Forums > General Industry > Would you date your photographer?


S. Stark

Posts: 13614

Los Angeles, California, US

D M M  wrote:

Yeah, well, you would never date a musician, Shandra!

Apparently I didn't.

More on that story at 8:00.

Sep 30 08 12:41 am Link


Beauty by Divine

Posts: 418

Miami, Florida, US

MelissaLynnette LaDiva wrote:
If he fit my requirements for a man, then yes. If not, then no. Like any other man I might meet.

And those requirements are? smile

Sep 30 08 12:42 am Link



Posts: 7910

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Shandra Stark wrote:

Apparently I didn't.

More on that story at 8:00.


I'm calling you before bed, okay?


Sep 30 08 12:43 am Link


S. Stark

Posts: 13614

Los Angeles, California, US

D M M  wrote:


I'm calling you before bed, okay?



Sep 30 08 12:45 am Link


Stephen Melvin

Posts: 16334

Kansas City, Missouri, US

D M M  wrote:
Chyeahhh. Go models! wink

No, in all seriousness, profession of either party has no bearings on a healthy relationship. And, because I'm a student way before I'm a model (and, shit, I'm way better at academic life anyway), I could care less if my boyfriend is a photographer, or an astronaut. Granted, I do appriciate art, so, it's nice to be with someone who inspires me to foster my own creativity.


When are you coming to visit? I mean, for photos...

Sep 30 08 12:45 am Link


Keira Grant

Posts: 3805

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

Heck yes I would, but only if they were super cool. Perhaps as geeky cool as I am. smile

Sep 30 08 12:48 am Link


Devious Pictures

Posts: 155

New York, New York, US

StephenE wrote:
I dont date models I am actively shooting, so I would have to be dating them first (which is the norm) or at least after a 6 month wait after initial shoot. 

that said I have swapped out a model on a commercial shoot that was more date potential so as to not date one I was currently booking  hmm

I did book her for a larger shoot later on to make up for the lost job. 

I am nice that way, even though we did not date that long, she bored me quickly  hmm

-- Stephen Eastwood --


Sep 30 08 12:50 am Link



Posts: 571

Greenville, South Carolina, US

I certainly would date my photographer, she's Hot. ;-)

Sep 30 08 12:50 am Link


Shanna Alperovich

Posts: 202

Royal Oak, Michigan, US

Been dating my photographer over a year! Wouldn't change a thing.

Sep 30 08 12:50 am Link



Posts: 663

Vancouver, Washington, US

K E S L E R wrote:
I would ask this in the photography forum...

I think you DID ask this on the photography forum. smile

To answer the OP's question of "should"? No.

But people do lots of things they shouldn't and are just fine. Some are incredibly happy. Others fail miserably. That's life, it's not fair and what one person does won't necessarily work out the same for anyone else.

I used to be a massage therapist (camera = just looking, massage = looking AND touching) and I didn't date any of my clients then either.

When I'm behind the camera all I'm thinking about is the creation of something captured forever (minus the lifetime expectancy of digital media).

The first time I was told "you're the least threatening man I've ever met" I smiled.

Then I wondered for a second... then I smiled again and said thanks!

My wife modeled years before we met. It was at her encouragement that I became a photographer.

There's no jealousy. I shoot. I show her my pictures. We cuddle & stuff. Good times. But that's us. smile

Sep 30 08 06:14 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

MF productions wrote:
Anyone ever watch the film Star 80? Kinda puts some things in perspective as to why models and photogs shouldn't date.

Dorothy Stratten's boyfriend (later husband)/manager wasn't a photographer.  He CONNED a photographer to get her pics to send to Playboy.

Sep 30 08 08:07 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

BTW, I pointed my girlfriend to this thread, she'll probably reply later.  We just celebrated our first anniversary.  In 20 years of this I'd never gone out with a model but she pursued me.  She's a traveling nude/bondage model, and I shoot a lot of both of those subjects.  We've never had issues with jealousy or control and don't see any reason for them.

Sep 30 08 08:11 am Link



Posts: 1299

Brooklyn, New York, US

As a photographer... I would date any female I'm interested in. If I'm interested in you and you're interested in me, lets go for it. No rules, no restrictions... ANY woman I'm interested in. I see alot of "conditions" coming from the models in here. Deprive yourselves of an individual because of his job all you want. I'm living my life... HEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :p

You only live once. Stop with all the rules

Sidenote: I would never commit to a model or marry her. Just have a good time with her. Advances are thrown her way far more than an average girl, and the oppoortunities and temptations are far greater. No boyfriend/fiance/husband should have to deal with that. Doesn't matter how great your relationship is or how much you trust her, etc. **Speaking from the "winning" end of the stick** wink

Sep 30 08 08:54 am Link


Savannah Nights

Posts: 392

Florence, South Carolina, US

HottShotz wrote:
As a photographer... I would date any female I'm interested in. If I'm interested in you and you're interested in me, lets go for it. No rules, no restrictions... ANY woman I'm interested in. I see alot of "conditions" coming from the models in here. Deprive yourselves of an individual because of his job all you want. I'm living my life... HEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :p

You only live once. Stop with all the rules

Like the way you think!!!!

Sep 30 08 08:56 am Link


B Debauchery

Posts: 5744

Boston, Massachusetts, US

HottShotz wrote:
As a photographer... I would date any female I'm interested in. If I'm interested in you and you're interested in me, lets go for it. No rules, no restrictions... ANY woman I'm interested in. I see alot of "conditions" coming from the models in here. Deprive yourselves of an individual because of his job all you want. I'm living my life... HEEEEYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY :p

You only live once. Stop with all the rules

Sidenote: I would never commit to a model or marry her. Just have a good time with her. Advances are thrown her way far more than an average girl, and the oppoortunities and temptations are far greater. No boyfriend/fiance/husband should have to deal with that. **Speaking from the "winning" end of the stick** wink

So the second part just negated the first part? Just because someone, regardless of gender, gets advances thrown her way more than the average person, regardless of profession, doesn't mean you shouldn't date them because of it. Just because you don't want to deal with it, doesn't mean its difficult and impossible to. The only time an SO should worry is if their partner is responding to the advances!

Sidenote: I wouldn't date any of my photographers because for me, it is a very different type of relationship that those I pursue romantically.

Sep 30 08 09:11 am Link


Angela Pilat

Posts: 1311

Milford, New Jersey, US

I am also a model....I went on a photo shoot nearly 2 years ago, we started dating and now we are recently engaged. I know that there were lots of rumors about us in the industry. It was not like we ever kept our relationship a secret! We now work together as photographers. If he needs a model at any given time, I am right here. I guess the jealousy thing is not a problem, since I shoot naked girls myself!

Sep 30 08 09:23 am Link


JT Hodges

Posts: 2191

Austin, Texas, US

K E S L E R wrote:
Personally I don't think the model/ photographer relationship will work out because there would be at some point jealousy, whether the photographer shoots beautiful women more than his girlfriend, or his girlfriend shoots with better photographers than her BF.

People with issues like that have a hard time maintaining relationships, no matter the hobby/profession.

Sep 30 08 09:27 am Link


Random Guy68

Posts: 617

Cave Junction, Oregon, US

Don't look at my avatar, you might get the wrong idea

Sep 30 08 09:28 am Link


SLE Photography

Posts: 68937

Orlando, Florida, US

B Debauchery wrote:

So the second part just negated the first part? Just because someone, regardless of gender, gets advances thrown her way more than the average person, regardless of profession, doesn't mean you shouldn't date them because of it. Just because you don't want to deal with it, doesn't mean its difficult and impossible to. The only time an SO should worry is if their partner is responding to the advances!

Sidenote: I wouldn't date any of my photographers because for me, it is a very different type of relationship that those I pursue romantically.

For super cereal. With that kind of negative and insulting attitude I am surprised he can find models to date.

Sep 30 08 09:36 am Link


McVirn Etienne

Posts: 23

London, England, United Kingdom

I've been a photographer for fifteen years and I've never dated a model I was shooting, (actually, bar one girl who I dated a year after I shot her). I would say anybody in the creative industry struggles to find a partner who at some stage doesn't get jealous, in fact the better looking they are the worst they are in my opinion!

I've shot many many hot looking models, and although I'm no Denzil Washington look alike I dont think I look like Mike Tyson either and have had a decent amount of attractive girlfriends in my time, there has never been an occasion where I have hit on a model, and I would say I've only been hit on maybe three times in all those years by models.

I have never taken advantage of those situations and never will do, however I know of a few photographers who have and even a couple who have hit on girls underage!

If you cant trust a man/woman to be faithful to you wether they are models or singers or actors etc, then you dump them and move on. Its too lonely out there as it is without setting barriers up before you even try to open the garden gate.

Right, thats off my chest now....I'm off to hit the lonely hearts column.....

Sep 30 08 09:38 am Link


Savannah Nights

Posts: 392

Florence, South Carolina, US

HottShotz wrote:
Sidenote: I would never commit to a model or marry her. Just have a good time with her. Advances are thrown her way far more than an average girl, and the oppoortunities and temptations are far greater. No boyfriend/fiance/husband should have to deal with that. Doesn't matter how great your relationship is or how much you trust her, etc. **Speaking from the "winning" end of the stick** wink

ok so the sidenote I don't agree with.

Sep 30 08 09:40 am Link


B Debauchery

Posts: 5744

Boston, Massachusetts, US

SLE Photography wrote:

For super cereal. With that kind of negative and insulting attitude I am surprised he can find models to date.

Some girls like it tongue There are kinks for that!

Sep 30 08 09:40 am Link


Studio NOIR

Posts: 11

Montreal, Quebec, Canada

mmmm let me see!!!!

I will let you know next year. Watch this thread!!!

Nicole Imani

Sep 30 08 09:43 am Link


The Original Sin

Posts: 13899

Louisville, Kentucky, US

SLE Photography wrote:
BTW, I pointed my girlfriend to this thread, she'll probably reply later.  We just celebrated our first anniversary.  In 20 years of this I'd never gone out with a model but she pursued me.  She's a traveling nude/bondage model, and I shoot a lot of both of those subjects.  We've never had issues with jealousy or control and don't see any reason for them.

Hi honey.

Yes, I would and have happily see a photographer for social and personal purposes outside of the working relationship.

One advantage of dating a photographer to think of- if you ever decide to whip out a camera and take freaky fotos during the sheet-rumpling-- they would be SO much more flattering when they hit the tabloids five years later (after your big break as the world's first 5'2 supermodel).


Sep 30 08 10:14 am Link


The Original Sin

Posts: 13899

Louisville, Kentucky, US

SLE Photography wrote:
BTW, I pointed my girlfriend to this thread, she'll probably reply later.  We just celebrated our first anniversary.  In 20 years of this I'd never gone out with a model but she pursued me.  She's a traveling nude/bondage model, and I shoot a lot of both of those subjects.  We've never had issues with jealousy or control and don't see any reason for them.

Hi honey.

Yes, I would and have happily see a photographer for social and personal purposes outside of the working relationship.

One advantage of dating a photographer to think of- if you ever decide to whip out a camera and take freaky fotos during the sheet-rumpling-- they would be SO much more flattering when they hit the tabloids five years later (after your big break as the world's first 5'2 supermodel).


Sep 30 08 10:14 am Link



Posts: 249

Orlando, Florida, US

My other half is my photographer. he shoots other women all the time I have other photographers shoot me been doing it that way for years and no problems...

Some of my interesting shots come from having my photographer around all the time smile

Sep 30 08 10:19 am Link


Sexiest Carly

Posts: 530

Los Angeles, California, US

Wellll..... I dated (past tense) a photographer. And am dating (present tense) another.

One was jealous and insecure.
One is not.

Anyone is capable of being one thing or another.

I love the Milkman (  )because of his creative mind and artistic ability to appreciate the aesthetic around him- something I obsess with. So he understands how I see the world and vice verse which is obviously important if we are to survive together.

I don't love him BEACAUSE he's a photographer. In fact I've just recently LET him shoot me- i didn't want to be his model under his microscope....It just wasn't necessary.

But on a whole i do find photographers adorable and charming. . . Or I should say- neurotic and obsessed and easily entertained.....Did i mention that I'm a photographer....

He didn't make me a photographer. He didn't inspire me to BE a photographer. It's just neat how it worked like that. And he is my teacher and my student and I'm a better person for knowing him.

Photographer is just another identity that gets lost between the sheets......

Sep 30 08 10:38 am Link


The Fragile Touch

Posts: 131

Brooklyn, New York, US

K E S L E R wrote:

If your the photographer shooting hotter models than your GF, I can guarantee you that the jealousy will not be on your part smile

That sort of thing can be avoided based on how beautiful you make her feel. Reassurance in a situation like that wouldn't hurt.

Sep 30 08 10:47 am Link


Sandy Ramirez

Posts: 6089

Brooklyn, New York, US

MF productions wrote:
Anyone ever watch the film Star 80? Kinda puts some things in perspective as to why models and photogs shouldn't date.

Irving Penn and Lisa Fongrives turned out well.

Sep 30 08 10:54 am Link



Posts: 11574

Los Angeles, California, US

The Fragile Touch wrote:

That sort of thing can be avoided based on how beautiful you make her feel. Reassurance in a situation like that wouldn't hurt.

Doesn't matter how good you make her feel, if she's jealous, shes jealous.  Theres a good reason why I'm single... now.  Hey ladies lol

Sep 30 08 11:13 am Link


R. Cervelli

Posts: 1355

Boston, Massachusetts, US

Models dating photographers gives a whole new defination for TFP smile

Sep 30 08 11:16 am Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Sexiest Carly wrote:
Wellll..... I dated (past tense) a photographer. And am dating (present tense) another.

One was jealous and insecure.
One is not.

Anyone is capable of being one thing or another.

I love the Milkman (  )because of his creative mind and artistic ability to appreciate the aesthetic around him- something I obsess with. So he understands how I see the world and vice verse which is obviously important if we are to survive together.

I don't love him BEACAUSE he's a photographer. In fact I've just recently LET him shoot me- i didn't want to be his model under his microscope....It just wasn't necessary.

But on a whole i do find photographers adorable and charming. . . Or I should say- neurotic and obsessed and easily entertained.....Did i mention that I'm a photographer....

He didn't make me a photographer. He didn't inspire me to BE a photographer. It's just neat how it worked like that. And he is my teacher and my student and I'm a better person for knowing him.

Photographer is just another identity that gets lost between the sheets......

Since your both photographers you can take pictures of each others messes
to prove that you aren't the one who did it... tee hee hee!!!

Sep 30 08 11:19 am Link


Janice Marie Foote

Posts: 11483

Bob Cervelli wrote:
Models dating photographers gives a whole new defination for TFP smile

That'd be TFS ;-)...

Sep 30 08 11:19 am Link



Posts: 11574

Los Angeles, California, US

Janice Marie Foote wrote:

That'd be TFS ;-)...

I'm waiting to come across someone who declines TFP but available for TFS lol

Sep 30 08 11:23 am Link


Dances with Wolves

Posts: 25108


Kita St Cyr wrote:
The only reason I see for jealousy would be extreme insecurity.


The profession of the person doesn't matter. Someone that is insecure, is insecure, is insecure.

Ruling out dating someone because they are your photographer is a silly rule.

Sep 30 08 11:26 am Link


joao carlos

Posts: 599

Lisbon, Lisboa e Vale do Tejo, Portugal

Sexiest Carly wrote:
Wellll..... I dated (past tense) a photographer. And am dating (present tense) another.

One was jealous and insecure.
One is not.

Anyone is capable of being one thing or another.

I love the Milkman (  )because of his creative mind and artistic ability to appreciate the aesthetic around him- something I obsess with. So he understands how I see the world and vice verse which is obviously important if we are to survive together.

I don't love him BEACAUSE he's a photographer. In fact I've just recently LET him shoot me- i didn't want to be his model under his microscope....It just wasn't necessary.

But on a whole i do find photographers adorable and charming. . . Or I should say- neurotic and obsessed and easily entertained.....Did i mention that I'm a photographer....

He didn't make me a photographer. He didn't inspire me to BE a photographer. It's just neat how it worked like that. And he is my teacher and my student and I'm a better person for knowing him.

Photographer is just another identity that gets lost between the sheets......

hehehe she is so cute ,, it works when it works no matter what you both do for a living .

Sep 30 08 11:31 am Link


MYS Britt

Posts: 10720

San Diego, California, US

K E S L E R wrote:
I would ask this in the photography forum but I already know that 99% of the vote for single photographer would be "YES."  lol

Personally I don't think the model/ photographer relationship will work out because there would be at some point jealousy, whether the photographer shoots beautiful women more than his girlfriend, or his girlfriend shoots with better photographers than her BF.


Depends if he makes her feel special and pays as much / more attention and charm
as to the girls in his shoots

As to other photographers - that issue will come up if he is looking at other work anyway
I hope i would chose someone who is inspired by art not just threatened by it

I HAVE had one in past who might get out of bed too fast
and then be back 'at work' ie looking at models with red hair, and talking about how hot they were and 'I wonder if she would shoot with me'
That was pretty disappointing

Sep 30 08 11:58 am Link



Posts: 1299

Brooklyn, New York, US

Savannah Traynum wrote:

ok so the sidenote I don't agree with.

It's true

Sep 30 08 06:16 pm Link



Posts: 1299

Brooklyn, New York, US

B Debauchery wrote:

So the second part just negated the first part? Just because someone, regardless of gender, gets advances thrown her way more than the average person, regardless of profession, doesn't mean you shouldn't date them because of it. Just because you don't want to deal with it, doesn't mean its difficult and impossible to. The only time an SO should worry is if their partner is responding to the advances!

Sidenote: I wouldn't date any of my photographers because for me, it is a very different type of relationship that those I pursue romantically.

Who tells there boyfriend about the instances where they've had advances thrown their way? Seriously. Any man knows that beautiful women get hit on every SINGLE day. It's worst when your woman's job is to actually be close to naked if not naked in front of men. Because lets face it... most male photographers (majority of the market) require clothes come off at shoots. Being secure is fine... But knowing that that's what your woman is leaving you to do wouldn't put me at ease. I'd stick with the girl next door. smile

Sep 30 08 06:20 pm Link


Keira Grant

Posts: 3805

Raleigh, North Carolina, US

No, my photographer has a lot of baggage, an extra eye, and makes clicking sounds. (Oh wait, that's just the camera and the lights and whatnot)


Sep 30 08 06:36 pm Link