Forums > General Industry > Ever been amazed by....



Posts: 9122

Posted by Dead_Winter: 
that was a reply to the topic in the post (sorry)

LOL @ sorry for being on topic.

Jun 22 05 10:58 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Dead_Winter: 
that was a reply to the topic in the post (sorry)

Dead_winter, You are hereby banned to the "Always Post on Topic" Group!


I think that is a first, someone actually apologizing for posting on topic.

Jun 22 05 11:13 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 
Reese is invited.
Reese, Don't you know that those diets do not work unless you splurge every once in a while.

Herb, Call me.

Apparently I only know what is dictated to me by the health guru...

Jun 22 05 11:16 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by Dead_Winter: 
that was a reply to the topic in the post (sorry)

We got sidetracked by understanding born out of frank discussion.  No need to apologize.  Your experience matters.  What you have to say is important.  Please share more

Jun 22 05 11:18 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by Reese: 
I have never eaten so much chicken, fish and broccoli in my life...

I love chicken (occasionally), fish, and broccoli.  I don't eat red meat, actually eat about 50% vegetarian.  Alas, another stereotype shot down.  No ribs or chittlins for this brutha.  LOL

Jun 22 05 11:24 am Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

I get discriminated against all the time... People mistake me for Hawaiian (Polynesian), Mexican, Spanish, any type of Latino...  Never anything cool like Italian or maybe Ethiopian...  Has anyone ever met an Ethiopian????  Okay, I am not really ever discriminated against...

But there's always Theda forcing me to work Chinese over-time hours...

I was once told I looked like Kiana Tom once... That was sort of cool...  I don't  - but I thought it was cool anyway...

But I digress... What was the original post???

Jun 22 05 11:28 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

I got a really funny story to tell you about my friend Dewayne.
My Parents had their 40th wedding anniversary. My father invited a bunch of people from his job (at the Ford Plant in Chesapeake, Va.)
It seems that a lot of the blacks he works with called him the Grand Wizard. (long story on that, and they were joking)
So anyway, we are there, my parents have the front table facing everyone, and then us kids (and my family since I am the only sibling to marry and reproduce) are all sitting at the head table. On the Far is is D and his girl.
My father starts with the introductions, "My Daughter Sarajane, My son Jim, My son Chris, My son Ty and his wife and kids, And the black sheep of our family, Dewayne and his fiance.." I forget her name.
The place went dead quiet on the Black sheep part.
Dewayne, who stood up, replies, "What's wrong, Never seen a black sicilian before?" The place broke out in hysterical laughter."

Of course there is the other side of the Italian stories as well.

My father was an alterboy growing up. (boy did he stray....) anyway, back then they did the mass in latin, and my father knew it all by heart.

Godfather III opened the same day we attended a wedding.
My dad, looks like the typical Sicilian, My older brother Jim looks like the typical "eats too much pasta" Italian, Me, I am from the milkman, and my younger bro looks like a hit man (hair slicked back in a small tail, muscular etc...)
Anyways, there we are in the theater, in the Back row, all in suits, and scene starts up where they are doing the mass. My Father starts saying it AHEAD OF the movie.
this young black couple sitting in the row in front of us, looks back, sees my father and us, they get up and move to the front row!
We started cracking up. Missed about 5 minutes of the movie.

Funniest damn thing I have ever seen, and what is worse, my father had to be clued in as to why they left like that.

Jun 22 05 11:32 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by Herb Way: 

Posted by Reese: 
I have never eaten so much chicken, fish and broccoli in my life...

I love chicken (occasionally), fish, and broccoli.  I don't eat red meat, actually eat about 50% vegetarian.  Alas, another stereotype shot down.  No ribs or chittlins for this brutha.  LOL

Personally, My favorite food is sushi (shashimi actually, I kind of hate rice)

Jun 22 05 11:33 am Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Posted by Reese: 
I get discriminated against all the time... People mistake me for Hawaiian (Polynesian), Mexican, Spanish, any type of Latino...  Never anything cool like Italian or maybe Ethiopian...  Has anyone ever met an Ethiopian????  Okay, I am not really ever discriminated against...

But there's always Theda forcing me to work Chinese over-time hours...

I was once told I looked like Kiana Tom once... That was sort of cool...  I don't  - but I thought it was cool anyway...

But I digress... What was the original post???

Reese, take your car to Washington, DC and visit any of the Ethiopean restaurants in Georgetown. Not only will you find good food, but you will also meet some Ethiopians, who often stand out by their beauty and elegance.

Jun 22 05 12:43 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Wow? Really?  I honestly thought that they just stayed in their own country...  I wonder why they don't come to Virginia or Florida?  What's so special about DC???

Jun 22 05 12:49 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by Herb Way: 

Posted by Reese: 
I have never eaten so much chicken, fish and broccoli in my life...

I love chicken (occasionally), fish, and broccoli.  I don't eat red meat, actually eat about 50% vegetarian.  Alas, another stereotype shot down.  No ribs or chittlins for this brutha.  LOL

Personally, My favorite food is sushi (shashimi actually, I kind of hate rice)


Jun 22 05 12:49 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

If you knew sushi, like I know sushi....

What doesd sushi taste like? I will let you know after my date with her! (I was going to be really crude and say after my date with Reese, but I do not need more moderator enemies... :-P)

Jun 22 05 12:57 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by Ty Simone: 
What doesd sushi taste like? I will let you know after my date with her! (I was going to be really crude and say after my date with Reese, but I do not need more moderator enemies... :-P)

New Out-Of-Context Rumor: Reese tastes like sushi.

Mmmmmmmm. I love sushi. And Reese already agreed to run off to the tropics with me if I win the lottery.

That would be great. As I mentioned earlier, I am part German, part Native American, and part black. All I'm missing is Asian. So if Reese and I have babies, they will be cracker-nigger-redskin-chinks. Awesome! They'll be culturally permitted to insult everyone! Woohoo!

Jun 22 05 02:05 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
What doesd sushi taste like? I will let you know after my date with her! (I was going to be really crude and say after my date with Reese, but I do not need more moderator enemies... :-P)

New Out-Of-Context Rumor: Reese tastes like sushi.

Mmmmmmmm. I love sushi. And Reese already agreed to run off to the tropics with me if I win the lottery.

That would be great. As I mentioned earlier, I am part German, part Native American, and part black. All I'm missing is Asian. So if Reese and I have babies, they will be cracker-nigger-redskin-chinks. Awesome! They'll be culturally permitted to insult everyone! Woohoo!

Native American = Asian


Jun 22 05 02:09 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by XtremeArtists: 

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 

Posted by Ty Simone: 
What doesd sushi taste like? I will let you know after my date with her! (I was going to be really crude and say after my date with Reese, but I do not need more moderator enemies... :-P)

New Out-Of-Context Rumor: Reese tastes like sushi.

Mmmmmmmm. I love sushi. And Reese already agreed to run off to the tropics with me if I win the lottery.

That would be great. As I mentioned earlier, I am part German, part Native American, and part black. All I'm missing is Asian. So if Reese and I have babies, they will be cracker-nigger-redskin-chinks. Awesome! They'll be culturally permitted to insult everyone! Woohoo!

Native American = Asian


I suppose if you trace ones roots back far enough to Asians crossing the Bearing Strait and the Pacific Ocean, yes, you're correct.

AWESOME! So, technically, I'm also a rice-eatin' gook after all!

(Note this does NOT in any way change the imperative need to breed with Reese.)

Jun 22 05 02:15 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
That would be great. As I mentioned earlier, I am part German, part Native American, and part black. All I'm missing is Asian. So if Reese and I have babies, they will be cracker-nigger-redskin-chinks. Awesome! They'll be culturally permitted to insult everyone! Woohoo!

Sorry, they still won't be culturally permitted to insult kikes, spics or camel jockeys.

Jun 22 05 02:16 pm Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

[b]Posted by Ty Simone:

...My Father starts saying it AHEAD OF the movie.
this young black couple sitting in the row in front of us, looks back, sees my father and us, they get up and move to the front row!
We started cracking up. Missed about 5 minutes of the movie.

Funniest damn thing I have ever seen, and what is worse, my father had to be clued in as to why they left like that.


We expect Pizzeria's to be a front for the Mafia.

Jun 22 05 02:19 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by George Butler: 

[b]Posted by Ty Simone:

...My Father starts saying it AHEAD OF the movie.
this young black couple sitting in the row in front of us, looks back, sees my father and us, they get up and move to the front row!
We started cracking up. Missed about 5 minutes of the movie.

Funniest damn thing I have ever seen, and what is worse, my father had to be clued in as to why they left like that.


We expect Pizzeria's to be a front for the Mafia.

Is that similiar to STFU?
and yeah, we are all mob. I am getting a contract ready as we speak!

Jun 22 05 02:22 pm Link


George Butler

Posts: 327

Marietta, Georgia, US

Posted by Ty Simone: 

Posted by George Butler: 

[b]Posted by Ty Simone:

...My Father starts saying it AHEAD OF the movie.
this young black couple sitting in the row in front of us, looks back, sees my father and us, they get up and move to the front row!
We started cracking up. Missed about 5 minutes of the movie.

Funniest damn thing I have ever seen, and what is worse, my father had to be clued in as to why they left like that.


We expect Pizzeria's to be a front for the Mafia.

Is that similiar to STFU?
and yeah, we are all mob. I am getting a contract ready as we speak!

CTFU-Cracking the F@ck Up
Ty, you still on my dookie list for the Chic thing comment.

Jun 22 05 02:27 pm Link

Makeup Artist


Posts: 1136

Newport News, Virginia, US

Hmm... I am watching the forum posts and have come to the conclusion that I am kinda flattered that someone would want to "breed" with me...

Jun 22 05 02:41 pm Link


- null -

Posts: 4576

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
That would be great. As I mentioned earlier, I am part German, part Native American, and part black. All I'm missing is Asian. So if Reese and I have babies, they will be cracker-nigger-redskin-chinks. Awesome! They'll be culturally permitted to insult everyone! Woohoo!

Sorry, they still won't be culturally permitted to insult kikes, spics or camel jockeys.

CRAP! You're right.

Posted by Reese: 
Hmm... I am watching the forum posts and have come to the conclusion that I am kinda flattered that someone would want to "breed" with me...

No. No. No. Not just "someone" darling. But the one and only ... Eric Muss-Barnes.

(cue thunderous applause)

P.S. How did a 6-page thread get off-topic halfway down page 1? ...

Jun 22 05 03:28 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Posted by Reese: 
I'm Chinese Scottish... What does that make me? A Scotch Riceball?

I don't know, but a friend growing up was half italian half japanese.  when people wondered how to refer to his mix his answer was "woponese."

Jun 22 05 03:49 pm Link


John Van

Posts: 3122

Vienna, Wien, Austria

Posted by Reese: 
Wow? Really?  I honestly thought that they just stayed in their own country...  I wonder why they don't come to Virginia or Florida?  What's so special about DC???

I could never figure out what's special about DC either, but that's another matter. Anyway, there's a bunch of Ethiopian restaurants in Harlem, just north of Columbia University, as well. I've never heard of an Ethiopian community in NYC or elsewhere in the US, though.

While Ethiopian food is real good, it takes getting used to, since they serve different dishes on a large pancake. Then you get a plate of thin pancakes. You eat by picking up the food with those thin pancakes. So, it's almost like eating with your fingers. And that probably explains why there aren't too many Ethiopian restaurants in Virginia or Florida.

Sorry for veering way off topic...

Jun 22 05 03:51 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
P.S. How did a 6-page thread get off-topic halfway down page 1? ...

We are that talented.

I like "wopanese." I have a friend who's Irish and Italian and calls himself a gimmick.  His girlfriend is Venezuelan and Italian. She's a wetwop. Clearly, our humor is in poor taste.

Edit: there are Ethiopian restaurants in Richmond, VA. Well, maybe just the one.

Jun 22 05 03:59 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by theda: 

Posted by Eric Muss-Barnes: 
P.S. How did a 6-page thread get off-topic halfway down page 1? ...

We are that talented.

I like "wopanese." I have a friend who's Irish and Italian and calls himself a gimmick.  His girlfriend is Venezuelan and Italian. She's a wetwop. Clearly, our humor is in poor taste.

Edit: there are Ethiopian restaurants in Richmond, VA. Well, maybe just the one.

Let's remember that this whole food discussion began with Ty offering to take me for a drink and then upgrading by offering olive oil along with his olive branch so that we could move beyond stereotypes and sit down over Italian food and discuss how we probably have more in common than differences and how people like Chelsea and Theda, who don't get it, actually end up performing a service.

Jun 22 05 04:10 pm Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

Gosh darn it. I keep forgwetting that I'm the one that doesn't "get it." I keep thinking it's you who has deliberately ignored the point I'm making and drawn irroneous conclusions. I must extra special not get it.

Posted by Herb Way: 
Let's remember that this whole food discussion began with Ty offering to take me for a drink and then upgrading by offering olive oil along with his olive branch so that we could move beyond stereotypes and sit down over Italian food and discuss how we probably have more in common than differences and how people like Chelsea and Theda, who don't get it, actually end up performing a service.

Jun 22 05 04:27 pm Link


Peter Dattolo

Posts: 1669

Wolcott, Connecticut, US

Really good stuff. I say keep up the good work and leave them with thier mouths open, and smile. When you can make thier jaws drop then your doing good work. Some great stuff you have.

Jun 22 05 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 9122

OMG what's with the on topic post?

Jun 22 05 04:41 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

Maybe MM can actually have a special category for on-topic posts?   that way it won't confuse the rest of us....

Jun 22 05 04:49 pm Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by theda: 
Gosh darn it. I keep forgwetting that I'm the one that doesn't "get it." I keep thinking it's you who has deliberately ignored the point I'm making and drawn irroneous conclusions. I must extra special not get it.

Posted by Herb Way: 
Let's remember that this whole food discussion began with Ty offering to take me for a drink and then upgrading by offering olive oil along with his olive branch so that we could move beyond stereotypes and sit down over Italian food and discuss how we probably have more in common than differences and how people like Chelsea and Theda, who don't get it, actually end up performing a service.

Yes, you definitely extra special don't get it and the word is "erroneous" as in error as in you have it WRONG.  But that's OK, Ty and I will drink to your youthful arrogance and have a laugh on you.

Jun 22 05 05:24 pm Link


urban prospect

Posts: 216

New York, New York, US

Oh the world according to Miss Theda.
Damn I hope my tiny mind can take in her greatness.

I am sooooo in the abyss and clueless.... some one lead me to the light!

Jun 22 05 05:34 pm Link



Posts: 50

New York, New York, US

im a 33 yr old black man who might be spotted sometime during the summer wearing 'air force ones' and listening to rap music...
i have experienced some of the same exact things that EMG has...
i am not a whiner...
i am better than ignorance...
i am very glad that in this industry the images speak for the artist, because if i had a bunch of self portraits in my port (from a lack of shooting aspiring models), i might have a problem with all the women that would be after me looking to breed ( i have to say that was a joke?)...
this thread is beautiful. it shows the good, the bad, and the ugly.
EMG, i was gonna write in this thread when i first saw it, but i was leaving work and i got sidetracked. good luck with everything you are doing.


inhale - exhale

Jun 22 05 06:00 pm Link


Jeri Lynn Astra

Posts: 240

Pleasantville, New York, US

I saw an Ethiopian restaurant in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Jun 22 05 06:29 pm Link


urban prospect

Posts: 216

New York, New York, US

Posted by AstraDivaJ: 
I saw an Ethiopian restaurant in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 

And your point is???????? WTF???? Hell I need a drink  this is just like being at work.

Jun 22 05 10:23 pm Link



Posts: 358

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Posted by Herb Way: 

Posted by theda: 
Gosh darn it. I keep forgwetting that I'm the one that doesn't "get it." I keep thinking it's you who has deliberately ignored the point I'm making and drawn irroneous conclusions. I must extra special not get it.

Posted by Herb Way: 
Let's remember that this whole food discussion began with Ty offering to take me for a drink and then upgrading by offering olive oil along with his olive branch so that we could move beyond stereotypes and sit down over Italian food and discuss how we probably have more in common than differences and how people like Chelsea and Theda, who don't get it, actually end up performing a service.

Yes, you definitely extra special don't get it and the word is "erroneous" as in error as in you have it WRONG.  But that's OK, Ty and I will drink to your youthful arrogance and have a laugh on you.


Jun 22 05 11:49 pm Link



Posts: 9122

Posted by urban prospect: 

Posted by AstraDivaJ: 
I saw an Ethiopian restaurant in Ann Arbor, Michigan. 

And your point is???????? WTF???? Hell I need a drink  this is just like being at work.

Try reading the thread next time you post.

Jun 22 05 11:53 pm Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Reese, I would breed with you in a heartbeat, Just do not tell my wife!

Herb, the week of July 11th I am completely free. I know this awesome hole in the wall 5 star Italian Place that serves so much even I have trouble finishing it.

CTFU, I got to remember that. Sorry If I sounded harsh there, I have heard STFU so often in chat with gamers that I naturally assumed.....

Jun 23 05 06:56 am Link



Posts: 21719

New York, New York, US

One day, I'm gonna grow up to be an ethnic minority so I play "more opressed than thou."

Wait... I am an ethnic mintority... I want my game piece!

Jun 23 05 07:29 am Link


Ty Simone

Posts: 2885

Edison, New Jersey, US

Posted by theda: 
One day, I'm gonna grow up to be an ethnic minority so I play "more opressed than thou."

Wait... I am an ethnic mintority... I want my game piece!

Ok, You can be either the shoe, or the dog.
Everything else is taken!

Jun 23 05 08:20 am Link


Herb Way

Posts: 1506

Black Mountain, North Carolina, US

Posted by theda: 
One day, I'm gonna grow up to be an ethnic minority so I play "more opressed than thou."

Wait... I am an ethnic mintority... I want my game piece!

It's gotten old, Theda.  Give it a rest.  It would be very helpful, for starters, if you simply grew up.

Jun 23 05 04:05 pm Link