morra

After moving to San Francisco, Pierpaolo was amazed by the diversity of the people in the city and became interested in portraiture, which led him to Model Mayhem.

Pierpaolo said, “I am lucky enough to have a small collection of cameras, several Nikon and Leica, a couple of Hasselblad, Pentax and so on. But my preference for portraits is the Hasselblad 500 and Pentax 6×7, while my on-the-go camera is a Leica M4 with a 35mm and 50mm lens.”

Photographer: Pierpaolo Morra
Model: Ayelet; Photographer: Pierpaolo Morra

“I love my fancy cameras and darkroom but sometimes I feel that all this technology and professional instruments tie me up and that 90% of the time I could have the work done with a disposable Ilford!”

“The more I learn about photography, the more I convince myself that the most truthful pics I ever took in my life were the horrible early photos in New York. When I look at them I see the enthusiasm and the freedom of someone that does what they truly love.”

Photographer: Pierpaolo Morra
Model: Grant S; Photographer: Pierpaolo Morra

Check out Pierpaolo Morra’s Model Mayhem portfolio to see more of his work.

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