MM feature: Credited Photos

Model Mayhem is happy to add a new way to show off images you worked on—Credited Photos. When another member adds your profile as a Credit on an image, signifying that you contributed to the creation of the image, you now have the option to have those images displayed through your own portfolio! But don’t worry—you don’t have to display any photo you don’t want to show. Plus, VIP and Premium members will be able to receive email notifications when someone comments on one of your credited photos, so you will know when an image you worked on gets the glowing praise it deserves.

Okay, so what do I do?

You don’t need to do a thing to have all of your credited photos appear to those visiting your profile. However, if you want to manage which photos appear or how they appear, you can do so in one of two ways:

1) Click My Stuff -> Manage Photos -> Edit Credited Photos.

2) Or from your portfolio page, click Credited Photos (Edit).

From there, drag and drop the photos you would like to hide from the top of the page down to the bottom. You can also rearrange how they appear on the page by dragging and dropping them in any order you would like. Be sure to click Save Changes when you’re done.

I don’t want to show any of these photos!

No problem! You don’t have to display anything if that is your preference. You can turn off the feature entirely. To do so, click My Stuff -> Settings -> Credited Photos. Where it asks, “Would you like to display credited photos?” set the radio button to NO and click Submit.

What about comments on those photos?

If you are a VIP or Premium member, you can receive email notification when your credited photos get comments, just like you can with the images in your own portfolio.  To set that up, click My Stuff -> Settings -> Credited Photos.  Where it asks, “Would you like to receive emails when comments are added on photos you are credited?” set the radio button to YES and click Submit.

How do I add credits to my own photos?

You probably have already been doing this, but you can give other members credit on the photos in your normal portfolio. In case you need a reminder, here’s how to do that.  Click My Stuff -> Manage Photos. Then find the photo you want to add the credits to and click Edit Photo. Scroll down to Add Credits, enter the other member’s MM# in the box, and click Add Credit. Now that photo can be listed in the member’s Credited Photos page, and she or he can get email notifications when the photo receives a comment.

A final word of thanks

We really want to thank all community members that helped out with beta-testing this new feature. With your help we think we’ve created something really useful and valuable. It’s not perfect yet as we were not able to make all the suggested changes. However, we’ll keep working on it and continue to improve your ability to display and manage your work.

MM Edu

MM Edu brings you tips, advice, and knowledge in modeling, photography, post-production, style/makeup, and Using MM. The expertise comes from our beautiful and brilliant members!

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15 Responses to “MM feature: Credited Photos”

  1. November 17, 2021 at 12:04 pm, David Di Martino said:

    How do I delete a credit photo?


  2. July 15, 2013 at 4:14 pm, juan carlos figueroa said:



  3. January 19, 2012 at 1:08 am, Ken Phelan said:

    Nice one 🙂


  4. January 18, 2012 at 10:25 pm, RSH-Photography said:

    Great addition!!!


  5. January 07, 2012 at 7:07 pm, Howard said:

    I just noticed the credited photo feature. In my credited photo list there are only 3 photos all from the same model. I have only checked 2 other models and they have credited me in their port but they are not showing up on the credited photo list on my my port. Is it automatic or is there something I need to do?


  6. January 04, 2012 at 7:42 pm, PDMedia said:

    I like the concept, but maybe I’m missing something. Where do I find the “button” to access someone’s Credited Photos? I’ve found mine through Manage Photos, but what about getting to them in someone elses port?


  7. January 04, 2012 at 6:25 pm, Angel Grey said:

    This is the best feature on Mayhem. Sometimes a model has crappy work in their port or poor arrangement. Credited photos not only shows who else they’ve worked with, it shows what OTHER KINDS of work they’ve done, no more hunting! I would not renew my paid subscription without this feature DO NOT GET RID OF IT.


  8. December 31, 2011 at 12:20 am, Clgabriel88 said:

    Where is the button that lets me hide all of these images? I don’t see it anywhere. This is an unnecessary hassle. Don’t like paying to be hassled.


  9. December 30, 2011 at 1:45 am, Samanthasmom2001 said:

    WHY? Why make us Paying Customers work hard for something we never ask for?


  10. December 29, 2011 at 10:19 pm, Dgart50 said:

    great feature! thanks MM! wishing 2012 is the best ever for all of us!


  11. December 29, 2011 at 8:09 am, John said:

    Good feature! Thx!


  12. December 29, 2011 at 3:14 am, Keithdewey3 said:

    Thank you for a great feature!


  13. December 29, 2011 at 12:39 am, said:

    nice, I can now get rid on one of my lists. 🙂
    The email notification radio button doesn’t appear in my settings.


  14. December 28, 2011 at 10:16 pm, Romolo said:

    Interesting. Thanks for giving me control over what appears.


  15. December 28, 2011 at 9:47 pm, DeanR said:

    I Like it!


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