This thread was locked on 2008-08-27 13:24:21
Forums > Critique > The Dark Critique Parlor


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

I have a LOT of new stuff, I'd love to hear some thoughts  smile

Aug 14 08 03:52 pm Link


Farrell G Photography

Posts: 10

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

OK, whats the damage?

Aug 14 08 04:01 pm Link


Heather LeStabbityDeath

Posts: 22617

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Fotographia Fantastique wrote:

Heather LeStabbityDeath wrote:
Has mine changed enough to be critiqued again?

It sure has! It was the pre-LeStabbity days last time you were critiqued here.

He doesn't work here anymore. The place is under new management.

Heather LeStabbityDeath

Photo 1: It's O.K., but you kind of get lost up there in all that scenery.

Photo 2: Much better. Bringing you to this side of the rails really gives this shot some bang.

Photo 3: A good portrait. The pose isn't the usual and adds (dare I say it...?) punch.

Photo 4: Beautiful photo, although, if judging by the caption, the goal was to show off your ink, it's only moderately successful in that regard.

Photo 5: Uh-oh, you know how I (and SPRINGHEEL before me) feel about Dutch angles. Seriously, I like the use of lighting and all that fabric, but it just seems like there should have been a better shot from this shoot.

Photo 6: O.K., the angle is a little more excusable here since there is no background. This isn't among your best, but it's playful, and that's a good thing.

Photo 7: Another cool portrait here. This one really showcases some fine work by the MUA.

Photo 8: Same comments as #7, but the addition of color and your awesome expression make this the better shot.

Photo 9: This has to be one of the only self-tongue-piercing shots on the entire planet, and for that alone it needs to be kept.

Photo 10: O.K., technically not in genre, and another Dutch angle shot, but...
OMG, you have an amazing body!!! Forgive me, but you have to keep this one. If nothing else it at the very least proves that even though you are a serious hard rockin', tattooed alternachick, you could do glamor nude with the best of them.

Photo 11: Spade's birthday present. Both of your expressions are priceless, and this is such a great shot for so many reasons. It's awesome, let's just leave it at that. And this is another you have to keep, because who knows if we'll ever see that Persian firecracker again.

Photo 12: Here we have a great concept that sort of falls down in execution. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty out there whose entire ports are filled with less interesting images than this, but from you two I have a pretty high standard based on your past work together. You're fine, but I think Casper could improve this shot with a little more fooling around in P-shop.

Photo 13: This is adorable. That looks just like the log cabin I shot my movie in. Anyway, what can I say, it's just an attractive looking shot.

Photo 14: Eh? This lingerie one is done from an interesting angle, but it really doesn't do a lot for me (or you).

Photo 15: Everyone needs one good casual shot. This is yours.

Photo 16: Previously reviewed.

Photo 17: Another great portrait. As I mentioned in the review above, subjects with snakebite piercings look best in close up portraits when their face is oriented directly toward the camera. Pretty.

Photo 18: O.K., I have to admit, I've never really figured out what you're trying to do to yourself in this series, but the photos are great. The close up of the scalpel on the boob just looks shudderingly painful.

Photo 19: Previously reviewed.

Photo 20: It's O.K., but I don't like the framing. I'd have liked it better if all of the playing card tat was in frame.

Photo 21: Previously reviewed.

Photo 22: This one is fine. There's nothing about it that really grabs me, though.

Photo 23: I was going to say this one was "haunting", but then I saw the caption. Mission accomplished.

Photo 24: This may not be my favorite portrait of yours, but it certainly isn't bad. Maybe keep it around unless and until you really need to make room.

Photo 25: Previously reviewed.

Photo 26: Blah. Lose it.
Photo 27: A nice candid looking shot (as opposed to 'casual' looking shot as in #15). Simple, but reveals some subtleties of personality.

Photo 28: Previously reviewed.

Photo 29: Even though the subject is "just hanging around", good suspension shots are hard to get (trust me I know) - this is one of the better ones I've seen - getting the hooks and the face in the shot and relatively in focus. Keep it.

Photo 30-34: Previously reviewed.

Photo 35: I don't like how all the blacks seem to melt together. Your boots are fused. Your fishnet is a field.

Photo 36: This is one of those shots that's "almost there". I can tell it could have been good, but I'm not sure why it isn't. It lacks... something.
Photo 37: Nice, but kind of superfluous after the way cool self-surgery collage.

Photo 38: Light painting shots always look better to me when there is less "spill" of light onto surrounding surfaces. Couple that with a rather plain pose, and I'd call this a "moderately successful" experiment. Glad you guys tried it, but you've done better work together than this.

Photo 39: This is fine, but there's something I find distracting about the shadows and furniture behind you. Also, Stephen's watermark could have been a little lower - your feet are in the foreground, so it would be nice to see 'em.

Photo 40: Hate it. Death's been at it for a long time; I don't think even the Grim Reaper would be caught dead in polyester.

Photo 41: Whoa! You can do 'vulnerable'? This is a great shot, and very different from your tough girl image. Excellent.

You have grown and developed so much as a model since just one year ago.
I already mentioned some of the shots that are total left-turns from the expected.
You've always been one of my favorite models on this site, and I can't wait to see more from you.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Wee! More critique. I'm glad it's all looking better. I took down some of it, and if you're bored and have some spare time, I can pm you with some of the others I'm thinking about posting big_smile
(I'm a terrible judge of what is awesome. Most of my favorites don't last very long wink )

Thanks for taking the time to keep doing this..and then re-doing this...for us big_smile

P.S. It's self surgery...Stephen and I did that series a week before I had a lump removed from that same spot (only my actual incision is vertical)

Aug 14 08 05:36 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

shadow_show wrote:
well as "its a bit dark" is all I get to hear about my stuff please feel free


Well, it IS a bit dark, wouldn't you say?


Photo 1: Outstanding. Good use of layering.

Photo 2: A fine triptych, I like your use of the size optical illusion through negative space.

Photo 3: More great haunting imagery here. Your portfolio is very compelling so far.

Photo 4: Wonderful contrast here. Another great image.

Photo 5: This one is nice - it suffers in comparison to some of your other work, but it's still better than a lot of stuff I see here on a daily basis.

Photo 6: O.K., watermarks this big across the center really interfere with my enjoyment, but otherwise outstanding.

Photo 7: Wait a minute... this is unusually straightforward of you. But, still quite beautiful.

Photo 8: Very nice, although I like the #6 version better.

Photo 9: Love the graininess here. I would have gone for an even tighter crop, though.

Photo 10: This torso shot is fine, but doesn't really hit the heights of #9 compositionally.

Photo 11: This one is O.K. - Kind of in the mid-range of your work.

Photo 12: Excellent interplay of light and shadow.

Photo 13: I like it, but I like your texture layering effects better when they are more subtle than this.

Photo 14: Here is a good example - less opacity gives a little more definition to the underlying form - this may just be my personal preference, but I'm letting you know anyway.

Photo 15: Another haunting image. Very striking.

Photo 16: This represents the other extreme. Here you could have gone with a little more opacity on the texture layer. Contrast with #13 & #14.

Photo 17: Excellent. A face even better than #14 that has the perfect balance between the model and the texture. The framing here is quite nice too.

Photo 18: So good I can enjoy it despite the "hand bra" which is normally a pet peeve. Superb monochromatic mood shot.

Photo 19: Also nice, but you don't really need it - #19 is a much better version with all it's shadow and negative space adding to the sense of isolation.

Photo 20: Another of your trademark textured faces. Solid.

Your work is marvelous. I will probably be adding quite a bit of it to the 'Best of the DCP' list.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 14 08 10:46 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Fotographia Fantastique wrote:
Now on page 37

Aug 14 08 10:56 pm Link


EricD Photography

Posts: 8

Alexandria, Virginia, US

Hi guys,
I'm a new member here, shooting almost exclusively with Light Painting.  I would love some serious critique on my work, good or bad.


Aug 15 08 09:59 am Link


Chad Ruin

Posts: 330

Tacoma, Washington, US

Ooo! Ooo! Pick me! I'm a sicko:)

Aug 15 08 10:44 am Link


The Alternative Image

Posts: 4129

London, England, United Kingdom

Please have a look, only been shooting models just over four months and plan to specialise in alternative, so port has not got much variety yet. By the way I love your work and looking at it gives me inspiration.

Aug 15 08 10:53 am Link


Educated Savage

Posts: 585

Fresno, California, US

I would love to hear some feedback... I think my port is still dark - not as dark as I'd prefer, but I've got that scheduled to be taken care of.

Aug 15 08 01:00 pm Link


Miss Sonia Sarah

Posts: 167

New York, New York, US

Im up for it!

Aug 15 08 03:49 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Kallisti wrote:
Meh, I've got some old stuff, I got some new stuff...

I'll give it a go.


Photo 1: Despite the rather interesting looking cuffs, this is a rather standard looking bondage shot. And you don't look particularly well secured, either.

Photo 2: You are great here. Nice expression. Everything about this photo that is not you however, I hate. the lighting and distracting shadows, vignetting at the top but not the bottom, weird thing sticking in the doorway, boring pose of the Domme. I pretty much hate this one.

Photo 3: More bad lighting, distracting elements like bits of colored towels and bath mat and your toes are cut off, and now a Dutch angle too! Hate this one even more. Again, just about the only good thing here is your expression.

Photo 4: Again the lighting is bad, and you are hanging from that flimsy little hook, but at least the pose of the other model is more dramatic. Good expressions, both of you. This is probably the best one of this set, and the only one worth keeping up - for now.

Photo 5- 7: Again, your expressions are great, but can't really save these lackluster BDSM shots. Ditch 'em all.

Photo 8: A very bland nude. Not really portfolio worthy.

Photo 9: O.K. this one is genuinely interesting and artistic. Probably the best shot you have.

Photo 10: This shot is technically much better than most of your port, but it really isn't extremely special or anything.

Photo 11: The more interesting pose makes this the better of the two; I'd keep this and ditch #10.

Photo 12: Notice the contrast here? Now go back and look at #8. See the difference? Keep this one and ditch #8.

Photo 13: I really like this grainy artistic shot with low key lighting. Very nice.

Photo 14: I like the attempt. If your fingers hadn't been chopped off, I'd have liked it even better.

Photo 15: A casual nude. It's another one where I appreciate the attempt more than the results. It lacks strength in composition.

Photo 16: This is actually kind of cool. I think it would have been even better in black and white.

Photo 17: I like it, although the half chopped off toes bug me again. It should have been framed wider or cropped tighter. Nice pose, though.

Photo 18: Finally a fetish shot done right - all of you is in the shot, and the lighting is good. Nice.

Photo 19: It's cute, but probably not a long term keeper.

Photo 20: Although this shows off your body pretty well, the messed up bed and pile of clothes up there all kind of detract from the shot. I'm not crazy about the stocking lines on your legs either, or the power cords above your head.

You've been here for almost a year, and you live in the photography capital of the world. It's time to add some higher quality work even if you have to hire a good photographer. Believe me, it will be so worth it. You will have shots to treasure forever, and it will seriously up the opportunities for future paying work.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 17 08 04:02 pm Link


Jolie Louise

Posts: 332

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

I have a couple of darker shots in my port, if you have time, id love your opinion.

Aug 17 08 04:05 pm Link



Posts: 103

Los Angeles, California, US

Would love a critique from either of you.... ;D

Aug 17 08 04:07 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Black Ice Studios wrote:
I might have some stuff that qualifies.  I'd love one if you're still doing them!  smile

Black Ice Studios

Photo 1: A gorgeous black and white art piece. Perfect.

Photo 2: One of the best black and white bodyscapes I've seen on here. Excellent.

Photo 3: This one is nice, but can't hold a candle to that black and white above.

Photo 4: Not in genre.

Photo 5: Another astounding work of light and shadow on a close up body shot. Very, very beautiful.

Photo 6: I love the illusion of an out of scale model in a really tight space here. Outstanding.

Photo 7: This one is very well executed, but it isn't as mind blowing as some of your other work.

Photo 8: Really nice concept here. "Silver" looks a little stiff, but "Gold" more than makes up for it. I also wish the light bouncing off "Gold's" face were a bit lower color temp-wise. Maybe a tweak in P-shop? Or maybe not - it's a small quibble.

Photo 9: O.K., I love the contrasting hair and wardrobe here. I think the ladies could have been positioned a tiny bit better, but it's the kind of thing that is hard to describe in text - if you were sitting next to me looking at the image, I could probably explain. Anyway, it's damn nice.

Photo 10: Excellent extreme close-up - really shows off the work of the MUA. Speaking of the MUA, have to give credit here - see a lot of undead type make up here, and it's usually so overdone; this is well done.

Photo 11: The photo is really well done. Great composition. Although, I gotta say, fetishwear and the great outdoors never really work very well together. As nice as the photo is, a different wardrobe (or nude) would probably have made this a lot better.

Photo 12: Not in genre.

Photo 13: This is hilarious. But she really shouldn't use her teeth to open beer bottles!

Photo 14: An outstanding bit of portraiture. I love it.

Photo 15: Very beautiful. This is a little reminiscent of the Ken Russell short film Aria. More kudos to Courtney too.

Photo 16: This one is O.K., but not as outstanding as the rest of your port.

Photo 17: Cute.

Photo 18: Excellent. Love the color coordinated lipstick!

Photo 19: This has some nice elements, but like #3, #7 & #16, it doesn't soar quite as high as the majority of your port.

Photo 20: A fine portrait. No frills, but doesn't quash the personality of an alt model. Well done.

You haven't even been here a year yet. Amazing. I can't wait to see what you do in your second year on MM!

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 17 08 07:18 pm Link



Posts: 196

Zagreb, Grad Zagreb, Croatia

Feeling shitty. sad So I would like one, pretty please?

Aug 17 08 07:39 pm Link


Black Ice Studios

Posts: 107

Madison, Wisconsin, US

Wow!  Thank you so much!!  big_smile  You've just made my day.  I really appreciate the critique.  smile  Thanks again!!


Fotographia Fantastique wrote:

Black Ice Studios

Photo 1: A gorgeous black and white art piece. Perfect.

Photo 2: One of the best black and white bodyscapes I've seen on here. Excellent.

Photo 3: This one is nice, but can't hold a candle to that black and white above.

Photo 4: Not in genre.

Photo 5: Another astounding work of light and shadow on a close up body shot. Very, very beautiful.

Photo 6: I love the illusion of an out of scale model in a really tight space here. Outstanding.

Photo 7: This one is very well executed, but it isn't as mind blowing as some of your other work.

Photo 8: Really nice concept here. "Silver" looks a little stiff, but "Gold" more than makes up for it. I also wish the light bouncing off "Gold's" face were a bit lower color temp-wise. Maybe a tweak in P-shop? Or maybe not - it's a small quibble.

Photo 9: O.K., I love the contrasting hair and wardrobe here. I think the ladies could have been positioned a tiny bit better, but it's the kind of thing that is hard to describe in text - if you were sitting next to me looking at the image, I could probably explain. Anyway, it's damn nice.

Photo 10: Excellent extreme close-up - really shows off the work of the MUA. Speaking of the MUA, have to give credit here - see a lot of undead type make up here, and it's usually so overdone; this is well done.

Photo 11: The photo is really well done. Great composition. Although, I gotta say, fetishwear and the great outdoors never really work very well together. As nice as the photo is, a different wardrobe (or nude) would probably have made this a lot better.

Photo 12: Not in genre.

Photo 13: This is hilarious. But she really shouldn't use her teeth to open beer bottles!

Photo 14: An outstanding bit of portraiture. I love it.

Photo 15: Very beautiful. This is a little reminiscent of the Ken Russell short film Aria. More kudos to Courtney too.

Photo 16: This one is O.K., but not as outstanding as the rest of your port.

Photo 17: Cute.

Photo 18: Excellent. Love the color coordinated lipstick!

Photo 19: This has some nice elements, but like #3, #7 & #16, it doesn't soar quite as high as the majority of your port.

Photo 20: A fine portrait. No frills, but doesn't quash the personality of an alt model. Well done.

You haven't even been here a year yet. Amazing. I can't wait to see what you do in your second year on MM!

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 17 08 10:25 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

goldenhollow wrote:
well oh my. I did arrive late in the game but I would love a critique


Photo 1: It's hard to judge this one. It's grainy, presumably by design, but the resolution is awful low too. What I can say is that it doesn't look so hot at this rez, because there are a lot of different shades of fabric there, making the overall composition a jumble. It does look like a good angle for your body type, but see if you can't find a bigger version of this shot somewhere.

Photo 2: This is kind of a throwaway shot. It could be cool in an arty sort of way if the photographer had been a little more on the ball.

Photo 3: It's O.K. for a starter shot. Keep it for the moment, but replace it as soon as you have a better one.

Photo 4: This is a little better. It's not an A+ shot, but at least it's an attempt.

Photo 5: Too much Photoshop! Making a fake wine label is fine, but the photoshopper needs to be a little more subtle or polished with it. This is like blowing a trumpet six inches from someone's ear. This might have been one where the photographer should have handed the photo off to a Photo finisher for the graphics and effects.

Photo 6: Selective desaturization gets old pretty quick (especially with red), but the tonalities of this (and the next) shot are head and shoulders better than any of your other shots.

Photo 7: O.K., here we actually have a genuinely good piece of art. Nice.

Photo 8: This shot is just O.K., it's not as bad as some of your other, but nothing to write home about either. You'll want to get rid of it sooner or later, but there are definitely others that should be axed first.

Photo 9-10: These two are out of focus, and at an odd angle. It kind of strains my eyes to look at them for too long.

Now that you've been here for almost a year, you should strive to take things a step further. It's clear that you are artistic and uninhibited, which is good, but you need to find some collaborators with a bit stronger skills.As I tell a lot of new models - you would do well to work with one really good photographer, even if you have to pay him - it will be worth it.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 17 08 10:55 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Fotographia Fantastique wrote:
Attention - please read our guidelines for inclusion in the OP before requesting a critique


Aug 17 08 10:57 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Catriona Rennie wrote:
go for it.....
EDIT: if i qualify that is...

Catriona Rennie

Photo 1: Not in genre.

Photo 2: I nice mood shot.

Photo 3: Simple, elegant, beautiful.

Photo 4: Alt casual. Nice, but what else have you got?

Photo 5: Crazy colors. Nice. Like your facial expression.

Photo 6: Not in genre.

Photo 7: Another nice, breezy casual shot, and that little kitty tat - adorable.

Photo 8: Not in genre.

Photo 9: Oooh, the requisite angsty-gothy shot. Well, we won't knock you for it here, but...

Photo 10: Not in genre.

Photo 11: The triple exposure technique is kind of neat, but overall it's a pretty average shot. Not terrible, not great.

Photo 12: This is a damn nice close up. I love your little smirk.

Photo 13: Another good gothy sort of shot, but I probably wouldn't have gone with the tennies.

Photo 14: Really fake spider, fake blood - O.K., it's fun and kitschy. You can have one of these in your port, but let's keep it to just one (unless you want to do nothing but kitsch).

Photo 15: Not in genre.

You don't have a lot of shots in the alt genres so far, but you show a ton of personality in your photos.
Here's hoping that you'll decide to do more and come back and see us when you do!

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 17 08 11:23 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

IrisPapyrus productions wrote:
I most likely do not qualify.  I will take myself off your list, save you some time and thank you for this huge effort on your part to support so many deserving alternative people.

If you change your mind, you can get back in line.

Aug 17 08 11:32 pm Link



Posts: 1104

Oshkosh, Wisconsin, US

lol.... the op person changed....what happened?

Aug 17 08 11:39 pm Link



Posts: 3457

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, US

do me when you get the time? smile

Aug 17 08 11:41 pm Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Lore-Li Productions wrote:
am i too late


Lore-Li Productions

Photo 1: The contrast in this shot is great, but the composition is just fair. Perhaps you should replace this one.

Photo 2: This one is nice - the extreme ends of the range (full white and full black) are a little too predominant, but it's an O.K. shot.

Photo 3: Again the blacks are too black - her dress is a black hole - but the overall feel of this shot is mysterious and interesting. Perhaps some Photoshop work would really perfect it.

Photo 4: In this one is the composition isn't very strong, and again the blacks max out. Try for a little less contrast when the subject is wearing black.

Photo 5: Here the deepest blacks actually kind of work since you have that night sky backdrop. Not the best shot you have, but it's more interesting than a girl lounging about usually is.

Photo 6: Again the blacks are too black and the whites too white. Her top is a void, and her legs and nose are blown out. It's also a pretty boring shot, I'd get rid of it.

Photo 7: Again, you have those same light range issues.

Photo 8: Same problem (goes from a blown-out nose to pitch black eyes). Also your focus is off. Again, I'd drop this one.

Photo 9: Aside from the usual problems, I really like the up angle on this. This one really seems to tell a story.

Photo 10: Dutch angles normally bother me, but not in this photo, it seems to add to the sense of movement. Unfortunately the other technical aspects - focus, exposure, etc. are off and that one positive cannot redeem it.

Photo 11: Your smashed light range is particularly bad here. Ditch this one.

Photo 12: Well, I know she's handcuffed from seeing the shot above. I think this shot is rather flawed, but I can live with it. Eventually you should have an eye toward replacing it, though.

You have a great breezy, casual style, but it seems raw and unrefined. You might think about supplementing your knowledge with a digital photography class to help take your work to the next level. They have them (geared to many different levels of skill) at local colleges, community centers and the like. Or, maybe spend some time assisting another photographer - I think it could really benefit you.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 18 08 12:02 am Link


Lore-Li Photography

Posts: 4040

Saint Louis, Missouri, US


Aug 18 08 06:42 am Link


Elizabeth Chiyoko

Posts: 241

Luton, England, United Kingdom

Hows about me? smile

Aug 18 08 07:24 am Link


Miki Jotalee

Posts: 104

Southend-on-Sea, England, United Kingdom

Hee hee I think you might get to me soon! Yey!

Aug 18 08 07:28 am Link



Posts: 8676

Perth, Western Australia, Australia

I recently did a Fighter themed shoot ( 28/10/08 - now have some more stuff that might be in genre for this critique - smile) -  would be grateful if you would critique - thanks


Aug 18 08 07:32 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Asia Dayle wrote:
I really need a good critique

O.K., here you go...

Asia Dayle

Photo 1: This one is pretty good. Your expression and that wonderful set piece really make it.

Photo 2: Very beautiful.

Photo 3: Not in genre.

Photo 4: Not in genre.

Photo 5: A very beautiful composition. With that piercing and tattoo side-by-side, I wish it was a little crisper (perhaps this is a compression issue), but frankly it just rocks!

Photo 6: This one is really stellar. The light and shadow are great. The straight-backed pose and keeping your eyes wide so we could see them through the mask was perfect.

Photo 7: This one is nice too, but you probably don't need #1 and this one, as they are so similar. Take your pick, though I prefer #1.

Photo 8: Leopard on cheetah? Going with that wild hairstyle for this theme was a good choice. Nice.

Photo 9: Very glamorous. Definitely a keeper.

Photo 10: The rain effects are a little heavy-handed, but it's still a cool image. Leaning back on your hands gives a vulnerability to it. Good job.

Photo 11: This shot is just so tight. Your pose and expression are great, and the photographer's lighting couldn't have been better. Very nice.

Photo 12: I was not familiar with drdrew before - I'm going to have to keep an eye on his work; he has such a good grasp on composition. Anyway, this one too is great.

Photo 13: This one is hands down awesome. It's one of Casper's all-time best, and definitely the stand out in your port.

Photo 14: Not in genre.

Photo 15: An attractive alt fashion shot. Good to see some black in your wardrobe wink

Photo 16: Not in genre.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 18 08 09:37 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Thanks so much for the critique. All the best to you. Sincerely

You're welcome. Come back again soon.

Aug 18 08 10:10 am Link


Kita St Cyr

Posts: 13934

New York, New York, US

Yay you're almost up to me!

Aug 18 08 10:34 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Envy Photography wrote:
Fun!  Can't wait to hear your critique...wink

Envy Photography

Envy, envy, envy... let's see. What can I say?
Your port is uniformly outstanding. There is no way I'm going to critique all 72 shots - not that I wouldn't enjoy looking at them all.
You do occasionally go a little hog wild with the layering, but most of your pics are just A to A+  images.

Because I think so many of your images are SO stellar, I'll point out just the ones I think are not, I think that is the best way I can benefit you with this critique.

Alright to start with (and this is seriously probably the biggest flaw with your port - and it's real minor), Photo #s 7, 54 & 55 are all from the same set and too similar, you don't need them all. I think #7 is the strongest. I'd recommend keeping that and pulling 54 & 55.

Next, photos #18 and #50 are duplicates. You don't need both.

Now then, let's see...

Photo 9: Far be it from us in the DCP to knock graveyard photos.... But if you're going to do them, they should be really fresh. This one isn't particularly, and you use the selective desaturization technique. I would have liked to see this one manipulated in Photoshop in a different way. While I believe cliché photos are only cliché in execution - and this is still better than 90% of the cemetery photos I see, it's not up to your high standards.

Photo 12, Photo 14 and Photo 20: These are images where I think you went a little too crazy, or unsubtle with your layering. There's just too many words, keys, razor blades and stuff. Not that they're bad images mind you, just that a tad more restraint in the image manipulation phase would have elevated them in quality.

Photo 15: Speaking of texture layering, I love that technique, but I think I should point out one of the few images you have where you don't use it that I love. Jessalyn is such a classic beauty, and going for a classic clean looking pinup with her was definitely a good choice. For a model that's been photographed by so many people, I have to say, yours is one of my favorite shots of her.

Photo 29: Ease up on the saturation here. There's some clipping going on here, especially on the headdress; at least on my monitor (see disclaimer at bottom).

Photo 42: Another gorgeous Jessalyn shot. But with awesome, crazy hair like that, I wish there had been a little more negative space at the top to frame it all in.

Photo 71: I want to use this as my X-Mas card this year.

Feel free to stop back anytime. In the future let me know specific images to critique - you VIP types are just too much work for a comprehensive portfolio review.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 18 08 11:03 am Link


Betwixt Engram

Posts: 14

New York, New York, US

Fotographia Fantastique wrote:


Photo 1: Despite the rather interesting looking cuffs, this is a rather standard looking bondage shot. And you don't look particularly well secured, either.

Photo 2: You are great here. Nice expression. Everything about this photo that is not you however, I hate. the lighting and distracting shadows, vignetting at the top but not the bottom, weird thing sticking in the doorway, boring pose of the Domme. I pretty much hate this one.

Photo 3: More bad lighting, distracting elements like bits of colored towels and bath mat and your toes are cut off, and now a Dutch angle too! Hate this one even more. Again, just about the only good thing here is your expression.

Photo 4: Again the lighting is bad, and you are hanging from that flimsy little hook, but at least the pose of the other model is more dramatic. Good expressions, both of you. This is probably the best one of this set, and the only one worth keeping up - for now.

Photo 5- 7: Again, your expressions are great, but can't really save these lackluster BDSM shots. Ditch 'em all.

Photo 8: A very bland nude. Not really portfolio worthy.

Photo 9: O.K. this one is genuinely interesting and artistic. Probably the best shot you have.

Photo 10: This shot is technically much better than most of your port, but it really isn't extremely special or anything.

Photo 11: The more interesting pose makes this the better of the two; I'd keep this and ditch #10.

Photo 12: Notice the contrast here? Now go back and look at #8. See the difference? Keep this one and ditch #8.

Photo 13: I really like this grainy artistic shot with low key lighting. Very nice.

Photo 14: I like the attempt. If your fingers hadn't been chopped off, I'd have liked it even better.

Photo 15: A casual nude. It's another one where I appreciate the attempt more than the results. It lacks strength in composition.

Photo 16: This is actually kind of cool. I think it would have been even better in black and white.

Photo 17: I like it, although the half chopped off toes bug me again. It should have been framed wider or cropped tighter. Nice pose, though.

Photo 18: Finally a fetish shot done right - all of you is in the shot, and the lighting is good. Nice.

Photo 19: It's cute, but probably not a long term keeper.

Photo 20: Although this shows off your body pretty well, the messed up bed and pile of clothes up there all kind of detract from the shot. I'm not crazy about the stocking lines on your legs either, or the power cords above your head.

You've been here for almost a year, and you live in the photography capital of the world. It's time to add some higher quality work even if you have to hire a good photographer. Believe me, it will be so worth it. You will have shots to treasure forever, and it will seriously up the opportunities for future paying work.

sorry for the wait

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Thanks so much! I love feedback, and I agree with you for the most part. I'm adding some new stuff soon, which will hopefully improve the quality of my port. Thanks again. smile

Aug 18 08 07:15 pm Link


carpo animus

Posts: 16

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Fotographia Fantastique wrote:

You do have some that I'd call "dark".
And the DCP is kind of a misnomer since we deal with a lot of "light" artistic work here to.

carpo animus

Photo 1: Not crazy about this one. It's kind of flat, lacking in contrast.

Photo 2: I have no idea what this is supposed to be communicating, but I think it's great.

Photo 3: I wish the aspect ratios of the two shots were the same, but otherwise a nice diptych.

Photo 4: This is better. The equal frame sizes give a nice feeling of motion from left to right.

Photo 5: Nice. I love the anonymous feel here.

Photo 6: Stellar's fly-away hair gives the shot a nice balance between posed and candid that make the portrait seem really authentic.

Photo 7: I see you were going for a real contrast in this pairing, though somehow it doesn't really work as well as some of your other multiple shot images.

Photo 8: Haunting image. Well done.

Photo 9: The lens flare and cross processing (or whatever is going on here) really make this shot interesting. Very artistic.

Photo 10: Normally I like grainy black and whites. This one isn't terrible, but it's the least of your work so far.

Photo 11: Man, does everyone you shoot have crazy amounts of hair (except Orixx)? Nice one, though a little more negative space at the top might have been good.

Photo 12: Weird. It kind of reminds me of a yin-yang.

Photo 13: The light and shadow and textures are outstanding here.

Photo 14: This is your best portrait, it can be read so many ways. The styling, the expression, the fast fall-off speed on the face, the nudity all help make it mysterious and intriguing.

Photo 15: O.K., with that veil, I definitely would have like more headroom here - or, failing that, a tighter crop.

Photo 16: Excellent study of light and shadow. BTW, I should mention that this model is really comfortable in front of the camera - whoever she is, I would really, really like to shoot with her myself.

Photo 17: Nice. I'd flip the order on these shots to draw the viewer in (since most of us scan with our eyes from left-to-right), but that's just me.

Photo 18: Double exposures that are also story scenes have to be really well thought out. If the caption is any indication, a suicide is what we are supposed to see here, but it doesn't really come across. Not that that's terrible, but to me it reads much different.

Photo 19: A nice lightweight profile shot.

Photo 20: I think I want to laugh at this... I think...

Sorry about the long wait.

*disclaimer* I am temporarily using an LCD monitor. It has been calibrated, but is not as good as my CRT. There are no doubt subtle differences between the image you see on your screen and the one I see on mine. In other words, with regards to these reviews for the time being, YMMV

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

I really appreciate you keeping up with this thread and getting around to me.  I also appreciate the heads up on my tags, thank you. 

And thank you for being honest and giving me this critque.  The model you said you would like to shoot is actually me (Model port- MM# 522102).  Thank you for the huge compliments and constructive crit.  So when do we shoot?  smile

Aug 19 08 03:09 am Link


Jordyn Black

Posts: 30

Byron, Georgia, US

I have a few what i tried as pin up in mine and I was wondering by looking at my work am i able to do dark this style interests me greatly i don't expect you to critque what i have just look and tell me if i can do it

Aug 19 08 03:14 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Revprint wrote:
How about my portfolio?


See the review of Envy Photography above for how I'm handling VIP members.

Things to watch out for: "Hand Bra" - too many of your shots have the model in this clumsy, unnatural pose. Take Photo #3 for example, here the "hand bra" pose just looks way too affected. The bright light on her nose and red hair doesn't quite work for me either; it comes off as sort of clown-like. You have numerous better shots from this photo shoot - you don't need this one. Photo 4 is a bit more natural looking, since she is lying down - but in general, either allow the model to show toplessness naturally, or find a different way to conceal it.

Be careful not to over airbrush faces. A couple examples are photos  8 & 10 where it appears that you've airbrushed out the model's lower eyelids, that just looks weird.

You have a few too many shots that are too similar. You have a 3 of the girl on the bike. Photo 5 is Awesome! From the fireworks to the light behind the models head. I could have done without the lens flare and reflection off the bike's front reflector, but those are so minor and probably unavoidable in a "capture the moment" shot like this. Really love it, and it is so wowing, that it's all you need - seeing the other two just detracts from the experience. Another example is the Plastik Wrap shoot where there are not only too many from the overall shoot included in your port, but particularly too many shots of those two models posed back-to-back.

sorry for the wait

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 19 08 10:12 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

CorpseEsproc wrote:

Thanks for the advice big_smile
I will do ^^

You're welcome.

Aug 19 08 10:39 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Andys Imagination wrote:
I'd love a crit.

I currently only do photography as a past time but I would still like some input on directions to take etc.

Andys Imagination

Photo 1: Nice; moody.

Photo 2: This portrait shot is O.K., but do you think you captured her from the best possible angle?

Photo 3: Not in genre.

Photo 4: Wonderful. A great composition, and kind of mirthful too.

Photo 5: This shot is O.K. It doesn't hold interest for me for long, but I can't really fault it.

Photo 6: An O.K. bit of Alt Fashion. Personally, I don't think the PVC top and pleather bottom go very well together, but maybe that's just me.

Photo 7: A nice, creative portrait.

You have the beginnings of something good.

sorry for the wait

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 19 08 10:53 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Cannibalized wrote:
me me me!

here here here:


Photo 1: Outstanding. I love it. Although, technically by MM rules, it should be marked 18+ (get on it before a mod finds it).

Photo 2: I love this one too. It's very original. I love the F/X makeup here. There's nothing else quite like it on MM.

Photo 3: Cool and creepy. Like #2 above, the unusual aspect ratio really enhances it.

Photo 4: Beautiful and haunting.

Photo 5: This is a very nice close up portrait.

Photo 6: And the hits just keep coming! Gore, so easy to do badly. But not here, this is sweet!

Photo 7: This one is lovely, although I don't like the place in the upper left where you can see behind the draped backdrop.

Photo 8: The lighting here is fantastic, it gives a real macabre feel.

Photo 9: Well done - it feels so dirty!

Photo 10: This one is just odd and wonderful!

Photo 11: Nice macro shot. It might have been better to get in even a little more tight on this, but it's still nice.

Photo 12: This is O.K., but the composition is a little flat, and that modern woodwork doesn't really go with the vintage feel of the rest of the shot.

Photo 13: This one doesn't work so well for me. I think the Photoshop effects are a little too strong.

Photo 14: I think this is supposed to be another 'frozen' type shot like #2, but it doesn't really work quite as well as #2 does.

Photo 15: The styling from wardrobe to hair is all so excellent here. Very nice.

Photo 16: Nice. I like the limited color palette here.

Photo 17: I will refrain from commenting on this one as it is still a work in progress, except to say that you should take it down until it is finished.

Photo 18: Unassailably kewl!

Photo 19: O.K., I like what you are trying to do here, but you've oversaturated the reds. I get definite clipping here. Ease it back just a tad.

Photo 20: Beautiful and well composed image. There is a bit of mystery here too, it makes me wonder what she's looking at.

Your portfolio is outstanding. It epitomizes the type of work we love in the DCP. I think it's about time you considered a VIP membership, because you have so many good shots that you're going to run out of space real soon.

sorry for the wait

Enjoy the night!
- fotographia fantastique

Aug 19 08 11:22 am Link



Posts: 66

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US

me 2?

Aug 19 08 11:27 am Link


Fotographia Fantastique

Posts: 17339

White River Junction, Vermont, US

Katrina Sweete wrote:
Am I too late?? I'm not sure if I qualify, but I don't really know where I stand.

You are not too late.
Right now the majority of your portfolio doesn't qualify, but you do have a number of shots that are on the line. It took a little deliberation on my part, but I think I'm going to have to pass on you for now - but, I'll tell you what. You still have an empty picture slot - if you add just one genre shot to your port (and maybe replace one or two of your others with something a little more related to the genres we do here) you can resubmit, and I'll give you a critique.

Aug 19 08 01:29 pm Link