Forums > General Industry > Do Strippers Make Good Models ?


Miss KH

Posts: 27

Charlotte, North Carolina, US

Constance Ruiz wrote:
hmmm well i am not the best model in the world...i dont post alot of my work on here due to the more adult content of it, but i can say that ive been doing this for a while and when i show up i know how to pose, the photographers always love me, and ive gotten alot of great feedback.
i am a tour dancer....meaning i feature at alot of clubs....and i used to be a normal dancer.....until i was selected for feature acts...i also teach lapdancing to newbies...the club pays me for my time...and i give belly dancing classes and pole dancing classes.
i can honestly say that some of the more professional dancers that tour like i do, would make amazing models, and some already are...but alot of the regular dancers are money grubbing whores who for an extra 20 bucks will suck you off in the back room.
they often dont show up, are late and unreliable and usually have very poorly drawn on eyebrows.
seriously. some are amazing some are horrid. just make sure you choose carefully if you decide to work with one. they are not all the same.

Just because a girl isnt a feature dancer doesnt mean shes a money grubbing whore who sucks off random strangers for 20 bucks.  But unfortunately its those very girls who do, that give the rest of us a bad name.

Jul 27 08 06:25 am Link



Posts: 2324

Harold Rose wrote:

I made a reply elsewhere  to me  the dancers were club cancers.  The strippers were feature dancers that put on a show 2 to 3 times a night.  You would probably not have phtographed the Features,  but I had a contract to do so for the club owners..  I did also photograph the club dancers and we ran a flow of pictures behind the stage..  this is a whole different story.

see the dancers are the club dancer and feauters  where the pornstars that come on weekend once an month ..
we all went on stage and
some of us  did the lez show on weekends 2-3times a night

Jul 27 08 06:31 am Link



Posts: 2324

Karol Helms wrote:

Just because a girl isnt a feature dancer doesnt mean shes a money grubbing whore who sucks off random strangers for 20 bucks.  But unfortunately its those very girls who do, that give the rest of us a bad name.

lol i never heard of it for 20 bucks i heard of it for 100-200 or more extra ,,, but i wouldnt work in clubs like that its skanky and i dont wanna get in trouble cause their whores lol... anyhow , Any place i worked  we where toppless  or if we where naked we couldnt sit on the guys lap unless we where in bathsuit or something like it ,,and there were bouncers and cams everywhere a guy touched u  he got kicked out you touch a guy u got fired ,,even giving nummber if u got caught you got fined or fired ..

u seem like classy dancer tho ur beautiful too ...

Jul 27 08 06:34 am Link


afterdarc studios

Posts: 1196

San Diego, California, US

yes and they pay very well

Jul 27 08 06:52 am Link


Jeanette Thompson

Posts: 889

Germantown, Maryland, US

My sister used to be a stripper years ago. She worked in some of the biggest strip clubs in Houston. She refused to date her customers and would never have even thought to give a guy a blow job. I remember when she was giving a guy a table dance, she had her back to him and felt something splash her legs. When she turned around he had been jerking off and came on the back of her legs. She was so grossed out by that. I still remember her telling me about it. She was jumping up and down, waving her hands and going "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god".

She knew girls who gave blowjobs (and other things) for extra cash, but they seemed to be the exception rather than the rule. Most of them were girls like her, trying to make extra money for college. Some were just trying to feed their families.

Oh, and back then, a stripper wouldn't be caught dead wearing platform shoes. They all wore either the 5+ inche stilleto pumps or sandals. Heh. To this day, my sister still has trouble walking in anything shorter than a 4 inch heel. Her co-workers don't understand how she can run around all day in heels (she's in sales now, her stripper days are far behind her).

Jul 27 08 07:00 am Link



Posts: 2324

Jeanette Thompson wrote:
My sister used to be a stripper years ago. She worked in some of the biggest strip clubs in Houston. She refused to date her customers and would never have even thought to give a guy a blow job. I remember when she was giving a guy a table dance, she had her back to him and felt something splash her legs. When she turned around he had been jerking off and came on the back of her legs. She was so grossed out by that. I still remember her telling me about it. She was jumping up and down, waving her hands and going "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god".

She knew girls who gave blowjobs (and other things) for extra cash, but they seemed to be the exception rather than the rule. Most of them were girls like her, trying to make extra money for college. Some were just trying to feed their families.

Oh, and back then, a stripper wouldn't be caught dead wearing platform shoes. They all wore either the 5+ inche stilleto pumps or sandals. Heh. To this day, my sister still has trouble walking in anything shorter than a 4 inch heel. Her co-workers don't understand how she can run around all day in heels (she's in sales now, her stripper days are far behind her).

haha this guy un buttoned his pants said fuck me and ill pay you i kicked him in head i got fined 50 bucks for that and sent home for night lmao well worth it ,,, i love platforms so much more comfy ... i have sandals but they hurt to dance in sad

Jul 27 08 07:08 am Link


Nikon Shooter

Posts: 1

Livermore, California, US

Very Interesting, I support the girls, I have seen many of them ripped off and taken advantage of, as all is in all things there are good and bad.

May 07 10 12:37 am Link


killer pinups

Posts: 1163

Tacoma, Washington, US

Off Da Chain Magazine wrote:
Very Interesting, I support the girls, I have seen many of them ripped off and taken advantage of, as all is in all things there are good and bad.

How far did you have to dig to find a 2 year old thread to post in?


May 07 10 12:44 am Link



Posts: 58134

Gainesville, Florida, US

Constance Ruiz wrote:
hmmm well i am not the best model in the world...i dont post alot of my work on here due to the more adult content of it, but i can say that ive been doing this for a while and when i show up i know how to pose, the photographers always love me, and ive gotten alot of great feedback.
i am a tour dancer....meaning i feature at alot of clubs....and i used to be a normal dancer.....until i was selected for feature acts...i also teach lapdancing to newbies...the club pays me for my time...and i give belly dancing classes and pole dancing classes.
i can honestly say that some of the more professional dancers that tour like i do, would make amazing models, and some already are...but alot of the regular dancers are money grubbing whores who for an extra 20 bucks will suck you off in the back room.
they often dont show up, are late and unreliable and usually have very poorly drawn on eyebrows.

seriously. some are amazing some are horrid. just make sure you choose carefully if you decide to work with one. they are not all the same.



May 07 10 12:47 am Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

weird having ones 2 year old thread bumped for no apparant reason

weirder still seeing people here reply to people who wrote things 2 years ago 

BTW I never did find any strippers to shoot , never even looked for any really

May 07 10 12:49 am Link



Posts: 2322

Los Angeles, California, US

May 07 10 01:02 am Link


Plaza 1739

Posts: 244

West Hollywood, California, US

The good ones, absoutely.  Like any good dancer, they know what their bodies are doing.

May 07 10 07:45 am Link



Posts: 1129

Cody, Wyoming, US

2 of the best people for shoots are Strippers and GOGO's the good ones have great bodies and they know how to show the right lines.  They also play the role of the sexy  illusion that you could have this person if you ever really met them.  To often its hard to get any to shoot due to the fact that every jack ass with a camera goes into the clubs claiming to be great and the girls get burned in and they have a hard time wanting to shoot again.  I have been shooting girls in both the club and strip club scene for years and it takes a lot of trust for the girls to shoot with just anyone.

May 07 10 07:51 am Link


S Lawrence Photo 2

Posts: 783

York, South Carolina, US

Ron Casas Photography wrote:
You tell me...


Damn - I thought I have seen her somewhere before...

May 07 10 07:51 am Link


S Lawrence Photo 2

Posts: 783

York, South Carolina, US

Karol Helms wrote:
Just because a girl isnt a feature dancer doesnt mean shes a money grubbing whore who sucks off random strangers for 20 bucks.  But unfortunately its those very girls who do, that give the rest of us a bad name.

How right you are - it's just like the GWC's that are only doing this to see a naked girl give us Photographers a bad name....

May 07 10 07:53 am Link


Shot By Adam

Posts: 8098

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

I used to work in the industry and it's been my experience that as far as dancers as models are concerned, there are two different types of exotic dancer to be aware of.

The first is the sustenance stripper. These are the girls that party all month long and only work in the clubs to support their flippant and flaky lifestyle. Then, round about the 25th of the month, they NEED to come into work in the worst way and are "Miss Reliable" because the rent is due, the phone bill is due, and if they miss one more payment on the Electric bill, it's getting shut off in 7 days. These are the ones you have to watch out for because if you book a shoot with one, it's a crap shoot as to reliability.

Then you have the other dancers like Karol who are more stable, way more reliable, have their head on strait and treat their dancing like a business. Unfortunately, these are the rarer of the two types but in my experience, way, WAY more reliable than your average MM model wannabe. A great deal of my portfolio is from dancers, escorts, and adult entertainers here in Las Vegas. When they fit into category 2, they are an absolute pleasure to work with, even if the shoots are more conservative. It's just like dealing with any other type of model only they tend to think on a more professional level. That, and they are happy to pay well to get great results as many of them understand the value of a good photographer.

May 07 10 09:04 am Link


Two Pears Studio

Posts: 3632

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Garry k wrote:
Since starting  Photography approx 7 years ago Ive pretty well exclusively shot Fashion and Fashion MOdels ( in addition to music ) but as of recent Ive decided to branch out and do more nude work ...of course mainy fashion models have little interest in this genre ( in my experience ) so I am contemplating other sources ...

Good models? Well a good model makes a good model.

If she happens to be a stripper, an accountant, or a mom... it really has no bearing. I have had women from all sorts of careers pose for me. When there is good work being done, I forget what she said she does outside of my work and fully engage in the task in hand.

Some strippers may be open to different things as they are already involved in the sex industry, but don't make any assumptions. It is bad for you and it is really bad for the model.

My advice is hire the model because she fits the esthetic you want and is talented enough to express your concept to your satisfaction and forget all the rest...

May 08 10 12:42 pm Link


Photographer Elle

Posts: 2815

Marshfield, Wisconsin, US

Im super excited because a girl I went to high school with wants me to do some shots of her. She was a stripper for several years and has a lot of stripper friends (yay!).
She is beautiful and knows how to move her body and is very conscious of how she looks while she moves.
I cant wait to shoot some images of my own of her smile

May 08 10 12:48 pm Link



Posts: 10321

Bellingham, Washington, US

Karol Helms wrote:
hahaha thats funny Ron.  I didnt even pay attention to the rest of the replies when i wrote mine.  Then, i click send and look at the message above mine and see my link..!  Youre making me blush..

I am a quite impressed with your portfolio. But as to the OP, how can one tell if one is a stipper, dancer, school marm or 7th Day Advent Preacher unless they disclose it on their port?

I have shot strippers. I have never had occasion to think they would be late, show an attitude or in any way make me regret  choosing them as a model.

May 08 10 03:08 pm Link


Cherilyn Fontaine

Posts: 1093

Albany, New York, US

They already know how to model and play to the audience, the lens is just a more intimate short...YES!

May 08 10 03:58 pm Link


Brian Baybo

Posts: 1417

Saint Louis, Missouri, US

Some don't even make good strippers...

May 08 10 03:59 pm Link


J Jeffreys

Posts: 1367

Atlanta, Georgia, US

yes, they do.

May 08 10 03:59 pm Link



Posts: 548

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Mostly yes

May 08 10 04:02 pm Link


Patrick Walberg

Posts: 45321

San Juan Bautista, California, US

In my experience, yes!

Most anyone who can dance makes a good model for me.

Well ... at least one who can take clothes off!   wink

May 08 10 04:03 pm Link


Urban Stylz Photo

Posts: 2669

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

It depends on 2 factors also.

1- is it a TFP

2- Are they coming to you as a client.

This is important because as a glamour photographer I have come across many 'exotic dancers' who are very cheap (stingy $$) and believe they can get you to do a TFP with them just because of their looks and what they do.  If it benefits your folio fine do it as a TFP but they make good$ so you should value your time and work also.   keep in mind she may use your images to promote her business further so somewhere down the line she is profiting from your talent.

As to how GOOD they are in front of a lens is questionable, those who are every confident will perform well in front of a camera.  Those who aren't comfortable with themselves will not.  Remember not every dancer, does it for the same reason...some out of necessity...if they aren't comfortable on stage , chances are they wont be in front of a lens either...

May 08 10 04:07 pm Link


Chris Teel

Posts: 488

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Just don't let them pose in front of a mirror - all you'll get are cheesy, pouty lipped Zoolander, look at my biceps and hairy pits poses....  And that's just the guys!

May 08 10 04:11 pm Link


Imported Pixs

Posts: 114

Anchorage, Alaska, US

I would say yes!

May 08 10 04:15 pm Link


Mike Adams Photos

Posts: 1217

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Chalk another one up here, most of my models are "dancers".

Twitter - Follow me!

May 08 10 04:19 pm Link


Tracii Taylor

Posts: 2185

Bordentown, New Jersey, US

Karol Helms wrote:

Just because a girl isnt a feature dancer doesnt mean shes a money grubbing whore who sucks off random strangers for 20 bucks.  But unfortunately its those very girls who do, that give the rest of us a bad name.


May 08 10 04:20 pm Link


Cherilyn Fontaine

Posts: 1093

Albany, New York, US

Brian Baybo wrote:
Some don't even make good strippers...

LMFAO!!! So very true! big_smile

May 08 10 04:23 pm Link


Urban Stylz Photo

Posts: 2669

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Cherilyn Fontaine wrote:

LMFAO!!! So very true! big_smile


May 08 10 04:24 pm Link


Tracii Taylor

Posts: 2185

Bordentown, New Jersey, US

Thomas DelPorte wrote:

Garry k wrote:
Some strippers may be open to different things as they are already involved in the sex industry, but don't make any assumptions. It is bad for you and it is really bad for the model.

I never looked at is being involved in the sex industry.  Of course, when I was dancing the girls who had sex with customers did so OUT of the club and lap dancing was just coming into play.  I don't see acting sexy as sex or the sex industry.  I see pornography as the sex industry.

May 08 10 04:25 pm Link


Neil Peters Fotografie

Posts: 1058

Tucson, Arizona, US

omgosh, there's no such thing as a stripper ( genre )

do you think a baseball player would make a good used car salesman ...

for every woman
there is a type and style of woman
if you do not understand this....
buy a dog
you will need the company ....

the true definition of insanity .....
"I met two women who were exactly the same"

May 08 10 04:28 pm Link


TheCinCity Project

Posts: 7611

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Karol Helms wrote:

Just because a girl isnt a feature dancer doesnt mean shes a money grubbing whore who sucks off random strangers for 20 bucks.  But unfortunately its those very girls who do, that give the rest of us a bad name.

You know my attorney?
Wow..she gets around!

May 08 10 04:29 pm Link


FitzMulti - Las Vegas

Posts: 1476

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Do bowlers make good carpenters?
Do waiters make good golfers?
Do singers make good bakers?

Do you stereotype much?

p.s. note my avatar!

May 08 10 04:31 pm Link


Harold Rose

Posts: 2925

Calhoun, Georgia, US

Garry k wrote:
Since starting  Photography approx 7 years ago Ive pretty well exclusively shot Fashion and Fashion MOdels ( in addition to music ) but as of recent Ive decided to branch out and do more nude work ...of course mainy fashion models have little interest in this genre ( in my experience ) so I am contemplating other sources ...

Photography of the professional glamour models  has evolved,  over the years.  40's  very strongly posed, and the need for publicity photos was strong..  50's  began to get a little more creative.   Stripper took on popular themes.   

It grew and became  a lot more wild in the dance creations.  When porn became so popular,  a lot of actresses (strippers)  filled in between movies  and  dance engagements. 

Grows and grows,  Strippers are becoming a thing of the past.  Another surprise is that strippers usually do not do nudes!!!!

Some are so fixed with their poses that it is hard to change them..  But usually it works out..

    I used to have 60 plus strippers that would stop by the studio when in the area,  for updates.    Now maybe 2 in a year.

May 08 10 04:38 pm Link


Tracii Taylor

Posts: 2185

Bordentown, New Jersey, US

FitzMulti - Las Vegas wrote:
Do bowlers make good carpenters?
Do waiters make good golfers?
Do singers make good bakers?

Do you stereotype much?

p.s. note my avatar!

I have to disagree.  Dancers are sexy for a living so it would make sense they would make decent models.  There's being stereotypical and there's just plain making sense.

May 08 10 04:40 pm Link


Magic Image Photography

Posts: 3606

Temple City, California, US

I will take a stripper model with the Fuck me look any time rather than a model who only has one Dead Deer look.

May 08 10 04:44 pm Link


Merlyn Magic Photo

Posts: 4361

Long Beach, California, US

Garry k wrote:
weird having ones 2 year old thread bumped for no apparant reason

weirder still seeing people here reply to people who wrote things 2 years ago 

BTW I never did find any strippers to shoot , never even looked for any really

Congrats Garry, the award for the longest time between OP and last post goes to you...your prize is a dancer to go find her. tongue

May 08 10 05:34 pm Link


Two Pears Studio

Posts: 3632

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Tracii Taylor wrote:

Thomas DelPorte wrote:

Garry k wrote:
Some strippers may be open to different things as they are already involved in the sex industry, but don't make any assumptions. It is bad for you and it is really bad for the model.

I never looked at is being involved in the sex industry.  Of course, when I was dancing the girls who had sex with customers did so OUT of the club and lap dancing was just coming into play.  I don't see acting sexy as sex or the sex industry.  I see pornography as the sex industry.

I can understand your points... It is a matter of regulation and enforcement, not morality or judgment.

One of my dearest friends made a wonderful carrer for herself and retired very well through her dancing. I have no idea if she did or didnt have sex with people for money... Frankly I wouldnt care either way. I know she took pride in her dancing work and was very well paid... She became a little bit famous too. (HBO series)

maybe my point was... that stripper or not, how one performs as a model does not have much to do with her profession outside of modeling. Or at least that has been my experience.

May 08 10 06:46 pm Link