This thread was locked on 2008-08-27 13:24:21
Forums > Critique > The Dark Critique Parlor



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

TrePhotography wrote:
Me next?

I'll like some critique on my newer work

No problem...and since I'm here, I'll do the rest too if you don't mind....

Row 1 Photo 1-And I instantly feel out of my, this isn't what I had in mind in a "dark" critiqe parlor but.....both images here are okay....I like the lighting in the left one but I like the pose in the right.....the model has cool hair....

Photo 2-Lovely model...I like the mood and color in the one on the left and there is a nice feeling of natural sexuality in the one on the right....

Photo 3-Okay, this I understand better....what really stands out here and takes it out of the ordinary is the oversaturation....great job there....

Photo 4-Lovely only suggestion is to get rid of some of the negative space at the top....I'm sure you thought it might look bad if you cut off the tops of the trees but in a shot like this, you want the eye to focus on the model and her immediate surroundings....

Row 2 Photo 1-This is a decent experement but I don't think its good enough for a portfolio....the reeds in the foreground are obscuring the model too much...

Photo 2-Nice composition, I like the model's look....very natural....btw-all of these B&W shots are well lit....good job...

Photo 3-Beautiful....I love everything about photo in your portfolio....excellent work...

Photo 4-This is nice but I prefer the one before it....the colors are abit washed out here and she seems to be in the middle of a pose instead of actually posing...

Row 3 Photo 1-I didn't mention it before but Ivanka is a gorgeous girl....I really like this one but the shadow on the right side of her face is abit to extreme for me....really good job though....

Your B&W work is thoughtly and lovely....looking over all of your work thogh, I was struck by how mannered it all suggestion is that you "cut loose" have a very good sense of composition and lighting....I'm just not feeling your passion....good luck hun, I really want to see more from you...

Dec 12 06 04:20 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Archtype wrote:
I have to agree with you that most of us, because our work is not so obvious, get the shaft! Cheers to you for putting it out there!

i thank you kind sir and since you're here, how about a critiqe?

Row 1 Photo 1-Love the model, what a cutie....there is something bothering me here and I can't quite put my finger on it....I wanted to say that it was the big nrgative space with the watermark in it but thats actualy kind of cool....I think this just isn't the best this photo can be....maybe her pose or the bear.....

Photo 2-Great looking model....the socks are blending into the background because of the heavy saturation....this would look really cool on location...

Photo 3-Simple and lovely.....I do think a different, softer expression would have helped her....

Photo 4-Oh man, she is this look, love the pose....its just waaaaa yoo oversaturated, which is driving me nuts becasue this girl is sexy beyond belief....

Row 2 Photo 1-Fantastic work!  Love the angle here....and the model is just gorgeous....great job....

Not sure if you'd wanted one but there it is.....thanks again for the kind words....

Dec 12 06 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Grace You wrote:
I'd like to hear what your advice is on improving my shots and what I could improve in the future.  I'm new to MM and I haven't really found a goal to be working for other than gaining experience and seeing what I can do with myself. It seems that not a lot of people have much to say to me heh.

Hello grace and welcome to'll find some wonderful, inspirational people here and some real hacks.....make yourself at home and speak up when you like...don't be shy, shy people get eaten alive here....


Row 1 Photo 1-Very cute look, adorable expression....not liking the pose though or the way its been photographed....looks odd and unflattering.....nice composition and color...

Photo 2-Have you read elsewhere here that I have a pigtail fetish?  You look great, I like the combo of sexy and brainy look you have....the photo itself isn't lit very well but you look great even in this light, which bodes well for when you work with better photographers...

Photo 3-This is a cool, creative shot....its more of a photographer's shot though....if I'm looking over your portfolio and I'm interested in working with you, I want to see you

Photo 4-badly lit, I can barely make you out in this.....its okay as a place holder but when you get better photos, make sure this one goes...

Row 2 Photo 1-Once again, the lighting here is just bad....get this one out of your portfolio as soon as you can, it does you no favors....

Photo 2-Yup, bad lighting here too but at least its a good pose and I can actually see you in it....

Photo 3-WHOA!  this is what I was hoping to see....I knew based on the other photos that you were a sexy girl and this proves look fantastic in this outfit (the one shoe off is a nice touch, this shot is for fetishists isn't it?)...there appears to have been some Photoshoping work done on your face but its only noticable if you stare....

Photo 4-Love the outfit and the expression is just lovely....this is too overexposed but you make it work despite the photographic flaws...

Row 3 Photo 1-This is a variation on the last one and its MUCH look absolutely hot and the technical flaws aren't as bad....although I can't get over the lousy crops on your head and feet....

Photo 2-Love your serene expression.....the outfit is unflattering, it honestly ages you in this photo.....

Photo 3-Okay, so this is a what, I still like it.....I LOVE your look and expression here...kick ass....

Photo 4-This is a snapshot and the emphasis seems to be on the guy and not you....I'd remove this....

Row 4 Photo 1-You don't look comfortable.....this isn't doing anything for your portfolio either should go too...

Okay, so its obvious you're just starting out.....if by wanting to know what to do with yourself means you want to know what type of modeling you should go for, of course I'm going to tell you to go for the sexy stuff.....I mean, look at you in those photos!!!  You also have an awesome sense of style and I would really like more than anything to see you work with photographers who were more stylized and dynamic with a sense of live in california so it should be no problem to find people to work with that would give you fun, sexy shots and you're a fun, sexy girl....

Keep me updated.....

Dec 12 06 05:00 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

nny wrote:
I'd love one, since no one seems to ever want to critique me. sad

hey danny....I know, it sucks because not only are you a male model but your an alternative male model....most photographers can't get their heads out of their glamour covered asses and see all the real talent out here just dying to do some great work...

Row 1 Photo 1-Okay, I get nothing but a red X here....sorry....

Photo 2-You know, when I first saw this I thought I'd acidently hit the portfolio of some cute girl and then i remembered what you'd written in your "About me" look fantastic!  What an amazing transformation....the photo itself is good too....nice composition, the lighting is abit hard....

Photo 3-I can't get over make such an adorable girl!  Thats astonishing, you should be really proud of how well you pull this off....and the photo itself is really good....good compositin and really nice pose....

Photo 4-Okay, I'm not a fan of this kind of stuff but this is pretty good.....great look you have going on inthe middel of it...

Row 2 Photo 1-So Glam!  Has any of this been retouched?  I love the make-up....

Photo 2-I like this better than the other one but I'm still not a big fan of this kind of stuff....every photographer has his bias and mine is with these pieces of "Photoshop art"...i just don't think of this as photography....

Photo 3-So I'm thinking this is selective desaturation but I really fits....this is just so 70s Glam....Bowie would be pleased and I am too....great look...

Photo 4-This is a great showcase...I can't get over all the different looks you have!!!  This looks so 80s have Peter Murphy's face.....

row 3 Photo 1-Another good showcase, esp. for your striking eyes....

Photo 2-Holy shit photo in your portfolio.....I mentioned Murphy before and I will again...I love everything about this photo, fantastic job....

Photo 3-I did a shot similar to this myself once and people went wild for it....the reason I bring that up is, I think this shot would work alot more if your hand were snaking down the front and into your jeans....its more overtly sexy and takes some of the emphasis away from the area itself.....

Photo 4-Another great portrait.....I can't believe the different looks you have...

Okay, so looking over your portfolio, I came to two conclusions....first, you have an incredible chameleon-like ability that I've never seen in any model here, male or female....second, your looks and your overt sexuality are going to frighten some men....remember, most photographers are into taking photos of "hot, sexy women' and if they ever do use male models, its usually only as a stereotypical macho guy or as a proxy for themselves....a talent like yours makes them uncomfortable and without getting into a whole lot of gender idenity/ fear of sexuality discusions, they have no idea what to do with you....

My advice is to find photographers like the ones we have here in the parlor and have some clear ideas of what you want to do with your have too much ability to be long as you don't let ignorance and bias stand in your way, you could do some seriously amazing work....

speaking of which, we will absolutely be shooting next year....let me know when you're down toward my area (Toledo/Detroit area)....I have some very cool ideas....

Dec 12 06 05:35 pm Link



Posts: 13

Denver, Colorado, US

Spot on Springheel. Thanks for the eval.

Dec 12 06 05:40 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Amy K wrote:
critique me!?!

I'll be honest Amy, when I first went and looked over your portfolio I was slightly thrown....this being a critique thread for dark/alt photos and you not really having any photos like that....but I couldn't help but notice how insanely gorgeous you are so, of course I'll critique you!


Row 1 Photo 1-Very sexy look....I love the pose and the both of you are really selling this...the polka-dots are fun....the framing here is not good at all though...

Photo 2-really good pose and expression....this is just a lovely shot, nice could use a little bit of color is, its alot of blacks and greens...

Photo 3-You have a lovely face and I really like your hair here....the photo itself is too overexposed and it was a terrible idea to crop you at the elbow...

Photo 4-You both look gorgeous....everything here is excellent, this makes me miss Summer....great job...

Row 2 Photo 1-This is cute, you both look like you're having fun....the photo itself feels kind of tossed off....

Photo 2-Beautiful eyes....I really like the background color.....this shot isn't as dynamic as it wants to be though....

Photo 3-You're both just lovely and its an okay shot.....I am wondering why you seem to be sharing a portfolio with her though...she is in alot of your photos and you mention her in your "About me" too....

Photo 4-Okay, what can I say here that you haven't heard a million times before?  You have a phenomenal figure and VERY sensual eyes....fantastic shot...

Row 3 Photo 1-This one is sexy....but I once again question why Whitney is in it....this is YOUR portfolio....

Photo 2-Abit of a saturation issue with this....I really like your hair and the outfit....I do think the position of your feet could have been better, the toes on both feet are pointing toward the camera and it would have worked better if one of your feet were positioned with the side visible instead....

Photo 3-Jeebus you have an incredible body.....the pose is fantastic....not crazy about the lighting though, its abit drab....

Photo 4-Okay, i've held back long have one of the most lovely faces I've seen in a long time....looking at your eyes, lips, nose, I'm reminded of the first time I saw Charlize Theron 10 years ago....the photo itself?  Just a servicable snapshot but damn, you are gorgeous....

Row 4 Photo 1-Good dynamic shot.....I really like the look fantastic in that outfit and I love the pose and expression...

Photo 2-I sooooo love the expression you have sultry....not crazy about the bikini though...

Photo 3-I want to like this more than I do.....great pose....its just too overlit and I'm not sure whats going on with your bikini bottom but there is some kind of wrinkles there that look, quite honestly, like you have something shoved in them....

Photo 4-Just look so damn good here...I have some issue with the lighting bellow your waist but other than that, this is total Maxim material...

Row 5 photo 1-Gorgeous...perfect head shot....I can't say anything but good things here....

Photo 2-This doesn't work.....badly lit and oversaturated to try to compensate...its a good pose between the two of you but this just isn't that good...

Photo 3-Very well lit and it all works....its a fine shot but abit blah....

Photo 4-I feel the same about this one as I do Photo 3 Row 3....

Well of course the first thing i recomend is that you do some "dark"

Outside of that, try to explain the situation with you and Whitney better in your "About me" section....I'm not sure what the situation is there but your MM page should be about you and only you....

I can't see how you won't have a big future ahead of you.....everything a glamour/pin-up photographer could want, you have and more....good luck beautiful Amy....

Dec 12 06 06:41 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Darling I just made a post in this forum with 2 new pics, standard profile and headshot, if you have time babe would you take a look for me?

Vixen. xxx

Dec 12 06 06:45 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

MarlaSinger wrote:
I recognize you're a busy man, but if you do get a chance...let me know what you think. I've been needing a good critique for awhile.

Never too busy to assist a lovely lady.....

Row 1 Photo 1-Love this pose, its somewhat serpentine.....I really like this shot except i wish it were lit better....that background is bugging me too, it echoes the gress color....

Photo 2-Very sexy eyes, LOVE the make-up, great pose.....two issues here...once again, this is a shot where a photographer loses a dark object in a black background and even though I really like this pose, I think it should have been framed to where we got even more of the curves of your hips and the of a hint of your bottom...

Photo 3-I like the pose, LOVE the shirt....once again, i have lighting issues and drab background issues....also, I don't know if anyone has pointed out the red spot on your foot?  Thats the sort of thing photographers usually try to photoshop out and I'm glad this one didn't....however, it is distracting.....

Photo 4-I really like the pose and your expression....this is framed really cool too....once again, lighting issues...

Row 2 Photo 1-Okay, I'll just start off saying it....LIGHTING ISSUES.....your pants are just a long black mass and the lighting under your chin makes your neck and head look to be the same size....I know you have no real control over things like this (you're doing your best in this photo)....

Photo 2-Hey, I recognize this shot!  Its good but I'll tell you the same thing I told Aaron...."Great sexy pose....the lighting is making her chest and corset go all over the place though...I can't tell what are the ties and what is her clevage...."

Photo 3-This I REALLY like....great pose and I love your sexy expression....good lighting (yes!!)....everything works...its very eyecatching....

Photo 4-Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!!!  Everything here is wonderful....fanatsic work....

Row 3 Photo 1-Love it....this has such a fresh and earthy sexuality to have beautful eyes....this is great....

Photo 2-This is a great showcase for your beautiful face.....the photo itself is just okay, I don't care for the framing (your hands shouldn't have been cropped out of frame)...

Photo 3-Holy shit, this is, disturbing, love your eyes.....wonderful shot!

Photo 4-I so love your look here....the color is washed out and it honestly does feel like its in a backyard....wear that outfit in a better photo....

Row 4 Photo 1-Awesome....I love the look of this....if only you were in front of a black background this would be perfect....

I hope you don't think I was being too hard on you isn't you; you're lovely and you have a real earthy, sexy look....its the photographers you're working feels like you're bringing your everything and they can't capture it....try finding photographers with the vision to really give you the beautiful and intriguing art you obviously were meant to do....

Dec 12 06 07:28 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Lorenzo Pierre Adams wrote:

Wow this review blew me away!!!!!!! THANK ALOT for taking the time to view my photos and give your opinions. The facial expressions could use some work but it's weird because that's the main thing I get commented on. I'll definitely work on it and try to tap into some edgy very moody looks. I'm serious about the gothic theme...i have a weird facination with the unknown...vampires...monsters...spooky/edgy stuff lol. My friends think i'm crazy and always bring up the racial thing (black people dont do gothic lol) but I think I can pull it off and LOVE your vision! I'll definitely work on the photos and keep U posted!

Thank you so much for that Lorenzo....I believe you can do whatever type of work you for the race thing?  I'm not sure what the scene is like there but here in the Detroit area, no one would think there was anything strange about a black man involved with the Goth look and lifestyle....please keep me posted, I really think you've got a great future ahead....

Dec 12 06 07:31 pm Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Somebody said he would welcome my critique of him so here it is Monsieur Springheel...this is based upon my personal uneducated preferences...I've never even played an art critic on TV...

Picture1: Kind of depressing for some reason...not in that cool horror movie style of depressing...something doesn't seem right and I can't place my finger on it...

Picture2: Scary...for real...makes you suspect the person may not play at this...not my style...

Picture3: Cool shot. He's a good looking guy with interesting features. The way you captured the image was really cool because my eyes keep darting around trying to figure out what I'm missing...I know the guy in the picture sees something that I don't.

Picture4: I love pigtails...and I love vampire girls. I would have liked to see her looking a little sexier...maybe a simmering look on her face...maybe looking at the camera so I could imagine a sexy pigtailed vampire girl was looking at me...ha..but that's just a wishlist...overall I really like this photo.

Picture1: I love nipple rings so any picture is a good picture. The pose is extremely sexy...I thought the faces were a little dark and muddied...

Picture2: The pose and the photography were excellent. Her make up looked a little fake and you could see the lines so it drew me back into reality...

Picture3: Sexy goth girl. I like the way her eyes look in the picture thanks to the angle you shot her at. The asymetrical placement of the necklace is kind of distracting to me...I like symetry.

Picture4: Love the outift and the the colors..nice choice of locations...the cat looks a little stiff..I keep thinking that she looks like an attractive girl but something about her makeup keeps pulling me into reality...

Picture1: Looks like a stock motel shot with gratuitous cleavage...sorry...

Picture2: Very well definitely tells a story and the framing and models looks are perfection! Nice job!

Picture3: Out of all the shots with just her I probably find this the most attractive. I think it's a little dark and grainy in the face.

Picture4: Cool picture...kind of mysterious but peaceful too...there are a few blown out pixels that cause distraction...

Picture1: There probably will never be a prettier portrait of these two. Excellent picture. Pretty background...peaceful relaxed looks on the models faces...

Picture2: Nice framing and composition...something about the color or lighting made me feel like he might have been cut and pasted into the picture but I can't quite figure out what it is...

Picture3: Excellent seem to make your models relaxed...I think the contrast in this is great and even the extra highlights in her hair add to the image.

Picture 4: Nice framing and once again relaxed looking model. Probably would have been a really nice picture except the highlights are blown and overexposed.

Cool has a little of a collage feel like the elements were placed on top of each other...I might try a little blur, grain, color adjustment to try and bring a more surreal and "unreal" texture to an excellent composition.

Picture2: I like this kind of art but the look on the models face seems passionless for what she is either going through or about to go might not be her fault...the other girl might just be a lousy Dom...ha...

Picture3: The pinnacle of your portfolio! Absolute perfection. I could see this hung in a gallery or even on my wall. The contrast...the framing...the reflections...perfection!

Picture4: A little too abstract for my tastes. (wish I could have ended on the high note of picture 3!)

Overall a very interesting and dark portfolio. I don't do hardcore horror anymore (some gear switched inside of me) so the scary guy is a little much for me...I like subtle and sexy creepy... I grew up on Lon Chaney movies and 50's scream queens.

A few of the pictures had some small thing that kept dumping me on my butt back in reality but they were very very close to transporting my mind elsewhere ...which is very hard to do so even getting close is a compliment...

I am definitely looking forward to see what you produce as you get some more experience and shooting hours behind you..maybe some of the best dark and creepy stuff around...hoepfully you keep it sexy sometimes...we need more stuff.

You certainly have the passion for this so the potential to be great is also yours!


Dec 12 06 08:00 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Lazyi Photography wrote:
If you have time, I feel some of my work may fit into the "dark" category, lol. Not to mention I am a huge fan of your work.

hello my friend!  Would you believe it was you who was the main inspiration for this thread?  When that goofball Class Act said “You probably scare your own family away. The problem is, and you're just going to have to adapt or deal with it, the outside world thinks you're a major freakstick.”, I knew I had to do something for people like us.....

Also, I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read you are a fan of mine....that is the fuel that keeps an artist going....the feeling is mutual....

Row 1 Photo 1-remember when I told you that I thought it might be a good idea to pull back on the gore?  This photo makes me realize i was wrong....brutal and a total nutkicker....this is fantastic.....abit too overexposed but really good work...

Photo 2-Oh man, is this GRISLY!!!  I LOVE it!!!  Disturbing as hell.....

Photo 3-Dark clothes shouldn't be photographed against dark can be done but usually it doesn't work....this doesn't work.....the model looks bored and the lighting is really unflattering on her thighs...

Photo 4-I would like this a great deal more if the camera were closer to is, its good....nice composition and I like her pose.....

Row 2 Photo 1-Too much negative space and the girl is barely visible....this photo isn't doing anything for your portfolio....

Photo 2-This I like....Flirty, sexy and fun....just wish the photo was larger....good job...

Photo 3-I want to like this but its not lit as well as it should be....she has great expressive eyes (well EYE anyway LOL)

Photo 4-I'll be feels like this shot is suppose to be "about" something and I'm just not getting it....maybe if the image were bigger?

Row 3 Photo 1-Too much black going on but I really LOVE the face here...great expression too...

Photo 2-I think with abit more exposure this would be really is, its too dark...

Photo 3-Grim and warped....I love this....what a great look....

Photo 4-man, this is disturbing....I love disturbing.....very cinematic looking...

row 4 Photo 1-Cute model, I like her pose and outfit....the way she is holding her head is unflattering though....this one should be cropped closer to her also...

Photo 2-This is good, I like the fact that you left them with a saturated orange-y color, makes them feel "fleshy"....I question the angle though, it might have been more pleasing if this had been shot directly over them....

Photo 3-LOVE her expression....the whites are abit washed out but this is good...

Photo 4-This is absolutely fucking should be proud of this shot...

Row 5 Photo 1-The image itself is wonderfully grotesque but the photo comes off snapshot-y....

Photo 2-I feel the same about this as I did the last one...

Photo 3-This is okay but I suggest maybe overexposing would give it a weird look and save the make-up from looking kinda fake....

Photo 4-Check your white much of your B&W stuff is too drab and lacking the proper whites....I like the girl's expression....

So yes, you are a have a great imagination and obviously have a real passion for disturbing and grotesque images....I love that....I suggest you take that passion and put it aside for a moment and think about the framing, composition and lighting of your shots....don't be so in love with the "gross stuff" that you make that the only thing going on in your photos.....try to have your photographs speaking about the'll keep you away from just being horror exploitation and send you into the direction of horror art.....

Dec 12 06 08:05 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

I had to submit a headshot and a profile shot to an agency that has shown a bit of interest so I sent these ....

The HeadShot ... had to be neutral, minimum MU

The profile ..... same again

What do you think darling ....
Have I blown it?


Dec 12 06 08:17 pm Link



Posts: 17

Battle Creek, Michigan, US


hey danny....I know, it sucks because not only are you a male model but your an alternative male model....most photographers can't get their heads out of their glamour covered asses and see all the real talent out here just dying to do some great work...

Row 1 Photo 1-Okay, I get nothing but a red X here....sorry....

Photo 2-You know, when I first saw this I thought I'd acidently hit the portfolio of some cute girl and then i remembered what you'd written in your "About me" look fantastic!  What an amazing transformation....the photo itself is good too....nice composition, the lighting is abit hard....

Photo 3-I can't get over make such an adorable girl!  Thats astonishing, you should be really proud of how well you pull this off....and the photo itself is really good....good compositin and really nice pose....

Photo 4-Okay, I'm not a fan of this kind of stuff but this is pretty good.....great look you have going on inthe middel of it...

Row 2 Photo 1-So Glam!  Has any of this been retouched?  I love the make-up....

Photo 2-I like this better than the other one but I'm still not a big fan of this kind of stuff....every photographer has his bias and mine is with these pieces of "Photoshop art"...i just don't think of this as photography....

Photo 3-So I'm thinking this is selective desaturation but I really fits....this is just so 70s Glam....Bowie would be pleased and I am too....great look...

Photo 4-This is a great showcase...I can't get over all the different looks you have!!!  This looks so 80s have Peter Murphy's face.....

row 3 Photo 1-Another good showcase, esp. for your striking eyes....

Photo 2-Holy shit photo in your portfolio.....I mentioned Murphy before and I will again...I love everything about this photo, fantastic job....

Photo 3-I did a shot similar to this myself once and people went wild for it....the reason I bring that up is, I think this shot would work alot more if your hand were snaking down the front and into your jeans....its more overtly sexy and takes some of the emphasis away from the area itself.....

Photo 4-Another great portrait.....I can't believe the different looks you have...

Okay, so looking over your portfolio, I came to two conclusions....first, you have an incredible chameleon-like ability that I've never seen in any model here, male or female....second, your looks and your overt sexuality are going to frighten some men....remember, most photographers are into taking photos of "hot, sexy women' and if they ever do use male models, its usually only as a stereotypical macho guy or as a proxy for themselves....a talent like yours makes them uncomfortable and without getting into a whole lot of gender idenity/ fear of sexuality discusions, they have no idea what to do with you....

My advice is to find photographers like the ones we have here in the parlor and have some clear ideas of what you want to do with your have too much ability to be long as you don't let ignorance and bias stand in your way, you could do some seriously amazing work....

speaking of which, we will absolutely be shooting next year....let me know when you're down toward my area (Toledo/Detroit area)....I have some very cool ideas....

Wow, so much of that was complimentary to me! I'm very grateful. I'm not new to issues of gender identity and sexuality discussions. I live and work in a very sheltered town where mostly everyone is "ignorant" to those kinds of things. Not only that but my brother is gay. Most people know that I have a fiance, but they still feel the need to "make sure" that I'm not gay, which I've gotten used to. My eventual goal is to push the envelope of the modeling world. I'd love to do fetish modeling, being as I'm of that persuasion myself. I come out to the Detroit area every once in awhile, lately it's going to be a little more often. I'd love to shoot with you before I move out to the west coast! smile

(PS. Peter Murphy huh? I guess I never really noticed our facial similarities, but I can see it a bit now that you say that. smile

Dec 13 06 03:14 am Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

Okay, so its obvious you're just starting out.....if by wanting to know what to do with yourself means you want to know what type of modeling you should go for, of course I'm going to tell you to go for the sexy stuff.....I mean, look at you in those photos!!!  You also have an awesome sense of style and I would really like more than anything to see you work with photographers who were more stylized and dynamic with a sense of live in california so it should be no problem to find people to work with that would give you fun, sexy shots and you're a fun, sexy girl....

Keep me updated.....

Thanks for what you had to say about my shots.  I'll keep that in mind and you've also helped me get rid of a few of my pictures.  I'm hoping to get rid of my snapshots and some of the other ones from the same shoot once I get some more pictures. 


Dec 13 06 07:13 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Aria... wrote:
Hello! It's me again. So if you get a chance I have some new pics from a shoot and I can't decide which ones to go with. There are 11 images. I started a thread for critique but since you were so honest and helpful last time I would appreciate your input! Thanks!

I thank you for thinking of me lovely Aria....of course, I'd love to look at you as much as I can....

;-) … ee/140.jpg
VERY sexy....I really like this one.... … ee/139.jpg
Damn, I love this one too...I think your bottom is lit better here, but I like your maouth being open... … ee/138.jpg
Your body looks amazing but the hat over one eye is leaving a line that looks like a scar or something on your left cheek... … ee/102.jpg
Crop this one right below your breats and its perfection... … ee/GG7.jpg
this is lesser beacuse your bottom isn't lit.... … ee/GG6.jpg
Well, it violates my "Don't photograph black outfits on black backrounds" rule but you look cute in it.... … ee/GG5.jpg
Black on black again and something is going on with your lips here....they're blurred or something and its making them look larger....

Too be honest, all the rest of them are virtualy the same and I feel the same about each...not lit well enough....the first 4 images are greatthough....very sexy work hun....

Dec 13 06 04:22 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Natalie Addams wrote:

Wow, thank you so much! I completely agree with your "harsher" critiques, I noticed most of them already, but thought I was being too critical but it's nice to see that I wasn’t. Thank you soo much for taking the time to do this! You're amazing!  xoxo

Natalie, YOU are the amazing're one of the most beautiful women I've seen here and some of your photos deserve to be seen and adored by millions....

Dec 13 06 04:23 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

BlackWatch wrote:
Somebody said he would welcome my critique of him so here it is Monsieur Springheel...this is based upon my personal uneducated preferences...I've never even played an art critic on TV...

Picture1: Kind of depressing for some reason...not in that cool horror movie style of depressing...something doesn't seem right and I can't place my finger on it...

Picture2: Scary...for real...makes you suspect the person may not play at this...not my style...

Picture3: Cool shot. He's a good looking guy with interesting features. The way you captured the image was really cool because my eyes keep darting around trying to figure out what I'm missing...I know the guy in the picture sees something that I don't.

Picture4: I love pigtails...and I love vampire girls. I would have liked to see her looking a little sexier...maybe a simmering look on her face...maybe looking at the camera so I could imagine a sexy pigtailed vampire girl was looking at me...ha..but that's just a wishlist...overall I really like this photo.

Picture1: I love nipple rings so any picture is a good picture. The pose is extremely sexy...I thought the faces were a little dark and muddied...

Picture2: The pose and the photography were excellent. Her make up looked a little fake and you could see the lines so it drew me back into reality...

Picture3: Sexy goth girl. I like the way her eyes look in the picture thanks to the angle you shot her at. The asymetrical placement of the necklace is kind of distracting to me...I like symetry.

Picture4: Love the outift and the the colors..nice choice of locations...the cat looks a little stiff..I keep thinking that she looks like an attractive girl but something about her makeup keeps pulling me into reality...

Picture1: Looks like a stock motel shot with gratuitous cleavage...sorry...

Picture2: Very well definitely tells a story and the framing and models looks are perfection! Nice job!

Picture3: Out of all the shots with just her I probably find this the most attractive. I think it's a little dark and grainy in the face.

Picture4: Cool picture...kind of mysterious but peaceful too...there are a few blown out pixels that cause distraction...

Picture1: There probably will never be a prettier portrait of these two. Excellent picture. Pretty background...peaceful relaxed looks on the models faces...

Picture2: Nice framing and composition...something about the color or lighting made me feel like he might have been cut and pasted into the picture but I can't quite figure out what it is...

Picture3: Excellent seem to make your models relaxed...I think the contrast in this is great and even the extra highlights in her hair add to the image.

Picture 4: Nice framing and once again relaxed looking model. Probably would have been a really nice picture except the highlights are blown and overexposed.

Cool has a little of a collage feel like the elements were placed on top of each other...I might try a little blur, grain, color adjustment to try and bring a more surreal and "unreal" texture to an excellent composition.

Picture2: I like this kind of art but the look on the models face seems passionless for what she is either going through or about to go might not be her fault...the other girl might just be a lousy Dom...ha...

Picture3: The pinnacle of your portfolio! Absolute perfection. I could see this hung in a gallery or even on my wall. The contrast...the framing...the reflections...perfection!

Picture4: A little too abstract for my tastes. (wish I could have ended on the high note of picture 3!)

Overall a very interesting and dark portfolio. I don't do hardcore horror anymore (some gear switched inside of me) so the scary guy is a little much for me...I like subtle and sexy creepy... I grew up on Lon Chaney movies and 50's scream queens.

A few of the pictures had some small thing that kept dumping me on my butt back in reality but they were very very close to transporting my mind elsewhere ...which is very hard to do so even getting close is a compliment...

I am definitely looking forward to see what you produce as you get some more experience and shooting hours behind you..maybe some of the best dark and creepy stuff around...hoepfully you keep it sexy sometimes...we need more stuff.

You certainly have the passion for this so the potential to be great is also yours!


Best critique I've ever had....thank you so much my have helped me out more than you can was a strange feeling reading that and thinking "Wow, that is exactly how I feel about that photo!"....

You're the best....

Dec 13 06 04:25 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Vixen Intoxia wrote:
I had to submit a headshot and a profile shot to an agency that has shown a bit of interest so I sent these ....

The HeadShot ... had to be neutral, minimum MU

The profile ..... same again

What do you think darling ....
Have I blown it?


Blown it?  Thats impossible I'll admit, I'm not exactly sure what agencies look for in head shots.....these two are exactly what I imagine they would want though....the first one shows that beautiful face, perfect lips, amazing bone structure and ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS eyes.....the only thing that threw me was the severity of your bangs, at first I thought you were wearing a hat....

The second photo is absolute perfection...I would sit here and rave about it all day long if you let me...

If they don't take one look at these and realize you'd be the best model they've ever had, their beyond fools....these are your best photos hands idea who did them but this is absolutely what you should be filling your portfolio with...

Good luck darling....xoxoxo

Dec 13 06 04:30 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

nny wrote:

Wow, so much of that was complimentary to me! I'm very grateful. I'm not new to issues of gender identity and sexuality discussions. I live and work in a very sheltered town where mostly everyone is "ignorant" to those kinds of things. Not only that but my brother is gay. Most people know that I have a fiance, but they still feel the need to "make sure" that I'm not gay, which I've gotten used to. My eventual goal is to push the envelope of the modeling world. I'd love to do fetish modeling, being as I'm of that persuasion myself. I come out to the Detroit area every once in awhile, lately it's going to be a little more often. I'd love to shoot with you before I move out to the west coast! smile

(PS. Peter Murphy huh? I guess I never really noticed our facial similarities, but I can see it a bit now that you say that. smile

i figured you were use to it....its a damn shame too...I believe repression is one of the most hideous crimes humankind has ever produced....

We MUST work together.....I have an idea for a shoot that is really kicking my ass....

Dec 13 06 04:32 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Grace You wrote:

Thanks for what you had to say about my shots.  I'll keep that in mind and you've also helped me get rid of a few of my pictures.  I'm hoping to get rid of my snapshots and some of the other ones from the same shoot once I get some more pictures. 


You're very welcome lovely Grace.....

Dec 13 06 04:33 pm Link



Posts: 34

Denver, Colorado, US

I would love to be critiqued smile

Dec 13 06 06:33 pm Link



Posts: 96

Toronto, Iowa, US


I thank you for thinking of me lovely Aria....of course, I'd love to look at you as much as I can....

;-) … ee/140.jpg
VERY sexy....I really like this one.... … ee/139.jpg
Damn, I love this one too...I think your bottom is lit better here, but I like your maouth being open... … ee/138.jpg
Your body looks amazing but the hat over one eye is leaving a line that looks like a scar or something on your left cheek... … ee/102.jpg
Crop this one right below your breats and its perfection... … ee/GG7.jpg
this is lesser beacuse your bottom isn't lit.... … ee/GG6.jpg
Well, it violates my "Don't photograph black outfits on black backrounds" rule but you look cute in it.... … ee/GG5.jpg
Black on black again and something is going on with your lips here....they're blurred or something and its making them look larger....

Too be honest, all the rest of them are virtualy the same and I feel the same about each...not lit well enough....the first 4 images are greatthough....very sexy work hun....

Thanks soooo much! You're the best.

Dec 13 06 07:42 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

BellaLynn wrote:
I would love to be critiqued smile

And you shall have it BellaLynn....lovely name btw....

Row 1 Photo 1-I love the fresh look and sweet....great expression and pose....the composition here isn't the best and this appears to be a snapshot....

Photo 2-What a lovely smile!  What beautiful eyes!  Wow, your looks are so lovely and unique!  The photo is too saturated and again, it feels like a snapshot...

Photo 3-Good pose, love the dress.....I can't get over how sweet and lovely you are....once again, snapshot....

Photo 4-This is an example of a good use of Dutch angle....even as a snapshot, I LOVE this look just incredible....everything here (besides some lighting issues) work really well....very good job hun...

Row 2 Photo 1-As a showcase for that lovely face, this is fine....adorable expression....the photo itself isn't very good....

Photo 2-Very good pose, I really like your legs and shoes here....the ones with the hearse are better than average snapshots.....

Photo 3-You really know how to sell a shot....this would be an okay shot overall if the colors were brighter and the lighting weren't so drab...

Photo 4-WHOA!!!!  Perfection!!!!  Best photo in your portfolio....LOVE it...

Row 3 Photo 1-Love your look here, very sexy.....this feels like there should be more though...was this originaly a larger shot of you that was cropped?  It fels like your chest was featured in the photo and then cropped out....the photo is overexposed and your skin looks photoshoped...

So I'm really taken with your looks....alot of retro models try to look and act like Bettie have what so many others don't have, you feel fresh, sweet and I was looking over your photos thats all I kept thinking over and over "I'm looking at the 21st century's Bettie Page"....

You have the looks and with the right photographers and you're going to be HUGE....good luck beautiful lady, keep us posted on your newest work...

Dec 13 06 09:08 pm Link



Posts: 34

Denver, Colorado, US

Thank you very much! Very nice compliments. Thank you. smile


Dec 13 06 11:44 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

BellaLynn wrote:
Thank you very much! Very nice compliments. Thank you. smile


You're very welcome love...

Dec 14 06 04:01 pm Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

Vixen Intoxia wrote:
I had to submit a headshot and a profile shot to an agency that has shown a bit of interest so I sent these ....

The HeadShot ... had to be neutral, minimum MU

The profile ..... same again

What do you think darling ....
Have I blown it?


Sorry...but I had to're very cute!

Dec 14 06 07:16 pm Link


Chanel Bevell

Posts: 126

Phoenix, Arizona, US

I would really appreciate a critique- I've never had the "testicular fortitude" to ask until now

Dec 14 06 07:41 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Chanel101 wrote:
I would really appreciate a critique- I've never had the "testicular fortitude" to ask until now


Oh c'mon now hun, I'm not THAT scary....

Mischa, Moofin, and Monkita are amazing btw...

Row 1 Photo 1-So I see you're the model from some of Raven's laughter's very best photos...I'm honored....this one is just fantastic....I do think maybe the image should be cropped above your knees....

Photo 2-I was blown away by this image in his portfolio and I'm blown away by it in yours....are those your cats?

Photo 3-Beautiful face, great expression....seeing your shoulder is slightly distracting...

Photo 4-perfect shot....well lit and shot....good pose and wow but you are have such a long, thin body....I find that fascinating....

Row 2 Photo 1-The central image here of you is great....its all these shadows that are bugging me....feel like I'm drunk or something....

Photo 2-PERFECTION.....there is nothing else I can say....oh wait, I'll also add you have a fantastic bottom...

Photo 3-I've looked at a bunch of portfolios since I started this thread and I've noticed that a good deal of them have photos like this....most of them don't work for techincal reasons or because the model just wasn't giving her all in the shot....this photo is what they're trying to do....its wonderful in its simplicity and excellently done...and you?  You are like a feast for the eyes....everywhere I look, you have something amazing to offer...

Photo 4-Its not often i feel compelled to leave a comment in a portfolio when I'm critiqing but with this one, I just had have absolutely one of the sexiest stomachs I've ever seen...

Row 3 Photo 1-Love your pose and that expression is so damn sultry....I think the photo itself is overexposed and I question why your in a bathtub if there appears to be no reason for it....

Photo 2-Oh, this is just sexy as hell....once again, I'm looking at a photo in your portfolio and whispering 'perfect'....

Photo 3-I told RL this was my favorite photo of his and I stand by that....once again perfection...and once again, what a bottom!!!

Photo 4-Ordinarily that red would be bothering me but the way it makes your skin shine is hot....and that expression of yours just makes me melt....

Row 4 Photo 1-Great expression and I haven't mentioned it yet but I love your tattoos....I think women with tattoos are just amazingly sexy....the photo itself is just okay....once again, we have a photographer shooting a black outfit against a black background and even though this is better than alot I've seen, its still not the best....I realize your gripping something but it looks in all honesty that you're making a fist...

Photo 2-This is really sell it....its abit oversaturated and the dress is kinda...well....boring....esp. compaired to all the other photos...

Photo 3-This is what the other bathtub photo wanted to be....everything here is excellent...

Photo 4-You're gorgeous....this is abit overexposed but still, its damn good...

Row 5 Photo 1-Gorgeous...what a showcase for your body....abit too much shadow on your face but other than that?  Breathtaking....

Photo 2-Everything you're doing here is great...the photo itself is too oversaturated and what is that in the background?  I imagine you're in a bathroom but its been way overexposed in an attempt to hide that....

Photo 3-This is not as good as the second bath photo but better than the first....not bad certainly but its lesser than #2....

Photo 4-I'm at a loss for words....this is just astonishing.....and you are just....ohhhh, I don't even know what to say....incredible, amazing, blazing hot,  gorgeousness and gorgeousity made flesh....

I'm so glad you shared your portfolio with me....everything you're doing is just perfect....I honestly can't give you any advice outside of maybe doing some location work....oh yeah and there is a photographer in Michigan that has become a HUGE fan of yours.....

Dec 15 06 05:04 pm Link


Chanel Bevell

Posts: 126

Phoenix, Arizona, US

Thank you so much for taking your time to look at each photo and critique it- I really appreciate it!  After looking at my photos for so long, it's nice to get a fresh view of them!
Thank you again, I am extremely greatful to you!

Dec 15 06 08:30 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Blown it?  Thats impossible I'll admit, I'm not exactly sure what agencies look for in head shots.....these two are exactly what I imagine they
would want though....the first one shows that beautiful face, perfect lips, amazing bone structure and ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS eyes.....the only thing that threw me was the severity of your bangs, at first I thought you were wearing a hat....

The second photo is absolute perfection...I would sit here and rave about it all day long if you let me...

If they don't take one look at these and realize you'd be the best model they've ever had, their beyond fools....these are your best photos hands idea who did them but this is absolutely what you should be filling your portfolio with...

Good luck darling....xoxoxo

Thanks hun, the photographer who did them left the studio 3 weeks after they were taken, she did my another set that came out amazing, she is only 23 but my god shes talented. And I did blow it, lol I got knocked back but no matter I guess Im too alternative to be using them for mainstream agencies anyway.
*pines* I want to shoot with you and show you so much of over here. Hmph, maybe one day chuisle,

Vixen xxx

Dec 15 06 08:48 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Chanel101 wrote:
Thank you so much for taking your time to look at each photo and critique it- I really appreciate it!  After looking at my photos for so long, it's nice to get a fresh view of them!
Thank you again, I am extremely greatful to you!

You are very welcome lovely Chanel.....

Dec 16 06 03:34 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Vixen Intoxia wrote:

Thanks hun, the photographer who did them left the studio 3 weeks after they were taken, she did my another set that came out amazing, she is only 23 but my god shes talented. And I did blow it, lol I got knocked back but no matter I guess Im too alternative to be using them for mainstream agencies anyway.
*pines* I want to shoot with you and show you so much of over here. Hmph, maybe one day chulise,

Vixen xxx

Are there other photos in your portfolio she has done?  She was really good and damn I'm sorry to hear she has left....

If the so-called "Mainstream" can't see how gorgeous you are, screw 'em.....they're blind idiots....

I do believe we will work together someday....its just gotta happen.....

Dec 16 06 03:37 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Anyone else?

Dec 16 06 09:16 am Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom


Are there other photos in your portfolio she has done?  She was really good and damn I'm sorry to hear she has left....

If the so-called "Mainstream" can't see how gorgeous you are, screw 'em.....they're blind idiots....

I do believe we will work together someday....its just gotta happen.....

No not on digi format, although I will get someone from the sudio to upload one of her shoots with me to disc and put a few up, actually they use some taken of me by Sharona in a shop display for Manic panic stuff, although they change the place and pics about all the time so it depends really.
I definatly think we will work together, this could be a brilliant fusion, one highly imaginative and talented photographer .... and one irish girl who has previously walked down the runway seemingly drunk LOL.
In all seriousness though I think we would do brilliantly smile


Dec 16 06 10:34 am Link



Posts: 6427

Ooh! Ooh! Critique me!


Dec 16 06 10:37 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Monica Jay wrote:
Ooh! Ooh! Critique me!


Ahhhhhhh...the "Persian Beauty"......okay, I'm not going to wait to say this is the critique....I think you are just gorgeous....and I love the humor you show in your MySpace....okay, on with the critique...

Row 1 Photo 1-Damn but you're lovely....however, the only thing working here is you....this is just too snapshot-y.....and I'm really not seeing anything too odd with your arms enough to warrant a photo devoted to it....

Photo 2-Hmmmm, this just seems sort of lifeless.....someone in your comments mentioned "elegant attire"?  I thought you had a bath towel rapped around you....and shooting anyone in front of a reflector just screams "I have no concepts"...

Photo 3-So I'm a sucker for stockings.....yup....this is off-center and not well lit (would photographers PLEASE stop shooting black outfits on black backgrounds!!!!)

Photo 4-Cute look but you're shot at too low an angle.....the framing here is off too....was this suppose to be an advert or something?

Row 2 Photo 1-You look your expression....I usually don't harp on about wings but this would have worked better without them....

Photo 2-I would like this more without the flare from the candles....makes it kinda cheesy....everything else is okay...

Photo 3-Another reflector shot but you look so incredible, I don't even care....welllll, your thigh shouldn't be there....

Photo 4-Another shot where you look lovely but the photo itself is just....ugh....badly lit and uninspired....

Row 3 Photo 1-Those eyes!!!!  Once again, I have lighting issues....

Photo 2-Black on black look great in glasses....

Photo 3-Once again, you have amazing eyes....but also once again, the lighting here is bad....your hair just looks messy and having your hand in the shot is distracting...

Okay, first thing-Find better photographers......without question!
Second thing-I think you are just gorgeous but you seem more expressive...

You find the right shooter and get more relaxed and you will have some fantastic have it love, don't be afraid to work it.....

Dec 16 06 11:13 am Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Bump because I'm bored...

Dec 16 06 04:56 pm Link


TailFin Studios

Posts: 368

North Miami, Florida, US

Hey Spring do me do me

Dec 16 06 07:42 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

BlackWatch wrote:

Sorry...but I had to're very cute!

Aww thanks!


Dec 16 06 08:15 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

WaterWizard wrote:
Hey Spring do me do me

No problem my friend....

Row 1 Photo 1-Ever look at a thumbnail and say "Oh man, this doesn't look good" and when you enlarge it and look at it you say "Wow, this is pretty good"?  Thats what happened with this....this is slightly disturbing to me and no, its not the blood...its the model....her expresion and pose are just wonderful...she really sells this....well lit and framed also...

Photo 2-This isn't working for me....its oversaturated and not well lit....

Photo 3-I've said many times before that I don't care for Photoshop special effects.....the vast majority are very poorly done and the photo seems to exist just for the effect....quite honestly, if you were going for "reality", this doesn't work....the lighting on the tail doesn't match and it looks ill formed to her torso....its not bad and I do like the whimsy of it....keep working at this, at least you're using it as a tool instead of letting it overwhelm the photo...

Photo 4-This would have been confusing to me if I hadn't read your About me first...lovely girl and the lighting is good....I don't think you'll be surprised when I say its not really my style though....

Row 2 Photo 1-It took me along time before I realized the was desaturated....gotta give you major props for that....whats not working here is the model....her pose and expression are uncomfortable and the outfit doesn't work in the context of the shot....

Photo 2-This I like alot....cute model, love her expression....nicely lit....good job...

Photo 3-There are still alot of things I'm a major dope about in regards to photography so I don't know what the technical terms and such are but there is something going on with her stockings that is just not working....I love her look and did a really good job lighting her (black outfits on black backgrounds are a big pet peeve of mine)....

Photo 4-As an advert or something, this is cute....nice layout and the model is adorable...

Row 3 Photo 1-She has a fantastic look...those eyes are incredible....I wish this were just a portrait.... the hands and the shell or whatever it is are taking away from the shot...

Photo 2-My inital though was I didn't care for the blood line on her face, looks fake....but I think if this were just desaturated some, that would work..

Photo 3-Cute girl, her expression is priceless....this comes off as a snapshot or "behind the scenes" shot....don't think it adds anything to your portfolio....

Photo 4-The make-up is too much for me but she is cute and you lit her really well....her chest looks great....

Row 4 Photo 1-I'm feeling about this the same way I felt about Photo 3 Row 3....

Photo 2-This is really the expressions and the color here is fantastic...

Photo 3-This is great....everything works here....

Photo 4-This is okay but I think you could have pulled in abit more and angled the camera slightly below them....

Row 5 Photo 1-Really good shot....everything here is very cool and I really like his attitude....

Photo 2-Best photo in your portfolio....everything here is just fantastic....great work!  I love the framing here.....the model does a really good job selling it....

Photo 3-Yikes....okay, all I'm going to say is this should be removed from your portfolio....

Photo 4-Simple and stand back and let her rule the, what expressive eyes....really good work...

You obviously have a wonderful ability to get your models to work with you....I've looked at enough of these to see most photographers lack the ability to get their models to be "alive" also have a great touch with light....I found while I was looking at your work that one thing kept coming to my mind over and over..

"He needs to BREAK LOOSE"

Its obvious you have imagination and whimsy in your heart....put more of that in your work....don't hold back, make the visuals live as much as the models do....

I look forward to meeting you on the 30th....

Dec 16 06 08:30 pm Link