Forums > Off-Topic Discussion > I have an atheist friend...


Seth Rutledge

Posts: 164

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Who asked me how I can disbelieve in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny but believe in God...

Now the thing is, I kinda do believe in God...but he raised a good point...I've never seen any more evidence of God's existence than I have of the Easter Bunny...


Jan 06 06 07:41 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

ohhhhhhhhh good Christ, here we go again...*puts on flak jacket*

Jan 06 06 07:43 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

My mother is Jewish, My father was raised Christian but studied Wicca for many years, and I am a self-proclaimed Agnostic.   I feel blessed (pun intended haha) to have been able to have such religious freedom to where I can learn about all different beliefs without feeling as though I have betrayed anyone

I believe in a higher being because...well.....


I think I am going to have to get back to you on that one


Sorry...did that answer your question?

Jan 06 06 07:45 am Link


Justin N Lane

Posts: 1720

Brooklyn, New York, US

Seth Rutledge wrote:
Who asked me how I can disbelieve in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny but believe in God...

Now the thing is, I kinda do believe in God...but he raised a good point...I've never seen any more evidence of God's existence than I have of the Easter Bunny...


well, most religions would have you go on faith in lieu of hard evidence...that's how it works.

Personally I prefer to believe that we are born by chance, have a limited time here and after we die our only legacy is in the minds of the people who knew us and in our molecules as they disintgrate back into the system... that's it.  No grand scheme, no higher purpose- here and now.  A lot of people find this empty and disturbing, I think it's beautiful.

There is, however, a Santa one can tell me otherwise thankyou.  How else would I have gotten that little ipod nano in my stocking wink

Jan 06 06 07:54 am Link


Seth Rutledge

Posts: 164

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

IsabelAurora wrote:
I believe in a higher being because...well.....


I think I am going to have to get back to you on that one


Sorry...did that answer your question?

You know, that's pretty much exactly how I feel!  I do believe in a higher power, but I couldn't tell you just feels right.

Maybe that means Santa Claus *is* real, and we never see him because we've all been bad all year long...

Jan 06 06 07:54 am Link



Posts: 4581

Brooklyn, New York, US

Seth Rutledge wrote:
Who asked me how I can disbelieve in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny but believe in God...

Now the thing is, I kinda do believe in God...but he raised a good point...I've never seen any more evidence of God's existence than I have of the Easter Bunny...


Yes.  Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were "invented" for little kids within the last few centuries as a marketing tool to sell toys and stuff. The tooth fairy is just that, a "fairy" tale. God is God. While I believe in evolution, it's just tooo complex for evolution to be random (for certain chemicals to combine to make my memory, or thought). So something had to be behind it, guiding it or planning it and making those chemicals and their interactions possible. The name we give to the power that did just that is God.

Jan 06 06 07:55 am Link


Seth Rutledge

Posts: 164

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

BCG wrote:
ohhhhhhhhh good Christ, here we go again...*puts on flak jacket*

*laugh*  Hey, I made a New Years resolution to not argue politics on this site, that only leaves religion!

Seriously though, I wasn't trying to start a flame war, I'm mostly just curious why people believe in God, but not in some of the other "unprovable" entities of our culture?

Jan 06 06 07:56 am Link


~*Isabel Aurora*~

Posts: 5778

Boca del Mar, Florida, US

Seth Rutledge wrote:
Maybe that means Santa Claus *is* real, and we never see him because we've all been bad all year long...

WHen I was younger, we used to get present for Hannukah and Christmas!

key part: when I was younger lol

Jan 06 06 07:59 am Link


Seth Rutledge

Posts: 164

Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

Vito wrote:
Yes.  Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny were "invented" for little kids within the last few centuries as a marketing tool to sell toys and stuff. The tooth fairy is just that, a "fairy" tale. God is God. While I believe in evolution, it's just tooo complex for evolution to be random (for certain chemicals to combine to make my memory, or thought). So something had to be behind it, guiding it or planning it and making those chemicals and their interactions possible. The name we give to the power that did just that is God.

*nod*  My friend would argue that God was created within the last few millenium as a marketing tool to keep people in line via their beliefs.

So, if the basis of God is that the world is too complex to have kick-started itself, then does that mean God prescribes a set moral code, and if so, how would we know about it?

I know that strays away from "God" and into "Religion", which is where I start to miss the boat.  I have no problem believing in a higher power that created things, but I think that every organized religion sells morality as a way of controlling people.

Jan 06 06 08:00 am Link


Lens N Light

Posts: 16341

Bradford, Vermont, US

Man created God in his own image, in order to have someone to blame for stuff.

Jan 06 06 08:08 am Link


Kevin Connery

Posts: 17824

El Segundo, California, US

Vito wrote:
God is God. While I believe in evolution, it's just tooo complex for evolution to be random (for certain chemicals to combine to make my memory, or thought). So something had to be behind it, guiding it or planning it and making those chemicals and their interactions possible. The name we give to the power that did just that is God.

Believing in a being sufficiently complex that it can create an entire universe without leaving any physical evidence rather than believing in a much less complex set of random actions seems counter-intuitive--if complexity is the real issue.

Jan 06 06 08:09 am Link



Posts: 5521

New York, New York, US

Vito wrote:
it's just tooo complex for evolution to be random (for certain chemicals to combine to make my memory, or thought). So something had to be behind it, guiding it or planning it and making those chemicals and their interactions possible. The name we give to the power that did just that is God.

too complex from what reference point?  you can't judge your own complexity.

Jan 06 06 08:12 am Link



Posts: 10888

Nashville, Tennessee, US

Vito wrote:
While I believe in evolution, it's just tooo complex for evolution to be random (for certain chemicals to combine to make my memory, or thought).

Evolution is random as much as Bill Clinton is a sex-crazed, anything-humping gigolo (both are exagerrations stemming from fundamental misunderstandings or intentional biases).

But I digress...

Seth Rutledge wrote:
Who asked me how I can disbelieve in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny but believe in God...

Now the thing is, I kinda do believe in God...but he raised a good point...I've never seen any more evidence of God's existence than I have of the Easter Bunny...


Figure out the reasons you wish to believe (or just do believe) in deity X and be honest about them. No respectful atheist will ever (or should ever) put down: "It just feels right for me, and I can accept that there's likely no reliable shred of evidence to support my decision."

It's your decision, in the end, for whatever reasons you may wish.

Have you ever had to support why [insert color here] is you favorite color?

Jan 06 06 09:05 am Link



Posts: 2297

New Orleans, Louisiana, US

Lens N Light wrote:
Man created God in his own image, in order to have someone to blame for stuff.


Jan 06 06 10:01 am Link


Joe Koz

Posts: 1981

Lititz, Pennsylvania, US

All I know is that my imaginary friend is more real than your imaginary friend!!

Jan 06 06 10:07 am Link


Model Mayhem

Posts: 7681

El Segundo, California, US

"I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."
-Stephen Roberts


Jan 06 06 10:09 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

why dont you ask yourself who you are...and why you are here...what is the purpose of your existance first instead of trying to disprove a Living God.

Jan 06 06 10:12 am Link



Posts: 846

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

Well, I'm not going to delve too deeply into this, but I believe in a mix of a LOT of different beliefs.  For example, I believe partly in evolution, and partly that a higher power had a hand in STARTING evolution off right.  I believe that when I die I will be reincarnated for SOME purpose, not necessarily karma.  Etc.  Etc.  And So forth.

As for why I don't believe in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and the tooth fairy?  They are invtented so that people can have a damn day offa work. smile  Or an extra dime or candy when needed (yeah, my tooth fairy was cheap...except when I was misssing 5 of my front teeth at the same time, and then I got a dollar).

Jan 06 06 10:14 am Link


500 Gigs of Desire

Posts: 3833

New York, New York, US

You'll all be surprised when you get up to Heaven and see God.

It will be the Easter Bunny.

But then he'll take off his bunny costume to reveal his true self...

And it'll be a Hare Krishna.

Jan 06 06 10:18 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

I believe in the Holiday Armadillo.

Jan 06 06 10:20 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

Eric S. wrote:
You'll all be surprised when you get up to Heaven and see God.

It will be the Easter Bunny.

But then he'll take off his bunny costume to reveal his true self...

And it'll be a Hare Krishna.

i am fucked if the mormons are right.

Jan 06 06 10:22 am Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

There is no "God..."  There is, however, a "You" and that's something you can truly believe in.

Jan 06 06 10:31 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

T H Taylor wrote:
There is no "God..."  There is, however, a "You" and that's something you can truly believe in.

can a pathological liar believe in self???

Jan 06 06 10:35 am Link


George Diego Photo

Posts: 293

Leander, Texas, US

I float between atheisism, being an agnostic and christianity. I really want to believe that there is something after death but its hard to have faith in something that there is no proof of. I guess you can say I have overlaying Christian beliefs beause I live in a Christian country.

However as a child my mother converted from Catholocism to being a Jehovah's Witness. My father and I remained (non-practicing)Catholics. This has made me pretty distrustful of religion in general as she did not give up on converting me until I finally left home at 18. Religion created a chasm between my mother and her family. If you can imagine a JW and Catholics living together you'd understand the tension... In this instance religion has become a sore subject for me, although I would be glad to discuss it reasonably with anyone.

One thing is for sure though, religion can be good BUT it can also be the most horrrible thing in the world. While it can provide hope for those that have none, it has also led to the deaths of billions throughout history and atrocities that would make Hitler cringe. It would also be nice for people to do a little research in to how the bible and similar texts were assembled... seriously.

While it can give the poor something to look forward to, it can also keep those whom are evil in power. I think, in general and in moderation, it provides a social structure for the general public. This is a good thing.

Social control or spirituality, you be the judge...

-George Diego

Jan 06 06 10:40 am Link


Elin Striga

Posts: 77

Örebro, Örebro, Sweden

Seth Rutledge wrote:
I do believe in a higher power, but I couldn't tell you just feels right.

I also feel there's a "higher power" but I don't believe in the biblical God. I honestly can't see how people can not only believe in what's written in the bible but also support it. It's so outdated.
Let me ask you a question: Do you believe in both the old testament and the new or just the new?

Interesting link with biblical quotes:

So what do I believe in then? I believe what I feel is true in my world and that is quite complicated to explain but think of the higher power as Alfa and Omega; two contradictionary poles (like + and -) who always strive for the Universe to be as equal as possible on all levels. I don't believe in "a greater good" 'cause what is good for one human can be evil for another one.
I can go on forever about philosophy but I just wanted to give my two cents on my thoughts on "God". smile

Jan 06 06 10:47 am Link



Posts: 4581

Brooklyn, New York, US

Christopher Bush wrote:

too complex from what reference point?  you can't judge your own complexity.

Too complex from the point that if there was a planet orbiting the sun that happened to be at the right place with the right temperture and the goo of amino acids just happened to connect together at the right time and then that evolved into me or you being able to use a computer to "debate" conscience thoughts and ideas. The reference point I use is that I (we) are more complex than the amino acids in the primordial soup. And the fact that we can contemplate our comlexity, we can judge it against what we know.

Jan 06 06 10:56 am Link



Posts: 4581

Brooklyn, New York, US

Seth Rutledge wrote:

*nod*  My friend would argue that God was created within the last few millenium as a marketing tool to keep people in line via their beliefs.

So, if the basis of God is that the world is too complex to have kick-started itself, then does that mean God prescribes a set moral code, and if so, how would we know about it?

I know that strays away from "God" and into "Religion", which is where I start to miss the boat.  I have no problem believing in a higher power that created things, but I think that every organized religion sells morality as a way of controlling people.

Religion was created in the last few millenium, not God, I'd argue back. Yes, as a way to control (and I mean give guidence on "how to live") the people.

Jan 06 06 10:58 am Link



Posts: 22389

Fort Collins, Colorado, US

Thomas Aquinas had logical postulates about the existence of God in Summa Theologicae. Other people have different logic.

Some scientists, such as Einstein, look at the prevailing order in the universe and see a creator of that order. Other scientists, such as Sagan, look at the prevailing order in the universe and see the inherent need for order in that fabric, outside of the need of any creator.

Some people feel that abstract thought processes could not occur from material existence without an abstract presence to make it so. Other people feel that it certainly can happen, because it has.

Some people look at unexplainable or miraculous events as proof of a spiritual entity that exists outside the laws of material existence. Other people feel that those events do not really occur, or that they are the result of circumstances that we have yet to explain, but we will.

Some people feel the presence of the divine in mundane existence, or in inspirational moments. Other people do not feel that presence.

The subject matter of this thread could be discussed dispassionately. The fact that it won't is one reason some might not come around much more, but that others are drawn to it.

Jan 06 06 10:59 am Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

BCG wrote:

can a pathological liar believe in self???

*chuckle, smirk!*
Sure they can... They'll just tell you that they don't!

Jan 06 06 11:04 am Link



Posts: 7316

San Antonio, Florida, US

in the end, we will all find the ONE TRUE truth...and you better hope to hell you found it before your time on earth is up.

Jan 06 06 11:04 am Link


The Don Mon

Posts: 3315

Ocala, Florida, US

i guess thats why its called faith......

Jan 06 06 11:07 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Brian Diaz, you have good reason to believe, for I captured

There's proof, there is a Holiday Armadillo.

Jan 06 06 11:19 am Link



Posts: 7024

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Why can't I ever see the images I link on here? Pretty damn frusterating, cuz I don't know if anyone else can see it or not either.

*sigh* I promise it's there.

Jan 06 06 11:24 am Link


nish 24

Posts: 45

Dallas, Texas, US

you know, it's funny, I can actually think of the exact moment I lost my faith in god, and it was when I found out there was no santa lol

Jan 06 06 11:29 am Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Seth Rutledge wrote:
Who asked me how I can disbelieve in Santa Claus, the tooth fairy and the Easter bunny but believe in God...

Now the thing is, I kinda do believe in God...but he raised a good point...I've never seen any more evidence of God's existence than I have of the Easter Bunny...


Go look in a mirror.  Who else could have created what you see?

Jan 06 06 11:39 am Link


Brian Diaz

Posts: 65617

Danbury, Connecticut, US

MEWanoDesigns wrote:
Why can't I ever see the images I link on here? Pretty damn frusterating, cuz I don't know if anyone else can see it or not either.

*sigh* I promise it's there.

I'm getting a "Document not found".

Jan 06 06 11:41 am Link


Tony Lawrence

Posts: 21526

Chicago, Illinois, US

Hmmm, I would ask how can you not believe in God?  A higher being who
created all things.  Who has provided prophets to help guide mankind
and loved you.  Faiths divide us and have caused pain and wars.
A loving God does not want this.  I have no proof for the existence of God
but I do believe.

Jan 06 06 11:44 am Link



Posts: 35054

Portland, Oregon, US

Lens N Light wrote:
Man created God in his own image, in order to have someone to blame for stuff.

"God is a concept by which we measure our pain"
                                           --John Lennon--

Jan 06 06 12:09 pm Link


T H Taylor

Posts: 6862

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, US

If there is a God, he has as much interest in us or our actions/destinies as I would about maggots growing on a lump of my shit that I "passed" in the middle of the woods.
Sounds a bit crass but very probable.

I wonder if those flies believe in me?

Resolve:  Sorry to be so negative sounding but... Why even bother believing in an intangible all powerful being (who loves you unconditionally but, will condemn you to an eternity in hell if you don't believe in him... And then, of couse, does not provide any irrefutable proof of his existence)?  Sounds to me like the thing  humans should focus on is the beterment of themselves sans the burden of walking on religious, Judeo-christian moral eggshells....
But I could be wrong!

Jan 06 06 12:24 pm Link


Elin Striga

Posts: 77

Örebro, Örebro, Sweden

The reason I know I am God
is that one day when I was praying
I realized I was talking to myself


Jan 06 06 04:05 pm Link