Forums > Model Colloquy > Annoying things that photographers do



Posts: 1029

Cincinnati, Ohio, US

Lizzy Borden wrote:
i find it annoying when they push the boundaries of my comfort zone...especially when they 'argue' that i have certain pics in my port, so i should shoot such things with them as well

A model contacted me asking to shoot and based on several pictures in her port, I brought up underwear and implieds. She replied that I must have a specific "agenda" for what I wanted to shoot and backed out. I said I only thought it was OK because there was so much of it in her port. She said she only shot in her underwear for photographers she'd worked with many times and because her husband was there. Now, how the HELL was I supposed to know all that? Long story short, unless it's otherwise specified in profile information, what's wrong with a photographer assuming you'll shoot with him the same stuff that's in your port?

Apr 11 12 02:34 pm Link



Posts: 25319

Bath, England, United Kingdom

MelissaAnn  wrote:
I love being offered food *after* a shoot.  I'm usually starving.

Pancakes? wink

Just my $0.02


Apr 11 12 02:41 pm Link



Posts: 3971

Seattle, Washington, US

OmnyRa wrote:

A model contacted me asking to shoot. Based on several pictures in her port, I brought up underwear and implieds. She replied that I must have a specific "agenda" for what I wanted to shoot and backed out. I said I only thought it was OK because there was so much of it in her port. She said she only shot in her underwear for photographers she'd worked with many times and because her husband was there. Now, how the HELL was I supposed to know all that? Long story short, unless it's otherwise specified in profile information, what's wrong with a photographer assuming you'll shoot with him the same stuff that's in your port?

Model was out of line, not you.  There's nothing wrong with asking, that's what's supposed to happen so the lines can be drawn before the shoot starts.  I guess it's models like her that make photographers paranoid about just asking for straight nudes.  If all you're doing is asking, and the model immediately assumes you're some kind of creep, that's her problem.

Apr 11 12 02:41 pm Link


MadMoon Studio

Posts: 2

Phoenix, Arizona, US

We don't touch, not without asking.  Even if they are all set up and there is one loose hair sticking out.  Usually then it is still a female assistant.  The contacting the day of the shoot though I don't really see anything wrong with.  My doctor and dentist contact me to make sure everything is all right and that I remember I have an appointment.  They do it because they will lose money if I don't show up. (Or at least they would if they didn't still charge me)  We can't charge a llama if she doesn't show up.  But I still have to pay my MUA, my assistants, location fees, whether or not they are there.  Not to mention, setting up for 3 hours getting all the lights perfect, and then have no one to shoot.  It's too bad that it has to be that way, but it is because there are a lot of "models" out there that don't take llamaing as a serious job.  (And I know there are just as many "fauxtographers", if not more, out there too).  Until I know the llama is reliable I will continue to confirm.

Apr 11 12 02:43 pm Link



Posts: 3971

Seattle, Washington, US

B R U N E S C I wrote:

Pancakes? wink

Just my $0.02


Looooooove pancakes!!!  I must find a way to shoot with you, I must!  smile

Apr 11 12 02:44 pm Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

MelissaAnn  wrote:
I swear I'm not going to bother bringing clothes anymore, they rarely ever get used.

Please bring.  Pretty please.

Apr 11 12 02:47 pm Link



Posts: 644

Manila, National Capital Region, Philippines

Scarlett Candee wrote:
Yep, me too! Then again, I'm chatty. When the ice has been broken.

I find it the ice gets broken. Once spent two hours just chatting, we kinda forgot about the shoot. Thankfully she was free for the whole day. Yikes.

Apr 11 12 02:53 pm Link



Posts: 3971

Seattle, Washington, US

James Ogilvie wrote:
Please bring.  Pretty please.

For you.......okay.  But I'm not leaving your studio until we shoot some clothed stuff, and I mean it this time! tongue

I know I'm not fashion model tall or anything, but nobody ever wants to photograph me with clothes makes me sad. sad

Apr 11 12 02:55 pm Link


SF Muscle Studios

Posts: 8

San Francisco, California, US

Educational read after 30 years pro. Chocolate to-go bags? Assignments are not about getting dates, touching or force feeding. It is about getting the job done and keeping the customer happy by working as a team.

Apr 11 12 03:05 pm Link


Dea and the Beast

Posts: 4796

Saint Petersburg, Florida, US

Brad Perks Lightscapes  wrote:
Educational read after 30 years pro. Chocolate to-go bags? Assignments are not about getting dates, touching or force feeding. It is about getting the job done and keeping the customer happy by working as a team.

Apr 11 12 03:07 pm Link


Toto Photo

Posts: 3757

Belmont, California, US

Mini_ wrote:
Also a tiny pet-peeve: photographers that are satisfied too easily. They quickly glance at their screen thinking "okay, got it!" and move on, instead of examining it properly or thinking about ways to enhance it. Sometimes a slightly different angle for the face or turning the body just a tad bit further away for example makes all the difference between an okay-good shot and a stunning shot. They see, unlike me, the whole picture while capturing it so should be able to offer enhancements and direct towards the best result possible imo. It's dissapointing when they just mindlessly keep me going with posing and are thoughtless about the process or the end result. And it's often visible in the end result too.

I'm frequently guilty of this behavior and only notice it when I'm editing, long after the models have gone home. By then, of course, it is too late to ask for "...a slightly different angle..." which might have transformed a so-so photo into a great photo.

I can't tell you how wonderful it was to read your response, to remind me to concentrate even more on keeping this behavior in check. The next time you sense that happening, you might want to say something, especially if the photographer seems amenable to suggestions. I, for one, would appreciate hearing that suggestion from a model should I be slipping into mindless shooting because it is so true that a tiny adjustment can make a huge difference.

Apr 11 12 03:45 pm Link



Posts: 1929

Akron, Ohio, US

Neil Snape wrote:
I have lots of annoying habits. Mustn't be that bad though or models would have said something.

Seen the above flurry of the don't touch the models.

I think that there is something to be said about MM or freelance models that are outside the loop of fashion, big agency work. It is not the same.

When we do fashion spreads everyone is touching the models mu hair, stylist, and often the photographer. It is always in a set that has a lot of people, writer, art director assistants. Most of the time a photographer will ask the model or ask some one anyone to move the parts or clothes etc , yet if the photographer is right there in close proximity it is common place to do the dirty deed while there.

This is not where the models on MM are coming from, and the majority are not exposed to this often if at all.

It wasn't until a thread on MM that it made me aware of the difference, and that one should very cautiously proceed after asking.

Please don't read this wrong. There are just two paths models can be from, and the process of making pictures has a different flow and etiquette.

So touching a model if for reasons of making the pictures is needed it indeed has to be done with respect.    I just have to remember that, when shooting other than agency models.

You are correct. These^^ are two completely different worlds. apples/oranges

Apr 11 12 03:53 pm Link



Posts: 4615

Los Angeles, California, US

Bella la Bell wrote:
Oh oh oh.... let me go next. big_smile

When a photographer trashes other models.
When a photographer BRAGS about his/her work like their shit don't stink...

These two... I don't like being sexually propositioned during or after shoots either, but I've been lucky to where it hasn't happened very often...

Apr 11 12 04:28 pm Link


Eye of the World

Posts: 1396

Corvallis, Oregon, US

Little Alice wrote:
Telling me to bring "anything" to a clothed shoot.  They are aware that I have an extensive wardrobe, but don't know what they want to shoot and instead of figuring it out just throw out vague answers to me.  It's not helpful because I know that if I just bring "anything" they won't like what I bring.  I work hard to prepare for shoots, it's a slap in the face when a photographer doesn't take their own shoot seriously.  I don't see the point in setting up a shoot before you even know what you want to accomplish.

I semi agree with this. The photographer should be able to give you a better set of *general* parameters, like lingerie in pastels. OTOH, unless you are going to let him step into your bedroom or send him a video of the contents of your closet ther eis no way he will know what you have in that extensive wardrobe.

It gets back to the pre-shoot communication. If you get instructed to bring "anything", then the ball is now in your court to ask questions to get more specificity. You may need to press and go back and forth a few times before things are clarified. If you take the easy way and go ahead and just bring anything then you have equal blame in the dissatisfaction. And if you go ahead with the shoot after valient but unsuccessful attempts to get that info, then it was YOUR choice to shoot with someone that is not taking things seriously.

Apr 11 12 04:31 pm Link


James Andrew Imagery

Posts: 6713

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

MelissaAnn  wrote:

For you.......okay.  But I'm not leaving your studio until we shoot some clothed stuff, and I mean it this time! tongue

I know I'm not fashion model tall or anything, but nobody ever wants to photograph me with clothes makes me sad. sad

Well, it's easy.  We shoot that first.  smile

Apr 11 12 04:35 pm Link


Llobet Photography

Posts: 4915

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

I like to hear what models think.  Good thread. Me likey. popcorn
Last summer I brought Snapple for models if they wanted any.  No takers though.
Would it be good to get chocolate now?

Apr 11 12 04:38 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

i have one where we only got to do that when baby daddy was present. and then he'd be like "is it time for the nudes yet?" lol

i have another one that will only do implieds when she's mad at her husband.

OmnyRa wrote:
She said she only shot in her underwear for photographers she'd worked with many times and because her husband was there.

Apr 11 12 04:40 pm Link



Posts: 14689

Los Angeles, California, US

Neil Snape wrote:
I have lots of annoying habits. Mustn't be that bad though or models would have said something.

Seen the above flurry of the don't touch the models.

I think that there is something to be said about MM or freelance models that are outside the loop of fashion, big agency work. It is not the same.

When we do fashion spreads everyone is touching the models mu hair, stylist, and often the photographer. It is always in a set that has a lot of people, writer, art director assistants. Most of the time a photographer will ask the model or ask some one anyone to move the parts or clothes etc , yet if the photographer is right there in close proximity it is common place to do the dirty deed while there.

This is not where the models on MM are coming from, and the majority are not exposed to this often if at all.

It wasn't until a thread on MM that it made me aware of the difference, and that one should very cautiously proceed after asking.

Please don't read this wrong. There are just two paths models can be from, and the process of making pictures has a different flow and etiquette.

So touching a model if for reasons of making the pictures is needed it indeed has to be done with respect.    I just have to remember that, when shooting other than agency models.

I think that usually, in the cases MM models complain about, there is not a full team present.

There is also a reason most have said "unnecessary touching."

But, I would think that if you found one of the icky-pervert-photographers, MOST of them would not try to cop a feel right in front of wardrobe and MU people.

Apr 11 12 04:41 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

what about models that approach you and say "I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!!!!!!!!smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile" that always seems to translate into "the other guys wanted me to pay so i'm hoping you'll do it for free" lol

Jessie Shannon wrote:
All shit stinks......some people just dont get it wink

Apr 11 12 04:48 pm Link



Posts: 15

Chicago, Illinois, US

Great topic.

Plenty of stuff for an amateur like myself to read and thus remember not to do.

I think I would generally be about negotiating what I had in mind for the shoots and all with the model BEFORE setting a date.  I'd rather she knows what I have in mind or what I want to attempt, thus there's no surprises.

I also think if I see something in her portfolio that I'd love to do (like her in a "little black dress"), I'd bring it up...but not push it if she doesn't want it.  I also think compromise could help.  So if she really wants shots of her in an elegant evening gown, perhaps she'll allow me to get some of the "little black dress" shots and I'll do the gown dresses for her.

In terms of food, I'd offer...simply because I'd feel like a bad host if I didn't.  I'd mention it in the "setting things up", just so I don't have things she would not want.  If she says "no thank you", then I'd just have water and fruit there in case she changes her mind.

I also perhaps haven't seen yet the issues that come with escorts.  I often like to get them involved.  So she shows up with her boyfriend, I'll ask him to hold a reflector or something.  I've noticed that the model will even be more comfortable with her security blanket being involved and being supportive.

That's just me though.  I'd rather keep it all fun so the images turn out wonderfully.

Apr 11 12 04:49 pm Link



Posts: 388

Birmingham, England, United Kingdom

B R U N E S C I wrote:

Pancakes? wink

Just my $0.02


Don't know anyone who could say no to pancakes lol :-)

Apr 11 12 04:55 pm Link



Posts: 5216


MelissaAnn  wrote:
I know I'm not fashion model tall or anything, but nobody ever wants to photograph me with clothes makes me sad. sad

There might be a reason no one wants to photograph you with clothes on... might be the same reason no one silver plates gold.

Apr 11 12 05:00 pm Link


Rae Johnston

Posts: 1481

Sydney, New South Wales, Australia

I get upset when photographers:

*Ignore polite communication regarding the supply of images promised from a TF shoot. If the photos didn't turn out, just let me know!

*Get pushy about who gave a bad reference, when a shoot has been refused.

*"Forget" that we had a shoot booked in.

*Aren't familiar with the location they want to shoot at, and as a result can't find it - meaning we don't shoot.

*Expect me to provide elaborate wardrobe that I don't own, and get annoyed at me when I say I can't afford purchase it.

Apr 11 12 05:11 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

+1 i think the atmosphere on set shows in the pictures for better or for worse

amportfolio wrote:
I'd rather keep it all fun so the images turn out wonderfully.

Apr 11 12 05:26 pm Link


Joseph William

Posts: 2039

Chicago, Illinois, US

Bella la Bell wrote:
Oh oh oh.... let me go next. big_smile

Photographer makes comments under his/her breathing mouth and when I ask "did you say something?" They say no.

I tend to think out loud often when I am trying to figure stuff out... Can be a little embarrassing

Apr 11 12 05:42 pm Link


Trevor Warren

Posts: 434

Portland, Oregon, US

You get what you pay for.

Apr 11 12 05:59 pm Link



Posts: 23575

Salem, Oregon, US

guilty. the wife makes fun of me for it.

jwilliamphoto wrote:
I tend to think out loud often when I am trying to figure stuff out... Can be a little embarrassing

Apr 11 12 06:03 pm Link



Posts: 38

Las Vegas, Nevada, US

Couple notes on Ansel:

I often feed models. We are usually a long way from home when we call it a wrap. The models know it is not a date. I never do it to extend my time with them. I do ask the model before hand what snacks and drinks to have on hand.

I try to never touch models, that is what my female assistant is for. If it is neccessary, I always ask, and include an explanation of why I feel it is needed.

I always ask a model her personal limits and never try to push them. My number one rule is: I do not want them to do a shot that they are uncomfortable with in any way.

I am guilty of sharing what I thought were humorous stories about my experiences as a photographer.

But I really do enjoy the imput you are all giving.

Apr 11 12 06:04 pm Link


Babalon Salome

Posts: 3499

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

The worst to me are -

Messaging back and forth about a shoot forever, then suddenly disappearing.

Asking or making assumptions about my sex life.

Not giving any kind of direction or feedback on a shoot.

Touching me without asking, even more so when I am nude.

Not delivering images as agreed to.

And this one especially:

Little Alice wrote:
Dishonesty.  This is the biggest.  Treat me like the business person I am, don't be shady behind my back.  Be upfront and honest about your expectations and what you plan to do with the end result.  Don't hire me for swim wear when you really wanted to hire me to be naked, don't lie to me about where you really intend on selling the photos.  Lying is the best way to get blacklisted by me.

Apr 11 12 06:18 pm Link



Posts: 2351

Bristol, England, United Kingdom

Neil Snape wrote:
I think that there is something to be said about MM or freelance models that are outside the loop of fashion, big agency work. It is not the same.

When we do fashion spreads everyone is touching the models mu hair, stylist, and often the photographer. It is always in a set that has a lot of people, writer, art director assistants. Most of the time a photographer will ask the model or ask some one anyone to move the parts or clothes etc , yet if the photographer is right there in close proximity it is common place to do the dirty deed while there.

This is not where the models on MM are coming from, and the majority are not exposed to this often if at all.

It wasn't until a thread on MM that it made me aware of the difference, and that one should very cautiously proceed after asking.

Please don't read this wrong. There are just two paths models can be from, and the process of making pictures has a different flow and etiquette.

So touching a model if for reasons of making the pictures is needed it indeed has to be done with respect.    I just have to remember that, when shooting other than agency models.

It's a toss up. Do I stop the flow of shooting and stare at the hair stylist until she realizes I'm going to murder her for not paying attention, or do I lean over and quickly "touch" that hair back into place and carry on shooting? I usually end up doing both during the day.

With a good team, it shouldn't be necessary, but sometimes people need a bit of education. As long as you ask and explain and are professional there's no reason to get a complaint. I suspect a lot of the touching being complained about is unnecessary and voyeuristic.

Apr 11 12 06:19 pm Link


Charger Photography

Posts: 1731

San Antonio, Texas, US

Tristin Huntamer wrote:
Photographers that don't read my profile before approaching me to shoot. I am more than happy to elaborate if they ask me questions about negotiating rates or travel, but there is elaborating and then there is repeating entirely information that is out in the open.

Also photographers that ask to shoot trade, but are clearly beginners and cannot offer photos on par or better than what you already have. I understand that money is tight, but I invested in my portfolio when I started out as should everyone else.

Talking about their camera and lights like it equals magic. I've seen amazing images with $10 cameras and natural lighting. Expensive gear doesn't make a great image: skill and a good idea does.


Apr 11 12 06:27 pm Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Eurocat wrote:


What kind of people do you work with!!!!!

It's the fucking MIDWEST.... *sigh* I have ran into some strange people...

Apr 11 12 06:33 pm Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Jessie Shannon wrote:

All shit stinks......some people just dont get it wink

I don't mind talking able their work in a humble way. smile But shit I have ran into some jerks in this town.

Apr 11 12 06:34 pm Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

OmnyRa wrote:
A llama contacted me asking to shoot and based on several pictures in her port, I brought up underwear and implieds. She replied that I must have a specific "agenda" for what I wanted to shoot and backed out. I said I only thought it was OK because there was so much of it in her port. She said she only shot in her underwear for photographers she'd worked with many times and because her husband was there. Now, how the HELL was I supposed to know all that? Long story short, unless it's otherwise specified in profile information, what's wrong with a photographer assuming you'll shoot with him the same stuff that's in your port?

People never read your profile. I found that out so deleted most my shit due to the number of dumb asses I keep running into....

Apr 11 12 06:36 pm Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Babalon Salome wrote:
The worst to me are -

Messaging back and forth about a shoot forever, then suddenly disappearing.

Asking or making assumptions about my sex life.

Not giving any kind of direction or feedback on a shoot.

Touching me without asking, even more so when I am nude.

Not delivering images as agreed to.

And this one especially:

whooo hooo. true true!

Apr 11 12 06:37 pm Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

hartcons wrote:
what about models that approach you and say "I LOVE YOUR WORK!!!!!!!!!!smilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmilesmile" that always seems to translate into "the other guys wanted me to pay so i'm hoping you'll do it for free" lol

... I offer photographers money to shoot with them first in a message normally on the lines of this. "I was reviewing your profile and really enjoy your work. I know your work is very high skilled and you might offer selective TF, so I was wondering if you could give me a quote on reasonable rates for a model working on building her portfolio."
Guess what I get back. "OMG, lets TF." wink

Apr 11 12 06:42 pm Link


Babalon Salome

Posts: 3499

Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany

Bella la Bell wrote:
whooo hooo. true true!

Thinking about it, dishonesty is probably the worst, at least to me. Like someone with a portfolio full of beautiful figure studies asking me to shoot fine art nudes for trade, then on set wanting to shoot nothing but Score style big boobs glamour, which they had said not a word to me about beforehand because I would have turned them down in an instant.

Apr 11 12 06:46 pm Link


Bella la Bell

Posts: 4451

Kansas City, Missouri, US

Babalon Salome wrote:

Thinking about it, dishonesty is probably the worst, at least to me. Like someone with a portfolio full of beautiful figure studies asking me to shoot fine art nudes for trade, then on set wanting to shoot nothing but Score style big boobs glamour, which they had said not a word to me about beforehand because I would have turned them down in an instant.

most annoying is showing up at a shoot and the idea changes but the photographer never tells you, he/she changed it ...
Oh yeah. I have this one photographer always bothering me about nudes. I am like dude I do not do nudes. Respect the art but I personally can't....
the guy is a total perv... I get emails from him once a week...

Apr 11 12 06:57 pm Link



Posts: 582

Chicago, Illinois, US

I annoy myself - I'd hate to think what the models think of me!

Apr 11 12 06:59 pm Link


- Aina -

Posts: 747

Redlands, California, US

FrancisXavier wrote:
When working with Eurocat, always offer a cold glass of water and after the shoot, send her home with chocolate.  That is what will make her want to work with you again!

I, for one, would work with you forever.

Apr 11 12 07:04 pm Link