Forums > General Industry > International Photography Awards


Evan Hiltunen

Posts: 4162

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

ahem, cough, sputter .... "Is it really over", he asked, in a daze.


Apr 15 07 08:16 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Rich Davis wrote:
But can I just get a certificate to frame and hang on the wall?

U'll have to owe me a beer, if I give U a certificate. That's the rules.

The final exam is that U have to have enuff photoshop skills (because U cant be a photographer without photoshop skills) to replace "u're name here" with u're name, there. Got it?

Apr 15 07 08:30 pm Link



Posts: 20626

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

UdoR wrote:

...The award you are using for enhancing your marketability is just like one of those "degree mills"... you know... where you get a phone call, someone is offering you a college degree from... oh, Bowling Green University (or college, don't remember) based on your life experience (I get those in spam mail almost everyday).

So, they "interview" you and tell you that you "qualify" and you pay them whatever money... do have your MBA or doctorate or whatever qualification... and it's all fine and dandy and will impress only those who don't know... but guess what... sooner or later you will deal with real academics... and they will pluck that diploma apart... slowly... painfully... and that's what seems just happened to you.

It appears from skimming the posts that most who responded to you don't see that YOU are the scammer... but you have been scammed.

Udo (and everyone else),

It seems as though you're talking to the wind.

Outlaw's also trying to impress his future employers and/or business partners by displaying a REJECTION LETTER which is linked to his online resume!

If he thinks THAT will dazzle 'em... you can only imagine how he really feels about those worthless photography achievement awards.

Apr 15 07 08:45 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

SayCheeZ! wrote:
It seems as though you're talking to the wind.

Maybe he's a parody, like me, just not as funny.

Apr 15 07 08:51 pm Link



Posts: 3560

New City, New York, US

GWC wrote:

Maybe he's a parody, like me, just not as funny.

... he's freakin' absurd...

Apr 15 07 08:55 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

GWC wrote:
Maybe he's a parody, like me, just not as funny.

Apr 15 07 08:58 pm Link


Curt at photoworks

Posts: 31812

Riverside, California, US

To the OP - are you the same Rodney Satonica of Owen, WI as the Rodney Satonica of Owen, WI that threatened to "blow up city hall".

From Wisconsin Court of Appeals:
"Satonica never filed a lawsuit, but by the spring of 1996, he was contacting the city clerk two or three times per day. The contacts frequently included obscene language and nasty epithets directed at the clerk, the mayor, the city council and the chief of police. In March of 1996, during a discussion of the flood control project, Satonica told Owen Police Officer Bruce Johnson that he would blow up propane tanks on his property if anyone came near his property line. On May 16, 1996, Satonica threatened to blow up city hall, if his demands were not met."

If that is you who threatened to "blow up city hall", I just want to go on the record as not disagreeing with anything you've said or will say and that I think you're a swell guy.

And, just out of curiousity, what is the "CSS Degree (Customer Service Specialist), 1975,  Atlas". I didn't know you could get a college degree in Customer Service. Is "Atlas" the name of the college?

Apr 15 07 09:12 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

Outlaw Photography wrote:
See, all posts here go to Google, and the posts which contained libel, now make MM and Google Liable for printing libel. Having made millions in my other career, it would be easy to assume dropping a dime on an attorney would bring millions into this career.

Good luck with that.

Apr 15 07 09:12 pm Link


Christopher Hartman

Posts: 54196

Buena Park, California, US

This thread is getting...

Apr 15 07 09:35 pm Link



Posts: 21320

Seattle, Washington, US

Let me tell you all a quick tale, and I will try to be brief.

One of the things I do to support my photography habit is work with Internet governance. Those of you versed in the sausage of politics of the net will recognize the acronym "ICANN" as the group that, for better or worse, governs the net. Back in the late 90's, at the behest of the US government, a number of we geeks got together to create ICANN. We met, for the most part, online, and discussed the bylaws, boards, rules, regulations and other garbage that makes-up such an entity. Everyone in the industry was invited to participate, but only a few actually did (yeah, you have we few to blame. Sorry).

One person who showed up at the virtual table was "Jefferey Williams." He said that he was the head of a thousand-member stakeholder group and he sounded perfectly legitimate. Many hours were spent discussing his issues, objections and comments and, as time went on, his points became more and more wild. After thoroughly wasting two years with this person, someone had the sense to ask, "where is he? Who is he?" He hadn't shown up to any actual meetings and nobody could actually verify his identity.

As it turns out, a number of us were curious enough to hire a PI, and we discovered that this guy was actually in his mid 30's, lived in a residential hotel paid-for by his parents, had no job, and was mentally disturbed. There was no stakeholder group, he did not, as he claimed, run a telecom corporation, and he had no participation in our industry at all. He was a fully-supported and supervised mentally-ill individual with an older PC and dialup modem pretending to part of the Internet governance constituency.

We wasted over two years dealing with him and countless hundreds of hours based on his participation. He was, for quite some time, actually very good at convincing people that he was genuine. To this day he *still* posts on many of the governance lists, and we're forced to warn new participants, sometimes even representatives from other governments, about him. Due to the public nature of the Internet governance sector, he cannot just be banned outright.

This guy has cost real money and real headaches to those who've taken him seriously by not knowing his true nature.

I see "Outlaw" the same way. In reading his rants and the court documents referenced, I honestly believe that "Outlaw" could be a genuine threat. It's clear that he's made threats of violence to local government officials, and that's not to be taken lightly. He has delusions of being involved in national politics, demonstrates what can only be described as detailed paranoia and delusional viewpoints.

I honestly think that it's time to thank him for his participation here at MM, politely decline to allow him to participate in the future, close his account and move on. I've dealt with people like him before, and it rarely turns-out pleasantly.

This is no longer dealing with a clueless newbie or GWC. This is a real, unbalanced individual.

Apr 15 07 09:38 pm Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:
After Outlaws last post, I'm scared. I mean he is out there folks, in the real world living amongst us(or at least those of you in WI), I don't even think he has supervision. A cold chill ran up my spine at the thought of this.
Now I'm starting to wonder how many more like him there are out there? Jeeze, I'm creeping myself out at this thought.

I had the same thought awhile ago.
His resume reads like a badly copied example in a resume writing book(besides the fact it isn't in proper format). Plus there are tons of inaccuracies from what he says to what it says. I really am concerned to what extent he will go to get his point acrossed.
At least now we know why he avoids using his name as much as he can(even though it is at the bottom of every page)

Apr 15 07 09:51 pm Link


Boho Hobo

Posts: 25351

Santa Barbara, California, US

GWC wrote:

Maybe he's a parody, like me, just not as funny.


You're a parody?

Apr 15 07 09:52 pm Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

GWC wrote:
Maybe he's a parody, like me, just not as funny.

KM von Seidl wrote:

You're a parody?

GWC can't be a parody, too many models here say they've worked with him!

Apr 15 07 10:07 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

No I kicked GWC's ass, I did not work with him....
There is a diffrence.


Apr 15 07 10:19 pm Link


Evan Hiltunen

Posts: 4162

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Schizophrenia (as an over-all grouping including delusional perceptions) was once explained to me like this:

When a functioning person reads a billboard that says, "X-Bank thinks the way you do", he/she/it understands the message as intended.

When a schizophrenic (and, again, this is a class of disorders, not a specific) reads it, they don't distill the message properly and they end up with "I think what X-Bank thinks".

And, of course, there are many degrees of mental illness and many people are "functional" though impaired.

Not suggesting anything about anybody but:

I think what Evan thinks.

(I know this is a very simplistic take on it)


Apr 15 07 10:37 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

Iona Lynn wrote:
No I kicked GWC's ass, I did not work with him....
There is a diffrence.

U showed me U're b(o)(o)bies!!!!! Neener neener neener!!! I saw U naked!!! I have a whole shoebox with about 4 pictures of U in it, under my bed! Ha!

Apr 15 07 11:04 pm Link



Posts: 1407

Baltimore, Maryland, US

KM von Seidl wrote:
You're a parody?

I probably got confused with my language again damn it. I meant that I try hard to be like the other famous photographers, and so I try to speak and write and act like they do. Kinda imitation is the sincerest way to flatten your tummy and stuff like that. Some of the models I've done TFP with say I look kinda like Richard Abingdon only like 200 lbs heavier, so I guess I'm doing pretty good.


Apr 15 07 11:09 pm Link


Olaf Mueller Photograph

Posts: 65

In case no one has noticed. The real International Photography Awards can be found at

Famous photographers participate there.

Apr 15 07 11:11 pm Link


Dean Johnson Photo

Posts: 70925

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

Christopher Ambler wrote:
..........I see "Outlaw" the same way. In reading his rants and the court documents referenced, I honestly believe that "Outlaw" could be a genuine threat. It's clear that he's made threats of violence to local government officials, and that's not to be taken lightly. He has delusions of being involved in national politics, demonstrates what can only be described as detailed paranoia and delusional viewpoints.

I honestly think that it's time to thank him for his participation here at MM, politely decline to allow him to participate in the future, close his account and move on. I've dealt with people like him before, and it rarely turns-out pleasantly.

This is no longer dealing with a clueless newbie or GWC. This is a real, unbalanced individual.

Christopher, you are very correct...more so then you probably realize. Though I don't think you are joking at all.

I have a history with Outlaw going back more then 3 years. It started out ok at first, but it didn't take long before I realized what sort of person I was dealing with.
I actually did the guy a favor or two and our falling out came about because I suggested to him that he refrain from mentioning his awards. I had a couple of models contact me and ask about this Outlaw of these girls was actually laughing at the fact that he claimed to be "an award winning photographer".
At the time I was on good terms with him so I mentioned that he might want to quit mentioning that as the girls really didn't care about any award he may have gotten they would just judge him by his work.
Well, that pissed him off immediately and he went on some rant about ignorant girls and blah blah blah.
And I suggested to him that he'd be better off improving his work rather then rely on some dubious award....and then he started hurling insults at me...I can't tell you how many times he's told me my work sucked and his was far superior..etc.

I've pretty much ignored him over the few years I've know him, but about a year ago   I ran across him on another forum and he took that opportunity to continue his assault on me, and my work. The outcome of that thread was that plenty of people chimed in and told him what they thought of his work.
The bottom line there is that he ended up yacking about a lot of the same stuff that he yacks about, and lawsuits...his corporate experience....etc. Then he even brought God into his rants and, as talk of religion/god is not allowed on that forum, the owner edited those parts out...then Outlaw threatened to sue him!!
The owner of that forum was so ashamed of all the psycho-babble on his new forum that he just deleted the whole thread!

Outlaw has made a laughingstock of himself before, just as he has done to himself here....and yet he is incapable of seeing it that way. He will blame me, and you, and TXPhotog.
I don't know how many people have noticed how calm he has remained in all this?....the fact that he can calmly deal with all this says a lot about him. That's a symptom of psychosis. I've no doubt in my mind that when he threatened to blow up the town hall he was very calm when he said, though a normal person would have to be near hysterics to even think such a thought.

He is delusional, and in my mind he is dangerous. I've spoken to him on the phone and he gives me the creeps.
There is nothing that any of us can say that will in any way help this poor soul. He is convinced that the world is out to get him. He is convinced that his work is masterful.
He brings new meaning to the phrase, "what color is the sky in your world?".

And he is convinced that his award is worthy of praise and attention.
To the normal mind his award is about as legitimate as getting a sheriffs badge out of a gum-ball machine. But if Outlaw ever got one of those gum-ball machine badges....he'd be hunting us down right now...just like ...well, just like an outlaw.


Apr 16 07 12:05 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US

Dean Johnson Photo wrote:
Christopher, you are very correct...more so then you probably realize. Though I don't think you are joking at all.

I have a history with Outlaw going back more then 3 years. It started out ok at first, but it didn't take long before I realized what sort of person I was dealing with.
I actually did the guy a favor or two and our falling out came about because I suggested to him that he refrain from mentioning his awards. I had a couple of models contact me and ask about this Outlaw of these girls was actually laughing at the fact that he claimed to be "an award winning photographer".
At the time I was on good terms with him so I mentioned that he might want to quit mentioning that as the girls really didn't care about any award he may have gotten they would just judge him by his work.
Well, that pissed him off immediately and he went on some rant about ignorant girls and blah blah blah.
And I suggested to him that he'd be better off improving his work rather then rely on some dubious award....and then he started hurling insults at me...I can't tell you how many times he's told me my work sucked and his was far superior..etc.

I've pretty much ignored him over the few years I've know him, but about a year ago   I ran across him on another forum and he took that opportunity to continue his assault on me, and my work. The outcome of that thread was that plenty of people chimed in and told him what they thought of his work.
The bottom line there is that he ended up yacking about a lot of the same stuff that he yacks about, and lawsuits...his corporate experience....etc. Then he even brought God into his rants and, as talk of religion/god is not allowed on that forum, the owner edited those parts out...then Outlaw threatened to sue him!!
The owner of that forum was so ashamed of all the psycho-babble on his new forum that he just deleted the whole thread!

Outlaw has made a laughingstock of himself before, just as he has done to himself here....and yet he is incapable of seeing it that way. He will blame me, and you, and TXPhotog.
I don't know how many people have noticed how calm he has remained in all this?....the fact that he can calmly deal with all this says a lot about him. That's a symptom of psychosis. I've no doubt in my mind that when he threatened to blow up the town hall he was very calm when he said, though a normal person would have to be near hysterics to even think such a thought.

He is delusional, and in my mind he is dangerous. I've spoken to him on the phone and he gives me the creeps.
There is nothing that any of us can say that will in any way help this poor soul. He is convinced that the world is out to get him. He is convinced that his work is masterful.
He brings new meaning to the phrase, "what color is the sky in your world?".

And he is convinced that his award is worthy of praise and attention.
To the normal mind his award is about as legitimate as getting a sheriffs badge out of a gum-ball machine. But if Outlaw ever got one of those gum-ball machine badges....he'd be hunting us down right now...just like ...well, just like an outlaw.



Well I am sure he is getting away with a lot off in booo fooo Wisconsin. Let em bring that ish to LA. See what happens then.

It's really sad.

I can only imagine the history.

Werd up...

Apr 16 07 12:46 am Link


Keith Allen Phillips

Posts: 3670

Santa Fe, New Mexico, US

Holy shit!!!

This guy does NOT need to be on MM.
It doesn't take a psychiatrist to see that he is completely bat shit crazy/paranoid/delusional.
I hope no one out there is naive enough to work with him, but MM shouldn't be giving him the chance to trick someone into being in the same room with him.

It was funny, but now it's just scary!

Apr 16 07 01:05 am Link


R A Photography

Posts: 2698

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

Outlaw Photography wrote:

And the reason for this thread, is false witness .. scammers misrepresenting the facts about the awards for their own personal agenda's.  There is no misrepresentation in my words.  Those who called me a scammer, are the scammers.

God Bless,

I'm still wondering who called you a scammer. I remember quite a few people calling the people who run scammers, but I guess I missed where they specifically called you a scammer. Nope, don't see it. I DO see where everyone was saying you must be clueless if you feel these so-called awards have any merit.

I do hope you weren't trying to gain any popularitiy with this thread, because it looks like if that was your plan, it backfired.

Apr 16 07 01:57 am Link



Posts: 10256

Asbury Park, New Jersey, US

He's just bat shit crazy.

Apr 16 07 02:03 am Link


R A Photography

Posts: 2698

Lawton, Oklahoma, US

Photo- op wrote:
He's just bat shit crazy.

got that right...having dealt with a family member who has mental issues, I can tell you that just by reading Outlaw's responses, that he has problems, and should get help. Do we really need people who threaten to blow up town halls on this site (if he is the same person who did that), having free access to models and other individuals? It is clear that this person suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and it doesn't seem that he's getting it treated. Just an observation, but this guy is a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode.

Also, is anyone else in the least creeped out by the guy's last name? I mean, it his real last name, or is it one that the "militia" gave him?

Apr 16 07 04:10 am Link


Vance C McDaniel

Posts: 7609

Los Angeles, California, US
Who you callin' BAT SHIT CRAZY?! I'll hunt you don fool!

Apr 16 07 04:27 am Link



Posts: 10256

Asbury Park, New Jersey, US

Vance wrote:
Who you callin' BAT SHIT CRAZY?! I'll hunt you don fool!

* climbing back to my chair after falling off laughing*
Now that's some funny shit.

Apr 16 07 04:50 am Link



Posts: 10256

Asbury Park, New Jersey, US

BeccaAnnPhotoGal wrote:

got that right...having dealt with a family member who has mental issues, I can tell you that just by reading Outlaw's responses, that he has problems, and should get help. Do we really need people who threaten to blow up town halls on this site (if he is the same person who did that), having free access to models and other individuals? It is clear that this person suffers from paranoid schizophrenia, and it doesn't seem that he's getting it treated. Just an observation, but this guy is a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode.

Also, is anyone else in the least creeped out by the guy's last name? I mean, it his real last name, or is it one that the "militia" gave him?

Oh yeah this guy is completely delusional.
I wonder if he was even a photographer before he got a letter in the mail saying he got an “award”. Maybe he got the letter saying he was so well respected in the photographic community that he had to run out and get a camera.
The guy needs to go back on his meds and take a time out.

Apr 16 07 04:54 am Link


nathan combs

Posts: 3687

Waynesboro, Virginia, US

this thread is all most as long as the one at yelling at me for my spelling

just a have not gotten any sleep observation smile

Apr 16 07 04:58 am Link



Posts: 22898

Tavai, Sigave, Wallis and Futuna

A public service announcement:

Apr 16 07 05:37 am Link



Posts: 2183

Needville, Texas, US


Is bat shit craziness contageous? Am I going to get it by reading this guy's words?

I'm washing my hands and bleaching my eyes after this.

Apr 16 07 10:37 am Link


Rick Davis Photography

Posts: 3733

San Antonio, Texas, US

File this one under "FULL OF SHIT"!

Jun 14 07 01:41 pm Link



Posts: 16462

Marshfield, Wisconsin, US

I wish that this thread and I were both here in January...I would not had to have dealt with the things that happened in the thread linked below:

Jun 14 07 02:17 pm Link



Posts: 1225

Miami Beach, Florida, US

yada, yada yada, yada yada, yada yada, yada !!!!!!!

Jun 14 07 02:23 pm Link



Posts: 16462

Marshfield, Wisconsin, US

E D U A R D O wrote:
yada, yada yada, yada yada, yada yada, yada !!!!!!!

these links are both referring to the same photographer

Jun 14 07 02:26 pm Link



Posts: 2183

Needville, Texas, US

ElleM, I'm sending you a message.

Jun 14 07 02:31 pm Link



Posts: 20626

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

ElleM wrote:
I wish that this thread and I were both here in January...I would not had to have dealt with the things that happened in the thread linked below:

y'mean Outlaw was the 'clock-watcher'?

seriously, whoa!!!

Jun 14 07 02:38 pm Link



Posts: 16462

Marshfield, Wisconsin, US

thats not "outing", is it??? i did not mention any names...

Jun 14 07 02:45 pm Link


Iona Lynn

Posts: 11176

Oakland, California, US

ElleM wrote:
I wish that this thread and I were both here in January...I would not had to have dealt with the things that happened in the thread linked below:

Right and one big problem I still see is that YOU HAVE HIS IMAGES in your profile...
This implys that you worked with him and liked his work enough to post it.
Not all models will send you a message asking if you liked working with him many just poke about and try to find other images by a photogrpaher to see if he is currently shooting.
You are advertizing his work!!!!!

Jun 14 07 02:48 pm Link



Posts: 16462

Marshfield, Wisconsin, US

Iona Lynn wrote:

Right and one big problem I still see is that YOU HAVE HIS IMAGES in your profile...
This implys that you worked with him and liked his work enough to post it.
Not all models will send you a message asking if you liked working with him many just poke about and try to find other images by a photogrpaher to see if he is currently shooting.
You are advertizing his work!!!!!

they are gone now...

Jun 14 07 02:57 pm Link



Posts: 2183

Needville, Texas, US

ElleM wrote:

they are gone now...


Jun 14 07 03:00 pm Link