Forums > Critique > I have some time and will critique a few each day!


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Brennan's Photography wrote:
Hit me up! I am always looking for feedback!

Her is your best shot:
It is a beautiful shot...just way over photoshopped! Most of the pics in your port are this way. The rest of your images are lit pretty well...they are just sleazy glam. I think you need to tone it down a bit. I think you need to relax with the overbearing cleavage from these ladies. The other thing I noticed right away was the themed shots.Some people love them...I personally cannot stand them. They are my biggest pet peeve in the industry. I think they are once again sleazy and cheezy! Keep on going though...shoot whatever makes you happy, these are just my opinions.

Apr 15 08 06:08 pm Link


L Raye

Posts: 5045

Petaluma, California, US

You've a great port, and I'll be very interested in what you see in mine.

Angela Nicole P wrote:
I seem to find myself on MM at least a few times a day. I figure it is time I do something constructive while I am here.
I might not be the best at what I do....but I do a lot. I am first a photographer, 2nd a model and 3rd a MUA. I like doing it all I guess you could say!
I will take the time to tell you each what I honestly think about your port. If you are overly sensitive than please do not ask. This is a critique you know.
All I ask is that you try and take a little time out to check out my work and leave me a comment or a tag!
Can't wait to see your work!

Apr 15 08 06:13 pm Link


removed member

Posts: 142

Jacksonville, Alabama, US

i could use some raping of the ego

Apr 15 08 06:15 pm Link


Scott Streeter

Posts: 120

Le Claire, Iowa, US

Me to.

Apr 15 08 06:15 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Dark Angel Photography wrote:
Do Me...   tongue

Ok...I am going to be totally honest with you here. I am not trying to hurt you..I am just not going to blow wind up your skirt here. You look like a total amateur here. I honestly do not see a single pic here I like. I am going to post this pic so I can point something out to you:
OK...what you did massively wrong here is there is a handle bar growing out of this chick's forehead! I know you were trying to be all creative...think next time about the little things next time. I would also consider upgrading your camera. I see horribly exposed images. Classes will be a huge help to you as well. I have been where you are at one takes time till you get really good....patience grasshopper!

Apr 15 08 06:19 pm Link


Chris Hatch Photo

Posts: 76

Idaho Falls, Idaho, US

I would love it!

Apr 15 08 06:24 pm Link


Erica Velasco Photog

Posts: 162

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Angela Nicole P wrote:

Hmmm...picking a favorite was not very easy here. I did decide on this one though:
It is a great shot! Love the look and feel of it. I would so love to shoot with you. I am love with the ideas you have in your head. Looks like you are doing very cool stuff in the area you have available to you to shoot at.  I think you are truly talented and see very good things for you in the future! I think you already are aware of all this though. smile Keep it up...I can't wait to see more from you!

I'd love to shoot with you! You are stunning. If you are ever in Arizona, hit me up for sure and we can collaborate on something creative! Thanks for your comments.

Apr 15 08 06:25 pm Link



Posts: 23798

Orlando, Florida, US

If you're still lookin'  .  .  .  I'm listenin'  .  .  .


Apr 15 08 06:26 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Kelly E wrote:
I would love to hear

Wahoo! ANOTHER lady photographer is in the house!!!! I can be so excited because your work kicks ass! I would so love to work with you. I am so digging your style. I had a very hard time picking out a favorite shot from you. This is what I did decide on:
Do you happen to shoot weddings? If would be perfect for it and would do very well! Other than that, I do not have much I can critique you on since you are way better than me!
Keep it up!!

Apr 15 08 06:27 pm Link



Posts: 5911

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Angela Nicole P wrote:
Ok..I hate to say this to anyone..but if you want to persue this whole modeling thing ad keep shooting in lingerie..I think you need to loose a few pounds and tone up. I am not trying to be mean. I certainly do not want you to go and starve yourself...just think about it before you eat that next cheeseburger lol! I think you are very pretty...You should hire a mua though. Makeup is very different than everyday when it comes to shoots. It will make a huge difference in your shots! I think you need to keep on shooting..keep on doing tfcd. It will only make you better since you need help with your expressions. Look through other models ports and see what they are doing and how they are posing. Keep a list so next time you go on a shoot you can play with it. Nothing in your port at the moment really jumps out at me. This is ok..
Keep on practicing. I would love to see more from you as you keep on shooting!

Thanks. I know I could probably lose a good 5 pounds and tone up a little bit, but god damn, that chesseburger, it calls to me! tongue

Apr 15 08 06:29 pm Link


Kelly Sedivec-Ealy

Posts: 2704

Iowa City, Iowa, US

Angela Nicole P wrote:

Wahoo! ANOTHER lady photographer is in the house!!!! I can be so excited because your work kicks ass! I would so love to work with you. I am so digging your style. I had a very hard time picking out a favorite shot from you. This is what I did decide on:
Do you happen to shoot weddings? If would be perfect for it and would do very well! Other than that, I do not have much I can critique you on since you are way better than me!
Keep it up!!

Thank you so much , I would love to work with you anytime...

Apr 15 08 06:40 pm Link


Vinicio Estrada Photos

Posts: 378

Surprise, Arizona, US

Angela Nicole P wrote:

This is a beautiful shot! It is way different from the rest of your port:
I do not mean that in a bad way! You have some pretty cool stuff..some of it is a bit cheezy though. Cool ideas that you have butchered a bit. I like the newspaper idea...the furry jacket seems to me to be all wrong though. Makes not sense at all. I like the one with the bright colors and the newspaper though. Your so typical glam....boring if you ask me. I think your lighting is good as well as your ideas...just take out the sleaz. Sorry...just my opinion.  The other pic that does stand out to me is the girl in the hallway...great image! Keep on shooting though!

Your opinion is greatly appreciated, thank you for your time.

Oh and the picture you picked is my fav as well its on the front of my business cards big_smile once again thank you for your time.

Apr 15 08 06:56 pm Link



Posts: 161

Tavares, Florida, US


Apr 15 08 06:57 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

drdrew wrote:
go for it smile

I am really digging this shot:
It is a bit grainy...otherwise it is fantastic! I love the crop on this one. I think you have one hell of an eye! I love the ideas you have in that head of yours! You do not need a critique from me!

Apr 15 08 07:04 pm Link



Posts: 446

Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, US

also interested wink

Apr 15 08 07:10 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

John Dugan wrote:
Go ahead, tear me a new one.

I am not that mean! I would have to say this is my favorite shot of yours. Even though it looks like her eyes are slightly out of focus.
I would really like to see you use a bit more photoshop. Especially on your black backdrop, it look a little wrinkled from the roll. If you are not good at photoshop, you could always have less light on the backdrop. This will just darken the wrinkles so we no longer see them. The first pic in the
last row needs to go. It looks like a bad scan. There is also a series of 3 shots in your port. I do not get it...I assume you intended on making them super blurry. If I do not understand...most models won't either and assume you suck! Keep it up can only get better!

Apr 15 08 07:14 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

High Velocity Photo wrote:
Love to hear from ya!!

Another wonderful photographer! When I read your profile I thought you were going to suck...only because you sounded like you were just starting out in this end of photography. Then you said about you wanting trade work and that you were not a GWC. It makes you sound kinda paranoid. Then I saw your work. I think you should be charging models if they are not there to benefit your portfolio. I would put that in your bio. You need to play hard to get a little! As I reviewed your port, this one really jumped out to me:
Keep it up! I know I would work with you!
Oh, one more thing! I want to see more work like this one I posted...this is uber fantastic! Made me pee myself a little! Is this you?

Apr 15 08 07:23 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Clare Blackwood wrote:
I would love to hear some words. smile

Cool stuff! I would love to see you smile a bit more! I like the choices in posing...I just wish you and the photographers would show all of your limbs. I feel as though you have a lot of strong images...but then I can't see one of your arms or your legs. A bunch of them are cropped wrong as well, not your fault though. For instance I love this shot...except it is cropped all wrong!
You look super hot though!
I say you shoot a little more to build up your port, then you go see some agencies!

Apr 15 08 07:34 pm Link



Posts: 170

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Would love your opinion smile

Apr 15 08 07:35 pm Link


Clare Blackwood

Posts: 45

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Brilliant, thanks so much! smile

Apr 15 08 07:36 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Shakila Shanice wrote:
o0o me

You are very confident in yourself! I see this as being a good thing however, some might not work with you cause they see it as cockiness. I think you are very pretty. This is the shot that really stood out to me. I think it is very cute. It is way over photoshopped and I think you look sorta like a blow up doll! LOL..
The pic I like the least is the pic with you in the rain. I would like to see you re shoot this one. I hate what you are wearing, it totally ruins the shot! Never wear a logo on your shirt for a photoshoot unless it is for an ad. What is up with the tu tu? I know you can do better than that one! Keep your chin up high!

Apr 15 08 07:43 pm Link



Posts: 2

Dallas, Texas, US

let me know what you think of mine, mine is a little old so I am about to update it

Apr 15 08 07:48 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

miki kierulf wrote:
me too please? when you have time... thanks..

You are a super cute girl! It sucks you are not a little taller to do fashion or runway. I think you are aware of this and are going in the correct direction in terms of modeling with your height. You are limited to commercial, glam and nudes. I would love to see you work more with this photographer:
He is one of my fav's here on MM. He does some really nice work. You look amazing in the 2 shots you did with him! I am a little iffy on your eyebrows...I would have them professionaly done before your shoots. Sometime they seem a bit out of control. Other than that Keep on shooting!

Apr 15 08 07:54 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

gekrepten wrote:
go for it, whenever you can!!

OK...this suspension stuff totally freaks me out...ok now that this is out on the table I feel better. I really like your style though. You have a unique twist to your cropping and angles you shoot. Keep rolling with that! If you do move to NYC, you will have plenty to play with! This shot here was my absolute favorite:
Cool stuff! The only thing other than the suspension shots that I did not like was, the shot with the black x's over the one girls nipples. You are way to cool to do the same thing others are doing!
Keep it up!

Apr 15 08 08:03 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

pentography wrote:
over here! Thanks!

This is one of the prettiest pics I have ever seen!
You have an eye for beauty! I really enjoyed looking at your port. I think you could go pretty far with a career in photography. If you need could always do family photos on the beach...I think you could make a killing doing this since you have a different approach to beach pics. Weddings could fill your wallet quite nicely as well. This is why I shoot them!
Thanks for sharing!

Apr 15 08 08:08 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

L Raye wrote:
You've a great port, and I'll be very interested in what you see in mine.

Thank You!
I think you have certainly a huge passion for the fine art nudes! I would really like to see more of other types of photography in your port. You could do some really cool fashion stuff with natural lighting. You only have one pic that can be used as an avatar and it happens to be your weakest shot! This one is my favorite though...very creative
18+ … id=2362316
I would also like to see what your nudes look like with studio lighting. I love doing nudes this is way fun to light the human body!

Apr 15 08 08:21 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

admiresteve wrote:
i could use some raping of the ego

I am sorry to say, there will be no ass rape today! I really enjoyed looking at your port. Your bio is hilarious! I have to say you had me going in the first paragraph! Although, you might want to change this if you want to book with more models. I hate to say this but most models on here are not the brightest in the bunch. They might not get your "joke" if ya know what I mean!
This is the shot that really stood out to me:
It is a super cool shot. I love your style of photography! I would love to see more sometime!

Apr 15 08 09:00 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Scott Streeter wrote:
Me to.

Hello! It looks to me like you have not been doing this very long. I see either flat lighting or dark images. It does not look like you are doing a whole lot of photoshop, or shooting in raw format. Correct me if I am wrong....If you are doing this than you need a lesson. I think you have a great just need to step it up a notch! As soon as you do, you will find better models working with you and you will get much better results. Sometimes paying good models is what you need to do to get better pics. This is a nice shot:
WHen you are working outdoors, spend a couple bucks and get a will get way better results!

Apr 15 08 09:09 pm Link


Chanel Rene

Posts: 6780

Huntington Beach, California, US

I love to get feedback from models... hit me!

Apr 15 08 09:11 pm Link



Posts: 1616

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Angela Nicole P wrote:

Another young lady from PA! Greetings from the East side!
This shot is my favorite:
It is very well done. You look pretty bad ass I must say! The photog did a great job too!
I do not like the first 2 pics in your port. I think they are way too myspace like. The other one I do not like is the trash can shot. I think it was a cool idea....just executed poorly. I think you need to work with a different photg on that one...your eyes are not lit, the angle is all wrong and you are missing a few digits! You certainly have other shots that are creative though, I like them.
Keep on shooting. I would like to see you in some beautiful gowns....this time take the metal out of your face. It is cool for everyday...not in the modeling profession unless you want to be goth!
Good job on the representation! Best of luck to you!!!

Apr 15 08 09:18 pm Link



Posts: 1616

Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil

Angela Nicole P wrote:
Another young lady from PA! Greetings from the East side!
This shot is my favorite:
It is very well done. You look pretty bad ass I must say! The photog did a great job too!
I do not like the first 2 pics in your port. I think they are way too myspace like. The other one I do not like is the trash can shot. I think it was a cool idea....just executed poorly. I think you need to work with a different photg on that one...your eyes are not lit, the angle is all wrong and you are missing a few digits! You certainly have other shots that are creative though, I like them.
Keep on shooting. I would like to see you in some beautiful gowns....this time take the metal out of your face. It is cool for everyday...not in the modeling profession unless you want to be goth!
Good job on the representation! Best of luck to you!!!

Thanks so much!

I'm going to think about shooting in a gown, it would be pretty neat to add to my port!

Did you not like the 2 pink photos? Or did you critique me before I added those?
Take care

Apr 15 08 09:18 pm Link


just A

Posts: 197

Austin, Texas, US

Yes please big_smile

Apr 15 08 09:32 pm Link



Posts: 100

Canberra, Australian Capital Territory, Australia

I would love to know what you think! I need all the feedback I can get so I can improve!

Apr 15 08 09:41 pm Link


Sabia Dreams

Posts: 6

Issaquah, Washington, US

Wondering if you have some time?

Apr 15 08 09:45 pm Link


miki kierulf

Posts: 7683

Angela Nicole P wrote:

You are a super cute girl! It sucks you are not a little taller to do fashion or runway. I think you are aware of this and are going in the correct direction in terms of modeling with your height. You are limited to commercial, glam and nudes. I would love to see you work more with this photographer:
He is one of my fav's here on MM. He does some really nice work. You look amazing in the 2 shots you did with him! I am a little iffy on your eyebrows...I would have them professionaly done before your shoots. Sometime they seem a bit out of control. Other than that Keep on shooting!

thanks.... smile

Apr 15 08 09:46 pm Link


dreslin photography

Posts: 1728

Pensacola, Florida, US

I'd like one

Apr 15 08 09:49 pm Link



Posts: 671

Jersey City, New Jersey, US

Angela Nicole P wrote:

This is one of the prettiest pics I have ever seen!
You have an eye for beauty! I really enjoyed looking at your port. I think you could go pretty far with a career in photography. If you need could always do family photos on the beach...I think you could make a killing doing this since you have a different approach to beach pics. Weddings could fill your wallet quite nicely as well. This is why I shoot them!
Thanks for sharing!

thanks for the kind comment! we only have beaches here in south florida :-)

Apr 15 08 11:07 pm Link



Posts: 244

Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

I'm ready for it!

Apr 15 08 11:08 pm Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Chris Hatch Photo wrote:
I would love it! is your best shot:
This is an excellent shot! I love how you are displaying the jewelry here. I think the sexiest thing on about a woman is her back. I love your wedding work as is very elegant, yet at the same time different. I only saw one shot that I did not care for. It is the b&w shot of the girl. I had a very hard time getting past her cleavage to find her face. I got lost in a sea of boobies! LOL
Other than that you really do not need a critique from me, you know your shit!
Great Job!

Apr 16 08 02:27 am Link


Angela Nicole P

Posts: 579

Reading, Pennsylvania, US

Erica V Photography wrote:

I'd love to shoot with you! You are stunning. If you are ever in Arizona, hit me up for sure and we can collaborate on something creative! Thanks for your comments.

Will do! Please let me know if you ever head out to the east coast!

Apr 16 08 02:28 am Link