Forums > General Industry > Do Strippers Make Good Models ?


FitzMulti - Las Vegas

Posts: 1476

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Tracii Taylor wrote:

I have to disagree.  Dancers are sexy for a living so it would make sense they would make decent models.  There's being stereotypical and there's just plain making sense.

i totally see your point...but, still, you must admit, not ALL dancers/strippers are perfect models, or even using your example - not all are photogenic/sexy/etc.

i have shot thousands of dancers for magazines, websites, etc, literally, and the point of my post was - don't stereotype ANYTHING/ANYONE...
the girl in my avatar, by the way, is a girl who danced here in vegas...gorgeous, sexy, great model. so i wasn't saying dancers CAN'T be good models...again, i was pointing out that stereotyping ANYONE for ANYTHING is bad.

May 08 10 08:16 pm Link


Ethereal Pixels

Posts: 693

San Francisco, California, US

I probably have at least 5 in my present MM portfolio, all dancers at high-end strip clubs.  It is totally inappropriate to stereotype these women.  I've shot strippers that range from those who were probably challenged to graduate high school, all the way to those that I would categorize as brilliant and immensely talented artists.  I've found the same sort of range in their modeling ability.  Bottom line, they can't be stereotyped any more than any other female on this site, or more than some of the people who call themselves "photographers" on this site.  It's always better to evaluate people objectively and without stereotypes.

May 08 10 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 869

Sarasota, Florida, US

Ethereal Pixels  wrote:
I probably have at least 5 in my present MM portfolio, all dancers at high-end strip clubs.  It is totally inappropriate to stereotype these women.  I've shot strippers that range from those who were probably challenged to graduate high school, all the way to those that I would categorize as brilliant and immensely talented artists.  I've found the same sort of range in their modeling ability.  Bottom line, they can't be stereotyped any more than any other female on this site, or more than some of the people who call themselves "photographers" on this site.  It's always better to evaluate people objectively and without stereotypes.

Gotta agree here.

May 08 10 08:49 pm Link


OpenMind Photography

Posts: 609

Madison, Alabama, US

The hardest part about shooting strippers is actually getting them to show up for a shoot. If you can get them there, they work out great.

May 08 10 08:51 pm Link


Thomas Power

Posts: 68

Saint John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada

I have shot with 3 strippers.  One was great.  She was a little late, but, called to let me know she was on her way, but, going to be late, but, she was fantastic to work with.   The second one is one of my best friends and she is great.  Takes her work seriously and knows how to pose.  The third one, I would never work with again.  She showed up to the shoot almost an hour late, then took two hours to get ready.  I almost told her to go home, but, when she was ready we got some really nice shots, but, she was hard to work with and hard to please, hard to take direction.  So some are great, some are not, it depends on the person really like any model.

May 08 10 08:55 pm Link


Forty Photography

Posts: 212

Chicago, Illinois, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:

Sometimes the lighting in a strip club is dark for a reason. wink


May 08 10 09:58 pm Link


Alisyn Carliene

Posts: 11756

San Bernardino, California, US

i can tell you that they are very comfortable with themselves and their body.

May 08 10 10:00 pm Link


LongWindFPV Visuals

Posts: 7052

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

In case no one has already mentioned it, strippers are essentially dancers, and we all know dancers' legs are firm and toned.

May 08 10 10:02 pm Link


The Devils Diner

Posts: 30

Bay City, Michigan, US

In my recent personal experience I would say, set up ground rules and stick to them. 1.You may find some beautiful strippers that will pose nude for you for free, but I doubt it. And honestly, if you made your living undressing, would you suddenly decide to do that for free? And I respect that.          2.NEVER pay a stripper in advance of the shoot. If she bails you will seldom, no never, get your money back. (Sorry dancers, but it's happened to me twice.)      3. Until a model proves herself reliable, never plan any shoot too grand or with other models. I have had to apologize many times for someone elses behavior and still pay the other model that did show.  Remember, dancers are conditioned to be very nice to folks they meet in the club. That unfortunately, does not always hold up outside the club. And oddly enough, never assume a dancer that is nude most of their work day, wants photographic evidence of this laying around. Many of these dancers all have master plans that include denying this lifestyle as soon as they are able to do so. J.C./DD.

May 08 10 10:41 pm Link



Posts: 9726

Brooklyn, New York, US


May 08 10 10:42 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Thomas DelPorte wrote:
I never looked at is being involved in the sex industry.  Of course, when I was dancing the girls who had sex with customers did so OUT of the club and lap dancing was just coming into play.  I don't see acting sexy as sex or the sex industry.  I see pornography as the sex industry.

it was Thomas Delporte that made the statement "Some strippers may be open to ..... "

not I ,

May 08 10 10:53 pm Link


Lauren Klemm

Posts: 482

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Garry k wrote:
weird having ones 2 year old thread bumped for no apparant reason

weirder still seeing people here reply to people who wrote things 2 years ago 

BTW I never did find any strippers to shoot , never even looked for any really

What is with all these old threads being bumped?
There seems to be a plague of them...


May 08 10 11:07 pm Link


Two Pears Studio

Posts: 3632

Wilmington, Delaware, US

Garry k wrote:

it was Thomas Delporte that made the statement "Some strippers may be open to ..... "

not I ,

I did not write that... you have mis quoted me...I have never Danced lol

Tracii Taylor wrote that part...

May 09 10 07:07 am Link



Posts: 5146

Brooklyn, New York, US

no generally speaking they do not

(and i know people are saying dont stereotype them, but there are stereotypes, everyone falls into a stereotype of some sort one way or another..i.e asians generally make good students, people from the south gnerally listen to country music (instead of rap), its just like profiling, the 20 something yearold muslim guy buying a one way ticket at the last minute in cash back to iran is generally a terrorist)

the reason, aside from not showing up, is that they are 'generally' 1 dimensional

now it all depends what you want them for?

a 10 hour magazine editorial shoot? no way would i rely on a stripper to carry a editorial piece, however, if your doing a 1 hour shoot for T&A, then yeah, maybe some of them can do it

ditto for glamour models, its been my experience on MM the last 5 years, that most MM glamour models are not really that good for anything other than T&A, they are also 1 dimensional, they are too self conscienous about their bodies and how they are looking on film, and end up "generally" not being able to give me the looks i need

now i must praise the fashion model and print models, bc they can do glamour along with fashion, they can work a 10-12 hour day, and still look great at the 11th hour, they can give you a range of facial looks and expressions, they can do runway, they can do live interviews and improvise...again "generally speaking"

May 09 10 07:35 am Link



Posts: 366

Atlanta, Georgia, US

As a photographer that's in the Atlanta, I would say that stripper probably has a better chance of being successful than a typical model.  they are usually better looking, more fit and flexible, have a demonstrated work ethic and know how to actually show up for a gig and perform.

Let's not get it twisted, stripper take clothes off and perform in front of a live audience.  The only fundamental difference between a stripper and a model is that there is no camera.

May 09 10 09:44 am Link



Posts: 13053

Atlanta, Georgia, US

Karol Helms wrote:
Im a 'stripper' and i also model.  I have never been a no call no show, or show up an hour late for any shoot!  I guess it all depends on the individual.  Ive met other models who were dancers who were fabulous models.  But inn my experience, most dancers are flaky and unreliable and ALWAYS late.  Just my two cents smile

This is why I think they can be a great choice, many are very mature and professional and are not afraid of "showing" something to the photographer.  Many are actual dancers and can create some amazing shots, but they do look at you odd if you don't have them undress; my only issue. 

If I am doing a shot to be creative or for my portfolio I don't normally include any nudity, if its for a customer then I shoot whatever they want/need.

P.S. I should have gone to more clubs when I live in your town...

May 09 10 06:47 pm Link



Posts: 247

New York, New York, US

If you think I'm a good model, then yes.
If you think not, then no.
But every woman is different and will be good at different things at different times in their lives.

I will say, that I strongly feel that I am better off, both in my modeling career and in life generally, for having lived that kind of existence...


May 09 10 07:04 pm Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

reebound wrote:
If you think I'm a good model, then yes.
If you think not, then no.
But every woman is different and will be good at different things at different times in their lives.

I will say, that I strongly feel that I am better off, both in my modeling career and in life generally, for having lived that kind of existence...


I think Ms Ree Ja's port should end the discussion
Answer:Yes Strippers can make excellent models

May 09 10 07:10 pm Link


Silver Gypsy

Posts: 136

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US

D a r y l wrote:

I don't think you can paint any segment with a broad brush. I have photographed some secretaries who were great models and some who weren't. The same with waitresses and sales people.

But one thing I can say for certain is that Karol is AWESOME!

Wow.  I just looked at her port.  Awesome doesn't begin to cover it.   And to
answer the OP, I've shot good ones and not so good ones.  It's not possible
to say they tend to be good or bad.  The choices you make on who to shoot
seem to make a ton of difference no matter what they do for a living.

May 09 10 07:29 pm Link


GCobb Photography

Posts: 15898

Southaven, Mississippi, US

Oh my eyes... geez.

If someone is so narrow as to stereotype someone who dances, come out of your shell.

And I probably said this 2 years ago even.

May 09 10 07:38 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

3 Bees Digital wrote:
Wow.  I just looked at her port.  Awesome doesn't begin to cover it.   .

I am not clear what the point of throwing that photo into the thread is ,,,,if the photographer or the model would like a critique of the photo ,there is another forum for such

and I certainly would offer my views on the photoshopping if asked

May 09 10 10:21 pm Link



Posts: 8109

Florence, Toscana, Italy

Do Strippers Make Good Models ?

I don't think there is an automatic correlation.
Yes they have confidence on their body (and i think this is good), but became a good models require many different things. If up at the strippers have the will to work hard to became a good models despite, probably, is more easy for them start doing glamour and nude shoot.

May 10 10 12:38 am Link



Posts: 8736

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Some do, but many don't. One of the biggest problems in trying to work with some strippers, is that they have $25 a dance mentality. When they bring that to a shoot, it usually becomes a train wreck pretty quickly.

This Q is like most involving people - there is no set answer.

May 10 10 12:46 am Link


Patrick Conlon

Posts: 418

Methuen, Massachusetts, US

MS Karol you have mad skills on the pole for sure that was great to watch. The peopke at the clubs you work at would have to be dead not to see how great you are at that thanks for the link to it

May 10 10 02:48 am Link



Posts: 46

West Hills, California, US

Feral Oneiric wrote:
Usually, yes.
Sometimes, trainwreck.

I agree! I agree....however some of my BEST shots are with strippers!...I've just had good luck I guess.

May 10 10 02:51 am Link

May 10 10 04:10 am Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

Lauren Klemm wrote:
What is with all these old threads being bumped?
There seems to be a plague of them...


I know, right?

Dec 13 14 10:13 am Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

But those of you who are working with them - are you actually asking them at the club? How does that work?

Dec 13 14 10:14 am Link


Brooklyn Bridge Images

Posts: 13200

Brooklyn, New York, US

NothingIsRealButTheGirl wrote:

I know, right?

Dec 13 14 10:19 am Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

Brooklyn Bridge Images wrote:


except I asked an actual question.

Dec 13 14 10:27 am Link


Jerry Nemeth

Posts: 33355

Dearborn, Michigan, US

Christopher Hartman wrote:

Sometimes the lighting in a strip club is dark for a reason. wink

I agree!   big_smile

Dec 13 14 11:09 am Link


Art Nudes

Posts: 94

Aberdeen, Scotland, United Kingdom

Have a look at "Georgia" in my gallery. She's a stripper - you tell me if she's a good model or not. The general concensus so far is that she's pretty hot.

Dec 13 14 07:16 pm Link



Posts: 2477

Syracuse, New York, US

NothingIsRealButTheGirl wrote:
But those of you who are working with them - are you actually asking them at the club? How does that work?

Paging Doc Brown, we need the Delorean to go back to 2010 to ask how it's working out for them...   ninja

Dec 13 14 08:11 pm Link


NC Art Photos

Posts: 592

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Garry k wrote:
Since starting  Photography approx 7 years ago Ive pretty well exclusively shot Fashion and Fashion MOdels ( in addition to music ) but as of recent Ive decided to branch out and do more nude work ...of course mainy fashion models have little interest in this genre ( in my experience ) so I am contemplating other sources ...

No.  Not very dependable - even if you are paying them.

Dec 13 14 08:22 pm Link


Renato Alberto

Posts: 1052

San Francisco, California, US

Garry k wrote:

I prefer models with the " fuck you " ( bitchy ) look on their faces ( personally )

Well, there a only 3 looks a model needs to know:
- Fuck you look (Fashion)
- Fuck me look (Glamour)
- This ain't free look (Erotic)


Dec 13 14 08:32 pm Link



Posts: 35726

Los Angeles, California, US

JQuest wrote:

Paging Doc Brown, we need the Delorean to go back to 2010 to ask how it's working out for them...   ninja

I'm pretty sure there are still strip clubs even in our enlightened age.

Dec 13 14 09:15 pm Link



Posts: 3748

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

Umm I'm sure some could be good nude/glamour models
But just to point something out
There are no real "fashion images " I'm your port
Mostly what I see is glamour

Dec 13 14 09:26 pm Link



Posts: 1746

Bangor, Maine, US

way back in Jul 26 2008 at 12:52 pm , when this post was first made.
I was, in a different country, doing bad things, to bad people.

BUT had I been asked, back then, I'd have said ;
"All the strippers I know, would make wonderful models.
But there are Some strippers I have seen, that would not."

Dec 13 14 09:30 pm Link


Virtual Studio

Posts: 6725

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Art Nudes wrote:
Have a look at "Georgia" in my gallery. She's a stripper - you tell me if she's a good model or not. The general concensus so far is that she's pretty hot.

do they still do 3 weeks on followed by 3 weeks off on the Rigs?

Dec 13 14 10:01 pm Link


Nico Simon Princely

Posts: 1972

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

It depends on the Stripper. Some do a lot of modeling and are good, some don't and are not. The problem is most are flaky as hell.

The don't make good clients either as they are flaky as hell and always broke somehow even when making $300-$2000 a night!

So make sure that you get a deposit of 50% upfront that is non-refundable if you ever have one as a client because they might not show up because did I mention, they are flaky as hell!

The good news is if they pay you and they don't show you just made 50% for not working.

* I'm speaking from personal experience not only as a photographer but also because I have dated way too many strippers and watched them flake on other people and lose deposits to other photographers.

Dec 13 14 10:21 pm Link