This thread was locked on 2008-08-27 13:24:21
Forums > Critique > The Dark Critique Parlor



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

mia vaughn wrote:
LOve to hear your opinios.......

Well, I'm sure you've grown tired of hearing it but I too was absolutely amazed to see your age....and honestly quite pleased...I've never understood why people believe that the older they get that they should "let themselves go" and that sexuality is just for the young people....

Row 1 Photo 1-This feels too much like a snapshot....also, the angle you have your head is unflattering and the hair over your left eye is causing a shadow that is distracting....amazing lips though....

Photo 2-again, this feels too much like a snapshot....your face is underlit, making your expression odd....I like your hair and the outfit in this shot....the hit of nipples through the sweater is very sexy....

Photo 3-So much in this shot works....I just wish that you weren't wearing the sweater and that part of the drapes weren't visable behind your head....everything else is wonderful....

Photo 4-Ordinarily I dislike these types of shots....I'm sure there is a proper term for them but i refer to them as "Photoshop paintings"....there are very few that do them properly...this one?  Just fantastic....the imagery is just beautifully dark....I love everything here...

Row 2 Photo 1-Honestly, this should go....its so overly photoshoped that its practically a cartoon....there is just nothing here helping your portfolio....

Photo 2-So I'm not one of those "less is more" people.... enjoy a good, straightforward shot of a woman's body and don't necessarily subscribe to the belief that all shots like this are "porn" (and I myself don'tthink there is anything wrong with porn)....this skirts the line really close to porn but it is sexy and a good example of your physical attributes....

Photo 3-You look fantastic, there is something Kim Bassinger about your face....redo this shot with a professional photographer....

Photo 4-I've mentioned before I'm a bottom man and you have an excellent one....your left thigh has too much shadow but other than that?  Lovely shot....

Row 3 Photo 1-I like the pose and your expression but this is a snapshot and rather unflattering....the lighting is too flat and it just feels exploitive....

Photo 2-This is hot....seriously, you do a great job selling this....its telling me a story and it nails the mood....abit too much overexposure on your hair but I like the fact that the lighting everywhere else is harsh...this feels gritty, sexy and real....

Photo 3-All I can say here is that this must go....

Photo 4-Beautiful, absolutely photo in your portfolio hands down....its just wonderful hun....this a photo to be proud of....

Row 4 Photo 1-This is very good....a great and subtle showcase for your lovely curves...I'd have liked to see this in B&W but the blue isn't overdone....

Photo 2-I have a feeling this would have worked better if it had been shot at another is, I honestly can't quite make out what is going on around your tongue...what is that cord looking thing?

Photo 3-This is good but could have been better if your breast had been shot at an angle....having your nipple dead center makes it look less like a breast...its a good photo and I do like it

Photo 4-This I like alot....there is a warmth and intimacy that I like alot...great expression also, this is a nice change from the "throes of passion" expressions that others (including you) have when they do this pose....

Row 5 Photo 1-I like this outfit and pose.....try it out with a photographer instead of doing a snapshot....

Photo 2-I like the pose and your expression is confrontational which is a really cool choice....using a phone in that way is banal but its a decent photo and certainly a good example of your fantastic body...

Photo 3-You have a phenomenal figure....I love your lusty expression....with better lighting and a better location, this would be a knock out....

Photo 4-Damn but you look fantastic...and once again, I love your expression.....B&W was a good choice here, good composition....I really REALLY like this...

Mia, you are a lovely woman and I admire your guts and are obviously a very passionate, sexual is the must work with better photographers and avoid so many of your photos, you're giving your all but it feels like the person behind the camera is just seeing you as an object or a novelty....avoid those types....yes, you should be very proud of your looks but don't let people exploit you for them....some of these photos are just knock outs (esp. Row 3 Photo 4, Row 4 Photo 1 and Row 5 photo 4)...these are photos that showcase your beauty and sexuality but do it in a artistic, creative way....accept nothing less than the best, you deserve it....

Dec 10 06 12:22 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Damn reposts....okay, anyone else?

btw-Your work doesn't have to be "dark" per se, just unique and interesting....

Dec 10 06 12:32 pm Link


Michael Kountz

Posts: 2932

Albuquerque, New Mexico, US

Thanks for taking the time to do that.  smile  I never considered saturation as a variable to keep in check in post-production; I'll certainly keep an eye on it from now on.  I think the dance ones need to go, too.  They're some of the first shots I ever took, while I'll was teaching myself to shoot, but I think I've progressed quite a bit since then and they no longer add to the port.

Once again, thanks.

Dec 10 06 01:01 pm Link



Posts: 3825

Cleveland, Ohio, US

"Critique yourself" he said- trying to be a troublemaker...

Dec 10 06 01:18 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Triphammer Industries wrote:
Thanks for taking the time to do that.  smile  I never considered saturation as a variable to keep in check in post-production; I'll certainly keep an eye on it from now on.  I think the dance ones need to go, too.  They're some of the first shots I ever took, while I'll was teaching myself to shoot, but I think I've progressed quite a bit since then and they no longer add to the port.

Once again, thanks.

I'm very pleased to hear back from you....I've come to believe that most people don't want critiqes, they want me to tell them how great they are....

I know what you mean about saturation....I speak from experience when I point it out because mine use to be HORRIBLE....I'm getting better at it I believe.....its always a learning experience and I'm always happy to help people and share my experiences...

Oh yes, you have certainly progressed past those....I understand the desire to keep them out of nostalgia but its always a good idea to have the best examples of your work up....

And you are very welcome my friend....

Dec 10 06 03:39 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Would you like to do me hun wink ?
No, but seriously, if you have time Id like to hear your opinion, you know how much I value it.


Dec 10 06 03:46 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

BlackWatch wrote:
"Critique yourself" he said- trying to be a troublemaker...

Hmmmm....wouldn't that be pitiful?  Ahhh well, no one else is around, lets see how badly I can abuse myself....stand back folks, this might be messy....


Row 1 Photo 1-What a gorgeous her expression and pose....its maybe not as well lit as it should feels strangely passionless though....

Photo 2-Love the blur effect, how did you do that?  The model's look is just amazing and I really like his only issue is, it he appears to be wearing a jacket...that kind of undercuts the "monster look"....overall though its a good dynamic shot...

Photo 3-I really like this, it feels like we're sharing a private moment with him....great use of reflection the model's expression....the lighting and use of B&W are very nice....

Photo 4-This is very Hammer Horror....I like the model's look and its lit well....I just find myself wishing it wasn't such a portrait shot....

Row 2 Photo 1-Oh now this is just lovely....a slight blur to it but that kid of adds to the "otherworldly" effect....great composititon and saturation.....the models really sell this....very sexy....great job....

Photo 2-What a striking visual...its like a realist take on Dracula and the Bride of Frankenstein, great models! Love the lighting and once again nice use of B&W......

Photo 3-Very sexy portrait...she looks like a goth Angelina Jolie....outside of a bit of a framing issue I have, this is wonderful....great job....

Photo 4-LOVE the colors....very nice pose and use of location....I really like this....

Row 3 Photo 1-Once again, what a sexy model....there is once again an issue with the blur and the use of color here is abit oversaturated....the framing is abit off and its really not a great idea to cut a model off mid-forearm....

Photo 2-This is a good concept but I don't think you went far enough with it....I like the look and pose of the model on right but the model on the left, is she suppose to be dead?  It might have been a better idea to have gone more "extreme" here with is, she just kind of looks like a girl with a towel or something in her mouth....interesting image has a good noir feel....try this one again....

Photo 3-Great pose and I like her expression, its almost really feels like this is more hesitant than it should be...almost like youweretoo afraid to have her be more sexual....also having abit of lighting issues here...

Photo 4-Very sexy, intimate shot....abit too much grain but I really like the use of B&W and the saturation is nice.....

Row 3 Photo 1-Just gorgeous....everything here works....lovely framing, the bridge in the background is a lovely touch...the models are just great, so expressive.....this is such a romantic image....fantastic job....

Photo 2-Very striking image....LOVE the waterfall....the model has a great look and that is exactly how to photograph a blade....really nice composition....abit of an oversaturation isssue but other than that, damn fine job....

Photo 3-Lovely model...her expression is really interseting, sort of a sly thing going on....nice framing and very good use of B&W....maybe abit too much overexposure at the top of her head...

Photo 4-Oh she is lovely....everything here is so soft and really good use of natural light.....probably not the best idea to have cropped her left hand where it is but otherwise, I really like this....

Row 5 Photo 1-Wonderful cinematic image....great composition and the colors are just lovely....such a serene expression from the only issue is with the faries she is looking at, you might have wanted them abit more obvious....great imaginative shot....

Photo 2-I'm on the fence about this has a really sexy vibe to it and the composition is really good....its just REALLY blurry and overexposed.....I think this would be outstanding if it were just easier to is, its interesting....

Photo 3-Very striking the framing....very mysterious and "dark" yet slightly melencholy....I love this one...

Photo 4-Outside of the color oversaturation, this is brilliant....dark and sexy.....

You have a good cinematic eye, do a really great job with B&W and do a great job at capturing mood and only real advice to you is stay with the "dark sexuality" (the pin-up model stuff just doesn't work; the model is gorgeous but you just don't seem to have the desire for it) and to try to push your images alittle bit farther....there is such a thing as too subtle....I wish you well my friend...

Dec 10 06 04:24 pm Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

Great Thread! I wanna be critiqued!

Dec 10 06 04:28 pm Link



Posts: 200

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Deffinitly curious...

Dec 10 06 04:30 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Natalie Addams wrote:
Great Thread! I wanna be critiqued!

*cries* me first me first !


Dec 10 06 04:30 pm Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US

Vixen Intoxia wrote:

*cries* me first me first !


hehe her first smile

Dec 10 06 04:31 pm Link



Posts: 129

New York, New York, US

Also can you examine my (dark) photos too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to do more black and white photos with a gothic theme but i'm not sure if people will get it or recieve it well...

Dec 10 06 04:54 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Vixen Intoxia wrote:
Would you like to do me hun wink ?
No, but seriously, if you have time Id like to hear your opinion, you know how much I value it.


Oh how I've waited for you to say that to me!!!!

oh mean you want a critiqe......

Well, I'll try not to let the fact that I think you're just the sweetest, sexiest and most adorable Irishwoman in the world color my judgement....;-)

Row 1 Photo 1-I've never really given much thought to hands being sexy....this photo certainly made me see that there is a female body part I've been missing out on....I like the selective desaturation here also, it makes those nails really come out and that is what that effect is suppose to do....this is a great showcase for your sexy digits...

Photo 2-Love this shot...its warm and sexy...oversaturated but it works.....the overexposure on your hand gives it a slightly claw like look though....

Photo 3-So everyone wonders about that CENSORED bar....I'm not sure why its there, don't think you ever told that adorable expression....the lighting here is abit stark...this honestly has one of those "behind the scenes" looks to it...

Photo 4-I so love your face....I also like this pose but I think the angle isn't so good....and once again, this stark lighting isn't quite doing you any favor....

Row 2 Photo 1--Everything here is perfect except, once again, this studio lighting is too damn stark and plain....if this could be given alittle "mood" with Photoshop or something, it would work alot better...

Photo 2-This I absolutely love....great costume, great pose, great expression...I would love to see this in a location....

Photo 3-Four sexy girls....this has so much going for it but there are a couple of issues I have with it....that water looks phony and is distracting.....the angle is too high and the four of you should be closer to the all look great...

Photo 4-Honestly?  I like everything about this except the zombie photoshop effect...take that out and I think this would be perfect....

Row 3 Photo 1-I love your look here....however, its too overexposed and too closely cropped....

Photo 2-A wonderfully romantic much as it pains me to say it, you two make a lovely couple....the skin is too photoshopped (really obvious on him) and I don't care for the heart effect, its slightly cheesy...

Photo 3-The colors are too washed out and the angle is two really do have a great chemistry but this photo isn't the best showcase for it....

Photo 4-Yes, its a blurry snapshot (webcam I believe you said) but THOSE EYES!!!!  Any photographer with brains would take one look at that gorgeous face and eyes and say "hell yes I want to work with her!"

Row 4 Photo 1-This is a better quality version of the last photo and shows of your beauty and poise even more....its a snapshot so I won't go into technical details, you already know what they are....

Photo 2-this one is interesting....part of me wants to say that your hands are too cropped and then part of me likes the effect it makes your fingers look unnaturally long and I think that looks cool....however, i have to say it probably shouldn't be like that because the thrust of the photo doesn't seem to be "spooky"....

Photo 3-I so love your look here, so gorgeous...however, the image is way too overexposed and the framing is off....

Photo 4-I'm just over the mood about your look here....if the background weren't black, this would be a perfect photo.....

Row 5 Photo 1-This is the same as the last one only it handles the black background abit better....

Photo 2-The lighting is abit flat but outside of that, this is just a wonderful shot....your pose is fantastic and, as always, you are just breathtaking....

Photo 3-Too much negative space and flat lighting but, once again, you look just wonderful....

Well, you know how I feel....I think you are such a special, gorgeous woman and I am soooooo fond of also know I think all the photographers you've worked with so far are letting you down....I know where you live photographers are hard to come by and your disabilites make it hard for you to travel....keep looking for more people to work with or try having your guy take some photos with a decent camera....also try to get the people you work with to throw out the studio set-ups and lighting and get more creative....I swear I will take a trip to my homeland one day(thats right, I'm Irish) and we will do SUCH a shoot together...


Dec 10 06 05:51 pm Link


Vixen Intoxia

Posts: 1004

Bangor, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

You are such an angel, thankyou for taking the time to do that hun. You know I adore you and your work, if you do make it over it would be an honour to work with such a fantastic person.
Thanks again chuisle,


Dec 10 06 06:03 pm Link


Hoeschler Photography

Posts: 842

Portland, Arkansas, US

Thank you for the time and insight. Your thoughts are much appreciated.



Dec 11 06 03:28 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Natalie Addams wrote:
Great Thread! I wanna be critiqued!

No problem love....first off, really good "About me" and detailed...

Row 1 Photo 1-I so love red hair...I like the curious, seductive expression....What are these lines that are cutting all over the photo?  Is it suppose to be a lighting effect?  Or does it have to the warped reflection behind you?  I'm honestly confused by makes the photo too busy.....

Photo 2-Good pose and expression....not crazy about the lighting and the dress isn't doing anything for me....

Photo 3-So i'm told girls on a toliet have become cliche....I haven't seen enough of them to make that judgement but honestly, I don't believe in photographic cliches anyway.....what works works and this works....its cute and sexy....I like it...

Photo 4-See, in so many shots I see how lovely you have thoughtful and warm eyes and a sweet smile....and of course, that hair is sexy as this should work for me....I'm having a hard time getting past the photoshop though....I just have a problem with that effect, i want to see the model in a portrait look real....

Row 2 Photo 1-Congrats on being on a cover!  This is striking and I like it....however, its so much effect I really don't consider it a photograph....its VERY well done though....

Photo 2-This I absolutely LOVE....what a nutkicker of a shot....I'm a huge fan of having a photo techniqe contrast with the subject....great soft lighting and you look so sweet and gorgeous....which makes what you're doing even more disturbing....excellent work....

Photo 3-I like this but can't help but feel its upside down....also not sure what that glare on the bottom right of the frame is...

Photo 4-The guy who left the top comment said it best....damn, damn, DAMN but you look absolutely amazing....this photo almost melted my monitor....yes, I have a few techinical issues (the couch is underlit) but it all goes out the window when i see you here....gorgeous...

Row 3 Photo 1-I so love these sweet, vulnerable expressions you have....great pose and outfit too....the lighting is abit harsh but other than that, its great...

Photo 2-OMFG....I'm speechless.....honestly, this has to be one of the sexiest photos I've ever seen in my entire life....I'm not kidding, this is perfection....I can't get over it....

Photo 3-I said it back in November and I'm saying it look absolutely amazing....yes, i've seen many fantastic bodies but damn it girl, you're a dream....I'll even ignore the Dutch angle....

Photo 4-You have this amazing ability to draw the eye away from anything else going on in the photo and commanding it to focus on you....i was able to pull away long enough a door handle in the mirror that is slightly distracting...

Row 4 Photo 1-Great pose and expression, love your eyes here....this is a good concept but it doesn't feel like it goes far enough....not crazy about all this colored lighting going on either....

Photo 2-Whoa, do you ever sell this, great only issue is with your hand,,,its too close to the camera and its to motion blurred.....

Photo 3-Love this...great pose, great colors, this really does a good job of capturing the retro pin-up look with an alt should be cropped a little bit higher up toward your waist, the slight view of your thigh shouldn't be there...

Photo 4-I'm starting to think you could make any macabre look cute and sexy....I so love your expression and everything here works....the umbrella is an odd choice but I kind of like that...and abit too much color saturation on your face...

Row 5 Photo 1-Well, to be honest most political images don't work for me because they're clumsy and obvious....this is just okay.....its obvious and yes, slightly cliche.....I also think the thread should have been more extreme.....

Photo 2-So I have a pigtail and eye fetish so thats working for me....everything else?  Not so much....the angle isn't the best, the light is too harsh on your chest...I'm just not fond of this one....

Photo 3-Really strinking image....once again, great expression....the background is odd though...what is going on back there?

Photo 4-Gorgeous....simple and pure....i love this.....

I do believe you have the looks and ability to be one of the only Alt models to break into the mainstream and also take over the Alt/Goth world....I also admire that, even though you could get by on your amazing beauty and sex appeal, you're also going in all different art and work with have a new fan're phenomenal....

Dec 11 06 05:02 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

therealAARONDUNN wrote:
Deffinitly curious...

Hope that means you want a

Your "About me" is really informative and I'll be honest, had me really interested in seeing your work....thats the best compliment I can think of....

Row 1 Photo 1-Crop this right under the rosary and its absolutely gorgeous....everything below that is just negative space...above that?  Lovely model, interesting lighting and a very nice, intimate feeling...

Photo 2-This is well lit and nice use of B&W....its strangely uninvolving though....

Photo 3-This is a nice variation on the last photo and unlike that one, this is involving....interesting pose and I like her almost sexual expression....once again, I suggest cropping one of your photos though.....where her left arm is visable.....

Photo 4-gorgeous model....I think the angle is too high though and the lighting is abit dim...

Row 2 Photo 1-Once again, absolutely gorgeous model....the flat lighting is flattering her body....

Photo 2-Great sexy pose....the lighting is making her chest and corset go all over the place though...I can't tell what are the ties and what is her clevage....

Photo 3-I really like this, I find this very sexy.....I find it really cool that below her breasts, I can't tell what area of her body I'm looking at.....

Photo 4-VERY hot....this is just the look and the composition....

Row 3 Photo 1-Another great shot....abit more light across her pubic area and this would be perfect...

Photo 2-Maybe a different angle would work better here.....I'd really like to see this happening on a model's bottom but this isn't framed as it should be...

Photo 3-Probably the lesser of all the latex shots....after seeing all the others, this looks random...

Photo 4-If there more light here, this would be just it is, good shot...

Row 4 Photo 1-Well composed and lit....just drab, not engaging....

Photo 2-very sexy model....this is a good shot, maybe abit too much shoulder....

Photo 3-As I've stated elsewhere, I'm not a fan of these Photoshop effects...this is a decent job (I've seen much worse believe me) but its not really adding anything to the photo....everything else is good though....

Photo 4-This I really like....mysterious and sexy....damn good job....

Row 5 Photo 1-Good lighting, I really like her look and pose....

Okay, the interesting thing about your portfolio is how alive it becomes when it involves your art....the latex work doen't just stand out because its unique but because i can honestly tell you're passionate about advice?  Leave the portraits behind and focus on combing your art and photography....I'd love to see even more with the latex and other artistic ideas you have....good luck my friend....

Dec 11 06 05:30 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Lorenzo Pierre Adams wrote:
Also can you examine my (dark) photos too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to do more black and white photos with a gothic theme but i'm not sure if people will get it or recieve it well...

Ahhhhh, you can't just ask me to do those photos!!!!  If you don't mind, I'll critque them all....I like your "About me" shows a real sense of humor...

Row 1 Photo 1-Man, I wish I could wear a suit the way you do....I really like your pose and expression here....the tie caught in the wind is nice....this feels like a snapshot, its not well lit and you're too far away....

Photo 2-Everything I liked about the lsat photo applies here (except the tie in the wind isn't happening)....of course, all of the things I didn't like applies least its closer....

Photo 3-Hmmmm....okay, this is another snapshot and since I'm not a big fan of this kind of casual look, I feel like I'm out of my element...LOL

Photo 4-I like the angle here, good expression...

Row 2 Photo 1-Great smile, nice pose and i like the this with a professional photographer and this will be a winner...

Photo, this is like a film've got the looks and attitude to work in film....this feels like its a scene from a political thriller...really like this one...

Photo 3-damn, if only this wasn't so dark....I can tell its an excellent shot but at the same time, this just crys out to be lightened up some....

Photo 4-Great shot, very sensual and I love the lighting...

Okay, so its obvious that the first thing you must do is work with some photographers....if you were closer, I sure as hell would work with've got a great look...I find it very impressive that in each photo, no matter if its just a slight variation on the same shot, you vary your expression and pose and give a really good shot at even can do youthful and fun, strong and serious....if you're looking to do darker work, I believe you can do that too, I wouldn't be surprised if I were seeing alot more of you in the future....please keep me updated Lorenzo....

Dec 11 06 05:53 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Vixen Intoxia wrote:
You are such an angel, thankyou for taking the time to do that hun. You know I adore you and your work, if you do make it over it would be an honour to work with such a fantastic person.
Thanks again chulise,


You're very welcome beautiful.....I always have time for anything you need....

Dec 11 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

doug hoeschler photo wrote:
Thank you for the time and insight. Your thoughts are much appreciated.



Very welcome Doug....keep up the great work....

Dec 11 06 05:55 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Anyone else?  C'mon....I know there are more of you out there.....

Dec 11 06 06:50 pm Link



Posts: 895

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I'd love to hear what you have to say!

Be brutal too, is good. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside. wink

Dec 11 06 06:54 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Carmina wrote:
I'd love to hear what you have to say!

Be brutal too, is good. Makes me feel all fuzzy inside. wink

Like it rough eh?  A girl after my own heart...;-)

Row 1 Photo 1-So I absolutely adore this photo...she is just adorable, great pose and expression....everything here is perfect but.....what is that around her neck?

Photo 2-Whoa, love this one too....dynamic pose and the framing is great....

Photo 3-slight issue with the framing (her head is cut too drasticly) but other than that, this is wonderful....gritty and damn but I love those boots...

Photo 4-LOVE the color and the model is wonderful....this is the perfect picture of morose reflection....another excellent work....

Row 2 Photo 1-I do really like this model....not crazy about the framing, she is cropped in too many places...this feels like an outtake...

photo 2-Love the pose and her head and neck are really disturbing here (What IS that around her neck???)....try this in B&W, I think it would suit it better...

Photo 3-I really like these body the pose and the saturation is actually good like this....good job...

Photo 4-Damn, can you take a bad shot?  I'm running out of different ways of complimenting!  LOL  lighting, pose, atmosphere...everything is superb...

Row 3 Photo 1-I love natural shots like this....its abit too dark, I have a feeling you oversaturated and then made it B&W to cover the lighting issues....

Photo 2-This could use some light in front of the model....feels slightly snapshot-y...

Photo 3-Great look, I really like the messy collar and tie....I think the framing should have been tighter on his face....

Photo 4-Beautiful refreshing to not see the typical art should probably be cropped right at the waist, giving the impression of nudity...

Row 4 Photo 1-This is perfect...the framing gives us the impression of her being small and alone....such a melancholy have a fantastic ability to make oversaturation work....everything here is just wonderful....

Photo 2-Great composition.....its a nice image but not as "deep' as your others....

Photo 3-Oh how wonderful to see another photographer that does motion blur, its one of my favorite types of images...this is lovely, ghostly....good job...

Photo 4-This is good but the lesser of the two.....

You do phenomenal work but I'd like to see you move out of your comfort zone...I would love to see you do more themes and maybe some outdoor work....can't wait to see what else you do....

Dec 11 06 07:44 pm Link



Posts: 895

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Um, holy crap. That was awesome!

We painted some liquid latex around her neck.... I thought it chopped her up a bit myself, but also thought it made it look kind of interesting...

Thanks for the crit. Totally appreciated!

Dec 11 06 07:57 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Carmina wrote:
Um, holy crap.

That was awesome!

Thank you so much!

You're very, what IS that around her neck????

Dec 11 06 07:59 pm Link



Posts: 895

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

haha, just edited my post to address that... liquid latex!


Dec 11 06 08:01 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Carmina wrote:
Um, holy crap. That was awesome!

We painted some liquid latex around her neck.... I thought it chopped her up a bit myself, but also thought it made it look kind of interesting...

Thanks for the crit. Totally appreciated!

It chops her up in the first shot and I think its the only thing holding that back from being a perfect shot....however, it really makes the photo you're using for your avatar...the effect is disturbing in that shot.....

Dec 11 06 08:03 pm Link


Satan Bug

Posts: 127

Hell, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway

can I be next?

Dec 11 06 08:04 pm Link



Posts: 38224

Detroit, Michigan, US

Satan Bug wrote:
can I be next? first, I started writing this up as I've done all the others.....but as I went through your work, I just kept trying and trying to give you a proper critique but I was failing.....

I'm going to be totally honest may seem strange or even slightly unseemly to admit this but you're work touches my heart....I'll spare you the embarrasment of having a grown man gush on and on and on about your work and just say this....

Your portfolio is perfection....plain and simple.....every photo speaks to me....every image inspires me and makes me want to work 100 times harder....

I'll quit now nattering on now......

Dec 11 06 08:21 pm Link



Posts: 137

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Me next?

I'll like some critique on my newer work

Dec 11 06 08:34 pm Link



Posts: 13

Denver, Colorado, US

I have to agree with you that most of us, because our work is not so obvious, get the shaft! Cheers to you for putting it out there!

Dec 11 06 08:43 pm Link


Grace Face

Posts: 1266

I'd like to hear what your advice is on improving my shots and what I could improve in the future.  I'm new to MM and I haven't really found a goal to be working for other than gaining experience and seeing what I can do with myself. It seems that not a lot of people have much to say to me heh.

Dec 11 06 09:09 pm Link



Posts: 17

Battle Creek, Michigan, US

I'd love one, since no one seems to ever want to critique me. sad

Dec 11 06 10:55 pm Link



Posts: 200

Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Hope that means you want a

Your "About me" is really informative and I'll be honest, had me really interested in seeing your work....thats the best compliment I can think of....

Row 1 Photo 1-Crop this right under the rosary and its absolutely gorgeous....everything below that is just negative space...above that?  Lovely model, interesting lighting and a very nice, intimate feeling...

Photo 2-This is well lit and nice use of B&W....its strangely uninvolving though....

Photo 3-This is a nice variation on the last photo and unlike that one, this is involving....interesting pose and I like her almost sexual expression....once again, I suggest cropping one of your photos though.....where her left arm is visable.....

Photo 4-gorgeous model....I think the angle is too high though and the lighting is abit dim...

Row 2 Photo 1-Once again, absolutely gorgeous model....the flat lighting is flattering her body....

Photo 2-Great sexy pose....the lighting is making her chest and corset go all over the place though...I can't tell what are the ties and what is her clevage....

Photo 3-I really like this, I find this very sexy.....I find it really cool that below her breasts, I can't tell what area of her body I'm looking at.....

Photo 4-VERY hot....this is just the look and the composition....

Row 3 Photo 1-Another great shot....abit more light across her pubic area and this would be perfect...

Photo 2-Maybe a different angle would work better here.....I'd really like to see this happening on a model's bottom but this isn't framed as it should be...

Photo 3-Probably the lesser of all the latex shots....after seeing all the others, this looks random...

Photo 4-If there more light here, this would be just it is, good shot...

Row 4 Photo 1-Well composed and lit....just drab, not engaging....

Photo 2-very sexy model....this is a good shot, maybe abit too much shoulder....

Photo 3-As I've stated elsewhere, I'm not a fan of these Photoshop effects...this is a decent job (I've seen much worse believe me) but its not really adding anything to the photo....everything else is good though....

Photo 4-This I really like....mysterious and sexy....damn good job....

Row 5 Photo 1-Good lighting, I really like her look and pose....

Okay, the interesting thing about your portfolio is how alive it becomes when it involves your art....the latex work doen't just stand out because its unique but because i can honestly tell you're passionate about advice?  Leave the portraits behind and focus on combing your art and photography....I'd love to see even more with the latex and other artistic ideas you have....good luck my friend....

Well thankyou very much SPRINGHEEL, that gives me a lot to think about and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to critique my images. And just so you have something to look forward to, I have another Liquid Latex shoot planned for the middle of this week.

I'm intrigued that you could tell how passionate I am about certain things, just by viewing the images. You definitely hit the nail on the head. Thankyou very much my friend

Dec 12 06 12:08 am Link


Amy K

Posts: 63

Minneapolis, Minnesota, US

critique me!?!

Dec 12 06 12:11 am Link



Posts: 5

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

I recognize you're a busy man, but if you do get a chance...let me know what you think. I've been needing a good critique for awhile.

Dec 12 06 01:00 am Link



Posts: 129

New York, New York, US


Lorenzo Pierre Adams wrote:
Also can you examine my (dark) photos too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to do more black and white photos with a gothic theme but i'm not sure if people will get it or recieve it well...

Ahhhhh, you can't just ask me to do those photos!!!!  If you don't mind, I'll critque them all....I like your "About me" shows a real sense of humor...

Row 1 Photo 1-Man, I wish I could wear a suit the way you do....I really like your pose and expression here....the tie caught in the wind is nice....this feels like a snapshot, its not well lit and you're too far away....

Photo 2-Everything I liked about the lsat photo applies here (except the tie in the wind isn't happening)....of course, all of the things I didn't like applies least its closer....

Photo 3-Hmmmm....okay, this is another snapshot and since I'm not a big fan of this kind of casual look, I feel like I'm out of my element...LOL

Photo 4-I like the angle here, good expression...

Row 2 Photo 1-Great smile, nice pose and i like the this with a professional photographer and this will be a winner...

Photo, this is like a film've got the looks and attitude to work in film....this feels like its a scene from a political thriller...really like this one...

Photo 3-damn, if only this wasn't so dark....I can tell its an excellent shot but at the same time, this just crys out to be lightened up some....

Photo 4-Great shot, very sensual and I love the lighting...

Okay, so its obvious that the first thing you must do is work with some photographers....if you were closer, I sure as hell would work with've got a great look...I find it very impressive that in each photo, no matter if its just a slight variation on the same shot, you vary your expression and pose and give a really good shot at even can do youthful and fun, strong and serious....if you're looking to do darker work, I believe you can do that too, I wouldn't be surprised if I were seeing alot more of you in the future....please keep me updated Lorenzo....

Wow this review blew me away!!!!!!! THANK ALOT for taking the time to view my photos and give your opinions. The facial expressions could use some work but it's weird because that's the main thing I get commented on. I'll definitely work on it and try to tap into some edgy very moody looks. I'm serious about the gothic theme...i have a weird facination with the unknown...vampires...monsters...spooky/edgy stuff lol. My friends think i'm crazy and always bring up the racial thing (black people dont do gothic lol) but I think I can pull it off and LOVE your vision! I'll definitely work on the photos and keep U posted!

Dec 12 06 01:04 am Link


Conceptually Black

Posts: 8320

Columbus, Ohio, US

If you have time, I feel some of my work may fit into the "dark" category, lol. Not to mention I am a huge fan of your work.

Dec 12 06 01:07 am Link



Posts: 96

Toronto, Iowa, US

Hello! It's me again. So if you get a chance I have some new pics from a shoot and I can't decide which ones to go with. There are 11 images. I started a thread for critique but since you were so honest and helpful last time I would appreciate your input! Thanks!

Dec 12 06 04:01 am Link


Natalie Addams

Posts: 200

Los Angeles, California, US


No problem love....first off, really good "About me" and detailed...

Row 1 Photo 1-I so love red hair...I like the curious, seductive expression....What are these lines that are cutting all over the photo?  Is it suppose to be a lighting effect?  Or does it have to the warped reflection behind you?  I'm honestly confused by makes the photo too busy.....

Photo 2-Good pose and expression....not crazy about the lighting and the dress isn't doing anything for me....

Photo 3-So i'm told girls on a toliet have become cliche....I haven't seen enough of them to make that judgement but honestly, I don't believe in photographic cliches anyway.....what works works and this works....its cute and sexy....I like it...

Photo 4-See, in so many shots I see how lovely you have thoughtful and warm eyes and a sweet smile....and of course, that hair is sexy as this should work for me....I'm having a hard time getting past the photoshop though....I just have a problem with that effect, i want to see the model in a portrait look real....

Row 2 Photo 1-Congrats on being on a cover!  This is striking and I like it....however, its so much effect I really don't consider it a photograph....its VERY well done though....

Photo 2-This I absolutely LOVE....what a nutkicker of a shot....I'm a huge fan of having a photo techniqe contrast with the subject....great soft lighting and you look so sweet and gorgeous....which makes what you're doing even more disturbing....excellent work....

Photo 3-I like this but can't help but feel its upside down....also not sure what that glare on the bottom right of the frame is...

Photo 4-The guy who left the top comment said it best....damn, damn, DAMN but you look absolutely amazing....this photo almost melted my monitor....yes, I have a few techinical issues (the couch is underlit) but it all goes out the window when i see you here....gorgeous...

Row 3 Photo 1-I so love these sweet, vulnerable expressions you have....great pose and outfit too....the lighting is abit harsh but other than that, its great...

Photo 2-OMFG....I'm speechless.....honestly, this has to be one of the sexiest photos I've ever seen in my entire life....I'm not kidding, this is perfection....I can't get over it....

Photo 3-I said it back in November and I'm saying it look absolutely amazing....yes, i've seen many fantastic bodies but damn it girl, you're a dream....I'll even ignore the Dutch angle....

Photo 4-You have this amazing ability to draw the eye away from anything else going on in the photo and commanding it to focus on you....i was able to pull away long enough a door handle in the mirror that is slightly distracting...

Row 4 Photo 1-Great pose and expression, love your eyes here....this is a good concept but it doesn't feel like it goes far enough....not crazy about all this colored lighting going on either....

Photo 2-Whoa, do you ever sell this, great only issue is with your hand,,,its too close to the camera and its to motion blurred.....

Photo 3-Love this...great pose, great colors, this really does a good job of capturing the retro pin-up look with an alt should be cropped a little bit higher up toward your waist, the slight view of your thigh shouldn't be there...

Photo 4-I'm starting to think you could make any macabre look cute and sexy....I so love your expression and everything here works....the umbrella is an odd choice but I kind of like that...and abit too much color saturation on your face...

Row 5 Photo 1-Well, to be honest most political images don't work for me because they're clumsy and obvious....this is just okay.....its obvious and yes, slightly cliche.....I also think the thread should have been more extreme.....

Photo 2-So I have a pigtail and eye fetish so thats working for me....everything else?  Not so much....the angle isn't the best, the light is too harsh on your chest...I'm just not fond of this one....

Photo 3-Really strinking image....once again, great expression....the background is odd though...what is going on back there?

Photo 4-Gorgeous....simple and pure....i love this.....

I do believe you have the looks and ability to be one of the only Alt models to break into the mainstream and also take over the Alt/Goth world....I also admire that, even though you could get by on your amazing beauty and sex appeal, you're also going in all different art and work with have a new fan're phenomenal....

Wow, thank you so much! I completely agree with your "harsher" critiques, I noticed most of them already, but thought I was being too critical but it's nice to see that I wasn’t. Thank you soo much for taking the time to do this! You're amazing!  xoxo

Dec 12 06 01:17 pm Link