Forums > Model Colloquy > Professionalism


Digital Czar

Posts: 946

Oak Park, Illinois, US

Models, no matter if beginner or a true pearl, want work. In some cases they want to trade for images for their book. Same can be said for photographers.

However it's particularly galling that people sign up to be a model here, and we know it's in the hundreds of thousands, then don't even have the barest scrap of professionalism to leave  a good image of themselves by answering emails directed to them.

Oh well...goes with the territory I suppose.

Jul 06 13 11:08 pm Link


Garry k

Posts: 30131

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Digital Czar wrote:
Models, no matter if beginner or a true pearl, want work. In some cases they want to trade for images for their book. Same can be said for photographers.

However it's particularly galling that people sign up to be a model here, and we know it's in the hundreds of thousands, then don't even have the barest scrap of professionalism to leave  a good image of themselves by answering emails directed to them.

Oh well...goes with the territory I suppose.

no response often is a response

Jul 06 13 11:13 pm Link


Michael McGowan

Posts: 3829

Tucson, Arizona, US

I had to help a model friend keep up with her mail here when she was incapacitated. She wanted to make sure people knew she would get back with them when she could, but she didn't know when. (Yeah, people don't read profiles, either.)

Anyway, I was aghast at some of the insanity that passed for communication on MM. With the amount of mail and the "quality" of it, I'm surprised some models answer anything.

Want to get their attention? Put "Paid gig" in the subject line. Otherwise, you're likely to be lumped into all the other spam some of these models get.

Jul 06 13 11:14 pm Link


Paige Morgan

Posts: 4060

New York, New York, US

I do answer everyone.....and you'd be quite surprised how often a polite "no thank you" will lead to someone calling me every name they can think of and generally hopping on their Huffy Bike.

I can understand why many people don't answer every message they get.

Casting wise? I only want to hear back if I booked the job. Polite as answering everyone may be, I don't need to sort through another piece of mail or a phone call just to hear someone else got the gig.

Jul 06 13 11:20 pm Link


DLH Photo

Posts: 344

Seattle, Washington, US

Michael McGowan wrote:
I had to help a model friend keep up with her mail here when she was incapacitated. She wanted to make sure people knew she would get back with them when she could, but she didn't know when. (Yeah, people don't read profiles, either.)

Anyway, I was aghast at some of the insanity that passed for communication on MM. With the amount of mail and the "quality" of it, I'm surprised some models answer anything.

Want to get their attention? Put "Paid gig" in the subject line. Otherwise, you're likely to be lumped into all the other spam some of these models get.

Thanks for your insight. I often put "Availability and rates?" in the subject. Maybe if I put "Paid Gig" I might get more responses.

Jul 06 13 11:22 pm Link


Digital Czar

Posts: 946

Oak Park, Illinois, US

Garry k wrote:

no response often is a response

Yes, but still not professional if you want to be one. Even the Pro's I know, know how to refuse something gracefully, which is part of being a Pro.

Jul 06 13 11:23 pm Link


Digital Czar

Posts: 946

Oak Park, Illinois, US

Paige Morgan wrote:
I do answer everyone.....and you'd be quite surprised how often a polite "no thank you" will lead to someone calling me every name they can think of and generally hopping on their Huffy Bike.

I can understand why many people don't answer every message they get.

Casting wise? I only want to hear back if I booked the job. Polite as answering everyone may be, I don't need to sort through another piece of mail or a phone call just to hear someone else got the gig.

When folks are asked a direct question, that is if they'd like to participate in doing a job...and here they get notified by email that they have a message, there really is no excuse.

Jul 06 13 11:24 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

i don't think the model mayhem rules say anything about being obligated to respond to inquiries. so they aren't breaking any rules so far as i know.

also, as one model pointed out it's immature photographers who get butthurt by a rejection that are causing them to not want to respond. if photographers want to get responses they should clean up their own act first.

for my part i'm fine with no response. that only bothered me for the first week i was here and then i got over it. i spend my time on the ones who want to shoot with me not the ones who don't.

Jul 06 13 11:26 pm Link


Paige Morgan

Posts: 4060

New York, New York, US

ontherocks wrote:
i don't think the model mayhem rules say anything about being obligated to respond to inquiries. so they aren't breaking any rules so far as i know.

also, as one model pointed out it's immature photographers who get butthurt by a rejection that are causing them to not want to respond. if photographers want to get responses they should clean up their own act first.

for my part i'm fine with no response. that only bothered me for the first week i was here and then i got over it. i spend my time on the ones who want to shoot with me not the ones who don't.

I'm super polite and respond to everyone, and am generally thick skinned....and the small population of butthurt still occasionally manages to be bitter and nasty enough to annoy me from time to time.

For a more sensitive or less patient sort, I can see why they'd prefer to take the silence/no potential conflict road.

Jul 06 13 11:31 pm Link



Posts: 14689

Los Angeles, California, US

Digital Czar wrote:

When folks are asked a direct question, that is if they'd like to participate in doing a job...and here they get notified by email that they have a message, there really is no excuse.

Yeah, I try to respond to all messages, but there's a few things... I'm a professional model. This is my livelihood. Sometimes that means I'm booked 5 days straight. I'm not always able to respond on MM because I'm off doing professional agency work, so taking my time to respond to shoots I'm not interested in often gets left for later.

Also, as Paige said, sometimes I respond with a no thank you, and get mass messages back about how I'm ugly, look like a man, not a "real" model, fat, anorexic, etc, etc.... Honestly, sometimes I'm just not up for that.

Anywho, ranting in the model forum isn't going to help you. Sorry.

Jul 06 13 11:31 pm Link


k e hayhurst images

Posts: 29

Delaware, Ohio, US

Garry k wrote:

no response often is a response

Jul 07 13 07:27 am Link


k e hayhurst images

Posts: 29

Delaware, Ohio, US

kehayhurst images wrote:

The worst quote on this site.

A bologna sandwich isn't a bologna sandwich.

Jul 07 13 07:29 am Link


GER Photography

Posts: 8463

Imperial, California, US

It's the Internet, it's full of Freaks, Geeks and Socially Unacceptables. Some of them send messages that would get them beaten to a pulp in person, said messages deserve no response.

Jul 07 13 07:41 am Link


Murphy Photography

Posts: 227

Bangor, Maine, US

Before photography, when I was out hunting for jobs, I would hand out dozens of resumes and applications to businesses each week. The only time I heard anything back from them was when they wanted to interview me for the job. No job. Some businesses get so many applicants for a job, that there's no way you can contact each and every one to say "Sorry, but you didn't get the job." Same could be said for some models. To many offers and spam to be able to reply to everything.

Jul 07 13 07:50 am Link


Ars Gratia Artis 908

Posts: 80

Wooster, Ohio, US

If I knew a model wasn't going to respond to my offer of a paid shoot, then I wouldn't waste my time.

"No response is a response" is pretty lame. If you think my work is great say so, if you think it sucks, say so. I don't care, just have an opinion.

What MM needs to do is have a category of a "response rate" - the % of messages this model or photographer responds to.

Save people a lot of time and effort and direct more work towards those who want to work. People who don't respond? Fine. No one will contact you so you will have more free time.

I have a 100% response rate, why? Because I want to work and that is why I'm here. I have a lot to learn and you can only learn so much from a book. New studio, new lights, new backdrops, cash - No models.

Jul 07 13 08:06 am Link


Elizabeta Rosandic

Posts: 953

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

There's already been a thread made about why a model may not respond to a message, but here's my personal list of reasons:

-Form letters. If it's obvious that you copy&paste the same message and send it to a gazillion models then I'm less likely to respond. It comes off as very arrogant and kind of scam-ish.

-When someone very obviously did not take the time to read my profile. It really isn't that hard. If a photographer can't be bothered to read it then he/she really isn't the kind of person  I'd like to work with.

-One-liners. I.e. "we should shoot". Nothing else. No details. Nope.

-Starting a message with "Hey beautiful". I have a name. Be a professional and use it, please and thank you.

-Messaging me for my rates, limits, availability, etc., then not responding for a month, forgetting about our conversation, and sending me the same message as though we've never spoken later on.

Jul 07 13 08:38 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

some photographers seem to have egos that exceed their talents and don't take kindly to rejection. it's almost as if they got turned down for something other than photography. oh wait, mayhem isn't a dating site.

i got rejected off a cold call when i first got here and i must admit i felt disappointed but i didn't flame the poor girl.

but i've been singed by a traveling model when i inquired about the possibility of a trade shoot (didn't have money to pay her). so it can work both ways.

Paige Morgan wrote:
I'm super polite and respond to everyone, and am generally thick skinned....and the small population of butthurt still occasionally manages to be bitter and nasty enough to annoy me from time to time.

Jul 07 13 08:50 am Link


Looknsee Photography

Posts: 26342

Portland, Oregon, US

Digital Czar wrote:
Models, no matter if beginner or a true pearl, want work. In some cases they want to trade for images for their book. Same can be said for photographers.

However it's particularly galling that people sign up to be a model here, and we know it's in the hundreds of thousands, then don't even have the barest scrap of professionalism to leave  a good image of themselves by answering emails directed to them.

Oh well...goes with the territory I suppose.

1)  Yes, adjust your expectations.

2)  No one is obligated to respond to every e-mail they get.

3)  No response is all the answer you need.

Jul 07 13 08:52 am Link


Elizabeta Rosandic

Posts: 953

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

OP- I just reread your post and it looks like you're implying that you only contact models for trade. Is that the case?

Assuming that this is the case, I also looked through your portfolio and noticed that you don't have any MM models credited and it seems your photos were all taken many years ago.

Have you considered paying a model or two to update your portfolio *before* asking for trade?

Jul 07 13 09:10 am Link



Posts: 371

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Such is the nature of the beast called: Web Models ... (c;

Jul 07 13 09:17 am Link


Brick Wilson

Posts: 373

Palatine, Illinois, US

I understand if you send someone a message, no response is a tacit denial. But what if they're contacting you? I put up a casting call last week and got a half-dozen responses. 3 of them went like this:

Model: Hi! I like your project and want to shoot with you!
Me: OK, when are you available?
Model: [no response, disappears forever]

Jul 07 13 09:22 am Link


Fotografica Gregor

Posts: 4126

Alexandria, Virginia, US

You are making the assumption that not returning contacts which are not of interest to the model is unprofessional -

professionalism is above all things about time and cost management -

if you spent much time on the other side of the equation you would see that answering when a model is not interested saves them boatloads of time and especially drama and its associated costs.   

Rejected photographers squeal and moan and make utter asses of themselves quite often - when they are not outright derogatory or threatening...

and it saves us *all* time and effort just to move on when you don't hear back -

on the rare occasion that I run across a model of interest and send her a contact - *with all pertinent information so she can make an intelligent decision* -  I've forgotten I wrote her within five minutes - or less.  And it does not really matter to me whether she gets back to me or not.  I have plenty of models to shoot with....

Jul 07 13 09:24 am Link


Fotografica Gregor

Posts: 4126

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Brick Wilson wrote:
I understand if you send someone a message, no response is a tacit denial. But what if they're contacting you? I put up a casting call last week and got a half-dozen responses. 3 of them went like this:

Model: Hi! I like your project and want to shoot with you!
Me: OK, when are you available?
Model: [no response, disappears forever]

It was an impulse - or the model is not very organized.

By her non-response she has given you the information you need to know that pursuing working with her would be a waste of your time.  That's a win....

Jul 07 13 09:25 am Link



Posts: 5236

Dearborn, Michigan, US

I am with the crowd that follows the idea that "no response is a response." However, I think no response, while it probably almost always means "not interested," may be for a variety of reasons. Such as:
- the model is just too busy to respond to messages right now, it may take them a while to find some down time to get to them
- the model may get a lot of messages and/or only respond to those that interest them or that they think they can arrange something with.
- the model may have moved on and is no longer modeling or is on an extended hiatus.

While I can understand the frustration, I think your energy would be far better spent chatting with those who do want to shoot with you and who are returning your messages ^_^

Jul 07 13 09:28 am Link



Posts: 254

Nashville, Tennessee, US

I am constantly amazed by how many models don't know about the turn on/off email notifications in the settings of their profile.  Many models I contact reply months later with " I'm never on this site and just now got your email" and didn't even know about the notification feature.  Maybe it could be set to send email notifications as the default setting on new profiles?

Jul 07 13 09:30 am Link



Posts: 517

Orlando, Florida, US

Digital Czar wrote:
Models, no matter if beginner or a true pearl, want work. In some cases they want to trade for images for their book. Same can be said for photographers.

However it's particularly galling that people sign up to be a model here, and we know it's in the hundreds of thousands, then don't even have the barest scrap of professionalism to leave  a good image of themselves by answering emails directed to them.

Oh well...goes with the territory I suppose.

Lately, I have found about 20%-25% of the ports were created by bored kids (maybe schools are out and they decide to amuse themselves, think MTV's "Catfish"), another 5-10% of ports were created by men who has no life (thus by creating a "fake" pretty profile they got the attention they are craving) and about 50% are girls who created a port just to show their boyfriends/BFF they are a "model" but has no intention to attend any shoots. So that left about less than 10% of models who want to work and you have to do a lot of work to weed out the "losers".
I paid all my models with cash and some models are making a good living out of modeling. I know a few traveling models they are making upwards of US$60 K and some semi-famous make upwards of US$80K with magazines publications and their own websites. That's a good chunk of change consider there are 15 million of people still out of work today in the United States.

Jul 07 13 09:32 am Link



Posts: 842

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Digital Czar wrote:

Yes, but still not professional if you want to be one. Even the Pro's I know, know how to refuse something gracefully, which is part of being a Pro.

Totally agree. I've had a photographer answer my friend request, but not my message requesting to work with him.

Jul 07 13 09:40 am Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

i think you've hit the nail on the head. the guys who get butthurt are desperate and/or fixated on a particular model (which probably means they're crushing on her). whereas really it's a numbers game on here, at least for many of us. and it's supposed to be about photography, not dating. the OP should cast his net wide and see what swims in.

Fotografica Gregor wrote:
And it does not really matter to me whether she gets back to me or not.  I have plenty of models to shoot with....

Jul 07 13 11:57 am Link


Drew Smith Photography

Posts: 5214

Nottingham, England, United Kingdom

OP - other people's professionalism or lack thereof should not affect your professionalism.

If you take a look around at the successful (for any given value of 'successful') models and photographers on this site then you will notice that that the overwhelming majority of them have very similar characteristics and they don't start 'rant' threads in the forums.

There's a reason for that.

Jul 07 13 12:17 pm Link


Paige Morgan

Posts: 4060

New York, New York, US

Drew Smith Photography wrote:
OP - other people's professionalism or lack thereof should not affect your professionalism.

If you take a look around at the successful (for any given value of 'successful') models and photographers on this site then you will notice that that the overwhelming majority of them have very similar characteristics and they don't start 'rant' threads in the forums.

There's a reason for that.

Have I told you lately...that I

Jul 07 13 12:21 pm Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

When this happens I pretend that MM has a highly advanced AI routine that blocks flakey casual wannabes from responding to my messages.

I consider it a blessing, not a curse.

Jul 07 13 12:26 pm Link


Light and Lens Studio

Posts: 3450

Sisters, Oregon, US

ontherocks wrote:
i think you've hit the nail on the head. the guys who get butthurt are desperate and/or fixated on a particular model (which probably means they're crushing on her). whereas really it's a numbers game on here, at least for many of us. and it's supposed to be about photography, not dating. the OP should cast his net wide and see what swims in.

Oh, how I would really like to respond to this.  But, the last time I said what was really on my mind here, I got 'brigged' for a couple of days. 

So, I'll just say "Have a lovely day" big_smile

Jul 07 13 12:29 pm Link


Fotografica Gregor

Posts: 4126

Alexandria, Virginia, US

ontherocks wrote:
i think you've hit the nail on the head. the guys who get butthurt are desperate and/or fixated on a particular model (which probably means they're crushing on her). whereas really it's a numbers game on here, at least for many of us. and it's supposed to be about photography, not dating. the OP should cast his net wide and see what swims in.

All of the ranting here about models not giving photographers a satisfying amount of attention does smack of a bit of desperation.... 

If a photographer's message to a model carries with it a tinge of this I can certainly understand the silence

And I would only offer the observation that if you have something models really want,  you will not lack for responses.   I'm just a middlin' photographer with the occasional publication - not a rock star by far - and I'm booked 6 weeks out constantly....  and most of the time my bookings are initiated by models....

Jul 07 13 12:30 pm Link


Amber Dawn - Indiana

Posts: 6255

Salem, Indiana, US

841 post and you didn't know this topic has been discussed probably hundreds of times? I guess everyone feels they need to make their own post to gripe about it.


Jul 07 13 12:42 pm Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Garry k wrote:

no response often is a response

It's true that not voting is a vote, but I don't think the same holds true for model. If a model or a photographer makes a serious offer in good faith than I think it is good manner and yes professional of them to respond one way or another to that offer.

Something as simple as " I'm sorry but I am not interested in working with you at this time". That is all it really takes.

True I come from a time when people answered the phone on the first ring , acted professionally, I know that the current generation does not want to be bothered with common courtesy .  So I guess it's not so common after all

Jul 07 13 02:48 pm Link


Risen Phoenix Photo

Posts: 3779

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US


Totally agree. I've had a photographer answer my friend request, but not my message requesting to work with him.

I agree and move on. I shoot 4 shoots a week for the last 2 years so I really could care less other than it IS BAD MANNERS.

I just go further and block a model who doesn't respond...not to be mean ... It's so I won't bother them again if I am looking for a model for a certain project.

Jul 07 13 02:54 pm Link



Posts: 1781

Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada

ontherocks wrote:
i don't think the model mayhem rules say anything about being obligated to respond to inquiries. so they aren't breaking any rules so far as i know.

also, as one model pointed out it's immature photographers who get butthurt by a rejection that are causing them to not want to respond. if photographers want to get responses they should clean up their own act first.

for my part i'm fine with no response. that only bothered me for the first week i was here and then i got over it. i spend my time on the ones who want to shoot with me not the ones who don't.

It's all about marketing yourself. By not responding, you are burning bridges with photographers. A simple answer takes but a few seconds and will leave a good impression.

That photographer who was not top shelf yesterday might put so much efforts in his trades that you will bite your lips when, in 6 months, he does not invite you to shoots due to a bad first impression you left him.

Yes, build yourself a thick hide and block all those morons who cannot take a no for an answer... in fact, you are making yourself a favor by responding to everyone. Then, you know by their responses who you definitely don't want to work with in the future.

Jul 07 13 03:03 pm Link


Fotografica Gregor

Posts: 4126

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Eralar wrote:
It's all about marketing yourself. By not responding, you are burning bridges with photographers. A simple answer takes but a few seconds and will leave a good impression.

That photographer who was not top shelf yesterday might put so much efforts in his trades that you will bite your lips when, in 6 months, he does not invite you to shoots due to a bad first impression you left him.

Yes, build yourself a thick hide and block all those morons who cannot take a no for an answer... in fact, you are making yourself a favor by responding to everyone. Then, you know by their responses who you definitely don't want to work with in the future.

I don't think that most llamas who do not answer photographer contacts in which they have no interest need to worry -  quite a few of the very top llamas take the same approach -

ultimately there is more demand here for llamas than there is for any specific photographers - by orders of magnitude....   no individual llama is going to suffer some sort of business consequence for ignoring you or I

I've had it happen that llamas have not returned my contact for whatever reason and then later on "discovered" that they would like to work with me.  I have never held it against them - it's not personal....    I have had fun on occasion bringing up the fact to llamas who have since become regulars or friend that they once "snubbed" me though - usually i wait for some sort of vulnerable moment smile

Also - I think it rather interesting that you almost never see a llama post ranting about photographers who don't return contacts....  but you see photographers whining about this every couple of days....

If I were a llama i would be putting all of the whiners on my "do not shoot with" list...  just as I do with llamas who whine about photographers for one reason or another -   life's too short and this ain't dating - no reason to take any of it personally.....

Jul 07 13 04:01 pm Link


Elizabeta Rosandic

Posts: 953

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

Eralar wrote:
It's all about marketing yourself. By not responding, you are burning bridges with photographers. A simple answer takes but a few seconds and will leave a good impression.

That goes both ways.

The OP doesn't have any models credited in his port and most of his photos are from many years ago. From the looks of his post, he's contacting models for trade. IMO, it's no wonder that he's not getting many responses.

Jul 07 13 04:04 pm Link



Posts: 1528

Tacoma, Washington, US

Elizabeta Rosandic wrote:
-When someone very obviously did not take the time to read my profile. It really isn't that hard. If a photographer can't be bothered to read it then he/she really isn't the kind of person  I'd like to work with.

-One-liners. I.e. "we should shoot". Nothing else. No details. Nope.

-Starting a message with "Hey beautiful". I have a name. Be a professional and use it, please and thank you.


Also, I've sent messages that never got replies, it isn't a big deal and you just move on. Models aren't the only ones who don't respond sometimes, complaining about it here isn't going to help you.

Jul 07 13 04:05 pm Link