Model Mayhem’s Android App!

We’re excited to announce the launch of the Model Mayhem app for Android!

The Model Mayhem Android app integrates seamlessly with the current desktop and mobile site but adds some new features and functionality.

Here are some of the things that we added or improved based on member feedback and user testing:

  • Newsfeed
  • Following artists
  • Upload
  • Notifications
  • Messages
  • User-friendly location search
  • Castings
  • Search by member username
  • Browse by artist types
  • Infinite scroll on search results
  • Bookmarks
  • Trending photos

Please post any questions or comments in the app’s site-related forum thread.

We’d also like to give a special thanks to Kisa Hues, Juno LTK, Minh-Ly, Lena Filanea, Eimanne Zein, and Irwin Peralta for allowing us to feature their work in the app!

Download the Model Mayhem Android app in the Google Play Store.

MM Edu

MM Edu brings you tips, advice, and knowledge in modeling, photography, post-production, style/makeup, and Using MM. The expertise comes from our beautiful and brilliant members!

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8 Responses to “Model Mayhem’s Android App!”

  1. July 23, 2022 at 11:13 am, MC Entertainment & Services said:

    Loved this! Thanks for the great app. Looking forward to it!


  2. October 04, 2021 at 2:46 pm, E said:

    I clicked the link, it sends me to the play store and says try again. I searched for the app in the play store and it doesn’t exist?


  3. October 01, 2021 at 5:01 am, Nik nik said:



  4. September 30, 2021 at 11:22 pm, David said:

    Looks like the app can’t be installed on newer android systems. I have Android 11 and cannot find this app on the app store.


  5. August 24, 2021 at 6:39 am, Scott Kennelly said:

    I don’t install apps. I a kid them like the plague, because my battery does fast enough already. Besides, almost e very app adds just one more risk of security issues.

    What I’d really like is for my profile to be editable using my touch screen device. As it is now, there is no way to do that, because to access the Edit Profile link, I have to tap My Stuff, and even though I quickly tap the link that becomes available in thg he drop down menu, I am taken tho the My Stuff page, rather than TV be edit page. Why not include all the links somewhere as simple, capable links, rather than hiding them in a drop down menu?


  6. August 16, 2021 at 6:36 am, Camilla Brown said:

    Please make an app for Apple phone users. It would make things so much easier!


  7. February 07, 2021 at 1:16 pm, Cherry said:

    Is there going to be an Apple app any time soon? Heck of a lot of us use Apple devieces, not Android, and it seriously hampers our ability to work with MM.



  8. April 04, 2020 at 7:16 am, Andrew Greig said:

    How can I post images from my portfolio to the news feed, please?

    Since I credit all of my models I want to promote them on the App.

    Many thanks



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